Oral Path Exam 2 - Blue, Brown, Gray, and Black Lesions Flashcards
What lesions?
Caused by increase in production of melanin by melanocytes, but there is a normal number of melanocytes
Physiologic (racial) pigmentation
Smoker’s melanosis
What lesion?
Found in pts with darker complexion
Physiologic (racial) pigmentation
What lesion?
Most common location = attached gingiva
Physiologic (racial) pigmentation
What lesion?
Can be seen anywhere, even tips of fungiform papillae on dorsal tongue
Physiologic (racial) pigmentation
What lesion?
Diagnosis is established clinically; biopsy is not conclusive w/o clinical correlation
Physiologic (racial) pigmentation
What lesions?
No tx necessary
Physiologic (racial) pigmentation
Amalgam tattoo
Drug-related pigmentation
Melanotic macule
What lesion?
Caused by autosomal dominant genetic disease
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Oral and perioral freckles that first present during childhood and adolescence; lips and cheeks
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Skin and mucosal freckles
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Multiple GI hamartomatous polyps; do not have same level risk of transformation to colorectal cancer as adenomatous polyps
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Increased risk of malignancy (GI, pancreatic, breast, ovarian)
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Diagnosed by family history and genetic testing
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Oral/perioral biopsy is not supportive for diagnosis
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Oral and perioral pigmentation persists throughout life and does not require tx
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Tx = lifelong monitoring for development of neoplasia
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What lesion?
Caused by amalgam becoming embedded in oral mucosa
Amalgam tattoo
What lesion?
Pts w/ history of amalgam restorations
Amalgam tattoo
What lesion?
Presents as black, blue, or gray macules
Amalgam tattoo
What lesion?
Most common locations = gingiva, alveolar mucosa, and buccal mucosa
Amalgam tattoo
What lesion?
May appear as a dense radiopacity on X-Ray
Amalgam tattoo
What lesion?
Diagnosed by X-Ray and biopsy
Amalgam tattoo
What lesion?
MUST be distinguished from melanocytic neoplasia
Amalgam tattoo
When should you biopsy an amalgam tattoo?
When you take an X-Ray but don’t see a radiopacity
(if you see radiopacity then you know it’s amalgam, if not, you need to make sure it is not melanocytic neoplasia)
What lesion?
Caused by protective response against noxious chemicals in tobacco smoke
Smoker’s melanosis
What lesion?
Females are affected at a higher frequency
Smoker’s melanosis
What lesion?
Most common location = anterior facial mandibular gingiva
Smoker’s melanosis
What lesion?
Looks like multiple brown macules
Smoker’s melanosis
What lesion?
Correlate clinical presentation w/ smoking history and med history
Smoker’s melanosis
What lesion?
If you have any doubt, biopsy to rule out neoplasia
Smoker’s melanosis
What lesion?
Pigmentation can disappear after smoking cessation
Smoker’s melanosis
What lesion?
Cause is different for different medications; some chelate w/ iron or melanin and deposit in lamina propria, some stimulate melanocytes to produce melanin
Drug-related pigmentation
What lesion?
Pt taking medication known to cause pigmentation
Drug-related pigmentation
What 6 drugs are known to cause pigmentation?
Chemotherapeutic agents
AIDS meds
What category are the following meds?
What category is the following med?
What category is the following med?
Chemotherapeutic agents
What category is the following med?
AIDS meds
What lesion?
Diffuse, painless, symmetric, bluish-gray macular pigmentation of hard palate
Drug-related pigmentation
What lesion?
Correlation btwn initiation of drug and onset of pigmentation
Drug-related pigmentation
What lesion?
Biopsy may be suggestive of drug-related pigmentation, or may require clinical correlation
Drug-related pigmentation
What lesion?
Increase in melanin and sometimes number of melanocytes
Melanotic macule
What lesion?
2:1 female predilection
Melanotic macule
What lesion?
Average age is 42
Melanotic macule
What lesion?
Solitary, uniformly tan to dark-brown
Melanotic macule
What lesion?
