How thick is the corneal epithelium in terms of cell layers?
six layers thick
The anterior surface of the cornea is ….. shaped whereas posterior surface of the cornea is ….. shaped
- eliptical
- spherical
What is the horizontal diameter of cornea?
What is the vertical diameter of the cornea?
What is the average diameter of cornea?
What is the radius of the curvature of cornea?
What is the radius of curvature of the sclera?
- cornea – 7.8mm
- sclera – 12mm.
What is the average central corneal thickness?
What is the average peripheral corneal thickness?
520 micrometers
670 micrometers
What is the anterior refractive power of the cornea?
What is the posterior refractive power of the cornea?
What is the total power of the cornea?
Anterior: +49D
Posterior: -6D
Total: 43D
What is the refractive index for these structures?
1. Air
2. Cornea
3. Anterior Chamber
4. Lens
5. Vitreous
Air - 1
Cornea - 1.37
AC + vitreous -1.33
Lens - 1.42
Where are the corneal layers derived from?
- epithelium - surface ectoderm
- stroma, descemet’s, endothelium - mesoderm
What type of epithelium is the cornea?
Stratified (5-6 layers)
Squamous (superficial cells flattened)
Non keratinised (nucleated, no keratin)
squamous superficially, columnar in deeper layers
How long does it take for entire cornea epithelium to be replaced?
7 days
What is the function of the microvilli in the cornea?
Are present with glycocalyx and help in adhesion and stability of the tear film to prevent tear film evaporation and subsequent dry eye.
Where are the corneal epithelium stem cells found?
In the limbal basal epithelium at the palisades of Vogt
What is the thickness of Bowman’s membrane?
What is the thickness of Descemet’s membrane?
Bowman’s: 8-16 micrometers
Descemets: 8-12um
What is Bowman’s membrane composed of?
Collagen type 7: randomly arranged collagen fibres generally resistant to trauma - cannot be regenerated
Hemidesmosomes to link cells to extracellular matrix
Desmosomes to link cells together with tight junctions to prevent penetration of tear electrolytes
What are the main components of the corneal stroma (3)
1.Uniform Collagen fibrils (arranged in flat bundles called laminae - 200-300 laminae present)
- keratocytes connected by gap junctions which secrete collagen - arranged in corkscrew pattern to produce GAGs
- GAGs - keratan sulphate posteriorly (most common), chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate anteriorly.
What is responsible for the transparency of the cornea?
The highly uniform collagen fibres in the stroma (25-35micrometers) and distance between two corneal fibres is uniform (41.5nm)
What are the reasons for corneal transparency? (5)
1.Optically smooth tear film
2.Role of corneal epithelium
3.Arrangement of stromal fibres
4.Avascularity of the cornea
5.Absence of myelination in corneal nerves
What is descemets membrane composed of?
Type IV collagen arranged in hexagonal pattern
Heparan sulfate
There are no TIGHT junctions.
Descemet’s membrane is ….. attached to the stroma and is …… to enzyme degradation by phagocytes and toxins
What is the main shape of the corneal endothelium?
How are they connected together? (3)
hexagonal forming continuous mosaic pattern
Various junctional complexes
(1) zonula occludens (tight junctions)
(2) macula occludens
(3) macula adherens
What do the corneal endothelial pumps do?
Sets osmotic gradient that causes fluid to move from stroma to the aqueous to maintain 70% corneal hydration to keep cornea transparent
What are the 3 different endothelial pumps?
Na/K –> 3 Na exit to AH, 2 K+ enter
Na/H –> 1 Na enters, 1 H+ exits
Na/HCO3 –> Na exits to AH, bicarb exits
What endothelial cell density leads to corneal decompensation?
800 cells / mm2
500 cells / mm2 - corneal oedema.
What is the blood supply of the cornea?
No blood supply
Anterior ciliary artery (ophthalmic artery) forms arcade in limbal region