Nýtt Ice próf Flashcards
minimum maneuver speed based on AoA and…
current airspeed.
The airspeed may decrease to minimum maneuvering speed. Subsequently, VNAV commands the airplane to fly below the path to stop the deceleration. If VNAV can no longer maintain the airplane within ____ feet of the path without further deceleration, speed reversion occurs, the pitch mode annunciation changes from VNAV PTH to VNAV SPD
Hefurðu FLARE í single autopilot?
Hvernig pitch mode er í ILS aðflugi?
HDG SEL ogg HDG HOLD, hver er munur?
HDG SEL: AIrplane turns to or maintains the heading selected in the MCP heading window.
HDG HOLD (active): AFDS holds present heading. When turning, AFDS holds the heading reached after rolling wings level.
engine bleed air is _____ actuated.
Bleed air is off because of system fault
Er high pressure bleed air tekið? Ef svo hvenær
LP air is used during high power setting operations. HP air is used during descent and other low power setting operations.
Er high pressure bleed air tekið? Ef svo hvenær
LP air is used during high power setting operations. HP air is used during descent and other low power setting operations.
Hvað eru mörg ground pneumatic kerfi og hvar eru þau?
2 ground pneumatic systems vinstra megin. En eitt hægra megin. 3 í heildina.
Þú vilt lofta vélina, geturðu slökkt á recirculation fan vinstra megin? Hægra megin?
Þú getur turn off right recirculation fan til að fá rapid exchange of air EN þú gerir þetta ekki við left recirculation fan, þar sem það causar overboard exhaust valve to open (maintainance action required).
the pack controllers regulate the pack output air temperature to…
satisfy the temperature requirement of the compartment requiring the coolest air.
____ trim air from the bleed air system is added through trim air valves to control the temperature in each of the other compartments.
Hvenær færðu low fuel?
Undir 1000 á öðrum hvorum tankinum.
Hvaðan tekur APU fuel? Hvaða pumpa er það? En ef hún klikkar?
APU fuel is supplied from left fuel manifold Provided by the left forward AC fuel pump supplying fuel to the left fuel manifold or by the DC fuel pump. (Automatic)
Hvað þarf að gerast svo þú fáir FUEL CONFIG ljós?
1 - 800kg difference á milli tanka
2 - Meira en 600kg í center tank en center pump off
3 - low fuel. Minna en 1000kg í öðrum hvorum main tank.
Fuel imbalance must not exceed ____ kg.
Þú tekur fuel í USA, ferð til Spánar og þaðan til Frakklands og svo til Íslands. Hvað máttu hafa lágt OAT?
Þú ert bara á þriðja legg (ekki fjórða) og því máttu hafa -37°C.
Þú tekur fuel í USA, ferð til Spánar og þaðan til Frakklands, svo til Þýskalands og svo til Íslands. Hvað máttu hafa lágt OAT?
Þú ert nú á fjórða legg svo þú ert safe í -44°C. (“Evrópska reglan”)
Hver er hámarks hitinn á bensíninu?
Max temp: 49°C
Ef þú færð hvað gerist ef þú missir þetta og þetta hydraulic system, hvað geturðu gert?
QRH “hydraulic system pressure” þar finnirðu allt í tjékklista.
ENG HYD OVHT þýðir að output eða pumpan sjálf sé of heit?
Hyd pump temperature high
HYD ENG PUMP, hvað þýðir þetta nákvæmlega?
Pump output pressure is low
HDG; Powered by what system? And if that would fail?
Powered by L hyd system or PTU if system pressure is low
Engine anti ice, helstu reglur með hvenær þú notar.
notar alltaf þegar það er icing (Undir 10°C og visible moisture). Hefur þetta ekki í gangi þegar frost er orðið meira en -40°C NEMA í approach.
Það er 5°C og pollar. Engin ummerki um ísingu. Notar þú engine anti ice? Hvenær myndir þú setja það í gang?
Strax. Do not rely on visual icing cues before activating engine anti ice. Use temperature and visible moisture criteria. próf.
Hvenær þarftu að gera engine runup vegna hitastigs og engine anti-ice notkunar? Hvað máttu vera að þessu lengi?
OAT is 3°C or below
Check that all areas behind the airplane are clear.
Runup to a minimum of 60% N1 for approximately 10 seconds at intervals no greater than 60 minutes.
Minimum runway width for all aircrafts is
Minimum runway width for all aircrafts is 30 meters.
maximum takeoff and landing tailwind components is?
10-15 kts.
Hvað er maximum takeoff og landing altitude? En ef þú notar high altitude switch?
Maximum takeoff and landing altitude 8400’, 14,000’ ef það er high altitude switch.
