Paper 3 - Weimar Germany - Full Knowledge Flashcards
Give 5 things people were unhappy about in the Weimar Republic
T of V (principally article 231)
Dolchstoss theory
Invasion of the Ruhr
Dawes plan/young plan
Where was Hitler born?
When did Hitler move to Vienna and what happened there?
1907 - Rejected by an art school and became homeless
What two hatreds did Hitler develop while homeless on the streets of Vienna?
Socialism/communism and Jewish people
What did Hitler win during WWI
An iron cross 1st class for bravery
What theory did Hitler really agree with after WWI?
What did Hitler work as after WWI?
A spy on extremist political parties working for the government
What party did Hitler spy on and then enjoy the ideas of?
When was the DAP set up?
Give the 3 main trends in belief for the DAP
Anti Weimar
Give 3 examples of nationalistic policies of the early DAP
No non-German newspaper editors
Re arming Germany - militarism/destroying treaty of Versailles involved
Anti semitism - wanting a racially pure society
Invade other countries for space for Germans - Lebensraum
Give 3 examples of anti Weimar ideas of the early DAP
Destroy T of V
Anti democracy
Missed Kaiser
Give 3 examples of socialist ideas of the early DAP
Educate gifted students at the state’s expense
Increase old age pensions
Restrict large corporations
Redistribute wealth with taxes/strong central government
When did the DAP become NSDAP - who renames it?
Feb 1920 - Hitler
Which leader of the NSDAP was replaced by Hitler in 1921
Anton Drexler
Who comprised the early brown shirts?
Unemployed former soldiers
Give 3 reasons why the SA grew to the thousands
Offered uniform, chance to fight for Germany again, camaraderie, community, Freikorps joined the organisation in
Give 3 ways Hitler improved as an orator
Planned speeches to build up tension along his key messages
Practiced gestures and movements
Had photos produced showing himself as an orator
What was Goebbels minister of?
Who was the head of the SA?
Ernst Rohm
What would the SA do at communist party meetings?
Cause disruption and then quell it with the SA - making the SA seem the party of order and the communists as a public nuisance - appealing to the middle classes
Give the 6 main ideas of the Nazi party WALESU
Social Darwinism
Ethnic cleansing
Weakened Germany
Unification of German speaking people
What is social Darwinism
The idea that some races were superior - the Aryan one - and had to compete with the Untermenschen (subhuman) groups - Jewish and Roma people were included in this - in order to stay strong
What does lebensraum mean?
Living space
What is the idea behind Lebensraum?
Germany has to expand territory to make ‘living space’ for German speaking people
What is ethnic cleansing?
Removing Jewish people from society - thinking this would lead to a stronger Germany
What is the idea behind weakened Germany?
T of V should be got rid of to prevent a weakened Germany
What does autarky mean?
Self sufficiency
What is the idea behind autarky and give one specific detail
Not relying on other countries for stuff - like money which was given by America to Germany as part of the Dawes plan
What was the main counrty that the NSDAP wanted to unite with as part of the aim to unite all German speaking people
What was the clause in the T of V which prevented unification of Austria and Germany?
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
Creation of a weak central government
F - strong
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
Get rid of the T of V
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
Decrease pensions for the elderly
F - Increase
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
Denationalise industries
F - nationalise
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
Everybody should have a ___ insert word___
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
True - build up the armed forces
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
Only German races should be members of the nation - Jewish people and other non-Germans should leave
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
Lebensraum to feed the people
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
All citizens should have equal rights and duties
T - surprisingly - as the definition of citizen was narrow
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
Every hard working German should have the chance of a ____ / ____
Higher education
T or F: as part of the 25 point plan in T of V…
State must protect ___ and ___ and stop ____ working
What were ‘volkish’ ideas?
Wanting racial purity and promoting ethno-nationalism
What was the name of the Nazi party newspaper?
The people’s observer
What concept to do with authoritarianism did Hitler create?
What was the fuhrerprinzip?
Hitler has complete power and authority and is answerable to no one
What symbol did Hitler adopt as the party emblem?
T or F - Hitler created the raised arm salute
Hitler made the Jewish people a ___ for all of Germany’s problems
How many were members of Nazi party in June 1920?
1 100
How many members did the Nazi party have by Nov 1923
55 000
Where was main base of support for the Nazi party
Bavaria - it was essentially a regional party
Give 3 categories of issues Germany was facing 1919-1923 and 2 examples for each
Economic - T of V + WWI
Political - Newness + T of V + public unrest
Social - Dolchstoss + T of V
What was the name of the army that helped Mussolini come to power in Italy 1922?
What was Mussolini’s seizure of power in Italy called?
March on Rome
Why did Hitler think he could gain the support of the army generals leading up to the Munich putsch?
