Obstetrics and gynaecology Flashcards
Conditions and Presentations
Highly mobile, encapsulated breast masses.
Breast cysts
Presence of breast lumps, potentially with distension.
reast redness, mastalgia, malaise, and fever.
Intraductal Papilloma
- Bloody discharge from the nipple
- +/-mass.
- Breast tenderness may also be present.
Radial scar
Presents on mammogram as a stellate pattern of central scarring surrounded by proliferating glandular tissue.
Fat necrosis
Painless breast mass, skin thickening, or radiographic changes on mammography.
Fibrocytic breast disease presentation
Breast lump
Mammary duct ectasia
- Palpable peri-areolar breast mass,
- thick nipple discharge,
- mammographic similarities to cancer.
Risk of breast cancer (8)
- Advancing age
- Caucasian ethnicity
- Obesity and lack of physical activity
- Alcohol and tobacco use
- History of breast cancer
- Previous radiotherapy treatment
- BRACA1/2
- Increase hormone exposure
Common symptoms for breast cancer (4)
- Unexplained breast mass in patients aged 30 and above, with or without pain
- 50 and older, nipple discharge, retraction or other concerning symptoms
- Skin changes suggestive of breast cancer (peu’d orange)
- Unexplained axillary mass in those aged 30 and above
- common after breast surgery- axillary clearance
Cyclical mastalgia
Breast tenderness that fluctuates around monthly menstrual cycle
Epidemiology of cyclical mastalgia
experienced by peri- and premenopausal women
Signs and symptoms of breast mastalgia
- Breast tenderness
- Pain usually beginning a few days before the onset of menstruation and subsiding by the end of the period
- Possible breast “lumpiness” associated with fibrocystic changes
- Potential presentation of duct ectasia
cyclical mastalgia investigations
- Mammography or ultrasound: especially for women over 40
- hormone panel
Managment of cyclical mastalgia
- Severe cases: oral contraceptives or danazol
Fat necrosis of the breast
- non-malignant condition in which there is death of adipose tissue (fat cells) within the breast
- comon in obese patients
- associated with trauma
Signs and symptoms of fat necrosis
- Firm/hard, irregular lump in the breast
- skin inflammation, warmth, or bruising
Investigations of fat necrosis
- Clinical examination
- Imaging: Mammography and/or ultrasound
- Tissue sampling: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) or core biopsy
Fat necrosis managment
Signs and symptoms of mastitis
- Localised symptoms: Painful, tender, red, and hot breast.
- Systemic symptoms: Fever, rigors, myalgia, fatigue, nausea, and headache.
- usually the first week postpartum.
Mastitis investigation
- Ultrasound: Utilised to identify a potential abscess, appearing as a collection of pus.
- Additional information: Early referral to secondary care is vital if an abscess is suspected.
Mastitis management
- continue breast feeding
- manual expression
- analgesia
- cephalexin
- consider intravenous antibiotics or surgical intervention, especially if a breast abscess develops.
Managment of puperal mastitis (5)
- continue expression
- analgesia
- antibiotics
- surgical drainage
- miconazole (if candidiasis seen)
Complications of puperal mastitis
candidiasis of the nipple can occur
- benign tumours that consist of a mixture of fibrous and epithelial tissue.
- They originate from the lobules, the milk-producing glands in the breast.
epidemiology of fibroadenoma
- highest incidence occurring in the early 20s
- seen in puberty, pregnancy, and perimenopause.
Signs and symptoms of fibroadenoma
- A firm, non-tender breast mass
- smooth edges
- highly mobile upon palpation, often referred to as having a “rubbery” consistency
- The mass typically does not grow beyond 3cm in diameter
Investigations of fibroadenoma
- reassure
- Clinical examination
- ultrasound and/or mammogram
- Needle biopsy (fine needle aspiration or core biopsy)
Managment of fibroadenoma
- reassurance
- surgical excision
Managment of fibrocytic disease
- Encouraging the use of a soft but well-fitting bra for comfort.
- Providing appropriate analgesia for pain relief.
- Most cases resolve after menopause, and reassurance can be provided about this natural course.
What has been the significant change in cervical cancer screening in recent years?
The introduction of HPV testing and the move to an HPV first system
The HPV first system tests for high-risk strains of human papillomavirus (hrHPV) before cytological examination.
What does hrHPV testing allow for in patients with mild dyskagasis?
Further risk stratification
HPV is a strong risk factor, allowing HPV-negative patients to be treated as having normal results.
What is the management protocol for a negative hrHPV test?
Return to normal recall, unless in the test of cure (TOC) pathway
Individuals treated for CIN1, CIN2, or CIN3 should be invited for a TOC at 6 months.
What is the follow-up for untreated CIN1?
Follow-up for incompletely excised CGIN/SMILE or cervical cancer
This includes monitoring for borderline changes in endocerical cells.
What happens if hrHPV is positive?
Samples are examined cytologically
If cytology is abnormal, a colposcopy is performed.
What cytological results warrant a colposcopy after a positive hrHPV test?
Abnormal cytology results such as:
* Borderline changes in squamous or endocerical cells
* Low-grade dyskaryosis
* High-grade dyskaryosis (moderate)
* High-grade dyskaryosis (severe)
* Invasive squamous cell carcinoma
* Glandular neoplasia
What should be done if cytology is normal but hrHPV is positive?
Repeat the test at 12 months
If the repeat test is hrHPV negative, return to normal recall.
What is the follow-up if hrHPV remains positive after 24 months?
If hrHPV is negative at 24 months, return to normal recall.
What is the protocol for an inadequate sample?
Repeat the sample in 3 months
If two consecutive samples are inadequate, then a colposcopy is performed.
What is the most common treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia?
Large loop excision of transformation zone (LLETZ)
LLETZ may be performed during the initial colposcopy visit or at a later date.
What is an alternative technique to LLETZ for treating CIN?
Cryotherapy is less common compared to LLETZ.
What is the definition of amniotic fluid embolism?
This is when fetal cells/amniotic fluid enters the mother’s bloodstream and stimulates a reaction which results in symptoms.
What is the incidence of amniotic fluid embolism in the U.K.?
What is the epidemiology of amniotic fluid embolism?
Rare complication of pregnancy associated with a high mortality rate.
What risk factors are associated with amniotic fluid embolism?
Maternal age and induction of labour.
What must happen for an amniotic fluid embolism to occur?
Maternal circulation must be exposed to fetal cells/amniotic fluid.
When do the majority of cases of amniotic fluid embolism occur?
During labour, caesarean section, or immediate postpartum.
List some symptoms of amniotic fluid embolism.
- Chills
- Shivering
- Sweating
- Anxiety
- Coughing
List some signs of amniotic fluid embolism (6)
- Cyanosis
- Hypotension
- Bronchospasms
- Tachycardia
- Arrhythmia
- Myocardial infarction
How is amniotic fluid embolism diagnosed?
Clinical diagnosis of exclusion, as there are no definitive diagnostic tests.
What is the management approach for amniotic fluid embolism?
Critical care unit by a multidisciplinary team; management is predominantly supportive.
What is threatened miscarriage?
Painless vaginal bleeding occurring before 24 weeks, typically at 6-9 weeks, often less than menstruation, with a closed cervical os
Complicates up to 25% of all pregnancies.
What symptoms are associated with a missed (delayed) miscarriage?
A gestational sac containing a dead fetus before 20 weeks without expulsion symptoms; may have light vaginal bleeding/discharge and disappearing pregnancy symptoms, with a closed cervical os
When the gestational sac is > 25 mm and no embryonic/fetal part can be seen, it’s termed a ‘blighted ovum’ or ‘anembryonic pregnancy’.
What characterizes an inevitable miscarriage?
Heavy bleeding with clots and pain, with an open cervical os
What defines an incomplete miscarriage?
Not all products of conception have been expelled, accompanied by pain and vaginal bleeding, with an open cervical os
Fill in the blank: Threatened miscarriage typically occurs at _______ weeks.
True or False: In a missed miscarriage, the mother usually experiences significant pain.
What is the definition of miscarriage?
Miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, is a prevalent outcome of pregnancy.
What percentage of confirmed pregnancies in the UK are affected by miscarriage?
Approximately 10-20%.
When does the highest incidence of miscarriage occur?
In the first trimester, with around 80% occurring before 12 weeks gestation.
What accounts for about 50% of early miscarriages?
Chromosomal abnormalities.
List three risk factors for miscarriage.
- Advanced maternal age
- A history of previous miscarriages
- Previous large cervical cone biopsy
How does advanced maternal age affect miscarriage risk?
Women over 35 have a significantly higher risk.
Name three lifestyle factors that can increase the risk of miscarriage.
- Smoking
- Alcohol consumption
- Obesity
What medical conditions are associated with an increased risk of miscarriage?
