Cold War Textbook Flashcards
When does WWII begin
When did the grand alliance start and who did it comprise of?
Britain, USA, USSR
When was the Tehran conference?
When did Germany invade the USSR?
When was Potsdam conference
When was yalta conference
When did US do first successful a bomb test
When did the USA detonate atomic bombs over Japan
When was the long telegram and who wrote it
1946 - Kennan
When was Novikov telegram
When was iron curtain speech and where?
1946 - Missouri
When was Truman doctrine
When was Marshall plan announced
When was Cominform started
When was a communist government introduced to Poland
When was the Berlin blockade
When was a communist government set up in Czechoslovakia
When was nato set up?
When was the federal republic of Germany set up and was it west or east
West - 1949
When was the German Democratic set up and was it west or east
East - 1949
When was Comecon set up
When was Warsaw pact formed
When was Hungarian uprising
When was the Geneva summit
When was the camp David summit
When was the communist revolution in Cuba overthrowing the Batista regime?
When was Berlin Wall built?
When was the Vienna summit?
When was the bay of pigs?
When was the Vienna summit?
When was the Cuban missile crisis?
When was the limited test ban treaty?
When did Kennedy visit Berlin
Who gave Britain, USA and USSR the nickname the grand alliance
When was VE Day
May 1945
Month and year of Tehran conference
Nov 1943
Month and year Hitler attacks USSR (reason for grand alliance forming)
June 1941
Month of yalta conference and year
Feb 1945
Month and year of Potsdam conference
July 1945
Month UDS drops atom bombs
August 1945
Month and year of the long telegram
Feb 1946
Month and year of iron curtain speech Churchill
March 1946
Month and year of Novikov telegram
November 1946
What 3 politicians are referred to as the big three
Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill
When did Roosevelt die
When did Japan bomb pearl harbour
Why was Roosevelt not very tough in negotiations with Stalin?
He wanted soviet support with the fight against Japan and he believed the only long term chance at peace would involve acceptance of the USSR
How strongly anti Stalin was Churchill?
Very strongly - conservative vs a communist = boom
Give an agreement involving the western front made at Tehran Nov 1943
USA + Britain would open second front by attacking Germany in Western Europe
To ease pressure on eastern front where soviets were suffering heavily
As German troops would have to be withdrawn from eastern front to western front to help fight
Give an agreement made at Tehran to do with Japan
Stalin would declare war against Japan and supply soviet troops to help USA win war against Japan
Only once war in Europe was over
Give 2 agreements made at Tehran to do with Germany
Germany should remain weak after the war and it should be forced to surrender unconditionally
Poland should get land from Germany
Give an agreement to do with the USSR and poland made at Tehran
USSR could keep the land it had taken from Poland in 1939
Give an agreement made in Tehran about an international body
An international body should be set up to settle disputes with negotiation rather than war - laying ground for future United Nations
Give one way the Tehran conference was important for international relations
Stalin was pleased as he had previously been concerned that the US/GB had been reluctant to open a second front, and was glad they had agreed to it
Churchill was less pleased as he had wanted to set up a front in the balkans instead of
By the yalta conference what 2 gains had the grant alliance made in the war
Second front was pushing Germans back to Berlin
Soviets had defeated the Germans in the Soviet Union and not controlled most of central and Eastern Europe
Give 3 agreement made at yalta to do with Germany
Germany would be split into 4 zones - each controlled by USA, GB, FR, USSR
Germany would pay 20 billion dollars in reparations - 50% to Soviets
Nazis banned and war criminals prosecuted
How much was Germany forced to pay in reparations (agreed at yalta)
20 billion dollars
What % of the reparations Germany would pay would go to the Soviets
What was a concrete agreement about international bodies made at yalta
UN would be set up - first meeting on 25th April 1945
When would first meeting of UN be
25th April 1945
Give one disagreement at yalta
USA + Uk didn’t agree that all 16 soviet republics could get individual membership
How many soviet republics were there
Give 3 Soviet countries that were admitted into UN
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
In yalta stalin agreed to join the war against Japan __months after the defeat of Germany
In yalta Stalin agreed that governments of countries in _____ Europe would be decided in ___ elections
Give the issue in the yalta conference
Poland - as Stalin expected the government to be communist when a ‘free election’ was started in the country but the US and British supported the non-communist London poles
Who were the London poles?