He thought Kahr(an army leader) would support him
He also thought General Ludendorff (very popular army general) would give him support
When was the Munich Putsch?
8th Nov 1923
Who was involved in Munich putsch on Nazi side?
Hitler and 600 Nazis
What building did the Nazis seize at the start of the Munich putsch
Burgerbraukeller - large beer hall in Munich - where Kahr, Seisser and Lossow were having a meeting
What were the names of the 3 army leaders the Nazis tried to win the support of during the putsch
Kahr, Seisser and Lossow
Hitler took the army leaders at ___ to get them to support his takeover
What was arguably the main flaw in the Munich putsch plan
The army leaders were allowed to leave
Which two army leaders changed their minds and organised troops to resist the uprising
Seisser and `Lossow
During the standoff between Nazis and the army leaders/police how many rifles did the Nazis have
2 000 only
How many were harmed as a result of the standoff in the Munich putsch
16 Nazis and 4 police officers
2 days later after the putsch ___ was arrested and the ___ was banned
Hitler / Nazi party
How did Hitler’s trial after the Munich putsch help the Nazis?
The judges allowed him to give impassioned speeches and he gained publicity
What was the usual punishment for treason (such as Hitler’s actions in the Munich putsch)?
Death penalty
What was the minimum sentence for treason? Was Hitler given this sentence?
5 years in prison
How long did Hitler’s imprisonment actually last?
9 months (out of 5 years)
During Hitler’s imprisonment what book did he write?
Mein kampf - my struggle
Give 3 things Mein Kampf was anti
Anti democracy
Anti treaty of Versailles
T or F - Hitler was allowed unlimited books and visitors while in prison and had a relatively easy time
What did Hitler decide to do with the Nazi party during prison?
Re organise it to make it more respectable
Who was arrested alongside `Hitler and was absolved of all charges after the Munich putsch
When was Nazi party banned until after the Munich putsch
What did Mein Kampf say about its nationalist agenda
Lebensraum was needed - invasion of Russia and Poland and Eastern Europe
What did Mein Kampf say about the roles of men vs women
Traditional German values - they had specific roles
What was one short term negative impact of the failure of the Munich putsch
Replacement leader was poor - Alfred Rosenberg - and the party split into rival factions under his leadership
What did Hitler do when released from prison to do with the Nazi party
Persuaded the president of Bavaria to lift the ban on the Nazi party
What year did the Nazi party relaunch after the Munich putsch
Late 1924
What were the names of the party branches that Hitler created?
How many party branches were there in total
What was the name of the regional leader of each Nazi party branch
When was the bamberg party conference
Give 4 ways Hitler strengthened his position as leader during the bamberg party conference
His rivals (Goebbels and Strasser) were won over to agreeing with his leadership
Forced Ernst Rohm to resign as leader of the SA (as he couldn’t rely on Rohm’s loyalty)
Created the SS
Set up the Hitler Youth
Give the names of 2 of Hitler’s rivals before the bamberg conference
Goebbels + Strasser
What was Hitler called after 1926
Der Fuhrer - he was undisputed leader
Give 1 change to the 25 point plan after 1926
Any land needed for communal services will be seized
Needed land will only be confiscated if owned by a Jew
How many members did the Nazi party have 1925
27 000
How many supporters did the Nazi party have 1928
Over 100 000
After 1924 the Nazis were a ___ party attracting __ classes
How many seats did the Nazis win in the 1928 elections
How many seats did the Nazis hold 1924
What % of the vote did the Nazis get in 1928
When were the golden years?
Who didn’t benefit from the golden years?
Farmers - as food was imported from abroad which lowered prices
When was the Wall Street crash
How many were unemployed October 1929
1.6 million
How many were unemployed by Feb 1932
Over 6 million
Shares worth ____ became worth ____ by the end of the day
20 000 USD to
10 000 USD
How did banks collapse in Germany as a result of WSC
US banks call in loans given to Germany
Germans rush to take money from banks
Banks collapse and recall loans
Businesses collapse
Massive rise in unemployment
Describe the process of slipping into depression after shock of WSC
Poverty increases due to less money/loans called in/business collapse
Demand falls
Businesses/farmers lose more money
Germans blame the government for becoming too reliant on US support
Industrial production dropped by ___ % in the first year after the WSC
After 3 years industrial production dropped by ___ since the WSC
What impact did the WSC have on the middle classes?
Lost savings or fell into debt - decreased the middle classes arguably
What impact did the WSC have on young people in particular give a stat?
Over 50% of those between 16 and 33 were unemployed within the year
What % of university graduates couldn’t get a job after WSC
What % of factory workers lost their jobs after WSC?
