Non-Linear Data Structures Flashcards
What is Big O notation?
Big O is a mathematical notation
Time/space complexity
that describes the limiting behavior of a function where the argument tends toward a particular value or infinity.
When do we use Big O notation?
To determine the scale-ability of an algorithm as input grows large.
What does Big O describe?
The performance on an algorithm
What does Big O have to do with data structures?
Certain operations can be more or less costly depending on what data structure is used (Array, Linked List, Queue, etc)
Name the different time complexities.

What is exponential time complexity?
The opposite of logarithmic time complexity.
The exponential curve grows faster as the input grows.

Which is time complexity more efficient?
While O(n) grows linearly with greater input,
O(log n) slows down at some point.
This makes O(log n) quadratic time more efficient that O(n) linear time.
At what point does the logarithmic algorithm slow down?
at some point, O(log n) will slow down.
When we reduce our work in half every step.

What is the Big-O for linear search vs. binary search?
linear search = O(n).
Iterate an array.
binary search = O(log n).
search a binary tree.
What are the five most common time complexity curves?

What are non-linear data structures?
- Binary Trees
- AVL Trees
- Heaps
- Tries
- Graphs
When would we have a quadratic Big-O value?
When we use nested loops that each performs an iteration over the entire set of values.
What is logarithmic time complexity?
When we throw out half our items and narrow our search.
o(log n) - binary search tree lookup
What is a tree?
A nonlinear data structure
stores elements in a hierarchy.
The “elements” are referred to as “nodes.”
Each “node” has data or values (could store objects).
The “lines” that connect “nodes” are called “edges.”

What are real-world applications of trees?
Tons of applications
graphical user interfaces
- Hierarchical data (files, folders) - File systems on your computer
- Databases (indexing) - use trees for indexing for fast database lookup.
- Autocompletion (matching previous queries) - Storing old search queries in a tree than trying to match old search queries to new entries.
- Compilers (translate code into new languages)
- Compression algorithms (JEPG, MP3)
What is special about a binary tree?
Allows for logarithmic time complexity
left subtree is smaller than root
right subtree is greater than root

What is the top node of a tree called?
The top node is a tree is called “the root.”
The root node has two children in a binary tree.
What are the children nodes called in a tree?
The children nodes of a root node are called “leaves.”
What is the run time complexity of various operations on binary trees?
Logarithmic time complexity
Lookup ( ) : O(log n)
addItem ( ) : O (log n)
deleteItem ( ): O (log n)
**if a tree isn’t set up properly the performance may degrade to O(n).

What values are we going to use for our binary search tree algorithm implementation?

How do we implement the Node { } class in our binary tree?

How do we implement the addItem( ) method in our binary search tree?
O ( log n ) operation!

How do we implement the lookup( ) method in our binary tree?
O(log n) time complexity
Root, leftChild, rightChild

How do we implement a recursive method for printing nodes in traversePreOrder ( )?

Kick off recursion with method overloading
End with base condition

How do we implement a recursive method for printing nodes in traversePostOrder ( )?

Kick off recursion with method overloading
End with base condition

How do we implement a recursive method for printing nodes in traverseInOrder ( )?

BT How do we implement traverseLevelOrder ( ) in our binary tree class?
O ( n ) operation!
Have to traverse every node in the tree.

BT How do we implement min ( ) in our non-binary tree?
O(n) operation!
Have to traverse all values in tree!
Post order traversal.
We start with the leaves.
We find the min value in the left and right subtrees.
compare with root

How do we implement min ( ) in our binary-search tree?
O(log n) operation!
We are only trying to find the left most leaf.
In every cycle, we are throwing out half of the nodes in the tree.

How do we implement equal ( ) method?
Pre-order traversal
root, leftChild, rightChild
First, compare the root nodes to check if equal.
Then, use recursion to look at their children nodes and compare if equal.

