oogenesis is
process where female sex cells become mature ova
baby girl has _____ primary occytes
half million
granulosa cells + primary oocyte =
primary follicle
ovarian cycle hypothalamus secretes
gonadotropin releasing hormone
Gonadotropin releasing hormone causes release of ____ from _____
FSH and LH from anterior pituitary
what does FSH do
promotes development of follicles and stimulates estrogen secretion
what does LH do
triggers ovulation and promotes development of corpus luteum
what days is follicular phase
during follicular phase FSH causes
primary follicle to start growing
primary follicle + granulosa cells = _______ which release _______
secondary follicle releases estrogen
graffian follicle called
dominant follicle
dom follicle produces spike of estorgen causing
spike of LH leading to ovulatio n
what is antrum of dominant ffollcile
follicular fluid
granulosa cells use ____ to produce _____
testosterone to produce estrogen
theca interna supplies
testosterone to the granulosa cells
what is expelled at ovulation (3)
ovum, corona radiata and zona pellucida
3 phase and days of menstral cycle
menstrual 1-5
proliferative 7-14
secretory 14-28
What does the estrogen from the mature follicle cuase
thickening of the endometrium
when does estrogen peak
days 12-13
what maintains the corpus luteum
progesterone responsible for
thickening functional layer of endometrium
what happens if fert doesnt occur
prog and est go down
ischemia of endometrium occurs and sloughs
corpus lute turns to corpus albicanse
If fert occurs what is produces and its affect
HCG which helps corpus luteum to maintain progesterone until the placenta takes over