What are the main properties of the sclera?
Outer fibrous coat of eye, avascular and acellular structure apart from some fibroblsats.
it is covered by tenon’s capsule.
Where is the sclera the thickest?
Where is the sclera the thinnest?
Thickest - posteriorly around nerve
Thinnest - around EOM insertions
Where is the most common site of scleral rupture following blunta trauma?
Area parallel with limbus on opposite side of the impact (contre-coup effect)
What is the sclera derived from embryologically?
mesenchymal condensations around optic cup.
At what age is the scleral spur formed by embryologically?
5 months
What type of collagen is seen in scleral stroma?
Irregular collagen lattice (Types 1 and 3)
What is the blood supply of the episclera?
Anterior ciliary artery, long and short posterior ciliary arteries
What is the structure of the sclera?
Episclera - below tenon’s capsule, vascularised layer.
Scleral stroma: irregular arranged fibres so sclera is opaque
Lamina fusca - inner scleral layer containing melanocytes (migrated from choroid), separated by choroid by suprachoroidal space.
What is the anterior continuation of sclera?
What is posterior continuation of sclera?
Anterior: Conjunctiva
Posterior: Tenon’s capsule