What are two properties of tree nodes?
Depth and height
Depth = start at root, move down
Height = start at leaf, move up

How do we calculate depth (distance) in our tree?
Counting number of edges from root to node (target)
Height of root is zero
Ex. 8 has a depth of 3

What is recursion?
implementing repetition
when a function calls the method itself
we have a cycle
Terminating recursion:
We will call this method forever!
need a base condition to terminate
Java Implementation:
Java uses a stack for recursion (storing values)

How is recursion executed?
During each recursive method call
return value is stored in a stack
base condition is reached
result of last recursive method is returned to the previous method calls
This continues using the stack
until finally, results of expressions will return from first method call
**Java knows how to get back to previous step using a stack!
How do we calculate height?
longest path from leaf to target node
Height of leaf node is zero
Ex. 20 (root) height is 3
Formula (height of tree)?
1 + max ( height(L), height(R) )

How do we implement the height ( ) method in our binary tree?

What is breadth-first tree traversal?
aka level order traversal
visit all nodes in the level before visiting the child nodes below the level.
Traversing level by level.

What is depth-first traversal?

What is pre-order traversal?
root, left subtree, right subtree
Start at root, go deep to all children and grandchildren
depth traversal!

What is in-order depth traversal?
depth first traversal
start deep at left leaf node, root, right node
values come out in ascending order
reverse for descending order
rightChild, root, leftChild

What is post-order traversal?
depth first traversal
leaves to root
start with left node, right node, branch root
Used in sorting data, heap properties, and mapping data connections.
start at the leaf nodes to calculate distances (height, depth) before moving to root nodes.

What powers non-linear traversal?
calling a function again
used for tree traversal algorithms like HeapSort and BubbleUp.
How does the binary search algorithm work?
It begins in the middle of the data set.
In every set, it narrows the search by half.
with a million data values, we can find our value in only 19 comparisons.
How do we implement a method equal ( ) to validate if two trees are equal?
Popular interview question!
Write a method equal ( ) to validate if two trees are equal

How can we implement isBinarySearchTree ( ) ?

Popular Interview Question:
Write code to validate this binary tree
(Is this tree a binary search tree?)
Pre-order traversal
check if each node is in the right range (vs. comparing to other nodes)

How do we implement getNodesAtDistance ( ) in our binary search tree?
Popular Interview Questions:
Write code to print all nodes at distance k from root.
use recursion
Think of breaking the problem down into smaller parts.
Decriment the distance as we traverse nodes
eventually distance reaches zero, print nodes

Implement size ( ) method to calculate the size of a binary tree.

Implement max ( ) to return the maximum value in a binary tree using recursion.

If our binary search tree is not structured properly what does our Big-O drop to?
Implement countLeaves ( ) to count number of leaves in a binary tree.

implement contains ( ) to check for the existence of a value in a binary tree using recursion.

Implement areSibling ( ) to check to see if two values are siblings in a binary tree.

Implement getAncestors ( ) to return the ancestors of a value in a List

Implement isBalanced ( ) method to check if a binary tree is balanced.

Implement isPerfect ( ) method to check if a binary tree is a perfect binary tree.

What are AVL trees?
Special types of binary trees that self balance themselves.
They do this by ensuring the right and left subtree difference isn’t greater than one on each insertion.
The difference in height between left and right sub trees still equals zero or less than one.
It it’s greater than one, they self-balance using rotations!
rotations come up in interviews.

How do AVL trees work?
If difference between left and right tree is more than one, self balance using rotations.
What does a perfect tree look like?
Every level is full with nodes
As we add and subtract values some branches get longer or shorter

What happens to binary trees in reality?
They become unbalanced!

What is an unbalanced binary tree?
The right subtree is taller than the left subtree by more than one.

How do our search trees become unbalanced?
Insert sorted values in ascending or descending order!
Right skewed tree.
Sorted in descending order is a left tree.

What is a right skewed binary tree?
Most nodes have only right children
Like linked-lists
if lookup (value) is in last node, O(n) operation!

What is a left skewed tree?
Worst type of binary tree.
Most nodes have only left children
Like linked-lists
if lookup (value) is in last node, O(n) operation!

