ORBIT & OCULAR ADNEXAE - Tear Film and blinking Flashcards
What are the three layers of the tear film?
- Lipid layer
- Aqueous layer
- Mucous layer
What is the lipid layer formed by?
Meibomian glands
Glands of zeiss and Moll
What is the aqueous component formed by?
Lacrimal gland
Accesory lacrimal gland
What is the rate of basal tear secretion?
What is the rate of reflex tear secretion?
Basal - 1.2 microlitres/minute
Reflex - 100 fold increase
Basal tears are produced by which glands?
Reflex tears are produced by which glands?
Basal - lacrimal and accessory lacrimal
Reflex - lacrimal glands
How is production of the lipid layer activated/stimulated?
By blinking (not neurally controlled)
Final tear secreted has higher or lower potassium vs plasma?
higher potassium
What are the components of the mucin layer? Where are they located?
- Goblet cells - epithlium of bulbar conjunctiva and fornix (inferonasal part of conjunctiva most populated)
- Crypts of Henlte - tarsal conjunctiva
- Glands of manz - ring of limbal conjunctiva
What is the function of the lipid layer?
Prevents evaporation by increasing surface tension and ensures optic clarity
How thick is the lipid layer?
How thick is the aqueous layer?
How thick is the mucin layer?
- Lipid - 0.1 microns
- Aqueous - 2-6 microns
- Mucin layer - 0.05 microns.
How much tears can the ocular surface hold at any time?
8 microlitres
Where are the tear compartments of the eye? (3)
- forniceal compartment
- tear menisci
- preocular tear film (precorneal tear film + prebulbar tear film)
What percentage of tears are reabsorbed through the nasolacrimal duct mucosa?
What percentage of tears are drained into the floor of nasal cavity?
- reabsorbed - 90%
- drained - 10%
What is the lid wiper zone?
The marginal zone between the subtarsal fold to mucocutaneous junction on the lid margin