Microbiology Flashcards
pioneers in microbiology
- Robert Hooke 1635-1703 developed a primitive version of modern microscope that led to discovery of cell theory.
- Anton van leeuwenhoek 1632-1723 used primitive microscope that was about 300x magnification to see small organisms.
- louis pasteur 1822-1895 father od microbiology he devoloped process of pasteurization and disovered first vaccine for rabies
other pioneers in microbiology
- Robert koch 1843-1910 was german microbiologist. known as a pioneer in bacteriology.
- Julius petri: 1852-1921 was german bacteriologist. petri plates/dishes were named after him.
- Alexander fleming 1881-1951. he was a scottish biologist and pharmacologist whose failed ecperiment tured into a greatest medical advanced in history. A bacterial culture had become contaminated with mold. fleming noticed that no bacteria were grown around the med first antibiotic.
Major groups of microorganisms
-Algae: marine plants that contain chorophy II. can be single cell or multiple. don not have roots stems or leaves found in land based plants. found in seaweeds, freshwater, saltwater and moist places. donot cause human disease.
- bacteria: prokaryotic that range in shape form rods (bacilli) to spheres (cocci) to spirals (corkscrews)
-fungi: Eukarytoic containing a nucleous. fung lack chlorophyII
-protozoa: singlel-cel organism. some protozoa can live as cysys for long periods outside their hosts, some cause disease. responsible for intestinal infections and can invade the lungs, brain, liver and blood.
-rickettsiae: live in intestinal tracts of insects such as lice, fleas and mosquitoes. they are short small
-viruses: can be fatal, they live inside cell and replicate and destroy host cells and the virus copies are released into the body
tiny size. they live inside a host cell and replicate. viruses than destory their host cells and virus copies are released into the body.
Human imunodeficiency virus (HIV)
is an infection in which body’s immune system is destroyed by retrivirus (RNA virus cells).
Type t cell kills them
HIV can be ransmitted by bidy fluids inluded blood,breast milk.
Human herpes viruses
herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 an infection that caused sores on lips also lesions are commonly know as fever or cold sores.
viral hapatitis
- Hapatitis a virus (HAV): called facal-oral becuase it is transmitted when somthing is put in the mouth from a perosn with hepatitis.
- Hepatitis B virus (HBV): liver cancer, liver failure illness or even death. HBV transmitted by saliva, blood or body fluids.
- hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmitted through blood transfusion or exposure to blood for example tatto needles
- hepatitis D virusL. required HBV to replicated. A patient infected with both B and D virus often has acute disease and higher rich of death. HBV vaccination also protects against
HDV infractions. - hepatitis E virus (HEV) is transmitted thrught food and eater that has been contaminate by facal oral transmission
Viral hepatitis prevention
An effective vaccine and empoyees have right to refuse vaccination but must sign forms.
oSHA bloodborne pathogen offer hepatitis B vaccination
bacteria that harmful
- Anthrax: more common in animals
- Bostulism: caused by botulinum toxin attacks nervous system
- tetanus: found in soil, animals or human feces.
- tuberculosis: caused by bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis leading of death.
- dental plaque: formed by coloizing bacteria that attach themselves to smooth surface of tooth.
when a bacteria is in spore form it is alive but still in active form
Dental infection/ chain infection to accur
- Infection agent: this is pathogen, disease causing organism
-Reservoir or source: is a natural environment that pathogen required for survival.
- Portal of exit from the reservoir or source: is needed fir patogen to leave the reservoir. if a reservoir is a human then the portal of exit may be saliva, blood, nose, throat.
-mode of transmission: can be direct or indirect. Direct requires close association with the infected host. indirect, required vector such as an animal or insect.
- susceptible to host: various factors influence the severity of infection including the strength if immune system and the reproductive rate if pathogen.
ability of organism to invade the blood stream and reproduce. refer to it pathogenicity
The grater the volume of bioburdent (organic materials like blood and saliva) present the grater the number of microorganism present
Reduce bioburden is to use dams and high volume evacuators
type of infecions
- Acute infection: short duration (days)
- Chronic infection: longe (months to years)
- latent infection: patient shows no clinical signs
- opportunistic infection: become pathogenic when immune system is compromised.
stages of infection
- Incubation stage: initial entrance of microorganism into body.
-prodromal stage: nonspecific symptoms begin to appear
- Acute stage: symptoms are specific and a person will be ill.
- convalescent stage: body’s defense begin to destroy the microorganism.
Disease transmission routes:
- Direct: transmitted thought contact or bite
-Indirect: when a person touches a surface or substance that with infectious agent or touching contaminated instuments. - Aersosol, spray, spatter: spread in a fine spray of fluid
-Airborne: though puncturing of skin, open wound, or needle - parenteral: though puncturing of skin, open wound, or needle
-blood-born: via blood or body fluids - food and water: improperly contains fecal matter.
-facal/oral: not washing hands after toilet nand then touch area like eyes and mouth
Patient to dental team transmission
touching with patient’s blood and saliva is most common of transmission
-wearing protective gloves
-washing hands 15 seonds
-wearing full face masks
- using rubber dams
- havig patient use antiseptic
Immune system
communcicable disease :via blood and saliva
-Inherited immunity: innate immunity present at birth
-Acquired immunity: developen over a person lifetime
- Naturally Acquired immunity: a person who has contracted a disease and recoovered from it
-Artificially Acquired immunity: via immunization or vaccination
-Passive immunity: body of host receives immunity from another sources such as mother and breast feeding.
-Active immunity: body host is activist involved in the immune response
dental team to patient
it is rare
dental team to denal team
by handling records while wearing gloves. gloves should be removed before handing filling.
- changing cloths before leaving office