Hvað máttu fara hratt í turbulence?
Turbulent air penetration speed: 290 kts / 0.78 Mach.
Hvað máttu fara hratt í turbulence?
Turbulent air penetration speed: 290 kts / 0.78 Mach.
Máttu nota rudder í autopilot?
Já, Use of aileron trim with autopilot is prohibited.
Maximum altittude with flaps extended is ….
20,000 ft.
Þið eruð þrjú í cockpit, hvað þarftu mikið flight crew oxygen?
800 psi
Flight crew oxygen: 600 psi fyrir 2, 3: 800, 4: 1000.
Hvað gerist ef þú færð fault í engine fire detection loop?
Fault in one of the engine fire detection loops: Færð Status message.
Fault in both: Þá færðu alarm.
Fire bell inhibit: From nose gear strut extension to 400 ft or __ sec.
Hvað gerist þegar þú pullar út engine fire switch? (5)
- fuel is shut off
- bleed valves are closed (og spar valves)
- generator is tripped off
- hydraulic fluid is shut off to the engine-driven hydraulic pump
- fire extinguishing bottles are armed
Hvað bíðurðu lengi með að skjóta seinni fire extinguishing bottle?
í lofti: 30 sek
á jörðu: Ferð bara eftir tjékklista
Hvernig er APU fire detection?
Two fire detector loops in the APU compartment.
Hvernig er APU overheat detection?
Ekkert. En ef þú ert á jörðu og það verður APU fire þá slekkur hún sjálf á APU og drepur í eldi með bottlunni sinni (1 bottle).
Hverni er fire extinguishing systemið á APU? (Búnaður og virkni)
1 bottle. A/C on ground with both engines shut down. APU shuts down automatically and APU fire ext bottle automatically discharged when APU fire detected.
Hvernig er fire detection í cargo compartments?
The forward and aft cargo compartments each have two smoke detectors installed.
Hvað heita vélarnar og hvað er thrustið?
Þarft að vita að vélin heitir RB211-535E4 (Rolls Royce). Thrust er 40,100 each.
What drives the accessory gearbox?
Hvað heita fuel filters, til hvers eru þeir, er bypass og í hvaða röð koma þeir?
Fyrst kemur LP fuel filter (hann er með bypass). Svo kemur HP fuel filter. Purpose is to catch debris from a deteriorating second stage fuel pump. Enginn bypass.
Fuel flow sensor: Just before HP fuel filter og eftir ENG VALVE. (Próf)
Fuel flow senor: Just before ____ og eftir ____.
HP fuel filter, ENG VALVE
Hvað gerir EEC?
The EEC trims the metered fuel to prevent overboost (sá líka talað um “speed”) when operating at or near the thrust limits.
Hvað gerir ELC?
The ELC trims the metered fuel to prevent N1 from exceeding the limits.
Hver eru algengu reduced thrust mode’in?
Climb 1: 94%, Climb 2: 88% próf
Hvað þarftu að gera til að starta APU með batteríum bara?
When starting APU with battery power only: No action is required, the DC pump starts automatically.
Hvaða loftþrýsting þarftu til að starta vélum? (Ground pneumatic start)
Recommended minimum duct pressure for starting engines is 30 PSI.
Í starti, hvað máttu hafa hann lengi á GND?
Normal cycle is 2 minutes, möo starter can be operated for 2 minutes).
Hvað takmarkast reduced takeoff thrust við mikið?
Limited to a 25% reduction in takeoff thrust, or selected climb thrust… whichever is greater.
Reduced thrust; Limited to a 25% reduction in takeoff thrust, or _______ … whichever is greater.
selected climb thrust
Oil temperature is measured after leaving the engine, prior to….
going into the reservoir.
Oil pressure er mældur á hvað mörgum stöðum og af hverju?
Oil pressure is measured at two independent locations (á sama stað, einn á eftir öðrum).. Til að þú þurfir tvær mælinar áður en þú slekkur á vél. Lower EICAS pressure (actual þrýstingur) og ef hinn kickar inn þá færðu EICAS MSG discrete. (Held rétt).
Dispatch oil quantity is…
17 quarts
When is oil temperature measured?
after leaving the engine, prior to entering the reservoir.
Hvað heita approach idle speeds sem þú færðu úr fuel control unit?
“minimum idle og approach idle” - Þetta er það sem var í glærum. Minimum idle er 4-5% lægra en approach idle
Each engine has a _____ actuated fan air thrust reverser. Prófspurning.
The ____ control thrust limits during reverser operation.
Hvernig er ground handling bus powered?
The ground handling bus can be powered only on the ground and only from the APU generator or from the external power source (GND PWR unit)
During autoland, which bus powers the C A/P?