Farm prices ___ dramatically after WSC
What % of the unemployed received no benefits
Over 15%
What % only received unemployment support from local councils (reduced compared to that of government)
What % received normal state benefits after WSC for unemployment
Only 30%
What did many unemployed do?
Join private armies or violent political groups
What does depression due to prices
Decreases them
Give 3 things the government did to deal with depression
Cut wages
Increased tax
Cut spending
Give 1 way in which the Nazis had an advantage in terms of propaganda
Wealthy businessmen gave the party money to stop the communists coming to power - which they used to commission an aeroplane to get Hitler to speeches across the country
How many speeches could Hitler give per day 1929-1932 campaigning for the 1932 election:
Up to 5 (25 per week)
How did the Nazis use parades of the SA as propaganda
Used them to show strength and organisation
What did Hitler write propaganda should do in Mein kampf
Confine itself to very few points and repeat them endlessly
Did the WSC affect the SPD’s share of the vote very much?
No - this perhaps indicates that communist/other extremist voters were convinced to join the Nazis rather than overthrowing centrist voters - the problem was there all along it wasn’t due to the Nazis?
Give unemployment stats in 1929
1.3 million
Give unemployment stats 1931 and Nazi share of the vote 1930
4.3 million
107 votes
Give the unemployment stats 1932 and the election stats for July and November for Nazis
230 - July
196 - Nov
5.1 million
Give the unemployment stats and election stats jan 1933
6.1 million
288 - Nazi share
Explain why organisation was a factor in the increasing share of the vote for the Nazis
Recruited ex-soldiers and trained/motivated them, promoting obedience etc
Give 3 examples of the propaganda used by the Nazi party to win support 1929-1933
Millions of posters, parades, rallies and marches carried the message everywhere
How did the support of industrialists help the Nazis
Financial backing
Nazis and nationalists made a deal to cooperate so the Nazis had less competition - T or F
Give 3 examples of the use of technology in campaigning
Plane to fly and deliver speeches
In 1932 - how many speeches was Hindenburg giving per week
1 - Hitler was giving 25
What were workers promised by the Nazi party?
Break and work
How did the Nazis prove they could provide work and bread?
They had employed/housed the SA
What were farmers promised by Nazis
Higher crop prices
What were shopkeepers promised?
Protection against competition - protectionism im assuming?
What was the vague promise made to the German people about what they would make Germany
Make Germany great again
The Nazis changed ideas that weren’t popular - give an example of a policy that was changed due to lack of public agreement
Nationalisation of industry
Give 2 ways in which the Nazis promoted the image of Hitler the superman
Changed his physicality on posters
He refused to wear spectacles even though he was short sighted - had to print speeches in 12mm large print to compensate
Give 2 ways in which opposition parties were weak
Other parties underestimated the Nazis
Many others quarrelled among themselves
Which year did Hitler introduce the SA
When was Mein Kampf published
When did Hitler host the Olympics?
what did Hitler try and use the Berlin Olympics to do?
Promote Aryan supremacy and German strength on the world stage
Which famous black American broke world records for running during the Berlin Olympics - undermining the Nazis mission
Jessie Owens
Who stood for re election in march 1932?
How old was Hindenburg in 1932
By what percentage did Hindenburg win the presidential election compared to Hitler
19.6% - however Hindenburg didnt secure a majority with only 49.6%
When was the next presidential election ?
April 1932
What % did Hindenburg get in the presidential election of April 1932?
53% - Hitler got 36%
When does Bruning resign?
30 May 1932
What was burning’s nickname? Why?
The hunger chancellor - raised taxes after WSC causing hunger and poverty
What 2 things did bruning do that were really unpopular
Banned SS and SA - made Hitler annoyed and other parties as well fearing their paramilitary groups would be banned
Planned to buy land from large landowners to use to house the unemployed - made landowners (such as Hindenburg0 annoyed
Who became chancellor after bruning resigned
Von papen
T or F - Von papen was Hindenburg’s friend
When Von Papen became chancellor he was the head of a coalition
Who created this coalition?
Von schliecher
What was the coalition under Von papen?
Landowners, industrialists, army officers (right wing coalition)
What was Von Papen/Schliecher’s leadership known as?
The cabinet of the barons
T or false : papen and schliecher governed very democratically
The cabinet of the barons governed by ___
Presidential decree - highly Un democratic
What did schliecher call the Nazis - showing how much he underestimated them?
‘Merely children’
In the run up to the July 1932 elections over ___ were injured and __ killed in clashes between Nazi armies and communists
7 000
What % did the Nazis get at the 1932 general election
38% - 230 seats
T or false - the Nazis were the largest party after the July 1932 election
T - this meant Hitler demanded to be made chancellor
Why were the November 1932 elections called?