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Thyroid disorders
What is defined as recurrent miscarriage?
Three or more consecutive losses.
What percentage of couples are affected by recurrent miscarriage?
What are the three types of management for miscarriage according to the 2023 NICE guidelines?
Expectant management, medical management, surgical management
These management types are recommended based on individual circumstances and medical history.
What is expectant management in the context of miscarriage?
Waiting for a spontaneous miscarriage
It involves waiting for 7-14 days for the miscarriage to complete spontaneously.
What should be done if expectant management is unsuccessful?
Medical or surgical management may be offered
This is contingent on the circumstances of the miscarriage.
List some situations where medical or surgical management is preferred. (5)
- Increased risk of haemorrhage
- Late first trimester
- Coagulopathies or unable to have a blood transfusion
- Previous adverse and/or traumatic experience associated with pregnancy
- Evidence of infection
These factors increase the risk and necessitate alternative management approaches.
What is the purpose of oral mifepristone in medical management?
Weakening of attachment to the endometrial wall, cervical softening and dilation, induction of uterine contractions
Mifepristone is a progesterone receptor antagonist used in the management of missed miscarriage.
What is misoprostol used for in medical management?
Induces strong myometrial contractions leading to expulsion of products of conception
It is administered 48 hours after mifepristone unless the gestational sac has already been passed.
What should a patient do if bleeding has not started within 48 hours after misoprostol treatment?
Contact their healthcare professional
Monitoring is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.
What is the recommended action for incomplete miscarriage?
A single dose of misoprostol (vaginal, oral or sublingual)
Women should also be offered antiemetics and pain relief.
What is the purpose of performing a pregnancy test at 3 weeks after treatment?
To confirm the completion of the miscarriage
This is an important follow-up step in the management process.
What are the two main options for surgical management of miscarriage?
- Vacuum aspiration (suction curettage)
- Surgical management in theatre
These procedures can be performed under local or general anaesthetic.
How is vacuum aspiration typically performed?
Under local anaesthetic as an outpatient
This allows for less invasive management compared to surgical procedures requiring general anaesthesia.
What is surgical management in theatre previously referred to as?
Evacuation of retained products of conception
This terminology reflects the procedure’s purpose in managing miscarriage.
What is recurrent miscarriage?
Recurrent miscarriage is defined as 3 or more consecutive spontaneous abortions.
It occurs in around 1% of women.
What are the causes of recurrent miscarriage?
- Antiphospholipid syndrome
- Endocrine disorders
- Uterine abnormality
- Parental chromosomal abnormalities
- Smoking
Endocrine disorders may include poorly controlled diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders, as well as polycystic ovarian syndrome.
True or False: Recurrent miscarriage occurs in approximately 5% of women.
It occurs in around 1% of women.
Fill in the blank: Antiphospholipid syndrome is a _______ of recurrent miscarriage.
What endocrine disorders can contribute to recurrent miscarriage?
- Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus
- Thyroid disorders
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
These disorders can impact hormonal balance and overall reproductive health.
What uterine abnormality is mentioned as a cause of recurrent miscarriage?
Uterine septum
A uterine septum can interfere with implantation and pregnancy maintenance.
Fill in the blank: Parental _______ abnormalities can lead to recurrent miscarriage.
What lifestyle factor is listed as a cause of recurrent miscarriage?
Smoking is known to negatively affect reproductive health and can increase miscarriage risk.
What is a breech presentation?
The caudal end of the fetus occupies the lower segment.
What percentage of babies are breech near term?
Only 3%.
What does NICE recommend if the baby is still breech at 36 weeks?
External cephalic version (ECV), which has a success rate of around 60%.
What does RCOG recommend about planned caesarean section for breech presentation?
It carries a reduced perinatal mortality and early neonatal morbidity for babies with a breech presentation at term compared with planned vaginal birth.
Does the mode of delivery influence the long-term health of babies with a breech presentation at term?
No evidence suggests it does.
What are the absolute contraindications to ECV according to RCOG? (6)
- Where caesarean delivery is required
- Antepartum haemorrhage within the last 7 days
- Abnormal cardiotocography
- Major uterine anomaly
- Ruptured membranes
- Multiple pregnancy
What is a breech presentation?
The caudal end of the fetus occupies the lower segment.
What percentage of pregnancies at 28 weeks are breech?
Around 25%.
What percentage of babies are breech near term?
Only 3%.
What is a frank breech?
The most common presentation with the hips flexed and knees fully extended.
What is a footling breech?
A presentation where one or both feet come first with the bottom at a higher position.
What risk does a footling breech carry?
Higher perinatal morbidity.
List some risk factors for breech presentation.
- Uterine malformations
- Fibroids
- Placenta praevia
- Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios
- Fetal abnormality (e.g. CNS malformation, chromosomal disorders)
- Prematurity
What is more common in breech presentations?
Cord prolapse.
What is the recommended management if the fetus is breech and less than 36 weeks?
Many fetuses will turn spontaneously.
When should ECV be offered according to RCOG for multiparous women?
From 37 weeks.
What does RCOG recommend about planned caesarean section for breech presentation?
It carries a reduced perinatal mortality and early neonatal morbidity for babies with a breech presentation at term compared with planned vaginal birth.
Does the mode of delivery influence the long-term health of babies with a breech presentation at term?
No evidence suggests it does.
What has contributed to the increase in caesarean section rates in recent years?
Increased fear of litigation
This reflects a broader trend in medical practice where legal concerns influence clinical decisions.
What are the two main types of caesarean section?
- Lower segment caesarean section
- Classic caesarean section
What percentage of caesarean sections are lower segment caesarean sections?
What is a classic caesarean section?
Longitudinal incision in the upper segment of the uterus
List three absolute indications for caesarean section.
- Absolute cephalopelvic disproportion
- Placenta praevia grades 3/4
- Pre-eclampsia
What is the urgency category for an immediate threat to the life of the mother or baby?
Category 1
What is the required delivery time for a Category 1 caesarean section?
Within 30 minutes
What are the indications for a Category 2 caesarean section?
Maternal or fetal compromise which is not immediately life-threatening
What is the required delivery time for a Category 2 caesarean section?
Within 75 minutes
What risks should clinicians make women aware of according to the RCOG?
- Emergency hysterectomy
- Need for further surgery
- Admission to intensive care unit
- Thromboembolic disease
- Bladder injury
- Ureteric injury
- Death (1 in 12,000)
What are the fetal risks associated with caesarean sections?
- Lacerations (1-2 babies in every 100)
What is a significant risk for future pregnancies after a caesarean section? (3)
- Increased risk of uterine rupture during subsequent pregnancies/deliveries
- Increased risk of antepartum stillbirth
- Increased risk of placenta praevia and placenta accreta
What is the success rate of planned vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) for women with a single previous caesarean delivery?
What are the contraindications for planned VBAC?
- Previous uterine rupture
- Classical caesarean scar
Fill in the blank: A prolonged ileus is a recognized complication of caesarean sections, alongside _______.
[Subfertility due to postoperative adhesions]
What is one potential complication of caesarean sections that might require readmission to the hospital?
- Haemorrhage
- Infection (wound, endometritis, UTI)
What are potential serious maternal complications following a hysterectomy?
- Emergency hysterectomy
- Need for further surgery at a later date, including curettage (retained placental tissue)
- Admission to intensive care unit
- Thromboembolic disease
- Bladder injury
- Ureteric injury
- Death (1 in 12,000)
These complications highlight the risks associated with hysterectomy procedures.
What increased risks are associated with future pregnancies after a hysterectomy?
- Increased risk of uterine rupture during subsequent pregnancies/deliveries
- Increased risk of antepartum stillbirth
- Increased risk in subsequent pregnancies of placenta praevia and placenta accreta
These risks are significant considerations for women who have had a hysterectomy and plan to conceive again.
What are some frequent maternal complications experienced after surgery?
- Persistent wound and abdominal discomfort in the first few months after surgery
- Increased risk of repeat caesarean section when vaginal delivery attempted in subsequent pregnancies
- Readmission to hospital
- Haemorrhage
- Infection (wound, endometritis, UTI)
These complications can affect recovery and future delivery options.
What fetal complications can occur due to maternal surgery?
- Lacerations, one to two babies in every 100
These fetal risks underscore the importance of careful surgical management during pregnancy.
What is Chorioamnionitis?
A potentially life-threatening condition affecting both mother and fetus, considered a medical emergency
What percentage of pregnancies can be affected by Chorioamnionitis?
Up to 5%
What delivery method may be necessary for treating Chorioamnionitis?
Cesarean section if necessary
What is the typical cause of Chorioamnionitis?
An ascending bacterial infection of the amniotic fluid, membranes, or placenta
What is a major risk factor for Chorioamnionitis?
Preterm premature rupture of membranes
Can Chorioamnionitis occur when membranes are intact?
