Oral Path Exam 2 - Benign White Lesions Flashcards
Why does an oral lesion look white? (5)
Edema in tissue
Necrosis (variable thickness, +/- removable)
Superficial coatings (removable)
Keratin (more or change in type)
Thickening of epithelium
Which cause of a white lesion?
Disappears w/ stretching
Example of edema
Leukoedema (buccal mucosa)
Which cause of a white lesion?
+/- removable
Extrinsic coatings (organisms)
What are the following examples of?
Coated tongue
Hairy tongue
Candida (burning/irritated sensation, can also be red)
Extrinsic coatings
Which cause of a white lesion?
Leads to cauterized or superficial sloughed epithelium; +/- removable
Thermal or chemical injury
Examples of thermal or chemical injury
Which cause of a white lesion?
Keratin increased and/or epithelial lining
What are the following examples of?
Frictional keratosis (linea alba, tongue/cheek chewing, alveolar ridge)
Nicotine stomatitis
Hairy leukoplakia (immunosuppression)
Smokeless tobacco keratosis
Keratin increased and/or epithelial lining
Where is orthokeratinized tissue in the mouth normally?
Why do we care about white lesions?
Some require no tx
Some are easily treated
Some have precancerous potential or indicate systemic disease
What type of white lesion?
“White line”
Linea alba
What type of white lesion?
Non-removable, white line along occlusal plane
Linea alba
What type of white lesions?
Caused by chronic, low-grade, frictional trauma
Linea alba
Morsicatio (cheek/tongue chewing)
What type of white lesions?
No tx needed, just recognize that it is there
Linea alba
What type of white lesions?
Linea alba
Dentrifice-associated slough
What type of white lesion?
Non-removable, opalescent/pale white appearance of buccal mucosa that diminishes when stretched
What type of white lesion?
More common in black adults and smokers
What are the 4 key questions for leukoedema?
Is it removable?
Does it disappear when stretched?
Is it on the other side?
Is it asymptomatic?
What type of white lesion?
Very common on dorsal tongue, white in color
Coated tongue
What type of white lesion?
Can be misdiagnosed as candidiasis
Coated tongue
What type of white lesion?
May have malodor
Coated tongue
What type of white lesion?
Tx: scrape tongue
Coated tongue
What type of white lesion?
Elongated, discolored, filiform papillae
Hairy tongue
What type of white lesion?
Associated with smoking
Hairy tongue
What type of white lesion?
Discoloration (brown, black, green, yellow) due to bacteria, food, and tobacco
Hairy tongue
What type of white lesion?
Asymptomatic, or gagging if long; bad taste
Hairy tongue
What type of white lesion?
Tx: brush tongue and stop smoking to reduce lesions
Hairy tongue
What type of white lesion?
Common, often related to tartar control, whitening, sensitivity control, multi-care toothpaste, or overuse of mouthwash
Dentrifice-associated slough
What type of white lesion?
Mild peeling, sloughing or superficial keratin layers, labial/buccal mucosa and floor of mouth
Dentrifice-associated slough
What type of white lesion?
Tx: bland toothpaste
Dentrifice-associated slough
What type of white lesion?
Non-removable, white, ragged, but possibly partially peeling surface texture
Morsicatio (cheek/tongue chewing)
What type of white lesion?
Found on labial and anterior buccal mucosa and lateral tongue
Morsicatio (cheek/tongue chewing)
What type of white lesion?
Typically no tx needed, just recognize that it is there -> unless extensive, which might require biopsy to exclude premalignant changes
Morsicatio (cheek/tongue chewing)
What type of white lesion?
Tx could include pt education and occlusal guard
Morsicatio (cheek/tongue chewing)
What type of white lesion?
Asymmetric, spread off the alveolar ridge
Alveolar ridge keratosis
What type of white lesion?
Basically a callous response to eating when a tooth is missing. Food compacts on the ridge, and you get a pressure response
Alveolar ridge keratosis
T/F: Most cases of alveolar ridge keratosis lack dysplasia
What type of white lesion?
The pts who did have dysplasia had 1+ of the following:
Verrucous appearance
Tobacco use
Alcohol use
Multiple white lesions
Previous squamous cell carcinoma
Alveolar ridge keratosis
What type of white lesion?
Erythema or ulceration warrants biopsy
Alveolar ridge keratosis
What type of white lesion?
White keratotic change induced by heat of tobacco smoking or hot beverages
Nicotine stomatitis
What type of white lesion?
Found on the posterior hard palate and soft palate
Nicotine stomatitis
What type of white lesion?
Elevated papules with red center (orifices of minor salivary gland ducts) and white borders
Nicotine stomatitis
What type of white lesion?
Not precancerous; resolution in 1-2 weeks after habit cessation
Nicotine stomatitis
What type of white lesion?
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) induced lesion, often with superimposed candidiasis
Hairy leukoplakia
What type of white lesion?
Usually HIV-infected or other immune compromised; rare in healthy pts
Hairy leukoplakia
What type of white lesion?
Non-removable white plaques of lateral tongue
Hairy leukoplakia
What type of white lesion?
Faint vertical strands to thick furrowing w/ shaggy keratotic surface
Hairy leukoplakia
What type of white lesion?
Tx: usually resolves with control of HIV infection
Hairy leukoplakia
What type of white lesion?
Thick, irregular parakeratin
Hairy leukoplakia
What type of white lesion?
Candida infection is common
Hairy leukoplakia
What type of white lesion?
Hyperplastic (thicker) epithelium w/ balloon cells that show EBV by in situ hybridization
Hairy leukoplakia
What type of white lesion?
No dysplasia
Minimal inflammation
Hairy leukoplakia
Which white lesions are removable?
Coated tongue
Hairy tongue
Dentrifice-associated slough
Which white lesions are non-removable?
Linea alba
Morsicatio (cheek/tongue chewing)
Hairy leukoplakia
How long does it take tissues in the mouth to turnover?
2-3 weeks
Which benign white lesion should you always biopsy to confirm it is not precancerous?
Hairy leukoplakia