A group of politicians who left Poland after the German invasion in 1939 and formed a government-in-exile, first in Paris and then in London
When did Roosevelt die - month and year
April 1945
Who were new leaders before the Potsdam conference?
Harry S Truman + Clement Attlee
When did the USA test their atomic bomb?
The day after the Potsdam conference began
By what treaty was the UN created and when
Treaty of San Francisco in June 1945
How many members signed the UN treaty
What were the members of the security council upon the UN’s formation and what power did they have?
Veto power
US + USSR + France + Britain + China
Truman and Attlee were ___ to diplomatic discussions
The newness of Truman and Attlee to diplomatic discussions meant it was ____ to get their way with Stalin
Truman had a ___ approach to the Soviet Union
Get tough
True or false: Truman deliberately delayed the date of the Potsdam conference until the bomb was ready
What was attlee’s main concern
To ensure Britain would take charge
Give an agreement about Germany made at Potsdam
Germany would be divided into 4 zones but the economy would be run as a whole
Give an agreement about Berlin made at Potsdam
Berlin would be divided into 4 zones controlled by different countries each
Even though well inside Soviet controlled Germany
Give an agreement about industrial production and the USSR
as the USSR controlled the poorest zone of Germany it was allowed to take a quarter of the industrial equipment from the other zones
The __army was occupying the satellite states
The red army
Give one point of tension between GB + US + USSR on the satellite states
USSR wanted control of Eastern Europe to ensure security of the Soviet Union - he saw this as a reasonable defensive measure
US saw this as the USSR trying to spread communism
When did US drop the first atom bomb as an attack and on what area
6 august 1945
Hiroshima in Japan
When was second atom bomb dropped on Japan
9 august 1945
How many Japanese civilians were killed by the two bombs
Over 120 000
Give two impacts of USA dropping the atom bombs (one on the west and one on USSR)
Made the west feel more confident placing themselves under American protection rather than with the USSR
Made USSR more determined to create a buffer zone to make itself more secure
Overall increase in tensions
When was the USSR’s first a bomb test
29 august 1949 - 4 years later
By ____ 3 countries had the a bomb - what countries
Britain, France + China
The a bomb being dropped by USA ____ increased Cold War tensions
The a bomb arguably marked the commencement of the __ race
Arms race
Why did Truman and Stalin ask their embassies to report on attitudes in each others countries and when
1946 - they feared the end of the grand alliance could lead to future conflict
Who wrote the long telegram
George Kennan
Kennan’s telegram was long or short in length
Long - hence the long telegram
Who was the soviet diplomat in Washington
Nikolai Novikov
Give 3 things that Kennan said in the long telegram
Stalin wanted to see the destruction of capitalism
Stalin felt the world was looking to destroy communism
If faced with strong resistance, USSR would back down (it wasn’t suicidal)
The long telegram arguably led to the policy of ____
Give 3 things the Novikov telegram said
USA wanted to use their massive military power to dominate the world
After Roosevelt died the Americans didn’t want to cooperate with h the USSr anymore
The American public would support a government if the government wanted to go to war
What provoked Churchill to make his iron curtain speech
Communist governments had recently been set up in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria
As Churchill must’ve cleared his speech with Truman first ___ took the iron curtain speech as reflecting ___ beliefs in general
When was a communist government elected in Poland
Jan 1947
When did communists seize power in Czechoslovakia
Feb 1948
When was a communist government elected in Hungary
May 1949
Truman saw the takeover of satellite states by the USSR as an attempt to spread what worldwide?
Give 3 countries which are called the Baltic states
Lithuania, Latvia + Estonia
When were the Baltic states conquered by the USSR
True or false: the Baltic states were satellite states
False - they were part of the Soviet Union
From ___ to ___ What was the only democracy in Eastern Europe
1919 - 1938 Czechoslovakia
Suppported by the ___ , communists in Czechoslovakia staged a ___ in ____ ____
Feb 1948
Who was the leader of democratic Czechoslovakia until Feb 1948
Who became the new leader of Czechoslovakia after feb 1948
Klement Gottwald
Give 2 countries that were satellite states but never occupied by the Red army (and hence had more autonomy)
Yugoslavia and Albania
At first, London poles ran Poland after WWII but after elections in 1947 a pro ___ government was introduced
In 1945 elections in Hungary there were enough/not enough votes for communists to form a government
Not enough
By ___ Hungary was a one party state
How much money did UK get in Marshall aid?