What is the initial treatment for Chorioamnionitis?
Prompt delivery of the fetus and administration of intravenous antibiotics
What is an episiotomy?
An incision in the posterior wall of the vagina and perineum performed in the second stage of labour to facilitate the passage of the fetus.
During which stage of labour is an episiotomy typically performed?
Second stage of labour.
What anatomical structures are involved in an episiotomy?
Posterior wall of the vagina and perineum.
True or False: An episiotomy is a surgical procedure that can help during childbirth.
Fill in the blank: An episiotomy is performed to facilitate the passage of the _______.
What is one indication for a forceps delivery?
Fetal distress in the second stage of labour
Fetal distress refers to abnormal fetal heart rate patterns that may indicate a compromised fetus.
What is another indication for a forceps delivery?
Maternal distress in the second stage of labour
Maternal distress may involve significant pain or fatigue affecting the mother’s ability to continue labor.
What is a third indication for a forceps delivery?
Failure to progress in the second stage of labour
This situation occurs when the labor does not advance as expected, potentially risking the health of both mother and baby.
What is a first degree perineal tear?
Superficial damage with no muscle involvement.
First degree tears do not require any repair.
What characterizes a second degree perineal tear?
Injury to the perineal muscle, but not involving the anal sphincter. Requires suturing on the ward by a suitably experienced midwife or clinician.
Second degree tears are more significant than first degree but less severe than third degree.
What are the three classifications of third degree perineal tears?
- 3a: less than 50% of EAS thickness torn
- 3b: more than 50% of EAS thickness torn
- 3c: IAS torn
Third degree tears require repair in theatre by a suitably trained clinician.
What defines a fourth degree perineal tear?
Injury to perineum involving the anal sphincter complex (EAS and IAS) and rectal mucosa. Requires repair in theatre by a suitably trained clinician.
Fourth degree tears are the most severe type of perineal tear.
What is one risk factor for perineal tears?
Other risk factors include large babies, precipitant labour, shoulder dystocia, and forceps delivery.
Fill in the blank: A second degree perineal tear requires ______ by a suitably experienced midwife or clinician.
True or False: A first degree perineal tear requires surgical repair.
First degree tears do not require any repair.
List three risk factors for perineal tears.
- Large babies
- Precipitant labour
- Shoulder dystocia
Forceps delivery is also a risk factor.
What is puerperal pyrexia?
A temperature of > 38ºC in the first 14 days following delivery
Puerperal pyrexia is a clinical sign often used to identify potential infections post-delivery.
What is the most common cause of puerperal pyrexia?
Endometritis is an infection of the endometrium and is frequently encountered in postpartum patients.
Name three other causes of puerperal pyrexia.
- Urinary tract infection
- Wound infections (perineal tears + caesarean section)
- Mastitis
These conditions can lead to fever in the postpartum period and should be considered in differential diagnosis.
What is a serious complication associated with puerperal pyrexia?
Venous thromboembolism
Venous thromboembolism can occur in the postpartum period and may present with fever.
What should be done if endometritis is suspected in a patient with puerperal pyrexia?
Refer the patient to hospital for intravenous antibiotics
The recommended antibiotics include clindamycin and gentamicin until the patient is afebrile for greater than 24 hours.
Fill in the blank: If endometritis is suspected, the patient should be referred to hospital for _______.
[intravenous antibiotics]
Intravenous antibiotics are crucial for managing suspected endometritis effectively.
What antibiotics are used for treating suspected endometritis?
- Clindamycin
- Gentamicin
These antibiotics are typically administered until the patient has been afebrile for over 24 hours.
What is shoulder dystocia?
A complication of vaginal cephalic delivery characterized by the inability to deliver the body of the fetus after the head has been delivered
Shoulder dystocia occurs due to the impaction of the anterior fetal shoulder on the maternal pubic symphysis.
What are the key risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
- Fetal macrosomia
- High maternal body mass index
- Diabetes mellitus
- Prolonged labour
Fetal macrosomia is often associated with maternal diabetes mellitus.
What should be done as soon as shoulder dystocia is identified?
Senior help should be called
It is crucial to have experienced personnel involved in the management of shoulder dystocia.
Describe the McRoberts’ manoeuvre in the context of shoulder dystocia.
Flexion and abduction of the maternal hips, bringing the mother’s thighs towards her abdomen
This manoeuvre increases the relative anterior-posterior angle of the pelvis and often facilitates a successful delivery.
True or False: An episiotomy is commonly used to relieve bony obstruction in shoulder dystocia.
An episiotomy does not relieve the bony obstruction but may be used to allow better access for internal manoeuvres.
What are the first-line options for managing shoulder dystocia?
McRoberts’ manoeuvre
Symphysiotomy and the Zavanelli manoeuvre can cause significant maternal morbidity and are not first-line options.
Is the administration of oxytocin indicated in shoulder dystocia?
Oxytocin administration is not indicated in shoulder dystocia.
List potential maternal complications of shoulder dystocia.
- Postpartum haemorrhage
- Perineal tears
These complications can arise during or after the delivery process.
List potential fetal complications of shoulder dystocia.
- Brachial plexus injury
- Neonatal death
These complications can have serious long-term effects on the neonate.
What is shoulder dystocia?
A complication of vaginal cephalic delivery characterized by the inability to deliver the body of the fetus after the head has been delivered
Shoulder dystocia occurs due to the impaction of the anterior fetal shoulder on the maternal pubic symphysis.
What are the key risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
- Fetal macrosomia
- High maternal body mass index
- Diabetes mellitus
- Prolonged labour
Fetal macrosomia is often associated with maternal diabetes mellitus.
What should be done as soon as shoulder dystocia is identified?
Senior help should be called
It is crucial to have experienced personnel involved in the management of shoulder dystocia.
Describe the McRoberts’ manoeuvre in the context of shoulder dystocia.
Flexion and abduction of the maternal hips, bringing the mother’s thighs towards her abdomen
This manoeuvre increases the relative anterior-posterior angle of the pelvis and often facilitates a successful delivery.
What does ‘foetal lie’ refer to?
The long axis of the foetus relative to the longitudinal axis of the uterus
What are the three types of foetal lie?
- Longitudinal lie (99.7% of foetuses at term)
- Transverse lie (<0.3% of foetuses at term)
- Oblique (<0.1% of foetuses at term)
Which type of lie is most common at term?
Longitudinal lie
What is the incidence of transverse lie at term?
One in 300 foetuses
What characterizes transverse lie?
The foetal longitudinal axis lies perpendicular to the long axis of the uterus
In transverse lie, where is the foetal head located?
On the lateral side of the pelvis
What are the two positions of the foetus in transverse lie?
- Scapulo-anterior (most common)
- Scapulo-posterior
What is the most common risk factor for transverse lie?
Previous pregnancies
List other risk factors for transverse lie.
- Fibroids and other pelvic tumours
- Pregnant with twins or triplets
- Prematurity
- Polyhydramnios
- Foetal abnormalities
How is abnormal foetal lie diagnosed?
- Routine antenatal appointments
- Abdominal examination
- Ultrasound scan
What findings can be noted during an abdominal examination for abnormal foetal lie?
The head and buttocks are not palpable at each end of the uterus
What complications can arise from transverse lie?
- Pre-term rupture membranes (PROM)
- Cord-prolapse (20%)
- Compound presentation during vaginal delivery (extremely rare)
What is the management approach before 36 weeks gestation for transverse lie?
No management required; most foetuses will spontaneously move to longitudinal lie
What is the management approach after 36 weeks gestation for transverse lie?
Appointment with the obstetric medical antenatal team to discuss management options
What does ECV stand for?
External cephalic version
What are the contraindications for performing ECV?
- Maternal rupture in the last 7 days
- Multiple pregnancy (except for the second twin)
- Major uterine abnormality
What is the approximate success rate of ECV?
Around 50%
When is elective caesarian section indicated?
- Patient opts for caesarian section
- ECV has been unsuccessful or is contraindicated
What factors influence the decision between caesarian section and ECV?
- Perceived risks to the mother and foetus
- Preference of the patient
- Patient’s previous pregnancies and co-morbidities
- Patient’s ability to access obstetric care rapidly
What is ventouse delivery?
Using a small cup connected to a suction device attached to the baby’s head to help pull the baby out
Ventouse delivery involves applying careful traction to assist in the delivery process.
What is the maximum amount the fetal head should be palpable abdominally during ventouse delivery?
One-fifth or less
This indicates that the fetal head is not overly engaged in the pelvis.
What must be true about the cervix for ventouse delivery to be performed?
The cervix must be fully dilated
Full dilation is necessary to ensure safe delivery.
List three contraindications for ventouse delivery.
- < 34 weeks gestation
- Cephalopelvic disproportion
- Breech, face or brow presentation
These factors can complicate the delivery process and pose risks to the baby or mother.
