PA & fitness pt 3 Flashcards
91% of children in Canada have bike on __% use them
Jeremy Morris driver vs Bus test?
showed that the conductor was more PA then he was less likely of diseases like Coronary heart disease
type 2 diabetes
Physical activity and Health: Positives to it?
improves cardiorespiratory functioning
Disease Prevention & Management
More efficient metabolism
health and wellness benefits of exercise?
Coronary heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
PA& Obesity: PinA is accosted with prevalence of ___ & weight gain
what are major risk factors of PA and CVD?
Smoking, Dyslipidemia, Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Inactivity
PA& cancer which cancers?
- reproductive
PA and osteopersosis; at wha age is peak bone mass achieved?
mid 20s
PA & type 2 diabetes: a person with type 2 diabetes are more prone to ___ ___, blindness and severe problems of circulatory and nervous system
heart disease
sedentary behaviours: on average adults spend about __% of their waking hours of sedentary behaviour