What problem do AVL trees solve?
The Big-O of a binary search tree dropping from O(log n) to O(n) due to improper structuring.
Only a balanced tree performs at logarithmic time complexity.
We cannot have a long branch.
Right, left skewed trees are like linked lists lookup (value) = O(n) operation.
Self-balancing mechanism
What is an AVL interview question?
Add integers in a binary tree
show where imbalanced
show how to rotate (draw on whiteboard)
What are the four types of rotations?
The type of rotation depends on what side of the tree is heavy

When do we perform a left rotation?
When the tree is heavy on the right
height of left increases by one (becomes left child)
height of right decreases by one
balanceFactor = height (L) - height (R)
balanceFactor > 1 | left heavy (right rotate)

When do we perform a right rotation?
When tree is heavy on the left side
height of right increases by one (becomes right child)
height of left decreases by one
balanceFactor = height (L) - height (R)
balanceFactor < -1 | right heavy (left rotate)
AVL When do we perform a left-right rotation?

imbalance in left-child (left rotation) right-subtree (right rotation)

AVL When do we perform a right-left rotation?

When imbalance in right-child (right rotation) left-subtree (left rotation)

Set: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Add the set of numbers to an AVL tree.
- Start with an empty tree.
- Draw the tree at each step.
- Show the type of rotations required to rebalance the tree.

Set: 5, 10, 3, 12, 15, 14
Add the set of numbers to an AVL tree.
- Start with an empty tree.
- Draw the tree at each step.
- Show the type of rotations required to rebalance the tree.

What is the solution part one?
Set: 12, 3, 9, 4, 6, 2
Add the set of numbers to an AVL tree.
- Start with an empty tree.
- Draw the tree at each step.
- Show the type of rotations required to rebalance the tree.

What is the solution part two?
Set: 12, 3, 9, 4, 6, 2
Add the set of numbers to an AVL tree.
- Start with an empty tree.
- Draw the tree at each step.
- Show the type of rotations required to rebalance the tree.

What is a good resource for visualizing trees?
How do we implement the insert ( ) method using recursion in our AVL tree?
A public method to kick off recursion.
- In public method call the method and give it root, value
- set root to object that is returned from private AVLNode
A private method to run recursion.
- one scenario is when tree is empty! Return AVL node and set to root in public method
- not empty, go right or left depending on value

AVL How can we re-write this helper method using the ternary operator?

How can we refactor the isBalanced ( ) method in our AVL tree?

Private helper methods:

isLeftHeavy ( )
isRightHeavy ( )
balanceFactor ( )
AVL How do we refactor the balance ( ) method?
extract into a private helper method

What is pseudo-code for detecting what kind of rotation is needed on a right heavy tree?

How do we implement rotateRight ( ) and rotateLeft ( ) methods?

How do we refactor the balance ( ) method to implement rotations?

AVL how can we refactor setHeight ( ) method?

Extract logic into a separate private helper method

How do we refactor the insert ( ) method in our AVL class?

extract logic into private methods:
setHeight ( )
balance ( )

What is a heap?
A complete binary tree that satisfies the heap property
- Complete binary tree - all levels are full, nodes inserted from left to right
2. Heap property - value of every node is greater than or equal to children

What is a complete tree?
Every level is completely filled with nodes
Last level could have a hole
Levels filled left to right

Is this a complete tree?

Nodes are filled left to right
Missing a left node in last level
What are the applications of heaps?
Many applications like in sorting and graph algorithms.
- Sorting data (HeapSort)
- Graph Algorithms (the shortest path between two nodes) - powers GPS
- Priority Queues
- Finding Kth smallest/largest value - popular interview question
Is this tree complete?

Second level is missing a node!
What is a binary max heap?
Root node holds largest value
Children are less
largest value bubbles up to root

What is a min heap?
Root holds smallest value
Children are all larger
smallest values bubble up to root nodes
What are the heap operations and run time complexities?
remove ( ) - O (log n)
removing largest value in a heap
where log n = height of tree
insert ( ) - O (log n)
insert in leaf node, bubble up is log n operation.
max ( ) - O(1)
return root in max heap
min ( ) - O(1)
return root in min heap
Bubble ( ) - O(log n)
moving a node value up to the root value to maintain heap property or swapping nodes until a value is in the right position to maintain valid heap.
*O(h) where h = height = log n
What is bubbling up?
Moving nodes up the heap
Swapping with parent

Insert the numbers in a heap and draw each step then remove 24 and draw bubble steps.

