Paper 3 - Weimar And Nazi Germany Key Topic 1 Knowledge Check Flashcards
Give name of Germany during WWI
The second Reich
Who was monarch during WWI?
Kaiser Wilhelmina II
Give one statistic supporting the idea that France suffered great damage in WWI
4% of the population was killed
Who was in the triple entente?
Britain, France and Russia
Which 4 countries were in the central powers
Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (Italy was also part of the alliance for part of the war)
What is dolchstoss theory?
The German government had stabbed the people in the back by surrendering when Germany could have won the war (betrayal)
How many died of starvation from the naval blockade of WWI?
750 000
By what % did German industrial production decrease during WWI?
Why did industrial production decrease?
Strikes and men away at war/dead
When did the kaiser abdicate (date)
Which party and president and chancellor formed the first government?
SPD (social Democratic Party)
Friedrich Ebert
Philip Sheidemann
When does WW2 end?
1918 11nov
Give the name of the centre party
Name the communist party
Give the two centre left parties
Give the furthest right party
DAP/NSDAP as of Feb 1920
Give the name of the right wing party
DNVP (German nationalist people’s party)
What did DAP + NSDAP stand for?
German worker’s party and the nationalist socialist German workers party
How many seats did the SPD have in the first election?
163/500 (biggest party but not majority)
What was the November revolution?
A period of unrest/instability following the abdication of the kaiser (protest)
When was the treaty of Versailles signed?
28th June 1919
What did the treaty of Versailles set out?
The terms of peace
What was the Paris peace conference? Who was there?
A conference to discuss the terms of the treaty of Versailles
Italy, Britain, Russia, France (not Germany
What was signed on 11th nov 1918
What type of surrender did the Weimar Republic give
Unconditional surrender
What was diktat?
Dictated peace - the idea that the terms of the treaty of Versailles were unfair and dictated by the allies
What number of men was the army limited to?
100 000
What two military items were banned as part of the treaty of Versailles?
Tanks and artillery
How many battleships was Germany allowed?
How many sailors were allowed?
15 000
How much did Germany have to pay in reparations?
£6.6 billion
What was the war guilt clause
Article 231 of the treaty of Versailles said that Germany had to take the blame for WWI
What % of Germany’s territory was taken away?
Name the coalfields which Germany had to give away and what % of Germany’s coal they supplied
Saar coalfields + 48%(50%)
Name an area which comprised part of the polish corridor
Upper Silesia + west Prussia
Give a territory that was returned to France
Could Germany join the League of Nations as part of the treaty of Versailles?
Which country was German forbidden to unite with
What was article 48 of the Weimar constitution?
The president could assume dictatorial powers in the case of an ‘emergency’
Did the president handle day to day running of the Reichstag?
What article set out who could vote and the system of voting and what did it say?
Article 22 - all men and women over 21 could vote + proportional representation
Name the body in the Reichstag responsible for approving laws proposed by the Reichstag:
How many members of the Reichsrat were there?
How many members of the Reichstag were there in 1919?
How many members of the Reichstag were there 1933?
Who is the chancellor chosen by?
The president
When was the spartacist rebellion?
January 1919
Who led the spartacist rebellion?
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht
What happened during the spartacist uprising?
The spartacists took control of Berlin and the newspaper offices there, hoping others would join them but they didn’t
2 weeks long
Who put down the spartacist uprising and how many were killed?
Over 100
Which group staged a rebellion April 1919? Where? Who dealt with it?
A group of communists in Bavaria - the Freikorps
When did communists take control of the Ruhr?
How many workers were involved in the 1920 communist rebellion?
50 000
When the Freikorps dealt with a rebellion in the Ruhr territory by communists how many were killed?
1 000
When was the kapp putsch?
March 1920
What led to the kapp putsch?
The allies wanted the government to decrease reliance on the Freikorps and so the government demanded they hand over their weapons
How many Freikorps marched to Berlin demanding the government resign?
12 000
Where did the government flee to?
What did the workers of Berlin do to stop the uprising?
They went on strike for 4 days
Who were the Freikorps led by (who led the kapp putsch)?
General Wolfgang Kapp
How many political murders were there 1919 - 1921?
Over 376
Who was shot in the street in 1919?
Hugo Hasse (member of the Reichstag) - SPD
Who was machine gunned down in the street in 1922?
Walter Rathenau - foreign Secretary
No right wing political assassins were ever put on trial even though the killer of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht was found. How may left wing political assassins were?
What mercenary/violent thug club supported the DNVP ?
The stanhelm