Name two complications associated with ventouse delivery.
- Cephalhaematoma
- Retinal haemorrhages
These complications can arise from the suction and traction applied during the procedure.
What should be administered following assisted vaginal delivery to reduce the risk of maternal infection?
A single dose of IV co-amoxiclav
This antibiotic helps reduce the risk of infection after the procedure.
True or False: An episiotomy is always required during ventouse delivery.
An episiotomy is not always necessary and depends on the specific circumstances of the delivery.
What is Bacterial vaginosis?
A condition characterized by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina
Commonly associated with thin, white discharge and a vaginal pH greater than 4.5.
What is Trichomonas?
A sexually transmitted infection caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis
Symptoms include frothy, yellow-green discharge and a ‘strawberry cervix’.
What type of discharge is associated with Bacterial vaginosis?
Thin, white discharge
Often has a fishy odor, especially after intercourse.
What microscopic finding is indicative of Bacterial vaginosis?
Clue cells
These are vaginal epithelial cells that appear stippled due to the presence of bacteria.
What is the typical vaginal pH in cases of Bacterial vaginosis?
Greater than 4.5
Normal vaginal pH is typically between 3.8 and 4.5.
What is the treatment for Bacterial vaginosis?
This antibiotic is effective in restoring the normal vaginal flora.
What does the discharge look like in cases of Trichomonas infection?
Frothy, yellow-green discharge
This discharge may also have a foul odor.
What is a characteristic sign of Trichomonas infection on examination?
Strawberry cervix
This refers to the appearance of the cervix due to inflammation.
What is observed in a wet mount for Trichomonas?
Motile trophozoites
These are the active form of the parasite that can be seen under a microscope.
What is vulvovaginitis?
Inflammation of the vulva and vagina
It can have various causes including infections, irritants, and allergies.
What is Trichomonas vaginalis?
A highly motile, flagellated protozoan parasite
It is the causative agent of trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection.
What are the characteristics of vaginal discharge in trichomoniasis?
Offensive, yellow/green, frothy
This type of discharge is a common symptom of the infection.
What is a notable symptom of trichomoniasis in women?
Strawberry cervix
This refers to the appearance of the cervix, which may be red and inflamed.
What is the typical vaginal pH in trichomoniasis?
pH > 4.5
This indicates an alkaline environment, which is associated with the infection.
How does trichomoniasis typically present in men?
Usually asymptomatic but may cause urethritis
Many men do not show symptoms, making it harder to diagnose.
What does investigation of trichomoniasis involve?
Microscopy of a wet mount shows motile trophozoites
This is a key diagnostic feature observed under the microscope.
What is the first-line management for trichomoniasis?
Oral metronidazole for 5-7 days
A single dose of 2g metronidazole is also supported by the BNF.
What condition often occurs in post-menopausal women?
Atrophic vaginitis
Atrophic vaginitis is characterized by changes in the vaginal tissue due to decreased estrogen levels.
What are the common symptoms of atrophic vaginitis?
Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, occasional spotting
Dyspareunia refers to painful intercourse.
What might the vagina appear like during examination in cases of atrophic vaginitis?
Pale and dry
These changes are due to the thinning of the vaginal lining.
What is the first line of treatment for atrophic vaginitis?
Vaginal lubricants and moisturisers
These products help alleviate symptoms by adding moisture to the vaginal area.
If vaginal lubricants and moisturisers do not help, what treatment can be used for atrophic vaginitis?
Topical oestrogen cream
This treatment helps to restore vaginal tissue health by increasing estrogen levels locally.
What condition often occurs in post-menopausal women?
Atrophic vaginitis
Atrophic vaginitis is characterized by changes in the vaginal tissue due to decreased estrogen levels.
What are the common symptoms of atrophic vaginitis?
Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, occasional spotting
Dyspareunia refers to painful intercourse.
What might the vagina appear like during examination in cases of atrophic vaginitis?
Pale and dry
These changes are due to the thinning of the vaginal lining.
What is the first line of treatment for atrophic vaginitis?
Vaginal lubricants and moisturisers
These products help alleviate symptoms by adding moisture to the vaginal area.
If vaginal lubricants and moisturisers do not help, what treatment can be used for atrophic vaginitis?
Topical oestrogen cream
This treatment helps to restore vaginal tissue health by increasing estrogen levels locally.
What is the estimated prevalence of women seeking help for vaginal itching?
1 in 10 women will seek help at some point
What is the most common cause of pruritus vulvae?
Irritant contact dermatitis (e.g. latex condoms, lubricants)
List some underlying causes of pruritus vulvae.
- Atopic dermatitis
- Seborrhoeic dermatitis
- Lichen planus
- Lichen sclerosus
- Psoriasis
What percentage of patients with psoriasis experience pruritus vulvae?
Around a third of patients with psoriasis
What bathing practice should women suffering from vaginal itching be advised?
Take showers rather than taking baths
What type of product should be used to clean the vulval area?
An emollient such as Epaderm or Diprobase
How often should the vulval area be cleaned to avoid aggravating symptoms?
Clean only once a day
What is the general treatment for most underlying conditions causing pruritus vulvae?
Topical steroids
What treatment may be tried if seborrhoeic dermatitis is suspected?
Combined steroid-antifungal
What is pernicious anaemia?
An autoimmune disorder affecting the gastric mucosa that results in vitamin B12 deficiency
‘Pernicious’ means causing harm, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
What are the common causes of vitamin B12 deficiency?
Pernicious anaemia, atrophic gastritis, gastrectomy, malnutrition
Malnutrition can include conditions such as alcoholism.
What antibodies are involved in pernicious anaemia?
Antibodies to intrinsic factor and gastric parietal cells
Intrinsic factor antibodies block the vitamin B12 binding site.
What happens when intrinsic factor production is reduced?
Reduced vitamin B12 absorption
This occurs due to the presence of gastric parietal cell antibodies leading to atrophic gastritis.
What are the consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency?
Megaloblastic anaemia and neuropathy
Vitamin B12 is crucial for blood cell production and myelination of nerves.
What is the gender ratio for pernicious anaemia prevalence?
1.6:1 (female to male)
More common in females, typically develops in middle to old age.
What autoimmune disorders are associated with pernicious anaemia? (5)
Thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo
These associations highlight the autoimmune nature of pernicious anaemia.
Which blood group is more common in individuals with pernicious anaemia?
Blood group A
This suggests a potential genetic predisposition.
What are some features of anaemia associated with pernicious anaemia?
Lethargy, pallor, dyspnoea
These are common symptoms of anaemia.
What neurological feature is characterized by ‘pins and needles’ and numbness?
Peripheral neuropathy
Typically symmetrical and affects the legs more than the arms.
What is subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord?
Progressive weakness, ataxia, paresthesias, which may progress to spasticity and paraplegia
This condition is linked to vitamin B12 deficiency.
What are neuropsychiatric features of pernicious anaemia?
Memory loss, poor concentration, confusion, depression, irritability
These symptoms can significantly affect quality of life.
What is atrophic glossitis?
A sore tongue
This can be a symptom of pernicious anaemia.
What unique physical appearance can result from the combination of mild jaundice and pallor?
‘Lemon tinge’
This describes a specific coloration seen in some patients.
What is pernicious anaemia?
An autoimmune disorder affecting the gastric mucosa that results in vitamin B12 deficiency
‘Pernicious’ means causing harm, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
What are the common causes of vitamin B12 deficiency?
Pernicious anaemia, atrophic gastritis, gastrectomy, malnutrition
Malnutrition can include conditions such as alcoholism.
What antibodies are involved in pernicious anaemia?
Antibodies to intrinsic factor and gastric parietal cells
Intrinsic factor antibodies block the vitamin B12 binding site.
What happens when intrinsic factor production is reduced?
Reduced vitamin B12 absorption
This occurs due to the presence of gastric parietal cell antibodies leading to atrophic gastritis.
What are the consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency?
Megaloblastic anaemia and neuropathy
Vitamin B12 is crucial for blood cell production and myelination of nerves.
What is the gender ratio for pernicious anaemia prevalence?
1.6:1 (female to male)
More common in females, typically develops in middle to old age.
What autoimmune disorders are associated with pernicious anaemia?
Thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, vitiligo
These associations highlight the autoimmune nature of pernicious anaemia.
Which blood group is more common in individuals with pernicious anaemia?
Blood group A
This suggests a potential genetic predisposition.
What are some features of anaemia associated with pernicious anaemia?
Lethargy, pallor, dyspnoea
These are common symptoms of anaemia.
What neurological feature is characterized by ‘pins and needles’ and numbness?
Peripheral neuropathy
Typically symmetrical and affects the legs more than the arms.
What is subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord?