Insert the numbers in a heap and draw each step then remove 24 and draw bubble steps.

Insert the numbers in a heap and draw each step then remove 24 and draw bubble steps.

Insert the numbers in a heap and draw each step then remove 24 and draw bubble steps.

Insert the numbers in a heap and draw each step then remove 24 and draw bubble steps.

What data structure do we use to create a heap?
An array
We get the index of right and left children in the array using the formula:
left = parent * 2 + 1
right = parent * 2 + 2
parent = (index - 1 ) / 2

HP How do we refactor the insert ( ) method in our Heap class?

Extract the bubbleUp ( ) method
into a private method

How do we implement the bubbleUp( ) method in our Heap class?

HP How do we implement remove ( ) method in our Heap class?
Using private helper methods:

largerChildIndex ( )
isValidParent ( )
rightChild ( )
leftChild ( )
rightChildIndex( )
leftChildIndex ( )
What is the edge case issue with our largerChildIndex ( ) method?

How do we know if the node has children!
use helper methods:
hasLeftChild ( )
hasRightChild ( )

What is the edge case issue with the isValidParent ( ) method?
Assumes node has left and right nodes!

HP How can we refactor our remove ( ) method?

Extract bubbleDown ( ) logic into a private method

What is heapSort ( ) ?
Using a heap to insert values
remove them in decending order (max Heap)
remove method removes root (max value)
next largest value bubbles up
continue removing the largest numbers in heap

How do we sort in ascending ordering using heapSort ( )?
Change loop direction

When is it best to use a heap to build a PriorityQueue?
For many inserts (enqueue) operations!
PriorityQueue using an array:
insert ( ) aka enqueue ( ) - O (n)
Have to shift items to insert at sorted index
remove ( ) aka dequeue ( ) - O (1 )
update the count pointer (count - 1)
PriorityQueue using a heap:
insert ( ) aka enqueue ( ) - O (log n)
bubbleUp ( ) length of tree, divide and conquer
remove ( ) aka dequeue ( ) - O (log n)
bubbleDown ( ) length of tree, divide and conquer
How do we implement a PriorityQueue using a Heap?
Essentially, a wrapper around Heap class!

How can we refactor our heapify ( ) method?

Popular interview question:
transform an array into a heap in place
lastParentIndex - only heapify parent nodes (not leaf nodes)
i = lastParentIndex - start recursion at deepest parent nodes (reverse recursions)

How do we implement getKthLargest ( ) using a Heap?
Popular Interview Question:
Return the kth largest item in a list
add items to heap
remove items until k - 1
return root (maxHeap)

How can we implement isMaxHeap ( ) to determine if a given array of integers represents a max heap?

How do we implement MinHeap using an array of nodes?
See MinHeap

How do we implement MinPriorityQueue using a Heap?

What are Tries?
Trees BUT not binary trees.
Each parent can have multiple nodes.
Powerful, overlooked data structures
“Digital, Radix, Prefix trees”

T What is an application for Tries?
Not duplicating prefixes
Can extend branches
each node can have up to 26 letters!
Empty root (could be any letter)

What are the various operations and run time complexities for Tries (Prefix, Radix, Digital)?
lookup ( ) - O(L)
walk down tree length of word (L)
insert ( ) - O(L)
walk tree, if character doesn’t exist, add it
remove ( ) - O(L)
*L is the length of the word in the Trie.

How do we implement the TrieNode using a hash table as children?
Create services:
hasChild // returns boolean
addChild //adds key-value
getChild //returns value
getChildren //returns array []
hasChildren //returns boolean
removeChild //returns void

How do we implement insert ( ) in our Trie class?

How do we implement remove ( ) in our Trie class?

How do we implement contains ( ) in our Trie class?

How do we implement contains ( ) recursively?

How do we implement findWords ( ) in our Trie (Autocompletion)?

How do we implement countWords ( ) in a Trie?