3.297 billion
How much Marshall aid did west Germany get?
1.448 billion
How much Marshall aid did Greece get
376 million
How much Marshall aid did USA give total
12.7 billion dollars
What did Ernest Bevin (British foreign Secretary) describe Marshall aid as?
‘A lifeline to sinking men, giving hope where there was none’
What was decided on as a way to refuse Marshall aid to the USSR (after Stalin requested it) without refusing overtly
Countries would have to agree to a thorough review of their finances first - and they knew Stalin would never allow this
What did the Soviets call Marshall aid?
Dollar imperialism
Give 3 impacts of the Marshall plan on international relations from 1947
Stalins suspicions of the US were reinforced - here was evidence that the US was trying to crush the USSR
It tied western countries into supporting the USA
Divided Europe into 2 economic and political camps
When was Cominform set up
1947 22 September
How many members were within Cominform - name them
9 - USSR + Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, (communist parties of France and Italy)
Who were the Yugoslavian communists under the control of
When was Yugoslavia expelled from Cominform
June 1948
What did Cominform do?c
Control satellite states and ensured they followed orders
Encouraged trade between Cominform members
Spread propaganda saying that America was no different from Nazi germany
When was Comecon set up>
1949 25 January
Why was Comecon set up
An alternative to Marshall aid
Give the 6 (and 7 later) members of Comecon
USSR + Bulgaria + Czechoslovakia + Hungary + Romania + Poland + east Germany (Albania joined the next year)
Give the main activities of Comecon
Arranging trade and credit agreements between member countries
After 1953 = industrial planning - Five Year Plan + nationalised industry + collective agriculture
Trade with Western Europe discouraged
What happened to bulgarias trade with other Comecon members from the 1930s to 1951
10% - 90%
In March 1948 ___ stormed out of conferences about how to deal with Germany and its reparations
When had the British and American zones United - what did they call it
1947 - bizonia
When was trizonia created (including France)
March 1948
When was the new currency for trizonia made and what was it called
Deutschmark + June 1948
Give 1 impact of the creation of the Deutschmark
Meant that trizonia was a separate economic unit from the east
How many corridors through east Germany to West Berlin were there
4 - two land and two air
When did Stalin shut off land routes across east Germany to Berlin
June 1948
Why did Stalin do the Berlin blockade
Trying to a show a divided Germany wouldn’t work + that the US should give control of Berlin to the USSR
How many tonnes of food was supplied per day by the USA to Berlin
Over 1000
When was the blockade lifted
May 9 1949
When was the federal republic of Germany created
23 may 1949
When was the Bundestag created
14 august 1949
When was the German Democratic Republic created
October 1949
Only ____ countries recognised east Germany as a nation
When was nato created?
Give 2 things that contributed to the creation of NATO
Berlin blockade and communist takeover in Czechoslovakia
Month that NATO was created
April 1949
How many members of nato
If one NATo country was attacked ____ member countries woudl come to its assistance
When was FRG allowed to join NATO
May 1955
How long after west Germany joining nato was the Warsaw pact created
Within a week
What were members of the Warsaw pact
Bulgaria Hungary Czechoslovakia Romania Albania east Germany Poland USSR
When did the USA first successfully test the hydrogen bomb
November 1952
When did Eisenhower take office
January 1953
When did Stalin die
March 1953
When did the ussr successfully test the h bomb
August 1953
When did west Germany join nato
May 1955
When did Khrushchev make a speech criticising Stalin
February 1956
When was the Hungarian uprising crushed
November 1956
When did the USA launch its first ICBM
June 1957
When did USSR test its first ICBM
August 1957
When is imre Nagy (PM of Hungary) executed
June 1958
The USSR had much larger stocks of ____ weapons than the US
How many times more powerful was the h bomb compared to the a bomb
1000 times out of
How many kms away could an ICBM fire a nuclear warhead
4 500km
Nuclear weapons acted as a ___ for war
Dwight Eisenhower ran an election campaign that was very anti ___
When did Stalin die
5 March 1953
When did Khrushchev emerge as effective Ruler of the USSR
During 1956 people of Hungary protested due to what
Fuel shortages, poor harvests, lack of political freedoms
When were there riots in the capital Budapest
October 1956
After protests, Khrushchev decided to replace __- with ____
Rakosi with Nagy
Give 2 things that Nagy did
Ended one party state in Hungary