The battery standby system
What stabilizer trim condition exists when both stabilizer trim cutout switches are in the CUTOUT position?
a) Alternate trim is available
b) Hydraulic power is shut off. No trim available.
b) Hydraulic power is shut off. No trim available.
If the electrical loads exceed the power available, the electrical system automatically sheds AC loads by priority until the loads are within the capacity of the generators.
The load shedding is (3)….
– galley power first,
– then utility busses.
– Utility busses are followed by individual equipment items powered by the main AC busses.
Bus Tie Switches OFF, hvað gerist fyrir flight instruments bus tie?
Commands the flight instrument bus tie open.
Pushing the EXT PWR switch on removes…
removes the IGDs and the APU generator from the buses.
Main battery dugar í ___ min. Ef þú hefur APU BAT þá hefur þú?
30 min, 90 min í heild, þar sem APU BAT er 60 mín.
The hydraulic driven generatorprovides DC power to (3)
– the hot battery bus
– the battery bus
– the standby DC bus
In flight, the left engine is shut down. What electrical busses are lost?
a) Only the respective utility bus.
b) Only the two utility buses
c) Both utility buses and the left DC bus
b) Only the two utility buses
Above 200 ft, loss of a generator results in..
Both bus tie breakers closing.
During autoland the busses…. finish the sentence..
During autoland, the busses isolate to allow three independent sources to power the three autopilots.
During autoland, the busses isolate to allow three independent sources to power the three autopilots. How are the three autopilots powered and the flight instrument transfer buses?
Left main system powers the left autopilot and the captain’s flight instrument transfer bus.
the battery/standby system powers the center autopilot.
The right main system powers the right autopilot and the first officer’s flight instrument transfer bus.
What EICAS page displays the rudder, aileron and elevator position?
a) Maintenance.
b) Status.
c) Engine secondary
b) Status.
How many actuators on each aileron panel position the ailerons?
a) 1.
b) 2.
c) 3.
b) 2.
Purpose of flap load relief: Retract flaps from 30 to 25 when the …… is exceeded.
flaps 30 airspeed limit
LE SLAT ASSYMETRY ljós, hvað gerist nú?
Hydraulic system immediately shuts off.
When are the leading edge slats extended to the landing position during normal flap extension?
Flaps 25
Hvað þýðir AUTO SPDBRK?
A fault exists which may cause an inflight extension.
Hvað eru margir ground spoilers?
10 flight spoilers, 12 spoilers on ground
Stabilizer is powered by the …. en stabilizer trim?
center and right hydraulic system. líka trimmið.
Four categories of system alert messages are…
Time critical warning
EICAS: The most recent message is displayed at the top of it’s respective level. If the number of messages exceeds ____, the area below the alert field displays a page cue, indicating more than one page of messages is available for display. Paging is accomplished by pushing the _____ switch on the display select panel.
What messages are not inhibited in engine start? (4)
At ____ feet prior to reaching the selected altitude, the ALT light illuminates.
When deviating by ___ feet from the selected altitude: The Master CAUTION lights illuminate,
300 (mátt reyndar ekki deviate’a meira en 200 í RVSM).
Í RVSM notar þú ___ í step climb
Hvaða atriði geta gefið þér takeoff warning?
takeoff config warning; flaps, parking brake, spoilers, stabilizers
The predictive windshear system uses the _______ to sense windshear.
weather radar
Predictive windshear system; Activated on the ground when ……… and in flight when ………
takeoff power is set, the airplane is below 2300 feet radio altitude
TCAS red lines, hvernig svararaðu svona spurningu?
Rétt er “fly outside the red boxes”
A traffic advisory is a prediction that another airplane will enter the conflict airspace in ___ - ____ seconds.
35 to 45
Tiller can turn the nose wheel up to ___ degrees.
The rudder pedals can be used to turn the nose wheels up to __ degrees
Brake accumulator; An initial pre-charge is shown by the ____ band (1300 psi) on the indicator. A reading at or below that indicates no Brake Accumulator pressure is available og þýðir það m.a.?
amber, og no parking brake available)
Hvað þarftu að hafa í brake accumulator pressure (fyrir ofan) til að þú teljist vera með einhvern brake accumulator pressure?
1300 PSI
Þú ert ekki með normal brake system functioning, hefur þú autobrake system virkni?
Ef þú ert með autobrake í gangi, ertu líka með anti skid?
RTO provides the same braking power as….
RTO provides the same braking power as Max manual (en full pedal braking gefur enn betra deceleration rate)
Er full pedal braking með betra braking power en max manual?
Nei, en full pedal braking er með meira deceleration rate.
