General Anatomy & Physiology Flashcards
What is the study of anatomy?
The study of shape and structures of the human body. naming the body parts. systems,directions and body planes and cavities.
what is physiology?
he study of functions and how all parts work together.
The skeletal system
- 206 bone
- function are protection, support , storage minerals , and shape
Skeleton is divided into
axial: skull, spinal cords,
appendicular: upper extermitites and lower
What are the two kinds of bone
Compact bone: it is hard, dense and strong
cancellous bone: spongy bone it is lighter in weight
Bone marrow
- red marrow: filled with blood vessel, red marrow makes red and white blood cells. found in children.
- yellow marrow: contains mainly fat cells it found in adults long bones.
types of joint
fibrous joints: like skull do not move
cartilaginous joints: made of connective tissue and cartilage
synovial joints: these moveable joints
skrletal system disorders?
- osteoporosis: low bone mass
- Arthritis: التهاب المفاصل
-fracture: broken bone
muscular system?
gives the ability to walk, run and digest food and pump blood.
muscular system consists of muscle tissue, connective tissue, nerve issues and blood tissue.
type of muscle tissue
-skeletal or striated: dark and light bond and it is known as voluntary muscle.
- smooth muscle: moves the internal organs
- cardiac muscle
muscle movement
- contraction: become shorter and thicker
- Relaxation:when the muscle return to it original from or shape
origin: attached to portion that is attached to less movable bone during contraction
Insertion: attached to moveable end of bone
the cardiovascular system
made up of circulatrotu system (arteries veins), heart, lymphatic system.
circulatory system
system transports o2 and nutrients to cells and pick up co2 wastes from the body.
The heart
double walled membranous sac know as pericardium
heats is hollow muscle with 4 chambers
the vessels are named for thire location
- arteries : carry blood away from heart.
-capillaries: vessels that connect the arterial. are so tiny red blood must travel as a line up.
-veins: carry deoxgental toward heart low pressure collecting system to return the waste-filled blood to heart
plasm 91% water.
types of blood cell are
red bloodz: contain protein homoglobin part of oxygen transport.
while blood: leukocytes blood cells function of fighting disease in body.
The lymphatic system
defense against disease spleen is important to this system.
nervous system
- central nervous system: consist of brain and spinal cord.
-peripheral nervous system: consists of cranial nerves and spinal nerve. control heart rate, body tempture, breathing
Function of respiratory system
- transport of o2 to cell and excretion co2
-larynx is also known as the voice box, contains the vocal cords.
The respiratory system
consists of
paranasal sinuses
The digestive system
-ingestion: broken down into smallar pieces with teeth
-digestion: swallowed
- movement: food move through the digestive tract
-absorption: nutritional element into bloodstream.
The head
Endocrine system
consists of ductless glands and tissue that help regulated the body’s activities.
Endocrine uses chemical messages called hormones that released through ducts into the bloodstream.
lateral skull
single frontal
paried parietal
paired temporal
Anterior skull
lacrimal bone
nasal bone
inferior nasal concha
zygomatic bone
mandible (one moveable bone in skull)
Temporomandibular join
joint on each side of head that allow for movement of the mandible
- glenoid fossa
- articular eminence
- condyloid process
muscles of head and neck
-muscles of neck
-muscles of facial expression
-muscles mastication
-muscles of tongue
- muscles of soft palate
- muscles of pharynx
muscles of facial expression
orbicularis iris
zygomaticus major
muscles mastication
internal (medial) pterygoid
external (lateral ) pterygoid
these muscles are attached to the mandible
The muscles of the floor of the mouth
these muscles are located between mandible and hyoid bone.
Tongue two group
intrinsic : muscles are responsible for shaping the tongue during speech, chewing and swallowing.
extrinsic: assist in the movement and function of the tongue.
- geniolossus: protrudes the tongue
-hyolossus: retracts and pull down the side of tongue. - styloglossus: retracts the tongue
-palatoglossus: elevates the tongue and pull it backward.
muscles of the soft palate
- Palatoglossus
- palatopharyngeus
muscles of pharynx include three pharyngeal constrictors and two muscles
superior constrictor
middle constrictor
inferior constrictor
stylopharyngeous muscle
palatopharyngeus muscle
The salivary gland
produce saliva, which lubricates and cleanses the oral cavity and aids the digestion of food through an enzymatic process.
Also helps maintain the integrity of tooth surfaces through a process remineralization.
major salivary
- parotid salivary gland : largest 25% volume of saliva.
- submandiblar salivary gland: below the mandible, releases saliva into oral cavity through duct. 60-65% of total volume of sailva
- sublingual salivary gland: below the tongue, it is the smallest of the three and provides only 10 % of the total salivary volume.
two types of saliva
serous: produced by parotid gland; it is watery and mainly protein
Mocous: very thick mainly carbohydrates
salivary glands are classified by size
- Xerostomia: dry month can result in an increase in dental decay and problem in speech and chewing.
-salivary stones: can block duct openings preventing saliva from flowing into mouth.
Blood vessels of hand and neck
-Arota: ascends from the left of heart.
- common carotid artery: Arises from the aorta and subdivides into the internala nd external carotid arteries.
- common carotid artery: Arises from the aorta and subdivides into the internala nd external carotid arteries.
- internal carotid artery:Arises from the aorta and subdivides into the internala nd external carotid arteries.
-external carotid artery:Arises from the aorta and subdivides into the internala nd external carotid arteries.
facial nerve
facial paralysis result from damage to lower motor neurons of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). the facial muscles on one side are unsable.
Trigeminal nerve
primary source of innervation for the oral cavity.
Trigeminal nerve
lymph nodes of head and neck
lymph nodes nay indicate infection and cancer during examination.
lymph nodes that a dentist will palpate for inflammation
lymph node is samll round oval structure in lymph vessels.
-nodes that lie on both side the neck.
tonsillar area below the angle of mandible
- along the underside of mandible
-under the chin
paranasal sinuses
are air containing spaces with in skull that communicate with nasal cavity.
function: production of mucus. making bones of skull lighter, and providing resonance that help produce sound.
maxillary sinuses: largest
ethmoid sinuses:
frontal sinusesz; above eyes
sphenoid sinuses: located close to optic nerve, where vision damage