Implants - Lecture 3: Terminology Flashcards
Field of dentistry dealing with the diagnosis, surgical placement, prosthetic reconstruction, and maintenance of dental implants
Implant dentistry
A biocompatible device placed within or on the bone of the maxilla or mandible to provide support for a prosthetic reconstruction
Dental implant
An endosseous dental implant circular in cross-section. It may be cylindrical, tapered, threaded, perforated, solid, or hollow in design
Root-form implant
Threaded root-form dental implant, which can be parallel-sided or tapered
Screw implant
An endosseous, root-form dental implant with a wider diameter coronally than apically. The sides of the implant converge apically
Tapered implant
Refers to the coronal aspect of a dental implant to which abutments, components, and prosthesis may be connected
A prosthetic connection interface that is external to the dental implant platform
External implant connection
A prosthetic connection interface that is internal to the dental implant platform
Internal implant connection
Soft tissue occupying the interproximal space confined by adjacent implant-supported fixed restorations in contact
Interimplant papilla
The horizontal distance between the platforms of two adjacent dental implants
Interimplant distance
How much space is needed between 2 implants?
How much space is needed between an implant and a normal tooth?
The percentage of all bone tissue that is constituted by mineralized bone
Bone density
How is bone density classified?
D1 (dense) to D4 (porous)
Physiologic or pathologic bone resorption of the most coronal aspect of the ridge around the neck of the implant
Crestal bone loss
Sharp or narrow morphology of a residual ridge in the mandible or maxilla, usually a result of progressive resorption (ridge atrophy)
Knife-edge ridge
A surgical procedure performed to establish additional bone volume, using autogenous bone and/or a bone replacement graft, prior to or simultaneously with dental implant placement
Bone grafting
Increasing the dimension of an existing alveolar ridge by placement of a graft
Ridge augmentation
The immediate placement of a grafting material on an extraction socket following tooth extraction.
Ridge preservation
To conserve the bone and soft tissue contour by avoiding bone resorption
Ridge preservation
Bone regenerative technique that uses physical means (e.g., barrier membranes) to seal off an anatomic site where bone is to be regenerated.
Guided bone regeneration
Augmentation of the antral floor with autogenous bone and/or bone substitutes to accommodate dental implant insertion
Sinus graft/lift
To make or become white or pale, usually in reference to peri-implant or periodontal soft tissues
Deficiency of blood in an area due to
Term for inflammatory reactions in the hard and soft tissues, with loss of supporting bone, surrounding a dental implant exposed to the oral environment
A dental implant placed in a position creating restorative, biomechanical, and/or esthetic challenges for an optimal restorative result
Malpositioned implant
The direct contact between living bone and a functionally loaded dental implant surface without interposed soft tissue at the light microscope level.
The clinical manifestation of osseointegration is the absence of ___________
A surgical protocol consisting of placing an implant in the bone and leaving it covered with a flap. A second surgery is needed to expose the implant in order to create the prosthesis
Two-stage surgery
A surgical protocol consisting of placing an implant in bone and leaving it in contact with the oral environment during the healing process, thus eliminating a second surgical procedure
One-stage surgery
Placement of a dental implant into the extraction socket at the time of tooth extraction
Immediate implant placement
The time of applying occlusal forces (like an implant crown) to a dental implant after its initial placement
Restoration after 3-6 months
Conventional loading
Restoration at the time of implant placement
Immediate loading
Restoration after 2-3 weeks
Early loading
Restoration after 6-12 months
Delayed loading
The failure of a dental implant after osseointegration has been established (peri-implantitis)
Late implant failure
The failure of a dental implant due to the failure to establish osseointegration
Early implant failure
The pressure exerted through the soft tissue on a submerged (buried) dental implant
(ex: pt wearing a partial denture while implant is healing)
Transmucosal loading
A force that produces or tends to produce rotation or torsion
A measurement of an instrument capacity to continue to rotate under resistance to rotation
What are the units for torque?
