Oral Health and Nutrition Flashcards
Patient education
How to maintain good oral hygiene at home?
- Initial instruction : explain the realtionship of plaque to dental disease.
- Assess the patient’s motivations and needs: combine the patients motivation factors with patient’s needs.
- select home cleaning aid: toothbrush, toothpaste, floss.
- keep the instruction simple: comment positively on the patient’s efforts
Early dental care
Ages 2-6 years: 2-3 age should have all their primary dentition. during this time , good nutritional health and good oral health habits should be stressed to parents. children are young to understand verbal brushing technique instruction, so child should be instruction via video or pictures. it important that parents parents play an active role in oral health.
ages 7-12 years: in this group, permanent first and second molars begin to erupt. children can play more actibe role in their oral health, but parents still need to be involved and educated. Placing sealant on the first permanent molars are important preventive treatments.
Adolescents (teen): should continue to be educated on good oral health practices. counseling risky behaviors such as alcohol and tobacco is a prat of good oral health program. Teen should be encouraged to take an active role in their in oral health plan.
Adults: must continue to receive oral health counseling. fine truing brushing and flossing techniques is important for patient to have lifelong good oral health. health issues may become important factors in overall oral health maintenance.
Fluoride a primary weapon to combat dental caries for more than 40 y. Fluoride is mineral that occurs natually in food and water.
1 part per million (ppm) of Fluoride in drinking water has been specified as safe and recommended concentration to aid in the control of the dental decay. one drop of Fluoride in bathtub of water.
Systemic Fluoride and topical Fluoride
Systemic Fluoride: Fluoride is ingested from food, beverages or supplement.
topical Fluoride : applied directly to teeth through the use of topical Fluoridated toothpastes and mouth rinses. topical applications of rinses, gel , foam, varnishes
- prescription strength Fluoride are applied i dental office.
- Non- prescription straight Fluoride are sold over counter for home use.
-fluoridated water is available bottled or through the community.
The strenghth of Fluoride
Fluoride helps to strengthen enamel during all stages of tooth development. Fluorides used in dental office have been proven dafe and effective when used ad recommended. the required amount of fluoride is absorbed through the intestine into the bloodstream and transported where it is needed.systemic Fluoride is excreted by body through the skin and kidneys and in the feces.
pre Eruptive development: before tooth erupts, a fluid filled sac surround it. systemic fluoride present in this fluid strengthens the enamel of developing tooth and make it more resistant to acid.
post -Eruptive development: After tooth erupts, fluoride continues to enter the enamel and alter the structure of the enamel crystals. less acid soluble.
Excessive fluoride use
large amounts of fluoride can be dangerous.
- Harmful effects of too much fluoride: chronic overexposure to fluoride can result dental fluorosis in children younger than 6 with developing teeth.acute overdose of fluoride is very rare , but can result in poisoning or death.
- Excessive fluoride prevention strategies: evaluate the patient’s current fluoride intake.
Topical fluoride
applied to make teeth more resistant and decalcified areas.
- prescription mouth rinse contain 0.63% stannous fluoride or 0.2% sodium fluoride.
- none prescription mouth rinse: 0.005% sodium fluoride.
- Brush on gel contain 1.15 % sodium fluoride and 2% sodium fluoride.
- fluoride water
facts: fluoride can reduce 40,50% caries.
Dietary analysis
done to determine the patient’s current food intake.
the listing includes all meals, supplement, gum, snacks and fluoride water.
- without sugars, dental caries will not occur.
- sucrose has a grater causing potential than other sugars.
- flour and starches are not decay causing, but when starch is used in conjunction with sugar carries increases.
plaque control
plaque can kept under control woth the use of brushing, flossing, interdental cleaning aid.
goal to remove plaque at lease once daily.It is important for dental assistants to remain current newest products so they can advise patients and make recommendation and answer question back.
Xylitol substance prevents caries.
Tooth brushing
- Bass method: toothbrush at 45 degree angle to gingival margin
-Chaters method: 45 degree angle and brush swept the apex in circular motion
- stilllman method: 45 degree angle into sucus pulling towad incisal edge.
- fone’s method: for chldren without dexterity
dental professional will recommend the best method to patients needs.
types Toothbrushes
* each types of toothbrush has many sixe such as unfant/child/teen or adults.
* both types are effective in remove plaque.
nylon bristles toothbrush is preferred because their ends are rounded.
brush should be replaced every 8 to 12 weeks
interdental aids
- End-tuft brush: much like regular toothbrush soft. used to clean around othodontic brackets.