Most common location = lower lip
Melanotic macule
What lesion?
Diagnosed by biopsy especially if recent onset, large size, irregular pigmentation, unknown duration, or recent enlargement
Melanotic macule
What lesion?
Caused by benign localized proliferation of nevus (melanocytic) cells derived from neural crest
Melanocytic nevus (“mole”)
What lesion?
10-40 cutaneous nevi per white adult (common)
Melanocytic nevus (“mole”)
What lesion?
Uncommon intraorally, but can occur on any oral soft tissue site
Melanocytic nevus (“mole”)
What type of nevus?
Brown/black macule
Junctional nevus
What type of nevus?
Brown/tan papule
Compound nevus
What type of nevus?
Brown/tan papule w/ papillomatous surface; hair may grow from center
Intradermal/intramucosal nevus
What lesion?
Clinical diagnosis can be made on skin, biopsy if there is any doubt
Melanocytic nevus (“mole”)
What lesion?
Biopsy is necessary if it is intraoral
Melanocytic nevus (“mole”)
What lesion?
Biopsy is necessary if > 6 mm
Melanocytic nevus (“mole”)
What lesion?
Tx = monitor signs for change; small % develop into melanoma
Melanocytic nevus (“mole”)
What lesion?
Caused by benign proliferation of dendritic melanocytes usually deep within CT
Blue nevus
What lesion?
Female predilection
Usually in children + young adults
Blue nevus
What lesion?
Macular or dome-shaped, blue or blue-black
Blue nevus
What lesion?
Smaller than 1 cm
Blue nevus
What lesion?
Found on any cutaneous or mucosal site
Blue nevus
What lesion?
Most common oral location = palate
Blue nevus
What lesion?
Biopsy is a definitive diagnosis
Blue nevus
What lesion?
Tx = surgical excision
Blue nevus
What lesion?
Caused by malignancy of melanocytic cells
What are the 4 risk factors for cutaneous melanoma?
Acute sun damage
Fair complexion
Multiple moles, freckling, dysplastic nevi
Family hx
What lesion?
Male predilection
Found in 5th-7th decade of life
Oral melanoma
What % of melanomas are found in the following?
Head and neck
Head and neck: 25%
Extremities: 40%
Intraoral: < 1%
What are the ABCDEs of melanoma?
Borders (irregular)
Color variegation
Diameter (> 6 mm)
What lesion?
Diagnosed by biopsy
What lesion?
Tx = wide surgical excision, radiation, immunotherapy
What lesion?
Depth of invasion is an important prognostic factor
Which melanoma has a worse prognosis: oral melanoma or cutaneous melanoma?
Oral melanoma
(< 20% 5-year survival)
What lesion?
Caused by decreased production of cortisol and mineralocorticoids; increased ACTH production by anterior pituitary
Addison disease
What lesion?
Caused by adrenocortical insufficiency secondary to autoimmune adrenalitis, TB, sarcoidosis, adrenal hemorrhage, and metastatic cancer
Addison disease
What lesion?
Effects broad range of people, dependent on cause
Addison disease
What lesion?
Generalized hyperpigmentation of the skin (bronzing)
Addison disease
What lesion?
Diffuse or patchy, brown, macular pigmentations of oral mucosa
Addison disease
What lesion?
Weakness, weight loss, irritability, depression, nausea, vomiting, hypotension
Addison disease
What lesion?
Diagnosed by decreased serum cortisol levels and increased plasma ACTH levels
Addison disease
What lesion?
Tx = steroid replacement therapy and tx of underlying condition
Addison disease
T/F: You should always biopsy pigmented lesions
What category of disease?
Physiologic (racial) pigmentation
What category of disease?
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
What category of disease?
Amalgam tattoo
What category of disease?
Smoker’s melanosis
What category of disease?
Drug-related pigmentation
What category of disease?
Melanotic macule
What category of disease?
Melanocytic nevus
What category of disease?
Blue nevus
What category of disease?
What category of disease?
Addison disease