Realeased many political prisoners
Persuaded Khrushchev to withdraw soviet troops from Hungary
When did rakosi fall from power
July 1956
When do Soviet troops withdraw from Budapest, and the government promises free elections and freedom of speech
28 October
When does Nagy announce that Hungary is leaving the Warsaw pact
3 November 1956
When do Soviet trooops invade Hungary to regain control
4 november
How many tanks invaded Budapest in response to Nagy announcing Hungary would leave the Warsaw pact
The Hungarian Uprising is when supporters of Nagy put up a fight against the Soviet invasion and begged the west for support true or false
How many Hungarian forces were killed while the Soviets re established control
20 000
When was Nagy executed
July 1958
What did Khrushchev call Nagy’s death
A lesson to the leaders of all socialist countries
The USA did nothing to help the Hungarian uprising true or false
True - its policy of containment prevented the spread of communism but didn’t want to meddle in the affairs of the satellite states
Give 3 impacts of the Hungarian uprising on international relations
Reflected badly on the west who didn’t support the uprising
Made Khrushchev stronger
Increased tensions
which side of Germany was democratic
west germany
what did west Germany receive in the 1950s which Made it prosperous
Marshall aid
give 2 reasons the communist regime in eat Germany was unpopular
restrictions on speech
secret police
shortages of basic goods and low standard of living
when were there riots in eat Germany
how was order restored after riots in east Germany in 1953
the soviets sent in an armed force
by 1958 how many eat germans had crossed to the west
3 million
what fraction of east Germany’s population had crossed to the west by 1958
what type of people left east Germany in particular and why was this bad
skilled workers (eg engineers and teachers and technicians)
brain drain - harder for economy to rebuild and has spiralling effect making east Germany worse to live in
why did many East Germans who were skilled cross to the west
higher salaries available in the west
give 2 reasons the mass migration into west Germany was bad for Khrushchev
it meant losing valuable people - economic disaster
and propaganda disaster
who was soviet leader at the time of the Berlin crisis of 1958
what did Khrushchev want to do to solve the Berlin crisis
make berlin part of east Germany
why did Khrushchev want berlin to become part of east Germany - what was the strategy
he knew it would make it harder for East Germans to leave
when was the berlin ultimatum
27 Nov 1958
when did Khrushchev demand that western forces recognise east berlin as its own country
November 1958
give 2 things that the berlin ultimatum stated
berlin should be demilitarised and western troops withdrawn
that berlin should become a free city
khruschev wanted berlin to have its own independent what in the berlin ultimatum
how many months did khruschev give the west to make the changes required in the berlin ultimatum
6 months
what was the threat against the west if they didn’t agree to the berlin ultimatum
Khrushchev would hand all routes into West Berlin to the government of east Germany
why was the threat of handing transport routes into West Berlin to the government of east berlin a good one for furthering khruschev’s aims
it would force western powers to talk to the government of east Germany and so acknowledge it as a country
who was the west German chancellor in 1958
when were talks held to solve the ‘Berlin problem’
when and where was the first of the summits to discuss berlin
geneva, may 1959
when was the second summit to discuss berlin
camp David, September 1959
when was the third summit meeting to discuss berlin
Paris, may 1960
was there any agreement reached at Geneva
who invited who for further talks after Geneva
eisenhower, khrushcev
when did eisenhower and khruschev first meet face to face
camp David summit September 1959
what was agreed at the camp David summit
the Soviets would withdraw the berlin ultimatum
were relations better or worse after the camp David summit
when was an American spy plane shot down over the Soviet Union and what type of plane was it
1 May U-2
what had the Americans claimed the spy plane was
a weather plane blown off course
who was the pilot and what did the soviets do to him to find out his mission (U-2 spy plane may 1)
Gary powers - interrogated and he confessed
eisenhower refused to ___for the U-2 spy plane incident
who walked out of the meeting at Paris, may 1960
when was the last summit to discuss berlin
Vienna June 1961
when did John F Kennedy become president
January 1961
give John F Kennedy’s foreign policy
build up military force but talk to the soviets
what had JFK’s reputation been damaged by prior to the Vienna summit of June 1961 and when was it
