objective 10 pt 1 Flashcards
begins with fertilization
ends with birth
38 weeks after conception
prenatal development
what are the divisions of prenatal development?
fetal periods
the state of carrying a developing conceptus
developing offspring
from fertilization through week 8
from week 9 through birth
union pf sperm and egg to create a fertilized egg or zygote
sperm reach secondary oocyte
what happens to the sperm that does not make the 12cm trip to join with egg?
- Some leak out of vagina immediately after
intercourse - Some are destroyed by acidic vaginal environment
- Some fail to make it through cervix
- Some are dispersed in uterine cavity or destroyed
by phagocytes - Only a few thousand out of millions of sperm reach
uterine tubes
lasts about 2 weeks following fertilization
pre-embryonic period
early cell divisions
first cleavage division completed within 36 hrs result in 2 cells
by end of 3rd day, 16 cells in a ball
By 5th day, hollow sphere of about 100 cells,
consisting of flattened cells called trophoblast cells and a small
cluster of 20-30 rounded cells called embryoblast inside
- By the 21th day of the cycle (7th day after
ovulation) endometrium is ready to receive the
blastocyst - Blastocyst attaches to it & “burrows” into
endometrium - Endometrial cells grow over the blastocyst until it
is completely implanted (by 12th day after
ovulation) - Blastocyst secretes human chorionic gonadotropin
(hCG) - hCG travels by blood to the ovary - causes corpus
luteum to continue to secrete progesterone to
maintain the endometrium - Secretion of hCG declines as placenta develops &
secretes its own progesterone to maintain the
pregnancy (~3 mths)
what are the 3 primary germ layers that are developing while the blastocyst is implanting?
- Beginning of 3rd week to end of 8th week (embryo)
- Lasts 6 wks
- Placenta & extraembryonic membranes formed
- The skin forms during 3rd week
- End of 4th week, heart is pumping blood
The most critical time of development
Tissues differentiate & all the organ systems are
formed by the end of this period (end of 8th week)
1 inch (2.5 cm) long, weighs 1 gram
Appears human
embryonic period
what are the 3 extraembryonic membranes formed during 1st 2-3 weeks?
amnion, yolk sac, allantois, and chorion
filled with amniotic fluid
* Completely surrounds the embryo
* Cushions & protects
* Allows symmetrical development, movement;
prevents parts from fusing together
* Initially, amniotic fluid comes from maternal blood;
later, fetal urine contributes to the volume
* Ruptures naturally or surgically (break)
amniotic sac
sac that hangs from ventral surface of embryo
forms part of digestive tube
source of earilest blood cells and blood vessels
yolk sac
small outpouching at caudal end of yolk sac
structural basis for umbilical cord
becomes part of the urinary bladder
develops villi that penetrate the endometrium
helps form placenta
eventually fuses with amnion
encloses embryonic body and all other membranes
- Develops from endometrium & the chorion
- Fully functioning by end of embryonic period
- Has nutritive, respiratory, & excretory role for embryo/fetus
- Functions as temporary endocrine gland - secretes hCG,
estrogen, progesterone
- The chorionic villi become very vascular & extend to the
umbilical vessels - Umbilical cord connects to fetus (2 arteries, 1 vein)
- Expelled as afterbirth
- The membranes of the fetal capillaries & chorionic villi
normally prevent actual mixing of maternal/fetal blood - These membranes serve as a barrier that protect
the baby from harmful substances that may enter
mother’s blood - However, alcohol, drugs, & some infectious agents
can cross this barrier & cause injury - If placental hormones are inadequate, the
pregnancy is aborted
what does the maternal portion of the placenta include?
decidua basalis
decidua capsularis
stratum functionalis of endometrium
villi here increase in number as fetus grows
decidua basalis
portion of placenta that expands to accommodate fetus
villi here degenerate as fetus grows
decidua capsularis
- Formation of body organs and systems
- At week 8, all organ systems are recognizable
what is the specialization of the endoderm?
- Forms epithelial lining of GI tract
- Organs become apparent (pharynx, esophagus, etc.)
- oral/anal openings perforate
- Mucosal lining of respiratory tract forms
- Glands arise along the respiratory tract
- Become epithelia linings in the urinary system and
what is the specialization of ectoderm?
- gives rise to brain and spinal cord (neurulation)
- By day 22, the neural tube develops
- Anterior end forms brain, rest forms spinal cord
- Cranial, spinal and sympathetic ganglia and nerves form
- Adrenal medulla cells form
- Pigment cells of skin
- Contributes to formation of connective tissue
what is the specialization of mesoderm?
- Development of vertebral column, vertebrae, ribs
- Formation of dermis & tissues of limbs
- Formation of skeletal muscles of neck, trunk, and limbs
- Forms gonads and kidneys
- Forms heart and blood vessels, most connective tissue
and entire wall of digestive and respiratory organs
- Embryo has system of paired vessels
- 2 vessels forming heart have fused and bend into “S”
shape - Heart beats at 22 days (3.5 weeks)
end of week 3
bypasses liver; carries blood from the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava
ductus venosus
opening in interatrial septum bypasses pulmonary circulation
foramen ovale
bypasses pulmonary circulation, carries blood from the pulmonary trunk to the aorta
ductus arteriosus
when can sex be determined?
end of 16 weeks
when can mom feel baby?
20th week
skin covered with cheese like material
vernix caseosa
fine hair
how long is full-term pregnancy?
40 weeks
what is premature?
less than 37 weeks
what is postmature?
41-42 weeks