Newton centimeters (Ncm)
An instrument, manual or electronic, used to
apply a torque
Torque wrench
A restoration that is not removable by the patient
Fixed prosthesis
Fixed prosthesis designed to restore and enhance esthetics, stabilization, and/ or function for a limited time
Interim prosthesis/restoration
Removable partial or complete denture, which may be implant-supported, or implant-tissue supported. The prosthesis is retained by attachments
A metal-resin, implant-supported, fixed complete denture. Combo of a metal framework with a complete denture (PMMA)
Hybrid prosthesis
Technique for total rehabilitation of the edentulous patient placing four implants in either arch where the distal-most implants are placed in a tilted position to increase support
All on 4
The portion of a dental implant or a dental implant component that serves to support and/ or retain a prosthesis. It may consist of one or more pieces
Abutment used for the fabrication of an interim restoration. It could be cemented or screw-retained
Temporary abutment
A mechanical device for the fixation, retention, and stabilization of a dental prosthesis. Consists of one or more parts, made of titanium, gold or plastic
The impression of the implant platform using an implant impression coping
Implant-level impression
The impression of an abutment either directly (conventional impression techniques), or indirectly (abutment impression coping)
Abutment-level impression
A replica of an implant, abutment or attachment mechanism, usually incorporated within a cast for a prosthetic reconstruction
A device that registers the position of a dental
implant or dental implant abutment in an impression
Impression coping
It may be retained in the impression (direct) or may require a transfer from intraoral usage to the impression after the attachment of the corresponding analog (indirect)
Impression coping
Impression technique that uses an impression coping with positioning features.
Closed-tray impression
After removal of the impression, the coping is unthreaded from the mouth, connected to a laboratory analog and repositioned into the impression prior to pouring
Closed-tray impression
Impression technique that uses an impression coping with retentive features around which a rigid elastic impression material is injected.
Open-tray impression
To remove the impression, the impression coping is first unthreaded through an opening on the occlusal surface of the tray
Open-tray impression
The use of dental cement for the retention of a prosthesis to an abutment, or transmucosal portion of a one-piece dental implant
The use of a screw for retention of an
abutment or a prosthesis
The channel in a screw-retained implant prosthesis giving access to the abutment or prosthetic screw, usually through the occlusal or lingual surface of the prosthesis
Access hole
A threaded fastener used to connect a prosthesis to a dental implant, an abutment, or a mesostructure
Prosthetic screw
A cap-type screw used to seal the platform of an implant during osseointegration
(used when an implant is buried)
Cover screw
Connects to a dental implant and protrudes through the soft tissue. It functions in guiding the healing of the mucosal peri-implant tissues and when removed, provides access to the platform
(used after an implant is exposed)
Healing abutment
The use of an abutment with a diameter narrower than that of the dental implant platform
Platform switching
A prosthetic extension supported on one side
A guide derived from a diagnostic wax-up and
worn during the radiographic exposure to relate the tooth position to the anatomical structures. It serves to assist in the diagnosis and planning phase for dental implants
Radiographic template
A guide used to assist in the preparation for
and placement of dental implants. It can be bone-supported, soft tissue-supported, or tooth-supported
Surgical guide
Uses milling technologies to produce a variety of different dental restorations, including crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays, fixed bridges, dental implant restorations and orthodontic appliances
The clinical and lab steps to acquire intraoral and/or extraoral patient info in a digital format for the purpose of aiding in the diagnosis and tx planning phase, from initial chairside scanning to the fabrication of a dental prosthesis in the dental lab
Digital workflow
The use of intraoral scanners to acquire tooth and gingiva morphology and occlusion in a digital format to aid in the diagnosis and tx planning phase, fabricate a dental prosthesis, orthodontic applications, or fabricate surgical templates for dental implants or oral surgery procedures
Digital impression
A file format native to CAD software. These
files describe only the surface geometry of a 3D object without any representation of color, texture, or other common CAD model attributes
STL (standard triangulation/tessellation language)
A device that engages a dental implant to
allow for an intraoral scan to record it’s
position along with the surrounding
anatomical structures creating a digital
Scanning abutment (scan body)