Progressive weakness, ataxia, paresthesias, which may progress to spasticity and paraplegia
This condition is linked to vitamin B12 deficiency.
What are neuropsychiatric features of pernicious anaemia?
Memory loss, poor concentration, confusion, depression, irritability
These symptoms can significantly affect quality of life.
What is atrophic glossitis?
A sore tongue
This can be a symptom of pernicious anaemia.
What unique physical appearance can result from the combination of mild jaundice and pallor?
‘Lemon tinge’
This describes a specific coloration seen in some patients.
What is a full blood count used to investigate?
Macrocytic anaemia
In macrocytic anaemia, what percentage of patients may not exhibit macrocytosis?
What type of blood cells may show hypersegmentation in macrocytic anaemia?
What additional blood count abnormalities may be seen in macrocytic anaemia?
Low WCC and platelets
What is the normal vitamin B12 level in nh/L?
> = 200 nh/L
What is the sensitivity and specificity of anti intrinsic factor antibodies for pernicious anaemia?
Sensitivity 50%, specificity 95-100%
What is the prevalence of anti gastric parietal cell antibodies in patients with pernicious anaemia?
Is the Schilling test routinely done?
What is the method of the Schilling test?
Radiolabelled B12 given on two occasions, urine B12 levels measured
How is vitamin B12 replacement usually administered?
What is the regimen for vitamin B12 injections without neurological features?
3 injections per week for 2 weeks followed by 3 monthly injections
What is the treatment approach for patients with neurological features?
More frequent doses of vitamin B12
What alternative method may be effective for maintenance levels of vitamin B12?
Oral vitamin B12
What supplementation may also be required in conjunction with vitamin B12?
Folic acid
What is a complication of macrocytic anaemia other than haematological and neurological features?
Increased risk of gastric cancer
What is a full blood count used to investigate?
Macrocytic anaemia
In macrocytic anaemia, what percentage of patients may not exhibit macrocytosis?
What type of blood cells may show hypersegmentation in macrocytic anaemia?
What additional blood count abnormalities may be seen in macrocytic anaemia?
Low WCC and platelets
What is the normal vitamin B12 level in nh/L?
> = 200 nh/L
What is the sensitivity and specificity of anti intrinsic factor antibodies for pernicious anaemia?
Sensitivity 50%, specificity 95-100%
What is the prevalence of anti gastric parietal cell antibodies in patients with pernicious anaemia?
Is the Schilling test routinely done?
What is the method of the Schilling test?
Radiolabelled B12 given on two occasions, urine B12 levels measured
How is vitamin B12 replacement usually administered?
What is the regimen for vitamin B12 injections without neurological features?
3 injections per week for 2 weeks followed by 3 monthly injections
What is the treatment approach for patients with neurological features?
More frequent doses of vitamin B12
What alternative method may be effective for maintenance levels of vitamin B12?
Oral vitamin B12
What supplementation may also be required in conjunction with vitamin B12?
Folic acid
What is a complication of macrocytic anaemia other than haematological and neurological features?
Increased risk of gastric cancer
What is the primary function of Vitamin B12 in the body?
Red blood cell development and maintenance of the nervous system
How is Vitamin B12 absorbed in the body?
After binding to intrinsic factor and actively absorbed in the terminal ileum
What is the most common cause of Vitamin B12 deficiency?
Pernicious anaemia
Fill in the blank: A small amount of vitamin B12 is _______ absorbed without being bound to intrinsic factor.
List some causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Pernicious anaemia
- Post gastrectomy
- Vegan diet or a poor diet
- Disorders/surgery of terminal ileum
- Crohn’s disease
- Metformin (rare)
What are common features of Vitamin B12 deficiency?
- Macrocytic anaemia
- Sore tongue and mouth
- Neurological symptoms
- Dorsal column affected first
- Neuropsychiatric symptoms
True or False: Neurological symptoms are always the first signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency.
What is the management for Vitamin B12 deficiency if there is no neurological involvement?
1 mg of IM hydroxocobalamin 3 times each week for 2 weeks, then once every 3 months
Why is it important to treat Vitamin B12 deficiency before folic acid deficiency?
To avoid precipitating subacute combined degeneration of the cord
Which part of the nervous system is usually affected first in Vitamin B12 deficiency?
The dorsal column (joint position, vibration)
What type of anaemia is associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency?
Macrocytic anaemia
List some neurological symptoms associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency.
- Joint position sense loss
- Vibration sense loss
- Distal paraesthesia
- Mood disturbances
What is a risk factor for developing venous thromboembolism (VTE)?
Pregnancy increases the risk of VTE due to physiological changes in the body.
When should a risk assessment for VTE be completed in pregnant women?
At booking and on any subsequent hospital admission
This ensures continuous monitoring of the woman’s risk status.
What is the protocol for a woman with a previous VTE history during pregnancy?
Considered high risk; requires low molecular weight heparin throughout the antenatal period
Expert input is also recommended for high-risk cases.
What constitutes an intermediate risk for developing VTE during pregnancy?
Hospitalisation, surgery, co-morbidities, or thrombophilia
These factors necessitate consideration for antenatal prophylactic low molecular weight heparin.
List three risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing VTE in pregnant women.
- Age > 35
- Body mass index > 30
- Parity > 3
Other factors include smoking, gross varicose veins, current pre-eclampsia, immobility, family history of unprovoked VTE, low risk thrombophilia, multiple pregnancy, and IVF pregnancy.
What action should be taken if a woman has four or more risk factors for VTE?
Immediate treatment with low molecular weight heparin continued until six weeks postnatal
This is crucial for high-risk patients to prevent VTE.
When should low molecular weight heparin be initiated if a woman has three risk factors?
From 28 weeks and continued until six weeks postnatal
This timing helps mitigate the risk of VTE during the later stages of pregnancy.
What should be done if a diagnosis of DVT is made shortly before delivery?
Continue anticoagulation treatment for at least 3 months
This is consistent with the management of other patients with provoked DVTs.
What is the treatment of choice for VTE prophylaxis in pregnancy?
Low molecular weight heparin
It is preferred over Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) and warfarin, which should be avoided during pregnancy.
True or False: Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) are safe to use during pregnancy.
DOACs should be avoided in pregnancy due to safety concerns.
What are fibroids?
Benign smooth muscle tumours of the uterus
What percentage of white women are thought to have fibroids?
Around 20%
What percentage of black women are thought to have fibroids?
Around 50%
In which demographic are fibroids more common?
Afro-Caribbean women
At what stage of life are fibroids rare?
Before puberty
What hormone is associated with the development of fibroids?
What are some common symptoms of fibroids?
- Asymptomatic
- Menorrhagia
- Lower abdominal pain
- Bloating
- Urinary symptoms
- Subfertility
What condition may result from menorrhagia caused by fibroids?
Iron-deficiency anaemia
What is a rare feature associated with fibroids?
Polycythaemia secondary to autonomous production of erythropoietin
What is the primary method for diagnosing fibroids?
Transvaginal ultrasound
What is the management approach for asymptomatic fibroids?
No treatment is needed other than periodic review
What is one treatment option for menorrhagia secondary to fibroids?
Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS)
True or False: The LNG-IUS can be used if there is distortion of the uterine cavity.
What are some NSAIDs that may be used for managing symptoms of fibroids?
- Mefenamic acid
- Tranexamic acid
What oral contraceptive options are available for fibroid management?
- Combined oral contraceptive pill
- Oral progestogen
What injectable treatment option is available for fibroid management?
Injectable progestogen
What are GnRH agonists used for in the context of fibroids?
To reduce the size of the fibroid
What are some side effects of GnRH agonists?
- Hot flushes
- Vaginal dryness
- Loss of bone mineral density
What medication has been previously used to treat fibroids but is not currently recommended due to liver toxicity concerns?
Ulipristal acetate
What surgical options are available for treating fibroids?
- Myomectomy
- Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation
- Hysterectomy
- Uterine artery embolization
What happens to fibroids after menopause?
They generally regress
What complication can occur due to hemorrhage into the tumor during pregnancy?
Red degeneration
What is gestational diabetes?
A condition that may develop during pregnancy, complicating around 4% of pregnancies.
What percentage of pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes according to NICE?
What are the risk factors for gestational diabetes? List at least three.
- BMI of > 30 kg/m²
- Previous macrosomic baby weighing 4.5 kg or above
- Previous gestational diabetes
What is the test of choice for screening gestational diabetes?
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
At what weeks should women with risk factors be offered an OGTT?
24-28 weeks
What fasting glucose level indicates a diagnosis of gestational diabetes?
> = 5.6 mmol/L
What 2-hour glucose level indicates a diagnosis of gestational diabetes?
> = 7.8 mmol/L
How soon should newly diagnosed women with gestational diabetes be seen in a joint clinic?
Within a week
What dietary advice is recommended for managing gestational diabetes?