April 1961 the bay of pigs
what did Khrushchev renew in the summit at Vienna
the Berlin ultimatum of 1958
why did Khrushchev take a tough stance at Vienna
he thought Kennedy was inexperienced and Kennedy had been reputation ally damaged already
how old was Kennedy when he took office
as tension between west and east grew what else grew in the berlin crisis
migration from east to West Berlin
on one day in august 1961 how many East Germans crossed to the west
40 000
who urged khruschev to close the border east to West Berlin
Walter ulbricht the East German leader
when did the Berlin Wall go up (what night)
night of the 12 August 1961
how long was the Berlin Wall
the wall was originally made of what and then developed into being made of what
barbed wire
what was the region separating west and east Germany called
no mans land
over how many people were killed trying to cross the wall
why was the wall bad propaganda for the soviets
it showed they had to lock people in and capitalism was more attractive
what was a good outcome of the berlinwall for soviets
stopped refugees leaving east berlin
what did West Berlin become an emblem of for the west (propaganda effectively)
the fight for freedom against communism - a stronghold which khruschev had to accept
when did Kennedy visit West Berlin
when was the Berlin Wall taken down
the wall stopped a __-
when was the cuban revolution headed by Fidel ___and _____
1959 - Fidel Castro + Che Guevara
why was __(American president) concerned about the cuban revolution
eisenhower - america businesses invested in the country and owned lots of land there and bought allot of Cuba’s main export (sugar)
castro was a what
what was Cubas main export
America refused to provide what for cuba unless what
it followed the guidelines of the IMF
when did the cuban government take over all land owned by foreign nationals
may 1959
did the US recognise the scheme for the cuban government to take over foreign owned land
when did Khrushchev agree to buy cuban sugar and give economic aid
February 1960
what was the secret clause of the agreement between the soviets and cuba in feb 1960
USSR would give cuba arms
how far is cuba from us mainland
when did (president) ban trade with cuba
October 1960
when did USA break of diplomatic relations with cuba
January 1961
who proposed the bay of pigs idea
what did the CIA suggest as a plan for the bay of pigs
send cuban exiles trained to launch an invasion and overthrow Castro - to make it look like a counter revolution
how many cuban exiles made up the invasion force for the bay of pigs
1 400
when did the bay of pigs happen
17 April 1961
give 4 reasons the bay of pigs failed
volunteers were inexperienced especially compared to cubans
couldn’t send extra ground forces to support the attack
already 20 000 soldiers waiting
assumed too much support for the counter revolution but many liked Castro
how many soldiers were waiting for the exiles in the bay of pigs
20 000
the bay of pigs was ___for the USA
who was the previous regime that Castro overthrew
when did Khrushchev publicly announce he would supply arms to cuba
September 1961
when did the US take pictures of launch pads for ballistic missiles
14 October 1962
what type of spy plane took pictures of the ballistic missile launching sites on cuba
U-2 spy plane
what type of launch pads were found in cuba
medium range ballistic missiles
where did NATO have nuclear weapons close to the USSR
why might Khrushchev have wanted to put missiles in cuba
he feared American attack on cuba and didn’t want an attack on communism
he wanted to restore prestige after Berlin Wall
the USSR could/couldnt have fired missiles at the USA from the USSR
who advised that the missiles could be operational within 2 weeks
the defence secretary Robert McNamara
when were the congress elections in USA around the time of the cuban missile crisis
November - he didn’t want the democrats to do badly
the missiles in cuba hurt America’s what
when are the 13 days of the cuban missile crisis
16-28 October 1962
when was the ExComm set up in the cuban missile crisis
16 October
the ExComm met every day for how many days
when did Kennedy decide not to launch an attack
22 October
what was the alternative to launching an attack on cuba which Kennedy decided on
a naval blockade
if the USSR ignored the blockade what would happen
the US would have to sink the ships and war would break out
how many bombers were prepared in case war against the USSR broke out
54 (each with 4 nuclear warheads)
when did the soviet ships reach the blockade and what did they do
24 October 1962 turned around
when did Khrushchev send a telegram to Kennedy offering to remove missiles from cuba if the Americans agreed not to invade
26 October