T How do we implement longestCommonPrefix ( ) in a Trie?
We add these words to a trie and walk down the trie.
If a node has more than one child, that’s where these words deviate.
Try this with “can”, “canada”, “care” and “cab”. You’ll see that these words deviate after “ca”.
So, we keep walking down the tree as long as the current node has only one child.
One edge case we need to count is when two words are in the same branch and don’t deviate.
For example “can” and “canada”.
In this case, we keep walking down to the end because every node (except the last node) has only one child.
But the longest common prefix here should be “can”, not “canada”.
So, we should find the shortest word in the list first.
The maximum number of characters we can include in the prefix should be equal to the length of the shortest word.

How do we implement the TrieNode class in our Trie class using an array?
fieldOne: Char value
fieldTwo: TrieNodes [ALPHABET_SIZE] children
fieldThree: boolean isEndOfWord
Space complexity?
Every node has a 26 element array
this wastes a lot of memory!

How do we implement the Trie class using an array for storing characters in each node?

How can we refactor our TrieNode implementation using abstraction?

Create services in TrieNode class

What is pre-order traversal in a Trie?
visit each root node first
then, visit children
Print all words in Trie

What is post-order traversal in a Trie?
Visit children (leaf) nodes first
then, come up to visit root (parent) nodes
Delete a word!
Start with leaf nodes

How do we implement pre-order traversal in our Trie class?
Print all words in Trie

How do we implement post-order traversal?
Delete a word!
Start with leaf nodes

How do we remove a word from a Trie?
Post-order traversal (begin at leaves)
remove isEndOfWord marker
if (!hasChild) remove it from Trie

What are graphs?
Versatile data structures!
Consists of nodes (vertices) and edges
Nodes are called vertices (vertex).
Nodes can be connected to any other nodes.
Directly connected nodes are called adjacent nodes.
Connections between nodes are called edges
Edges can have weights to determine weight of connection.

What don’t we have a limitation on in graphs?
We don’t have a limitation on how many connections or edges a node can have with other nodes.
What are nodes called in a graph?

What are neighbors?
Two directly connected nodes
adject vertices (nodes) in a graph
John & Bob are neighbors

What are directed-graphs?
If edges have a direction
Ex. Twitter
Follow someone, they don’t follow back

What are directed and undirected graphs?
Directed - following someone in twitter or instagram Undirected - facebook friends.
What are real-world applications of graphs?
Anywhere we want to model relationship between objects!
Social networks - finding best friends (weights on edges)
GPS - shortest path between two nodes
find connections to other objects in a network
represent routers connected in a network

What is the adjacency matrix?

A way to see how nodes are connected
Using a 2D array to represent edges in a graph
O (n^2) space complexity

What is the adjacency List?
An Array of linkedLists (to represent connections)
Every element in the array has a LinkedList (bucket) containing adjacent nodes (neighbors)
HashTable to find index of a vertex (node)

What is the runtime complexity of various operations using matrix vs. list approach in graphs?
K represents nodes in linkedList
V represents nodes in the graph
E represents connections (edges) in a graph
AddNode - don’t have to create a new array and copy elements in list

Which approach is better (matrix vs. list) in implementing a graph?
Worst Case scenario (dense graph):
Use Adjacency Matrix
addEdge, removeEdge, queryEdge
Most applications (not very dense):
Use Adjacency List
addEdge, space complexity

What is a dense graph?
A hypothetical (worst case):
When every vertex (node) is connected to every other node (beside itself)

How do we implement addNode ( ), addEdge ( ) and Node class in our Graph?

How do we implement removeNode ( ) and removeEdge ( ) in our Graph class?

What is the difference between traversal in a graph vs. a tree?
There is no root node (can start anywhere)
the traversal ends when the node has no further connections (neighbors).
Other nodes are not visited = there isn’t a path to those nodes.

What is the breadth-first graph traversal algorithm?
Visit a node and all it’s neighbors before going far in a graph.
How is the breadth-first graph traversal algorithm implemented in software?
Using a queue.
The queue holds the address of the next node to visit (neighbor nodes).
As nodes are visited, neighbors are added to the queue to visit next.
Visit the node, add its neighbors to the queue and continue until there are no neighbors (connections) left.
When does the breadth-first graph traversal algorithm end?
When the queue is empty, the traversal is complete.
As soon, as the queue is “empty” the algorithm will stop.
How do we implement traverseDepthFirst ( ) using recursion in our graph?
Use a set (check if visited neighbor nodes)

What is the “call stack”?
Java Runtime environment stack
remembers values of arguments between method class
How do we implement traverseDepthFirst ( ) using iteration?