Eating foods with a low glycaemic index
What should be offered if fasting plasma glucose level is < 7 mmol/L?
A trial of diet and exercise
What medication should be started if glucose targets are not met within 1-2 weeks of altering diet/exercise?
What type of insulin is used to treat gestational diabetes?
Short-acting insulin
What should be done if fasting glucose level is >= 7 mmol/L at the time of diagnosis?
Start insulin
What is the recommended daily dose of folic acid for women with pre-existing diabetes from pre-conception to 12 weeks gestation?
5 mg/day
What is a target fasting glucose level for self-monitoring in pregnant women with diabetes?
5.3 mmol/L
What is the target glucose level 1 hour after meals for pregnant women with diabetes?
7.8 mmol/L
What is the target glucose level 2 hours after meals for pregnant women with diabetes?
6.4 mmol/L
True or False: Gestational diabetes is the first most common medical disorder complicating pregnancy.
What should be done for women who cannot tolerate metformin or fail to meet glucose targets with metformin?
Glibenclamide should be offered
What is a significant complication that can worsen during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes?
What weight management strategy is recommended for women with pre-existing diabetes and a BMI of > 27 kg/m²?
Weight loss
What is umbilical cord prolapse?
Involves the umbilical cord descending ahead of the presenting part of the fetus.
What is the incidence of umbilical cord prolapse in deliveries?
Occurs in 1/500 deliveries.
What are potential consequences of untreated umbilical cord prolapse?
Can lead to compression of the cord or cord spasm, causing fetal hypoxia and irreversible damage or death.
List risk factors for umbilical cord prolapse.
- Prematurity
- Multiparity
- Polyhydramnios
- Twin pregnancy
- Cephalopelvic disproportion
- Abnormal presentations (e.g., breech, transverse lie)
When do approximately 50% of cord prolapses occur?
At artificial rupture of the membranes.
How is umbilical cord prolapse diagnosed?
When the fetal heart rate becomes abnormal and the cord is palpable vaginally, or if the cord is visible beyond the level of the introitus.
True or False: Cord prolapse is considered an obstetric emergency.
What is the first management step for cord prolapse?
The presenting part of the fetus may be pushed back into the uterus to avoid compression.
What should be done if the cord is past the level of the introitus?
There should be minimal handling and it should be kept warm and moist to avoid vasospasm.
What position may the patient be asked to assume until preparations for a caesarian section are made?
All fours.
What is an alternative position to ‘all fours’ for managing cord prolapse?
Left lateral position.
What pharmacological treatment may be used to reduce uterine contractions?
How can retrofilling the bladder help in cord prolapse management?
It gently elevates the presenting part.
What is the usual first-line method of delivery for cord prolapse?
Caesarian section.
Under what condition can an instrumental vaginal delivery be performed in cord prolapse cases?
If the cervix is fully dilated and the head is low.
What is the fetal mortality rate in cord prolapse if treated early?
How has the incidence of fetal mortality in cord prolapse changed?
Reduced by the increase in caesarian sections being used in breech presentations.
What is the typical demographic for endometrial cancer?
Classically seen in post-menopausal women
Around 25% of cases occur before menopause.
What is the prognosis for endometrial cancer?
Usually carries a good prognosis due to early detection
Early detection is key to better outcomes.
What are the risk factors for endometrial cancer?
- Excess oestrogen
- Nulliparity
- Early menarche
- Late menopause
- Unopposed oestrogen
- Metabolic syndrome
- Obesity
- Diabetes mellitus
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Tamoxifen
- Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma
The addition of a progestogen to oestrogen reduces the risk.
What protective factors are associated with endometrial cancer?
- Multiparity
- Combined oral contraceptive pill
- Smoking
The reasons for smoking being protective are unclear.
What is the classic symptom of endometrial cancer?
Postmenopausal bleeding
Typically, it is slight and intermittent initially before becoming heavier.
What other symptoms may premenopausal women experience with endometrial cancer?
- Menorrhagia
- Intermenstrual bleeding
Pain is not common and typically signifies extensive disease.
What should be done for women aged 55 years and older presenting with postmenopausal bleeding?
Refer using the suspected cancer pathway
This is crucial for timely diagnosis.
What is the first-line investigation for suspected endometrial cancer?
Trans-vaginal ultrasound
A normal endometrial thickness (< 4 mm) has a high negative predictive value.
What is the mainstay of management for endometrial cancer?
Localised disease is treated with total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
What treatment may be used for patients with high-risk endometrial cancer after surgery?
Postoperative radiotherapy
This is to reduce the risk of recurrence.
What therapy is sometimes used in frail elderly women not suitable for surgery?
Progestogen therapy
This is a less invasive treatment option.
What is endometriosis?
A common condition characterised by the growth of ectopic endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity.
What percentage of women of reproductive age are affected by endometriosis?
Around 10%.
What are common clinical features of endometriosis?
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Secondary dysmenorrhoea
- Pain often starts days before bleeding
- Deep dyspareunia
- Subfertility
- Urinary symptoms (e.g., dysuria, urgency, haematuria)
- Dyschezia (painful bowel movements)
What findings may be observed on pelvic examination in patients with endometriosis?
- Reduced organ mobility
- Tender nodularity in the posterior vaginal fornix
- Visible vaginal endometriotic lesions
What is the gold-standard investigation for endometriosis?
What should be done if symptoms of endometriosis are significant?
The patient should be referred for a definitive diagnosis.
What are the recommended first-line treatments for symptomatic relief of endometriosis?
- Paracetamol
What should be tried if analgesia does not help in managing endometriosis symptoms?
Hormonal treatments such as the combined oral contraceptive pill or progestogens (e.g., medroxyprogesterone acetate).
What should be considered if analgesia or hormonal treatment does not improve symptoms or if fertility is a priority?
Referral to secondary care.
What are secondary treatments for endometriosis?
- GnRH analogues
- Surgery
What effect do GnRH analogues have in the treatment of endometriosis?
They induce a ‘pseudomenopause’ due to low oestrogen levels.
What is the impact of drug therapy on fertility rates in endometriosis?
It does not seem to have a significant impact.
What surgical options are recommended for women with endometriosis who are trying to conceive?
- Laparoscopic excision or ablation of endometriosis plus adhesiolysis
- Ovarian cystectomy (for endometriomas)
True or False: There is a good correlation between laparoscopic findings and the severity of symptoms in endometriosis.
Fill in the blank: Laparoscopic excision or ablation of endometriosis is recommended by NICE for women who are _______.
[trying to conceive]
What is the definition of obesity in terms of BMI?
A body mass index (BMI) >= 30 kg/m² at the first antenatal visit.
List at least three maternal risks associated with obesity during pregnancy.
- Miscarriage
- Gestational diabetes
- Pre-eclampsia
What is a significant risk related to the delivery method for obese women?
Higher caesarean section rate.
Name two fetal risks associated with maternal obesity.
- Congenital anomaly
- Prematurity
What are the potential long-term risks for children born to obese mothers?
- Increased risk of developing obesity
- Metabolic disorders in childhood
True or False: Women with a BMI of 30 or more should diet during pregnancy to reduce risks.
What is the recommended dosage of folic acid for obese women?
5mg, rather than 400mcg.
At what weeks should obese women be screened for gestational diabetes?
24-28 weeks.
If a woman’s BMI is >= 35 kg/m², where should she give birth?
In a consultant-led obstetric unit.
What should women with a BMI >= 40 kg/m² have before giving birth?
An antenatal consultation with an obstetric anaesthetist and a plan made.
List three maternal risks of obesity during pregnancy.
- Venous thromboembolism
- Dysfunctional labour
- Postpartum haemorrhage
What is the risk of neonatal death associated with maternal obesity?
Increased risk of neonatal death.
Fill in the blank: Obese women should not try to reduce risks by _______ while pregnant.
What is defined as blood loss of > 500 ml after a vaginal delivery?
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)
PPH may be primary or secondary.
When does primary postpartum haemorrhage occur?
Within 24 hours
It affects around 5-7% of deliveries.
What are the four main causes of primary postpartum haemorrhage?
- Tone (uterine atony)
- Trauma (e.g. perineal tear)
- Tissue (retained placenta)
- Thrombin (e.g. clotting/bleeding disorder)
The vast majority of cases are due to uterine atony.
What are some risk factors for primary postpartum haemorrhage?
- Previous PPH
- Prolonged labour
- Pre-eclampsia
- Increased maternal age
- Polyhydramnios
- Emergency Caesarean section
- Placenta praevia, placenta accreta
- Macrosomia
The effect of parity on the risk of PPH is complicated; modern studies suggest nulliparity is a risk factor.
What is the initial management approach for postpartum haemorrhage?
ABC approach
Involvement of senior staff is essential.
What should be done to the woman experiencing PPH as part of the management?