when did the next telegram after the one on the 26th October arrive before Kennedy could respond to the first
27th October
what did the second telegram to Kennedy say
offered removal of missiles if US missiles in turkey were also removed
on the 27th October what was shot down over cuba
an American U2 spy plane
who demanded military action from Kennedy
the Hawks
what did Kennedy agreee to, to do with cuba
that he wouldn’t invade in return for the removal of missiles
which telegram did Kennedy ignore from Khrushchev
the second one on the 27th October 1962
when did Khrushchev agree to Kennedy’s acceptance of the telegram sent on 26th October
28th October 1962
who met with the soviet ambassador and agreed to remove the Turkish missiles (this was previously kept secret)
Robert Kennedy - JFK’s brother
what 2 leaders were involved in the cuban missile crisis -
Kennedy and Khrushchev
when was the hotline between Moscow and Washington set up
June 1963
when was the test ban treaty signed and what did it say
- not to test weapons ion outer space, underwater or in air august 1963
what 3 countries signed the test ban treaty
when was the outer space treaty signed
what did the outer space treaty agree
that space wouldn’t be used for military purposes - eg putting nuclear weapons in orbit
when was the nuclear non proliferation treaty signed
what did the nuclear non proliferation treaty do
stop the spread of nuclear weapons - countries that had nuclear weapons wouldn’t share the tech with other countries
give 4 treaties or things which resulted from the cuban missile crisis of 16-28 October 1962
hotline - June 1963
test ban treaty - 1963 august
outer space treaty - 1967
nuclear non proliferation treaty 1968
Kennedy became more or less popular after the cuban missile chrisis
more - this gave him more confidence when dealing with the USSR
did Khrushchev gain or lose popularity in the CMC
lose as the Soviets thought it was humiliating especially given the turkey thing was kept secret - was a key factor in Khrushchev’s dismissal
when was Khrushchevs dismissal
when did Stalin die
5 march 1953
when did Stalin support a pro communist coup in Czechoslovakia
who was the leader of Czechoslovakia in 1948
Klement Gottwald
why was the economy of Czechoslovakia bad in 1950s
it was run for the benefit of the soviets and there were few consumer goods
in Czechoslovakia there was no freedom of _____
speech, press, radio
when did the Czech government carry out purges
give 3 examples of people purged in the Czechoslovakian purges
catholics, jews, democratic politicians, people with wartime connections with the west
when were there student demonstrations in Czechoslovakia against low standards of living
when was Alexander Dubcek elected as____of the Communist party
1968 - first secretary
dubcek was a devoted/not a devoted communist
a devoted
what did Dubcek want for Czechoslovakia
socialism with a human face
what was the Prague spring
dubleks liberalisation from April 1968
give 3 examples of reforms from the Prague spring
censorship relaxed and criticism of government allowed
trade unions get more power
government control of industry reduced
trade with west increased
greater freedom to travel
multi party elections discussed as an idea
Czech people liked/dislike the Prague spring
who replaced Khrushchev in 1968
who was refusing to attend wars pact meetings 1968
who refused to accept control from Moscow
when was Yugoslavia expelled from com inform
who did Dubcek invite for talks which triggered Soviet response
tito and ceausescu
when did Warsaw pact troops invade Czechoslovakia and end the Prague spring
20 august 1968
how many Warsaw pact troops invaded Czechoslovakia
500 000
individuals did/didnt put up a fight against the waraw pact troops
when did __publish the Brezhnev doctrine
pravda - 26 september 1968
what was the Brezhnev doctrine
said the actions of one communist country affected all of them
when was Dubcek replaced
who replaced Dubcek
gustav husak
over ____czechs were arrested after Husk took control
which two countries condemned the Soviet invasion after the Prague spring
Yugoslavia and Romania
which two governments liked Brezhnev;s actions in Czechoslovakia
east Germany and Poland - more secure from the potential threat of reformers in their own countries
there was an attempt to pass what resolution after the Czechoslovakia crisis
a formal resolution condemning the soviet invasion but the USSR vetoed it
the USA didn’t take direct ___after the soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
when was the ICBM developed by america
when was the SLBM launched by america
when did the soviets get the SLBM
after how long did the soviets also get the ICBM
within the year
when did the soviets develop ABMs
anti ballistic missiles developed 1968
how long after the soviets did the USA develop ABMs
