Paper 1: River flooding Flashcards
which flow of water is the fastest
-less steps to follow to reach river
-not as dense as soil/rock
when a river bursts its banks
-or when water cannot infiltrate into the ground = sits on ground
How forests reduce flooding
-trees intercept rain
-plant uptake = reduces soil saturation
chopping down
Felling causes flooding
-reduces interception
-more water reaches river via SRO
-soil is exposed = saturation
or washes soil into river which build river bed and reduces discharge of river
Removing hedgerows
-rows of bushes used to divide farmer’s fields
More arable farming causes
-after harvests
-fields are bare
-no interception
arable farming
crop growing farming
polythene tunnels cause flooding
-used to grow crops
-intercept less than field
-More SRO
Increase in infrastructure causes flooding
-more roads/buildings
-more impermeable surfaces
-less infiltration
-more SRO
-greater flood risk
Less floodplain area due to increased population causes flooding
-homes built on floodplains
-increases impact of flood
Uses of drains/gutters causes flooding
-enters rivers faster
-flows into these
Heavy rainfall causes flooding
-climate change
-more rain = flooding
-saturated soil - sro
Sudden snow melt causes flooding
-release of stored water
-flows as SRO
-as ground beneath is frozen
Sudden heavy rain causes flooding
-water cannot infiltrate fast enough
-increases discharge = flash flood
flash flood
flooding with little warning
Drought causes flooding
-ground is baked
-no infiltration
Mountainous areas cause flooding
-high relief
-rain cannot infiltrate fast enough
-rock is impermeable = less percolation
Flat relief causes flooding
-no gradient for water to flow into river
-build up on land
flood hydrograph
-graph that shows a river’s discharge changing in response to precipitation event
peak rainfall
-highest amount of rain per time unit
peak discharge
highest recorded discharge following rainfall event
lag time in hydrographs
-difference between peak rainfall and peak discharge