Lie her flat
This is part of the immediate response to PPH.
What type of cannulae should be inserted for PPH management?
Two peripheral cannulae, 14 gauge
This is important for fluid resuscitation.
What initial blood tests are required in PPH management?
Group and save
Blood tests are crucial for transfusion planning.
What is a mechanical intervention for PPH?
Palpate the uterine fundus and rub it to stimulate contractions
This technique is known as ‘rubbing up the fundus’.
What is the medical management for PPH involving oxytocin?
IV oxytocin: slow IV injection followed by an IV infusion
Oxytocin is a key medication used to manage uterine atony.
Which medication should be avoided in patients with a history of hypertension?
It is administered slow IV or IM.
What role does tranexamic acid play in PPH management?
Interest in its role may be significant
It is being researched for its effectiveness in PPH.
What is the first-line surgical intervention for PPH caused by uterine atony?
Intrauterine balloon tamponade
This is recommended by the RCOG.
What surgical options may be considered if medical management fails?
- B-Lynch suture
- Ligation of the uterine arteries
- Ligation of internal iliac arteries
- Hysterectomy (if severe)
Hysterectomy is a life-saving procedure in cases of uncontrolled hemorrhage.
When does secondary postpartum haemorrhage occur?
Between 24 hours - 12 weeks
It is typically due to retained placental tissue or endometritis.
What is defined as blood loss of > 500 ml after a vaginal delivery?
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH)
PPH may be primary or secondary.
When does primary postpartum haemorrhage occur?
Within 24 hours
It affects around 5-7% of deliveries.
What are the four main causes of primary postpartum haemorrhage?
- Tone (uterine atony)
- Trauma (e.g. perineal tear)
- Tissue (retained placenta)
- Thrombin (e.g. clotting/bleeding disorder)
The vast majority of cases are due to uterine atony.
What are some risk factors for primary postpartum haemorrhage? (8)
- Previous PPH
- Prolonged labour
- Pre-eclampsia
- Increased maternal age
- Polyhydramnios
- Emergency Caesarean section
- Placenta praevia, placenta accreta
- Macrosomia
The effect of parity on the risk of PPH is complicated; modern studies suggest nulliparity is a risk factor.
What is the initial management approach for postpartum haemorrhage?
ABC approach
Involvement of senior staff is essential.
What should be done to the woman experiencing PPH as part of the management?
Lie her flat
This is part of the immediate response to PPH.
What type of cannulae should be inserted for PPH management?
Two peripheral cannulae, 14 gauge
This is important for fluid resuscitation.
What initial blood tests are required in PPH management?
Group and save
Blood tests are crucial for transfusion planning.
What is a mechanical intervention for PPH?
Palpate the uterine fundus and rub it to stimulate contractions
This technique is known as ‘rubbing up the fundus’.
What is the medical management for PPH involving oxytocin?
IV oxytocin: slow IV injection followed by an IV infusion
Oxytocin is a key medication used to manage uterine atony.
Which medication should be avoided in patients with a history of hypertension?
It is administered slow IV or IM.
What role does tranexamic acid play in PPH management?
Interest in its role may be significant
It is being researched for its effectiveness in PPH.
What is the first-line surgical intervention for PPH caused by uterine atony?
Intrauterine balloon tamponade
This is recommended by the RCOG.
What surgical options may be considered if medical management fails? PHH
- B-Lynch suture
- Ligation of the uterine arteries
- Ligation of internal iliac arteries
- Hysterectomy (if severe)
Hysterectomy is a life-saving procedure in cases of uncontrolled hemorrhage.
When does secondary postpartum haemorrhage occur?
Between 24 hours - 12 weeks
It is typically due to retained placental tissue or endometritis.
What is the basis of the current law surrounding abortion in the UK?
The 1967 Abortion Act
The law was amended in 1990, reducing the upper limit from 28 weeks to 24 weeks gestation.
How many medical practitioners must sign a legal document for an abortion?
Two registered medical practitioners (only one in an emergency)
This is a legal requirement under the 1967 Abortion Act.
Who can perform an abortion according to the law?
Only a registered medical practitioner
The procedure must take place in an NHS hospital or licensed premise.
What should be given to women who are rhesus D negative and having an abortion after 10+0 weeks’ gestation?
Anti-D prophylaxis
This is to prevent Rh incompatibility.
What is mifepristone commonly referred to as?
It is an anti-progestogen used in medical abortions.
What follows the administration of mifepristone in a medical abortion?
Prostaglandins (e.g., misoprostol)
This is administered 48 hours later to stimulate uterine contractions.
What is required 2 weeks after a medical abortion to confirm the termination?
A multi-level pregnancy test
This test detects the level of hCG.
List the transcervical procedures used to end a pregnancy.
- Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)
- Electric vacuum aspiration (EVA)
- Dilatation and evacuation (D&E)
These are surgical options for abortion.
What is cervical priming and when is it used?
Cervical priming with misoprostol +/- mifepristone
It is used before surgical procedures.
What types of anesthesia can women be offered during a surgical abortion?
- Local anaesthesia alone
- Conscious sedation with local anaesthesia
- Deep sedation
- General anaesthesia
Choice depends on the woman’s preference and the procedure.
What does NICE recommend regarding abortion procedures up to 23+6 weeks’ gestation?
Women should be offered a choice between medical or surgical abortion
Patient decision aids are usually provided.
True or False: Medical abortions are more common after 9 weeks gestation.
After 9 weeks, medical abortions become less common due to various factors.
What is a key consideration for medical abortions before 10 weeks?
They are usually done at home
This is often due to the lower risk of complications.
What are the conditions under which the 24-week limit does not apply?
- To save the life of the woman
- Evidence of extreme fetal abnormality
- Risk of serious physical or mental injury to the woman
These exceptions are outlined in the 1967 Abortion Act.
What must two registered medical practitioners agree upon to legally perform an abortion?
That the pregnancy has not exceeded its 24th week and involves risks to the woman’s health or life
This is based on the provisions of the 1967 Abortion Act.
What is urogenital prolapse?
Descent of one of the pelvic organs resulting in protrusion on the vaginal walls
It probably affects around 40% of postmenopausal women
What are the types of urogenital prolapse?
- Cystocele, cystourethrocele
- Rectocele
- Uterine prolapse
- Urethrocele (less common)
- Enterocele (less common)
Enterocele involves herniation of the pouch of Douglas, including small intestine, into the vagina
What are the risk factors for urogenital prolapse?
- Increasing age
- Multiparity, vaginal deliveries
- Obesity
- Spina bifida
What are common presentations of urogenital prolapse?
- Sensation of pressure, heaviness, ‘bearing-down’
- Urinary symptoms: incontinence, frequency, urgency
What is the management for asymptomatic and mild urogenital prolapse?
No treatment needed
What are conservative management options for urogenital prolapse?
- Weight loss
- Pelvic floor muscle exercises
- Ring pessary
What are the surgical options for cystocele/cystourethrocele?
- Anterior colporrhaphy
- Colposuspension
What surgical options are available for uterine prolapse?
- Hysterectomy
- Sacrohysteropexy
What is the surgical option for rectocele?
Posterior colporrhaphy
What is the definition of Small for Gestational Age (SGA)?
A statistical definition with no universally agreed percentile, often using the 10th percentile
10% of normal babies will be below the tenth percentile; applicable antenatally or postnatally.
What is Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)?
A clinical diagnosis indicating a fetus is not achieving its growth potential due to pathological reasons.
IUGR is a subset of SGA.
Are all SGA babies classified as IUGR?
No, not all SGA babies have IUGR.
All IUGR babies are considered SGA.
What are the main causes of Small for Gestational Age (SGA)?
Incorrect dating, constitutionally small (normal), or an abnormal fetus
Can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
What is the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical SGA?
Symmetrical: fetal head circumference & abdominal circumference are equally small; Asymmetrical: abdominal circumference slows relative to head circumference increase
Symmetrical accounts for 60% of cases, asymmetrical for 40%.
List the causes of symmetrical SGA. (8)
- Idiopathic
- Race (white > black > Asian)
- Sex (boy > girl)
- Placental insufficiency
- Pre-eclampsia
- Chromosomal and congenital abnormalities
- Infection (CMV, parvovirus, rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis)
- Malnutrition
Symmetrical SGA causes are primarily idiopathic.
List the causes of asymmetrical SGA. (3)
- Toxins: smoking, heroin
- Toxins: alcohol (FAS), cigarettes, heroin
- Chromosomal and congenital abnormalities
Asymmetrical SGA is influenced by external factors.
What is the management strategy for symmetrical SGA?
Fortnightly ultrasound growth assessment to demonstrate normal growth rate and check for pathological causes
Includes checking maternal blood for infections and searching the fetus for chromosomal abnormality markers.
What is the management strategy for asymmetrical SGA?
