Crime And Punishment - Anglo Saxons In Depth Revision Flashcards
When did Alfred the great unify the laws of England?
What did the wergild replace?
The blood feud
Give 2 examples of community law enforcement which involve powers of 10
Tithings and hundreds
What two body parts could you be relieved of if you stole something?
Foot or hand
What was an ingenious punishment for the punishment and prevention of slander?
Cutting off the tongue
What would grant you outlaw status?
Not attending a trial
What was trial by cold water?
Dunked in blessed pond and if you float you are guilty as the holy water rejects your sin and if you sink then you are innocent and hauled out
What were trial by hot iron and boiling water - and which was used on women primarily?
Hold the hot thing or put arm in hit thing and bandage burns - after 3 days if healing well then innocent
Women = hot iron usually
What group of people was trial by cold water used on mainly?
Did the church lose or gain power in the period?
What 3 punishments were you likely to be given after committing treason?
Beheading, burning or drowning
What was the hue and cry and example of?
Community law enforcement
What kind of courts would petty crimes be dealt with in? Minor crimes? Major crimes?
Hundred courts, shire courts, royal courts
All public
What would be a good way of trying to prove your innocence in an Anglo Saxon court?
Swearing an oath before God of your innocence
What did the shire reeve do?
Take criminals to court and ensure the continuance of justice/ensure punishment carried out
What were small towns called?
Was the crime rate high or low?
What type of punishment is maiming also known as?
Corporal punishment
Give 3 crimes against the person
Give 3 crimes against property
Petty theft
Coin counterfeiting/poaching
Give 3 crimes against authority
Treason (plotting against king)
Rebellion (protest and trying to bring down king)
Not paying church tithe (tax)
Disrupting the king’s peace
What system of responsibility did Anglo Saxon law enforcement rely on?
Collective responsibility
What were 3 aims of Anglo Saxon punishment?
How did the church enforce the law?
Sermons and religious teachings and trial by ordeal
Above what age can you join a tithing?
What is a posse comitatus?
Shire reeve summons men to catch criminal
On whose behalf is a shire reeve governing?
The king’s
What is the blood feud
Revenge by inflicting equal suffering from victim to attacker
Serious crimes were linked to status as
Major crimes were deemed so if they damaged the property or prospects of the ruling classes
What would the stocks or pillory punish?
Public disorder
What was the punishment for coin counterfeiting?
Hands chopped off