ovarian tumor Flashcards
most common type of ovarian tumor
surface epithelium/stroma
benign epithelium/stromal tumor
serous cystadenoma
malignant epithelium/stromal tumor
serous cystadenocarcinoma
malignant epithelium/stromal tumor affect who
peri and post meonpasual wome n
epithelium/stromal tumors appearance
big ovarian tumor
epithelium/stromal tumor looks similar to
mucinous cystadenocarcinoma/cystadenoma
mucinous cystadenocarcinoma/cystadenoma is what size
largest of all tumors and takes up all of pelvis
what epithelium/stromal tumor can look like fibroid
transitional cell aka brenner tumour
differential of transitional cell include what group of ovarian tumors
sex chord stromal
what can look similar to mucinous or serous tumor
borderline tumor
where do germ cell tumors originate
endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm
what type of tumors represent 90% of all the tumors in germ cell
dermoid/ cystic teratoma
What can a dermoid be filled with (3)
hair, fat or teeth
what appearance of dermoid can be mistaken for bowel
tip of the ice burg dermoid plug
what gives a dermoid a mesh appearance
why might a dermoid appear to be split in two
fat/fluid level or fat/hair level
immature teratoma appearance
look similar to dermoid but start to have malignant features
are dermoids benign or malignant
rare malignant germ cell tumor
yolk sac
where are sex cord-stromal tumors formed from
sex cord cells
granulos and thecoma sex cord-stromal tumors can produce
some sex cord-stromal tumors can cause
viralization leading to male traits
sex cord-stromal tumors tend to affect
younger women
3 types of sex cord-stromal tumors
fibroma, thecoma and granulosa
what syndrome is associated with sex cord-stromal tumors
meigs syndrome
meig syndrome triad
ascites, pleural effusion and solid benign tumor (fibroid looking)
cause of meigs syndrome
unsure but seems like inflammatory rxn
appeance of meigs syndrome masss
ovarian hypoechoic mass with posterior attenuation
differential dignosis of meigs includes
stuff pertaining to ascites/lungs/bowel, so cirrohisis or cancers
meigs treatment
resection of tumor or oophorectomy treatment of choice
metstatic tumor could originate from
colon, breast, lymphoma
where does krukenburg tumor originate from
stomach or colon cancer
are met tumors usually bilateral or unilateral
do malignant masses have higher or lower resistive flow