4 years
when was Nixon elected
how many Americans died in the Vietnam war
60 000
Nixon wanted to take america out of what war
the Vietnam war
urban___was happening in 1968 in america triggered by what
rioting - the assassination of Martin luther king
what did domestic issues lead Nixon to adopt a policy of in the 1970s
what did the Soviet Union want in the 1970s
to improve its economy and cut spending on weapons
what was the name of the policy of building better relations between east and west Germany and who adopted it
Ostpolitik - Willy Brandt
who won a Nobel peace prize for his part in negotiating an end to US involvement in Vietnam
Henry kissinger
who appointed Kissinger as national security adviser in 1969
Richard nixon
what does SALT stand for
the strategic arms limitation treaty
when was SALT 1 signed
May 1972
the section of SALT 1 which focussed on ABMs said what
they were only allowed at 2 sites with a maximum of 100 missiles at each
the __treaty in SALT 1 (whose restrictions applied until __)allowd the USA to have how many ICBMs and how many SLBMs
how many ICBMs and how many SLBMs was the USSR allowd in the interim treaty of the SALT 1
the ____agreement set out steps for what
basic Principles agreement
avoiding nuclear war
give 2 weaknesses of the SALT 1 treaty
the signing wasn’t going to stop nuclear war in the end
it didn’t take modern technology into account such as MIRVs(multiple independently targeted re entry vehicles) - multiple nuclear warheads on one missile
SALT 1 had ___rather than practical importance
when did Brezhnev visit Washington
when did negotiations for salt 2 begin
when were the Helsinki accords and what were they
1975 - 3 baskets which aim to ensure the spirit of cooperation
how many nations met in ___to discuss the Helsinki accords
give the 3 general names of the baskets in the Helsinki accords
european borders
international cooperation
human rights
European borders are __according to the Helsinki accords
give 3 examples of international cooperation outlined in the 2nd basket
trade, tech and space
give 3 examples of human rights to be respected according to the 3rd basket
free speech, religion, free movement across Europe
why was basket 1 of the Helsinki accords important
first time the boundaries of USSR and east vs west Germany formally accepted
what was the basket 2 followed up with
a joint US - USSR space mission
the Helsinki accords were the high/low point of detente
what did the USA want basket 3 to do
undermine communism in USSR states and satellite states
which baskets was Brezhnev happy with
1 and 2
who were the leaders during the Helsinki accords
Brezhnev and nixon
when was SALT 2 signed
18 June 1979
who were the leaders who signed SALT 2
brezhnev and Carter
give 3 things SALT 2 did
restricted missile launchers and strategic bombers
banned on testing new ICBM types
in the USA towards the end of the 1970s there was an increasing feeling of warmth/distrust towards the USSR
distrust - as El Salvador, Nicaragua and Angola were all increasing soviet support
when did islamic militants capture the American embassy in Tehran
in iran in nov 1979
how many American diplomats were held hostage by islamic militants in 1979 and for how long
60, 444
when did detente end and why
December 1979 - soviet invasion of Afghanistan
SALT 2 was __from the senate before it could be ratified due to what
the USSR invasion of Afghanistan
what was a shah
a king or emperor which ruled Iran until 1979
when was there a revolution in Iran that deposed the shah
what was the shah replaced with
a muslim fundamentalist government
Afghanistan was a buffer between __annd ___
iran and USSR
the USSR had many ___citizens
the USSR didn’t want __spreading after the revolution of 1979
muslim fundamentalism - into the USSR
there was a surge in __prices in 1979 and Afghanistan had ___which might have influenced the invasion
when was a pro-soviet government established in Afghanistan (without soviet assistance)
April 1978
when was the pro soviet government overthrown in Afghanistan
September 1979
who staged the coup overthrowing the 1978 April pro soviet government
hafizullah Amin
what triggered Brezhnev to invade Afghanistan
Amin was rumoured to be talking to the USA about American support
when did the soviets invade Afghanistan
24 December 1979
when was Amin assassinated
27 December
who was Hafizullah Amin replaced with
Babrak Kamal
how many years did the soviets stay in Afghanistan
10 years
what was the name of muslim guerrilla fighters who rebelled against Babrak Kamal and the soviets
who supplied weapons and money to the Mujahideen
how much did fighting in Afghanistan cost the USSR per year
8 billion USD
what did Carter say in his state of the union speech in January 1980 and what was this called