After landing, autobrake application begins when (2)…
– both thrust levers are retarded to idle, and
– the wheels have spun up
Autobrake; Deceleration is limited until the pitch angle is less than ___ degree, then deceleration increases to the selected level. Geturðu breytt autobrake settings úr 2 í 3 eftir að þú ert byrjaður að hemla?
1, já
Cockpit voice recorder; AUTO – runs voice recorder from first engine start until …
5 minutes after last engine shut down.
Pilots shall LOGON CPDLC
20 - 30 minutes before entering NAT HLA.
Annað svar úr Kahoot: 10-25 minutes prior or when passing 10,000’ and before FL200.
Hvað tekur IRS alignment langan tíma?
10 mínútur, verður að vera kyrr (parked)
Hvað eru margir GPS?
IRS position accuracy is considered inadequate for operations in airspace where ____ is required.
L GPS EICAS message þýðir…
the right (number 2) transponder must be selected to continue broadcasting ADS-B messages containing GPS position data
FLARE replaces the ___ pitch flight mode annunciation. Flare arms when…
G/S , LAND 3 or LAND 2 annunciates
LNAV Armed for takeoff: Engages at or above __ft within ___ nm of active route.
50ft, 2.5 NM
LNAV activates when in position to turn onto the ____ route leg. In flight, selection causes immediate activation if within __ NM of the active leg.
active, 2.5 NM
automatic pressurization control fails or when cabin altitude MODE SELECT is MAN.
Ef þú færð CABIN AUTO INOP; ___ ____ ____ valves and negative pressure relief valves operate independently from the pressurization control system to
protect the fuselage against excessive pressure differential.
Positive pressure relief
Hver er munurinn á viðvörunum sem þú færð ef PACKS faila, einn eða tveir?
Færð Eicas msg ef báðir packar faila en bara status message ef einn failure.
If trim air shuts off; packs
try to maintain moderate heat, around 24°C
Isolation valve is open when….
engine start / single bleed source operations
Bleed duct leak: Sensed with ____ ____. Slekkur á ____ ef þú færð þetta.
temperature sensors, wing anti ice, ef þú gerir það ekki þá færðu assymmetrical ice buildup.
After takeoff, autopilot may be engaged: Only above ___ ft AGL
GEN CONT SWITCH can be reset how many times in flight? How about GEN DISC?
Pushing EXT PWR; Powers both the main busses even if…
the engines are running
The Ground Service Bus is normally powered by…
Right main bus
A generator loss due to engine shutdown causes what to shed?
Galley AND Utility buses
Ef þú ert spurður um lit á einhverju t.d. böggum tengt VNAV/LNAV þá eru þeir hvernig á litin?
Ef þú ert spurður um lit á einhverju t.d. böggum tengt VNAV/LNAV þá eru þeir hvernig á litin?
A crossbleed start indication (X-BLD) appears above the N3 indication if airspeed is below that….
recommended for a windmilling start.
Lýstu maneuver capability í flap extension, retraction og level flight
Flap extension speed has 40°C bank safety. (25° + 15° overshoot)
During flap retraction, at least adequate maneuver capability or 30°of bank (15° of bank and 15° overshoot)
1.3g maneuver capability occurs at 40 degrees of bank in level flight.
Landing altitude reference bar; white bar show what and the amber bar what?
white bar – 500 to 1000 feet above
landing altitude.
amber bar – 0 to 500 feet above landing
If the VNAV path segment is too shallow to be flown satisfactorily at IDLE thrust, the ___ commands speed on thrust levers
Basicly allt VNAV/LNAV hefur FMC eða magenta í svarinu.
The FMC creates the descent path with a deceleration at the speed transition altitude (typically ___ knots below 10,000 feet).
with greater than ___ knots below the target speed, the autothrottle changes from IDLE/HOLD to SPD
15 kts
Hvað gerist fyrir autobrakes ef þú missir R og C hydraulic kerfi?
Missir þær.
The air/ground sensing system receives air/ground logic signals from…
tilt sensors
If an RTo is initiated below ___, the RTO autobrake function does not operate
85 kts
The Master CAUTION lights and aural annunciations are inhibited for all cautions during part of the takeoff. The inhibit begins at __ knots and continues until the first to occur….
* 400 feet AGL, or
* 20 seconds elapsed time following nose gear extension
The Master CAUTION lights and aural annunciations are inhibited for all cautions during part of the takeoff. The inhibit begins at __ knots and continues until the first to occur….
* 400 feet AGL, or
* 20 seconds elapsed time following nose gear extension
The center and right stabilizer cutout switches control _____ power
Which instrument source select switch
should be selected to alternate if the MAP flag
is displayed on an HSI?
A. FMC switch.
B. EFI switch.
C. IRS switch.
A. FMC switch.