Go deep, then loop to other neighbors
Use a Stack: neighbors
determine which node to visit next
Use a Set : visited nodes
To skip re-visiting already visited neighbors

How do we implement traverseBreadthFirst ( ) in our graph?
We visit a node and all it’s neighbors before moving away from the node
HashMap - nodes, adjacency list
Queue - storing neighbor nodes (visit next)
Set - comparing queue w/ visited nodes

What is the topological sorting algorithm?
Common Interview Question:
Implement the topological sorting algorithm
Depth-first traversal, find nodes w/out edges
these are nodes w/o depenencies (toward end)
Top hierarchy (nodes w/ edges) first!

What are the applications of topological sorting in graphs?
Help us determine which order we should perform the tasks to ensure all dependencies are met.
When you have multiple tasks that have dependencies on each other to be completed.
What must we know about topological sorting algorithms?
1. Different ways to topologically sort the same graph
2. Only work on graphs w/out a cycle (must be directed-acyclic graphs)

How do we implement the topological sorting algorithm in software?
Using a stack, a set and a for loop.
Go deep into the graph to find the nodes that don’t have outgoing edges (children) then work our way up adding the node to our stack only if we have visited all the children or edges of the node.
- Depth-first traversal to go deep into the graph and find the node without any outgoing neighbors.
- Add node to a stack then move up the tree

How do we detect a cycle in a graph?
Interview Question:
Write code to detect a cycle in a graph using colors!
red, blue, green = all, visiting, visited
Topological sorting doesn’t work on graphs w/ cycles!
Use three sets!
Set all - nodes in graph
Set visiting - nodes visited but not all children
Set visited - nodes visited and all children
HashTable to print cycle!

How do we implement hasCycle ( ) using recursion in our Graph class?

Interview Question:
Write code to detect a cycle in a graph using colors!
Use three sets!
Set all - nodes in graph
Set visiting - nodes visited but not all children
Set visited - nodes visited and all children

G What are weighted graphs?

Graphs whose edges have weights
Weights can represent anything!
Cost, distance, complexity, anything!
What are common applications of weighted graphs?
Finding the shortest path between two nodes!
GPS - weights could be traffic, vertices locations!
How do we implement a weighted graph using a non-OOP approach?
Two private classes:
Node, Edge
Two Maps:
HashMap nodes
HashMap> AdjacencyList

G How do we refactor the weighted Graph into an OOP approach?

Replace HashTable> adjacencyList with ArrayList embedded into HashTable nodes
Add services: addEdge, getEdges to node
Object-Oriented Approach (not taught in Data Structures Textbooks)
Store edges in node objects

What is Dijstra’s shortest path algorithm?
Greedy algorithm for getting the shortest path between two nodes on a graph.
Uses a table w/ assumptions
Calculate dist to start node and neighbors
find shortest path, record node to get there

How do we implement getShortestDistance ( )?

Dijastras algorithm!
NodeEntry class w/ constructor
HashTable distances
Set visited
Breadth-first traversal (look at all neighbors)
A weighted graph is used.
A HashMap is created with distances between one nodes and the other nodes.
The distance to the other nodes are unknown and initially set to a large value (Integer.MAX_VALUE)
As we move along the graph the distances are updated in the table as shorter paths are found.
The PriorityQueue helps us move to next closest neighbor (greedy algorithm)

How can we refactor the getShortestPath ( ) in our WeightedGraph class?

Extract buildPath ( ) into a private method

What is a minimum spanning tree in a graph?
We can convert a graph to a min spanning tree by calculating the min distance between nodes and removing all but that one edge between nodes. Should have n-1 edges. Using Prims algorithm can find the minimum spanning tree
How do we represent how strong a connection is in a graph?
With a weight.
Edges can have a weight.
By measuring interactions between nodes we can assign higher weights.