Fortnightly ultrasound growth assessment, biophysical profile, Doppler waveforms from umbilical circulation, and consider daily CTGs
If sub-optimal results, consider delivery.
True or False: All causes of SGA can be attributed to maternal factors.
Some causes are related to fetal factors or external toxins.
Fill in the blank: IUGR is a _______ diagnosis indicating a fetus is not achieving its growth potential.
What is the main aim of cervical screening?
To detect pre-malignant changes rather than to detect cancer.
How many deaths per year does the UK cervical cancer screening program estimate to prevent?
1,000-4,000 deaths.
What percentage of cervical cancer cases are cervical adenocarcinomas?
Around 15%.
What was the traditional method for managing cervical screening results?
Management was based solely on the degree of dyskaryosis.
What does HPV testing allow in the context of cervical screening?
Further risk-stratification of patients with mild dyskaryosis.
What is the current screening approach used by the NHS?
An HPV first system.
At what ages are women offered a cervical smear test in the UK?
Between the ages of 25-64 years.
How frequently is cervical screening conducted for women aged 25-49?
Every 3 years.
How frequently is cervical screening conducted for women aged 50-64?
Every 5 years.
Can women over 64 be offered cervical screening in the UK?
No, cervical screening cannot be offered to women over 64.
How often is cervical screening offered in Scotland?
From ages 25-64 every 5 years.
When is cervical screening in pregnancy usually delayed until?
3 months post-partum.
Why might women who have never been sexually active opt out of cervical screening?
They have a very low risk of developing cervical cancer.
What is said to be the best time to take a cervical smear?
Around mid-cycle.
Is there strong evidence supporting the best time to take a cervical smear?
No, there is limited evidence.
What is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
Infection and inflammation of the female pelvic organs including the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding peritoneum.
Usually results from ascending infection from the endocervix.
What is the most common causative organism of PID?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Other causative organisms include Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, and Mycoplasma hominis.
List three features of pelvic inflammatory disease.
- Lower abdominal pain
- Fever
- Deep dyspareunia
- Dysuria
- Menstrual irregularities
- Vaginal or cervical discharge
- Cervical excitation
What investigation should be done to exclude an ectopic pregnancy in PID?
A pregnancy test
Other investigations include a high vaginal swab, which is often negative, and screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.
What is the first-line management for PID?
Stat IM ceftriaxone + followed by 14 days of oral doxycycline + oral metronidazole
This regimen is preferred to avoid systemic fluoroquinolones where possible.
What is a second-line treatment option for PID?
Oral ofloxacin + oral metronidazole
According to RCOG guidelines, what may be left in mild cases of PID?
Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs)
BASHH guidelines suggest that evidence is limited, but removal of the IUD should be considered for better short-term clinical outcomes.
What is perihepatitis, also known as Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome?
A complication of PID characterized by right upper quadrant pain, which may be confused with cholecystitis.
Occurs in around 10% of cases.
What is the risk of infertility after a single episode of PID?
Infertility is one of the serious complications of PID.
Fill in the blank: PID may lead to _______ pelvic pain.
True or False: Ectopic pregnancy is a complication of PID.
What is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
Infection and inflammation of the female pelvic organs including the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and surrounding peritoneum.
Usually results from ascending infection from the endocervix.
What is the most common causative organism of PID?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Other causative organisms include Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, and Mycoplasma hominis.
List three features of pelvic inflammatory disease.
- Lower abdominal pain
- Fever
- Deep dyspareunia
- Dysuria
- Menstrual irregularities
- Vaginal or cervical discharge
- Cervical excitation
What investigation should be done to exclude an ectopic pregnancy in PID?
A pregnancy test
Other investigations include a high vaginal swab, which is often negative, and screening for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.
What is the first-line management for PID?
Stat IM ceftriaxone + followed by 14 days of oral doxycycline + oral metronidazole
This regimen is preferred to avoid systemic fluoroquinolones where possible.
What is a second-line treatment option for PID?
Oral ofloxacin + oral metronidazole
According to RCOG guidelines, what may be left in mild cases of PID?
Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs)
BASHH guidelines suggest that evidence is limited, but removal of the IUD should be considered for better short-term clinical outcomes.
What is perihepatitis, also known as Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome?
A complication of PID characterized by right upper quadrant pain, which may be confused with cholecystitis.
Occurs in around 10% of cases.
What is the risk of infertility after a single episode of PID?
Infertility is one of the serious complications of PID.
Fill in the blank: PID may lead to _______ pelvic pain.
True or False: Ectopic pregnancy is a complication of PID.
What is the term used by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to describe troublesome nausea during pregnancy?
Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP)
This term replaces the previously used term ‘morning sickness’.
What is hyperemesis gravidarum?
The extreme form of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP)
It occurs in around 1% of pregnancies.
At what gestational weeks is hyperemesis gravidarum most common?
Between 8 and 12 weeks
It may persist up to 20 weeks.
What is thought to be related to the occurrence of hyperemesis gravidarum?
Raised beta hCG levels
Beta hCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy.
List the risk factors for hyperemesis gravidarum.
- Increased levels of beta-hCG
- Multiple pregnancies
- Trophoblastic disease
- Nulliparity
- Obesity
- Family or personal history of NVP
Nulliparity refers to a woman who has never given birth.
True or False: Smoking is associated with an increased incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum.
Smoking is associated with a decreased incidence of hyperemesis.
What is the fifth most common malignancy in females?
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer has a peak age of incidence at 60 years and generally carries a poor prognosis due to late diagnosis.
What percentage of ovarian cancers are epithelial in origin?
Around 90%
70-80% of these cases are due to serous carcinomas.
Where is often the site of origin for many ‘ovarian’ cancers?
Distal end of the fallopian tube
This recognition has increased in recent studies.
Which gene mutations are associated with ovarian cancer risk?
Family history of these mutations significantly raises risk.
What are some risk factors associated with many ovulations? (3)
Early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity
These factors contribute to increased ovulation cycles.
What are common clinical features of ovarian cancer?
Abdominal distension and bloating, abdominal and pelvic pain, urinary symptoms, early satiety, diarrhea
These symptoms are often vague and nonspecific.
What initial test is recommended by NICE for ovarian cancer investigation?
Elevated CA125 levels can indicate various conditions, not just ovarian cancer.
What CA125 level indicates the need for an urgent ultrasound scan?
35 IU/mL or greater
A raised CA125 level prompts further imaging studies.
Is CA125 recommended for screening asymptomatic women for ovarian cancer?
CA125 should not be used for screening in asymptomatic women.
What is the usual management approach for ovarian cancer?
Combination of surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy
This approach is standard for treating ovarian cancer.
What percentage of women present with advanced ovarian cancer at diagnosis?
Late-stage presentation is common, impacting prognosis.
What is the all-stage 5-year survival rate for ovarian cancer?
This statistic highlights the poor prognosis associated with the disease.
True or False: Infertility treatment significantly increases the risk of ovarian cancer.
Recent evidence suggests no significant link between infertility treatment and ovarian cancer risk.
What effect does the combined oral contraceptive pill have on ovarian cancer risk?
Reduces the risk
Fewer ovulations lead to a decreased risk of ovarian cancer.
Fill in the blank: The diagnosis of ovarian cancer is usually confirmed through _______.
diagnostic laparotomy
This procedure is typically necessary due to the difficulty of diagnosis.
Frequent feeding in a breastfed infant is a sign of _______
not alone a sign of low milk supply
Nipple pain may be caused by _______.
a poor latch
What causes nipple pain when breastfeeding and should breastfeeding continue?
blocked duct (‘milk bleb’)
Treatment for nipple candidiasis while breastfeeding involves _______ for the mother and _______ for the baby.
miconazole cream; nystatin suspension
Mastitis affects around _______ of breastfeeding women.
1 in 10
The first-line antibiotic for treating mastitis is _______.
Breastfeeding or expressing should continue during treatment of _______.
If left untreated, mastitis may develop into _______.
a breast abscess
Breast engorgement usually occurs in the _______ days after the infant is born.
first few
Complications of breast engorgement include _______.
- blocked milk ducts
- mastitis
- difficulties with breastfeeding
- difficulties with milk supply
What may help relieve the discomfort of engorgement?
hand expression of milk
In Raynaud’s disease of the nipple, pain is often _______ and present during and immediately after feeding.
Options of treatment for Raynaud’s disease of the nipple include advice on minimising _______.
exposure to cold
Around 1 in 10 breastfed babies lose more than the _______ threshold in the first week of life.
10% cut-off
NICE recommends an ‘expert’ review of feeding if infant weight loss occurs, such as through _______.
midwife-led breastfeeding clinics
Frequent feeding in a breastfed infant is a sign of _______
not alone a sign of low milk supply
Nipple pain may be caused by _______.
a poor latch