OOP_Javascript Flashcards
Why is this course important?
(Hint: Immense career impact)
A lot of developers write JavaScript applications without properly understanding the inner workings of JavaScript.
Don’t be one of these!
Get a solid foundation of the inner workings of JavaScript
It’s an immense help to your career
What are technical interviewers looking for?
(Hint: Object Oriented Programming)
Understanding of Object Oriented Programming
makes a candidate stand out!
What are popular interview questions?
Pillars of Object Oriented Programming:
What does this course teach?
OOP principles + how to implement in Javascript!
What is procedural programming?
A style of programming
bunch of variables that contain data
a number of functions that act on the data
As program grows, you have functions all over the place
You will copy and paste functions all over the place
If you change one function the others break
Object Oriented Programming
What are the benefits of Object Oriented Programming?
- Reduce complexity, increase reusability - group related variables and functions together to reduce complexity + increase reusability in applications and programs (encapsulation)
- Hide complexity - hide complexities from consumers, reducing complexity of applications, increasing speed and safety of programs (abstraction)
- Reduce redundant code - reduce redundant code by allowing objects to inherit code from a parent (Inheritance)
- Eliminate switch cases - eliminate switch cases by allowing objects to override inherited methods (Polymorphism)
What is object-oriented programming?
a very popular style of programming
It’s a model or pattern of programming
centered around objects rather than functions
OOP is not a programming language or tool!
It’s a style or model of programming
many frameworks are built using object oriented programming
HLL support OOP -
C#, Java, Python and Javascript
What problem does object oriented programming solve?
Spagetti code -
procedures (functions) all interconnected
change one function, other’s break
too much interconnection between functions
combine functions and data into units (objects)
What problem does encapsulation solve?
(Hint: too much interconnectedness)
Spagetti code
Hint: too much interconnectedness
What problem does abstraction solve?
This helps us reduce impact of change
simpler interface for objects
Making changes to the private method doesn’t cause issues in rest of the applications code because these changes don’t leak to the outside
What problem does inheritance solve?
(Hint: reduce redundant code)
It helps us eliminate redundant code
We can define properties and methods once in a generic object
other objects inherit these properties and methods
What are the two types of inheritance?
Classical vs. prototypical
Javascript doesn’t have classes and inheritance is implemented using prototypical inheritance!
What problem does polymorphism solve?
(Hint: elminate if/else and switch/case statements)
allows us to get rid of switch/case statements
We can implement a render method in each object
render method will behave differently depending on type of object referencing
What are the topics covered in objects?
Javascript is all about objects:
Creating objects
factoring constructors
adding, removing properties
private properties
How do we define an object?
use let or const
ES6 scope
don’t use var (scope issues)
What is object literal syntax?
(Hint: avoid for objects with methods)
Don’t use with objects that have behavior
If changes to a function is required, have to update multiple spots of code
What is an object in Javascript?
collection of key-value pairs
we can have key and value as a function
we can have a key and value as an object
This object has three “members”
If a member is a function we refer to it as a “method.”
the other members are “properties”
What is an object property?
(Hint: object member)
A member of an object that holds a value is called a property
What is an object method?
A function defined inside an object
called a method and is used to define some logic
How can we access an object’s members?
(Hint: dot or bracket)
access values and methods
using the dot notation
Bracket notation
In what ways can we define objects?
using object literals (simple) curly braces
using factories, using constructors
When do we say an object has “behavior”?
If an object has more than one method we say that object has “behavior”
Why is object literal syntax not a good way to create and duplicate an object with behavior?
(Hint: copy code to duplicate)
You will have to copy the exact code to duplicate the object
If there is a bug in the function, you’ll have to change in multiple places
It acts like procedural programming
When is object literal syntax not a problem?
if the object doesn’t have behavior or methods
Only has variables and values
What is the solution to the object literal syntax issue?
Use a factory or constructor function.
Java and C++ developers prefer constructor functions
Their syntax using the new keyword looks similar to Java
What is a factory function?
Used for creating objects
better than object literal syntax
reduce redundent code
What is the naming convention for constructor functions?
(Hint: Pascal)
Pascal case
What is the “.this” operator?
references or points to the global object “class” stored in memory
updates the values for that object.
When we use the new operator to call a function, what three things happen?
- New operator creates an empty object
- Sets “this” to point to that object
- Returns the object from this statement
When do we refer to a function as a constructor function?
When we use the .this keyword along with the new operator
we refer to the function as a constructor function.
When do we refer to a function as a factory function?
When we return an object from a function we refer to it as a factor function