the Carter doctrine - USA would repel by force if necessary threats to American interests in the Persian gulf
Carter imposed economic __on the USSR after the invasion
Ronald Reagan called Carter strong/weak
when did Reagan become president
when did the US boycott the olympics and why
protesting against USSR invasion of Afghanistan and 1980
over how many nations supported the US boycott of the olympics in Moscow in 1980
the Moscow olympics was made to look great/second rate by the boycotts
second rate
when did the USSR boycott the Los Angeles Olympics
how many communist countries joined the USSR boycott on the Los Angeles olympics in 1984
when did Reagan call the USSR an evil empire
in 1982 how much more was spent on arms
what was the Reagan doctrine
US would not only support anti communist governments but anti communist groups trying to overthrow governments
give 2 examples of ‘rollback’ as part of the __doctrine
Reagan - El Salvador and Nicaragua insurgent groups given support and invasion of communist Grenada and toppled regime
when was the SDI started and what was its nickname
1983 - Star Wars
what was the SDI idea
putting satellites with lasers in orbit that would shoot down soviet missiles
what was the SDI against
1967 outer space treaty
Reagan spoke of SDI like a ___but didn’t admit it was ___
not ready
when did Gorbachev become leader
1985 march
give 3 problems facing the soviets upon Gorbachev’s accession
investment in the soviet economy was low and standards of living low
lack of human rights/low standards of living = unrest in satellite states
leaders had been in poor health so had few long term plans
when did authorities declare martial law in Poland
give an example of the name of the secret police in east Germany
when did Brezhnev die and what of
1982 - a long illness
when did Andropov die and who did he follow from
1984 - Brezhnev
who followed Andropov
Chernenko - he died a year later
what did Gorbachev say to his wife in 1985
we can’t go on living like this
give 4 things Gorbachev was determined to reform (ideas) - general names
dropped Brezhnev doctrine
withdraw from Afghanistan (and reduce arms spending)
what was perestroika and what does it mean
reconstruction/reorganisation - economy should be reformed and adopt some capitalist things
what was glasnost
openness - less corruption and more openness in government and more freedom of expression
what did dropping the Brezhnev doctrine mean
the USSR would no longer get involved in the domestic affairs of other communist countries
give the places of the 5 summits
when was the Geneva summit
November 1985
who met for the first time at Geneva
Gorbachev and raegan
were any formal agreements made at Geneva
no - just good relationship
when was the Reykjavik summit
October 1986
was there a formal agreement at reykjavik?
no - Gorbachev just suggested phasing out nuclear weapons if the Americans gave up SDI
when was the Washington summit
December 1987
what was signed at the end of the Washington summit
intermediate range nuclear force treaty
what did the intermediate range nuclear force treaty say
countries would abolish land based missiles with ranges of 500-5 500 km
wehn was the moscow summit
what happened in the Moscow summit
some details of the INF treaty were resolved
when did Gorbachev announce withdrawal from Afghanistan and reduction in Warsaw pact troops
who was the president at Malta
George bush
when was the Malta summit
the Malta summit marked the end of what
the Cold War
Gorbachev said what at the Malta conference
‘lasting peace…and cooperation’ east and west
when did the trade union ___win a victory in the polish elections
June 1989 - solidarity (an anti communist government force)
on __september how many East Germans crossed the border in 1989
11, 125 000(through Hungary and Austria
when did Gorbachev refuse to help put down anti government demonstrations in east Germany
October 1989
wehn was the Berlin Wall pulled down
November 1989
when did the government take down the fence on the border with non communist Austria (in hungary)
may 1989- promise of democratic elections which then take place in October
what was the revolution in Czechoslovakia called and when
November 1989 - velvet revolution
who is elected president in Czechoslovakia
Vaclav havel - anti communist
when is ceaucescu overthrown and executed
December 1989
when does the communist leader of Bulgaria resign and what was his name
Peter mladenov - December 1989
when does Yugoslavia break up
1990s (starts with Slovenia voting for independence un December 1990
the fall of the Berlin Wall was mainly __as East Germans could already cross to the west by November 1989
when was the Warsaw pact dissolved
July 1991
when did Gorbachev resign
25 December 1991
when does the Soviet Union break up
25 December 1991