Ortho - Lecture 10: Cephalometrics Flashcards
Standardized technique of studying the living skull by means of laterally oriented head radiographs. Allows for quantification of hard and soft tissue
dimensions/relationships and comparison to reference values
Allow us to evaluate dento-facial proportions and clarify the anatomic basis for malocclusion
Cephalometric X-Rays
Sagittal and vertical planes
Lateral ceph
Transverse and vertical planes
PA ceph
Overlay drawing of specific anatomic features on a radiograph to allow superimpostion of structures to detect changes over time
Ceph tracing
What are the 5 functional units of the craniofacial complex?
Cranium + cranial base
Nasomaxillary complex
Dentoalveolar processes (maxillary + mandibular)
Which landmark of the cranium + cranial base?
The posterior end of the anterior cranial base
Sella (S)
Which landmark of the cranium + cranial base?
Center of cavity of the sella turcica
Consistent throughout growth
Sella (S)
Which landmark of the cranium + cranial base?
Front end of anterior cranial base, located at anterior end of junction btwn nasal and frontal bones
Nasion (Na)
Which landmark of the cranium + cranial base?
Lowest point of bony orbit
Orbitale (Or)
Which landmark of the cranium + cranial base?
If R + L orbital rims overlap, the lowest point on the averaged outline is used
Orbitale (Or)
Which landmark of the cranium + cranial base?
Most superiorly positioned point of external auditory meatus; difficult to identify
Porion (Po)
Which landmark of the maxilla + nasomaxillary complex?
Front end of maxilla, at tip of anterior nasal spine
Anterior nasal spine (ANS)
Which landmark of the maxilla + nasomaxillary complex?
Associated w/ anterior maxilla, located at inntermost point of the contour of premaxilla btwn ANS and incisor
(junction btwn skeletal maxilla and maxillary dentoalveolar process)
A point (A)
Which landmark of the maxilla + nasomaxillary complex?
Posterior end of maxilla, located at tip of posterior spine of the palatal bone, at the junction of hard and soft palates
Posterior nasal spine (PNS)