To try and make Nazi support fall
What did the Nazi share of the vote fall to after the NOv 1932 elections
What did people fear if Von `papen stayed as chancellor after Nov 1932 elections
Civil war
Who became chancellor 1932 December
Von Schliecher
Give the date that Von Schliecher became chancellor
2 Dec 1932
What was Hindenburg’s naive hope behind making Von Schliecher chancellor
He hoped Nazi support would decrease
When did Hitler become chancellor?
Jan 1933
What did Von Schliecher ask Hindenburg to help him create once he realised they didnt have enough support in the Reichstag due to the strength of the Nazis
What did Hindenburg say?
A military dictatorship
T or False - Von Papen thought he could control Hitler
Give one way in whcih Hindenburg contributed to Hitler becoming a dictator
Liked the Kaiser’s government so open to rule by presidential decree - which led to the normalisation of authoritarianism
Give one way in which Von Schliecher and papen contributed to Hitler becoming a dictator
Cabinet of the barons undermined the republic
Underestimated Hitler
Who was the leader of the KPD?
How many members of the SA were there by 1932?
600 000
Give 4 ways in which Hitler was limited upon becoming chancellor
Only 2 other Nazis in the cabinet (out of 9)
Didn’t have a majority in the Reichstag
Hindenburg was still powerful
The SA might not be on his side - some were communist sympathisers as the ideas of the communists and the Nazis were very similar
Give one way Hitler tried to get more power using elections
Asked for a new election by 5th March 1933
Give one law which Hitler passed by ____ decree to give himself more power to do with elections
Law for free and peaceful elections
When was the law for free and peaceful elections passed?
4th Feb 1933
What did the law for free and peaceful elections state
All election meetings have to be declared to the police 48 hours in advance
And police have to be allowed into each meeting - police usually Nazi sympathisers
What were Goering’s orders to the police on Feb 17th 1933
Nazi or nationalist meetings weren’t to be meddled with but communist party meetings had to be stopped, however violently m
What did Goering do on the 22nd of February 1933
Gave members of the SA the same powers as official police officers
When was the Reichstag fire?
27th Feb 1933
What was the name of the communist who set the Reichstag on fire (allegedly) and what was his nationality
Marinus Van Der Lubbe
Give a name of a historian who disputes the idea that Van Der Lubbe set the Reichstag on fire on his own
William Shirer
What was Goering’s immediate response to the Reichstag fire?
That 4 000 communist leaders be imprisoned
What did Hitler do as an immediate result of the Reichstag fire
Used it as an excuse to declare a state of emergency, saying that the state was under attack and hence passed an emergency presidential decree
Give 5 things the emergency presidential decree did (decree for the protection of the people and the state)
- could search and arrest political opponents
- banned communist newspapers
- control the police but allow SA violence
- suspension of freedom of speech
- death penalty for disturbances of the peace
Give 3 freedoms that were banned as a result of the presidential emergency decree after the Reichstag fire
Banned freedom of speech, the press and assembly
What did the presidential decree allow the police to do about trials
It allowed them to hold people without trial indefinitely
How many days before the election did the Reichstag fire break out?
6 days
How did the Nazis use the Reichstag fire to their advantage in the lead up to the election on the 5th March
Stirred anti communist resentment
Enabling act
How many seats did the Nazis win in the March 1933 election
What did Hitler do after the March 1933 election (to do with parties in the Reichstag)
Made the communist party illegal
What was the enabling act?
It allowed Hitler to govern for 4 years without parliament
Give 2 things Hitler did using the enabling act
Abolished trade unions
Abolished all parties apart from the Nazis
When did Hitler abolish trade unions
May 1933
When did Hitler abolish all parties apart from the Nazis
July 1933
What did Hitler replace trade unions with?
Labour front
When was the night of the long knives?
29th-30th June 1934
Why did Hitler see the SA as a threat
Many members were loyal to Ernst Rohm and it was unpopular with some Germans
What did Hitler do on the night of the long knives
Sent men to arrest/kill Rohm and other SA leaders/senior politicians
How many people were killed or imprisoned during the night of the long knives
Estimated range from 700-1000
When was the enabling act passed?
23 March 1933
Who was in control of SS 1933
What uniform colour did the SS wear
Give 2 possible explanations for the night of the long knives
Wanted to keep the middle classes on his side who were worried about SA in the streets
Wanted to keep the army on his side
Give 4 reasons Hitler supported the army over the SA (pro army)
Big businesses and landowners supported the army and Hitler needed their support
To expand Germany (Lebensraum) Hitler needed the army on his side
Army was only thing that could remove Hitler
Give 3 arguments for supporting army over SA (SA being bad)
Many SA members were communist
Rohm was drunk and a homosexual and wanted to make the SA more powerful so disagreed with Hitler
SA was getting too involved in daily running of country