Full Flashcards On Life In Nazi Germany Mindmap
By 1936 how many anti Nazi groups were at work
How many (estimated) anti Nazi leaflets disguised as other things like cooking manuals were distributed?
1.5 million
Give 3 things groups could subtlety resist the Nazis
Anti Nazi jokes
Not saluting
Slogans painted on walls
Keeping a diary of public mood
Not giving to Nazi charities
Give 3 examples of punishable opposition
Keeping a banned book
Saying that the economy wasn’t strong
Passive resistance dramatically increased after the start of..
The Nazis tried to dissuade people from being involved with the church and this was/wasnt successful
Because they couldn’t stop people being involved with teh church, the Nazis tried to put the Nazi party at the same/lower level as the church
True or false: the Nazis used the church for party functions
Give 3 ways the church was nazified
Nazi weddings encouraged
Swastika hung in many churches
Swastika draped over the altar
Some priests spoke out against the Nazis in___
How were pastors who were giving anti Nazi sermons caught
Secret police were often present in congregations and could then arrest the pastor
Bishop ____ (Catholic) worked with British spies to try and kill Hitler
Was bishop Bonhoeffer successful in his assassination mission
No - he was then sent to a concentration camp
Pastor ___ (Protestant) spoke out against Hitler and spread pamphlets against the Nazis
How many Catholic priests were sent to Dachau concentration camp?
In a letter written by the pope from the Vatican what was the title?
With burning concern - it was a letter openly criticising Hitler and telling German churches not to listen to what Hitler said
What did the pope call Hitler in his letter called ‘with burning concern’
A madman
The confessional church opposed the ___ church
How many joined the confessional church
6 000
How many members of the confessional church were sent to concentration camps
When did Martin niemoller vote for the Nazi s
1924 and 1932
When was niemoller arrested
Which two concentration camps was niemoller sent to
Sachsenhausen and Dachau
What was the last line of niemoller’s poem
Then they came for me and there was nobody left to stand up for me (starts with first they came for the socialists and I did not oppose because I was not a socialist)
When did niemoller use a sermon to protest against the persecution of church members and what did it lead to
- his arrest and later sent to a concentration camp
Niemoller was a founder of ____ and the ____church
Pastor’s emergency league and the confessing church
Niemoller opposed the Nazi ban on _____ but didn’t oppose other restrictions against the ____ which the Nazis imposed
Jews becoming Christians
When did niemoller ask if he could fight for Germany in the Second World War in any capacity (he was in a concentration camp at the time)
Bonhoeffer opposed the Nazis from the start true or false
Give 2 things bishop Bonhoeffer did
Helped Jews escape from Germany
Planned an assassination of Hitler
Bonhoeffer was arrested and imprisoned - when?
Just weeks before the fall of the Nazis
Clemens Vom Galen - a Catholic bishop - did what to protest against the Nazi racial policies and euthanasia of the disabled
Used sermons
What were the effects of Clemens Von Galen’s sermons
Didn’t stop euthanasia programme but forced the Nazis to keep it secret
Why was Clemens vom Galen not executed?
Nazis needed to keep him alive to retain Catholic support
True or false: Catholic and Protestant churches were popular with Germans
As Hitler consolidated his power is control of the church increased/decreased
Hitler expressed support for the church through
Nazis gave donations to the church between ___ and ____
1928 and 1932
Nazis could be seen as in opposition to the church:
They opposed communism
And communists were opposed to the ___
Church - hence the Nazis see this as a reason for opposing the church
When did Hitler sign a concordat with the pope agreeing to do what
1933 - leave the church alone
Before 1939, many parents preferred to send children to the ______instead of the Hitler youth
Catholic youth group
When did the pope speak out against Hitler and his policies on religion
When was the pastor’s emergency league set up
When did the pastor’s emergency league set up the confessing church
How many priests were involved in the confessing church
When did the Nazis make the Catholic youth illegal?
When were all crucifixes removed from schools
When was all Catholic education stopped
Catholic newspapers were ____
Some Church leaders claimed Hitler was the only solution to the____ threat
After 1934 - how many Protestant pastors remained in the German Christian church controlled by the Nazis?
In 1933, ___ independent Protestant churches existed
All Protestant churches were merged into the ____ church in ____
Reich church
Was the creation of the Reich church a great success?
No, it had limited support
In the Reich church: the cross symbol was replaced with the ___
In the Reich church the Bible was replaced with:
Mein Kampf
In the Reich church only ___ could preach sermons
The Reich church suspended non-Aryan ___
What was the German faith movement?
A pagan religion set up to try and remove the influence of Christian churches
The German faith movement included prayers to Nordic gods such as
Thor, Wodan and Himmell
The gods that the German faith movement prayed to were all related to __and___
Strength and violence
What was the symbol of the German faith movement
A yellow Sun on a blue background with a swastika
A Nazi wedding ceremony included ___ rituals
How were Nordic gods used in the German faith movement
Used to appeal to shared Aryan history and beliefs
Give 2 things teh pastors emergency league opposed and when it was set up
1933 - joining of regional churches into one national German Christian church, snd Nazi attempts to stop Jewish people becoming Christian’s and they opposed the ban on the Old Testament
How many Catholic priests were imprisoned in the ___ block in Dachau concentration camp
Around 400
Most army generals had taken the oath of ____ to Hitler in ___
In 19__ general Von ____ had tried to kill Hitler
1944 - Stauffenberg
Why did Stauffenberg’s assassination attempt fail to kill Hitler
It was in the wrong place in the meeting
Stauffenberg and other plotters were ___ and ___
Arrested and killer
After WW2 there was a dramatic increase/decrease in plots against Hitler
There was even a plot against Hitler linked to ___ (Hitler’s top general)
Give an example of a chief of staff in the army who resigned due to disagreement with Hitler’s actions over ____
Lieutenant Colonel Beck - over the Sudetenland
Before the war opposition in the army was a ___ problem because Hitler ___ on the army to carry out his policies
Until 1943, the army ____ Hitler because the war was going ___
After 1943, heavy losses in ___were sustained and this damaged morale
After 1944 opposition became stronger/weaker