- Bridge cleaner:
-Automatic flosser:
-perio aid:
ways or tools used to fight disease
-Toothpaste : dentifrice contain ingratiation designed to hep remove food and stains
many brands of toothpaste contain fluoride and fresh and clean feeling. some toothpaste now contain a compound that reduces calculus formation when regularly after dental cleaning. these will not remove existing calculus.
-Dental floss: remove bacterial plaque and reduce bleeding.
floss availble various of colors and flavors.
Cleaing bridages, dentures other othodntic device
looks like large needle made flexible
The role of dental assistant
- counseling patients about the prevention of tooth decay.
- counseling patients regarding their diet following oral surgery or other dental procedures.
- performing dietary analysis with patients
- counseling patients who have orthodontic appliance on their teeth with regard to food choices
nutrients: components in food that supply the elements necessary to meet the body’s requirements for energy, growth, maintenance and well-being.
Dieary Guidlines
Recommended dietary allowances (RDA) are levels of essential nutrients needs by individuals on a daily basis.
in July 2011, food pyamid known as mypyramid was replaced by MyPlate which is an easier way to identify food portions. Helps american what their own plate should contain.
-fruits, Grains, vegetable, protein, and dairy.
two-thirds of body’s weight water.
water helps
- Build tissue
- regulate body temperature
- Lubricate joints and mucous membranes.
-source of energy
- simple sugars: are found in processed food
- complex carohydrates (starchs) are mainly found in grains
- Dietary fiber is also called
Carbohydrates found in sources
- cereal grains (wheat, corn, oat, rice)
- sweets (table sugar , honey, corn syrups)
-vegetables (green leafy , beans, peas)
Cariogenic food
Any food that contains sugar or other carbohydrates that can be metabolized by bacteria into plaque is calls Cariogenic.
Misuse of carbohyrades
causes numbers of health conditions]
-caries: caused in left in mouth
- Alcoholism: Alcohol is converted into sugar in body
- Hypoglycemia: there is an insufficient amount of glucose present in the blood. Reading 70g/dL or below is Hypoglycemia
- Hyperglycemia: excessive amounts of glucose are present in blood A reading 120 mg/dL or able is a Hyperglycemia.
- Lactos intolerance: body lacks the enzymes necessary to break down the sugars present in milk.
fats are an important source of energy.
consuming excessive amounts of fat it can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancers.
- essential acids
- fats transpot vitamins
- fats provide heat insulation’
- fats are components of cells membranes and covering nerve fibers.
waxy steroid fat that is essential structural component of cell walls and is used to synthesize hormones.
found in saturated fats from animals sources. The fat in body two categories
- high density lipoprotein (HDL) is good fat
- Low density lipoprotein (LDL) bad fat
-composed of amino acids.
- There are 20 amino acids and 8 is which are essential in adult for normal growth and maintenance of tissue.
- 8 essential amino acid must com from foods.
proteins are found in food
- complete proteins (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy)
- partially complete proteins (grains and vegetables)
- Incomplete proteins (corn and gelatin)
vitamins and Antioxidants
vitamins: organic substances that occur in plant and animals tissues.
vitamins do not supply energy but they are needed to release energy form carbohydrates, fats and portions.
13 vitamins have been discovered
-four fat soluble
-nine are water soluble
Sources of vitamins E ( chick peas, sunflower seeds almonds)
Sources of vitamins C ( oranges, strawberries , lemons , grapefruit )
Sources of Beta-carotene ( carrots, sweet, spinach)
Seasonings that contain Antioxidants (nutmeg, Rosemary, green team pepper)
natural solid found in earth crust and used by body like vitamins.
Major elements
- Na
- potassium
- calacium
- Cllorine
- phosphorus
- magnesium
Minor (trace)
- zine
- copper
- selenium
Diet Modification
It is helpful to have special instruction written for patients to take home.
- consistency : sticky or chewy food should be avoided . soft food are recommended for patients.
- Caloric level: A good number of calories in necessary for proper healing after oral surgery.
- spicy food: too spicy can irritate the oral tissues after dental procedures.
- levels of one or more nutrients: properly balanced diet promotes all forms of healing.
Food lables
Have information
- size
- total calories
- % of daily value
Example of nutrients claims included
- low fat
- high fiber
- reduced calories
-cholesterol free
Eating disorders
- dentist is obligated to assist patient obtaining psychotherapy and medical care.
during adulthood influences of media and food industry.
-Anorexia nervosa
- bulimia