Caring for the Dental Patient Flashcards
Admitting the patient
patient should be admitted in a professional and courteous manner.
When you admit the patient should complete the actions
- pleasantly greet the patient by name in the reception area
- Escort the patients to the treatment area
- lace the patient’s personal items in a safe place, out of the way of the procedure.
- Initiate conversation with the patient.
- ask the patients has any questions about the treatment that you be able to answer.
Preparing of your patient
dental assistant responsibility of preparing treatment area, assisting the dentist in procedures and carrying out expanded functions.
A good way is reviewing the patient record.
preparing the treament area
in addition to preparing the patient you also must prepare the treatment area.
- Treatment room is clean, ready for next patient
- patient records, radiographs, and laboratory results are in place.
-sterile preset tray and other supplies are in place - dental chair is position the seat of the patient
- equipment is moved out of the way of the patient and dental team
Seating the patient
she or he needs to be seated properly for procedures
steps to seat patient:
- seat the patient from the side of the dental chair
- lower or slide the arm into position
- place the napkin on the patients
- inform the patient before adjusting the chair
-position the operating light
- complete treatment room preparations
-wash hands and put on personal protective equipment
Role of the dental assistant to complete the actions
- help the dentist provide type of treatment is needed
- act as source of education and answers for both patient and any family members
- provide emotional and physical comfort to the patient
- help reduce any fear of anxiety the patients may have
Physcially compromised patient
- wheelchair bound patient: care when moving the patient into dental office into dental chair.
- Vision impaired patients: this patient relies heavily sense of touch and oral communications.
- hearing impaired patients: face your patient, speak slowly, keep directions simple, give written instructions.
stages with the aging populations
- Young/old (65-74): increasingly in health care and service and retain most of their natural teeth
- old (75 to 84): may have multiple health issue as well as fixed and removable
-old /old (85 up): may have medial conditions affecting oral health, fewer natural teeth and tooth loss is inevitable.
Denatl changes with age
Some most common oral conditions that affect the old patients?
- Xerostomia: dry mouth caused by health problems. reduce the amount of saliva
- Periodontal disease: older poulation becuase their tissues are often slower to heal
- Dental decay: increase in form of coronal and root caries around defective restorations.
- Bone resorption: results in loss of he alveolar ridge.
patient with heart disease
leading cause of death in US foe both man and women
heat disease ways to show
- hypertension or high blood pressure
- chest pain due to lack of blood supply to heart
- heat attack
-heat failure
- bacteria attacks blood system and cardiac valves
treatment plant:
- using of supplemental oxygen
- vital sign checks throughout the procedure
-use of prophylactic sublingual nitroglycerin
-Avoidance of epinephrine
Cardiovascular disorders
Hypertension: high blood pressure
majors factors: stress ,age, heredity, smoking, obesity
EndocarditisL type of infections that affects not only cardiac valves bit also the supporting structures. it caused by blood-born pathogens.
You should note that a patient with a cardiac disease or prosthetic carries an increased risk of infections from bacteria carried in blood.
Patients with neuralgic
Alzheimer’s : brain disorder
early disease: forgetfulness
intermediate: confusion
late: total dementia
dental patients who have Alzheimaer will require a shift in treatment plan
- through dental examination in early stages
- special attention to daily care of mouth
- Alertness to sin of xerostomia
seizures النوبات
The condition can results in
-petit mal seizures: last five to 10 seconds
-grand mal seizures: last longer and can end in unconsciousness
treatment plan modifaction for patients with seizures
-maintenance of oral hygiene
-surgical reduction of gingival hyperplasia
- questioning before any procedure with regard to diet, stress, pain and alcohol.
Storke patients
common health issue in elderly
treatment plan modifications
- midmorning scheduling with additional time set aside
-modification of oral hygiene aids.
patients with pulmonary disorders
pulmonary disorders is broad rage of conditions that affect the lungs and interfere with the ability to breath normally.
- Bronchial Asthma: caused by allergies
-COPD: blocks airflow during respiration
-Bronchi-ties: airways are narrowed
-Emphysema: treatments minimizing stress, setting morning
Ptients with muscloskeletal disorders
bone and joins to muscles.
Treatment plant modifications are
-seeing arthritic patients in morning
- avoiding sedation in patients whose breathing impaired.
-Artthrities: older patients have chronic progressive arthritis
Muscular dystrophy: involves the striated muscles in body.
Patients with Enocrine disorders
Endocrine disorders affects many glands throughout body responsible for releasing hormones into bloodstream.
treatment medical
-providing medical consultation which is essential
- Avoiding epinephrine
*hyperthyroid disorder: means thyroid gland overactive
- hyperthyroid disorder: means thyroid gland under-active and produce less hormone
vital signs
- temptures
-pulse - respiration
- bood pressure
to have a clear picture about overall health.
Outside affects can make signs unstable such as
- fear
- llness
measuing temperature
thermometers measure the temperature. The aaverage range for adult is 97.5 to 99 F, infants and small children may be higher
thermometers can be digital, glass and sensitive tape
human temperature can be taken four location. tongue, ear, under arm and rectum.
digital thermometer
common because quick ad easy to use
how digital thermometer differ from glass thermometer? it has a timing systems shows a digital reading after 30 sec
What can cause an inaccurate reading? low battery in a digital thermometer
How do you maintain infection control using digital thermometer ? disposable plastic sheath that slides over probe
tympanic thermometer
works by means of small probe that is gently inserted into ear canal read with 2 sec
we can have open mouth, hot or cold drink willl be no effect in the process
using glass thermometer
it took 3 minutes for mercury to record a temperature.
Also it is rarely used i today’s offices because mercury inside glass is toxic and can cause a health hazard
Blood pressure
two pressure of heart
-systolic: number the amount of pressure it takes for left ventricle of heart to compress or push oxygenated blood into blood vessels.
-Diastolic: number the amount of pressure that exists when heart muscle is at rest and heart taking in blood to be oxygenated before the next contraction.
Normal blood pressure reading
Try to relax the patients
wait 5-10 min before taking reading
normal less 120 less 80
- blood pressure cuff
- meter
-rubber bulb
hearth rate
radial artery: place index and middle fingers.
count pulse for 30 seconds then multiple by 2
Brachial artery: using cuff
carotid artery: finger on patient’s neck
pulse characteristics
-rate: # of beats
-Rhythm: patten of beats
-volume: force of beats
-readings: normal pulse 60-100 beats per minute. child 70-120
-Irregularity:irregularity in force or force or rhythm of heartbeat.
Respiration characteristics
rateL total # of breaths per minute
Rhythm: pattern of breaths
depth: amount of air inhaled and exhaled