OB - Module 2 Flashcards
When does spina bifida occur?
4th week
When can you see the heart beat?
7th week
When are the finger/toes formed?
8th week
End of embryonic period
All structures are fully differentiated but are not fully functional. This is when they are most vulnerable to teratogens
When is heart function and fetal circulation complete?
8th week
When do reproductive organs differentiate?
7th week
When do the heart chambers form?
6th week
What does the ductus venosus do?
Bypass the liver
What does the ductus arteriosus do?
Bypass around the pulmonary vessels (lungs)
What does the foramen ovale do?
Hole between left/right atrium
When can you hear heart sounds?
Weeks 9-12 with a doppler
When do the kidneys produce (practice) making urine?
Weeks 9-12
When is the sucking/swallowing reflex apparent?
Weeks 13-19
When do mothers first feel the baby’s fluttering movement?
Weeks 13-19. Most mothers don’t feel it until weeks 18-20
When does lanugo and vernix develop?
Weeks 17-23
When can the fetus begin to hear?
Weeks 17-23
When are major organs functional WITH ASSISTANCE?
Weeks 24-27
Measuring 20mL of amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac. 2:1 LS ratio is ideal. chromosome abnormalities and hemolytic diseases. Done after 15 weeks and takes 4 days to 2 weeks for results to come back. LONG
When does lanugo fall off and amniotic fluid decrease?
Weeks 32-36
When is full term?
38-40 weeks
When are all organs/body systems mature?
Weeks 38-40
When are the majority of birth defects occur?
Week 8
What is the purpose of Meconium in weeks 13-19?
Keep intestines open and not grow together
When are the alveoli in the lungs complete?
Week 24
When do most preterm babies survive?
After Week 28
When is post maturity?
After Week 42
When does placenta development occur?
3rd week of conception
What is genetic counseling?
Helps patients understand disorders and risks that fetus may have. At this point they can choose to abort. DO NOT GIVE OPINION, let them make their own decision.
What is nuchal translucency?
An ultrasound that examines subcutaenous edema in the neck around 10-14 weeks.
What is doppler flow assessment?`
Assesses fetal blood flow and velocity of blood at 15 weeks of gestation.
What is Alpha-fetal protein screening?
Drawing mother’s blood and check alpha serum protein. Low=Abnormal chromosome, High=Neural tube defect. ONLY FOR SCREENING. Must have other tests to confirm. (ultrasound)
What does a Chroionic villus sampling do?
Detects chromosomal and genetic problems and can be done as early as 10 weeks. Recommended for high risk patients