3. Autoflight Flashcards
Climbing to FL370, a amber line appears through VNAV annunciation on the FMA and a “AUTOPILOT” caution appears on EICAS!
a) Manual flying immediately and consider diverting to the nearest suitable airport!
b) The autopilot is still engaged in a attitude stabilization mode, you can try FLCH instead or V/S
b) The autopilot is still engaged in a attitude stabilization mode, you can try FLCH instead or V/S
During cruize into LHR, ASA changes to indicate NO LAND3. LHR METAR indicates calm wind and a RVR of 200m. Considerations?
a) LHR is in LVO and therefore unusable for us. Plan for a diversion if LHR remains in LVO.
b) Land 2 will be displayed at 1500ft RA. CATIIIa approach can be made. As long as RVR remains at or above 200m we can continue for approach into LHR
b) Land 2 will be displayed at 1500ft RA. CATIIIa approach can be made. As long as RVR remains at or above 200m we can continue for approach into LHR
Not considering any other possible aircraft malfunctions. What is the minimum touchdown landing RVR with LAND 3 indicated on ASA?
a) 75m
b) 200m
c) 300m
d) 550m
a) 75m
Not considering any other possible aircraft malfunctions. What is the minimum touchdown landing RVR with LAND 2 indicated on ASA?
a) 75m
b) 200m
c) 300m
d) 550m
b) 200m
Not considering any other possible aircraft malfunctions. What is the minimum touchdown landing RVR with NO AUTOLAND indicated on ASA?
a) 75m
b) 200m
c) 300m
d) 550m
d) 550m
You are flying close to the maximum altitude of the airplane. Any considerations?
A) Fly at least 10 kts above the lower amber band.
B) LNAV could exceed the performance capability of the airplane
C) Both correct
C) Both correct
Cleared to climb from 6000ft to 8000ft. Using FLCH, the autothrottle will….
A) Increase thrust to maximum climb thrust.
B) Increase thrust to allow for a shallow climb
B) Increase thrust to allow for a shallow climb
During takeoff you rotate slower than you are used to resulting in a higher than normal initial climbout speed. The flight director is edging you to increase the pitch. What is the highest speed that the TO pitch mode commands?
A) V2+15
B) V Liftoff+15
C) V2+25
D) V Liftoff+25
C) V2+25
Initial cleared altitude is 1500ft so you are expecting a low level altitude capture. How is the applicable procedure?
A) allow the pitch mode FMA to change from TO to ALT CAP
B) immediately set the IAS/Mach speed window to a speed appropriate for flap retraction
C) engage the autothrottle SPD mode.
D) All correct
D) All correct
After liftoff, the takeoff mode pitch bar uses what V2 input to give a command of speed V2+15 up to V2+25?
A) V2 inserted into the FMS
B) V2 set in MCP speed window
B) V2 set in MCP speed window
You are in the simulator. You get a engine failure at V1. What will the roll and pitch bar on the Flight director command?
a) Roll: Runway heading. Pitch: V2+15
b) Roll: Last ground track. Pitch: V2
c) Roll: Last ground track. Pitch: V2+15
b) Roll: Last ground track. Pitch: V2
Ef hraði undir V2 þá velur hún V2
Ef hraði á milli V2 og V2+15 þá current hraði
Ef hraði er yfir V2+15 þá velur hún hann bara
You are on a approach to with LAND 3 announciated on ASA on a B757-200. The weather is CAT I minima and you are planning a manual landing. If you disconnect the autopilot at minima, can you expect some out of trim control forces?
A) No, not with LAND 3. The airplane should be in trim.
B) Yes. Up to 30 lbs of forward control column pressure might be required.
A) No, not with LAND 3. The airplane should be in trim.
Just after touchdown, following a automatic landing, before selecting thrust reversers, you see LSG Sky chefs catering truck enter the runway in front of you. You decide to Go around…
a) Just press the GA switches, the autopilot will take care of rest.
b) Go Around after touchdown must be manually flown
b) Go Around after touchdown must be manually flown
Following a Go Around, is VNAV selection with acceleration at 1000ft AGL is always applicable?
a) Yes, of course
b) No. The commander must take into account obstacles in the missed approach segment. Higher altitude may be needed
b) No. The commander must take into account obstacles in the missed approach segment. Higher altitude may be needed
Flying a RNAV approach in VNAV PTH. Due to tailwind and configuring late for the approach the speed is increasing and approaching the flap limit speed…
a) No worries…speed protection is installed
b) Use additional drag to reduce speed. The Autothrottle is controlling speed and once idle is reached nothing more can be done
b) Use additional drag to reduce speed. The Autothrottle is controlling speed and once idle is reached nothing more can be done
What is the maximum crosswind for autoland when RVR is 200m?
GA – In flight, go–around arms with flaps out of up or at ….
glideslope capture
ALT CAP (pitch mode) does or does not annunciate on the PFD ?
Does not
runway align submode; is operative during multiple autopilot ILS approach. It reduces the….
crab angle established during crosswind conditions prior to automatic landing.
runway align submode; actuated at ____ feet radio altitude with LAND 3 or LAND 2 annunciated, activation not displayed, autopilot systems initiate a slip with a maximum bank angle of ___ degrees when, the crab angle exceeds ___ degrees, wing leveling from the slip is initiated when the _____ mode is engaged.
500, 2, 5, Rollout
Býður single A/P upp á FLARE maneuverið?
Í autolanding; Rollout guidance continues until…
a full stop
Í autolanding; Ef vélin snertir niður og er í go-around mode, er go-around mode enn virkt?
The AFDS provides windshear recovery guidance by means of the normal go–around pitch and roll modes. With go–around armed, pushing a GA switch commands a pitch–up of ___ degrees or slightly below the pitch limit, whichever is lower.
Í hvaða mode hefurðu ekki þessa vernd: Flap placards speeds, airplane maximum angle of attack and maximum speed limit.
V/S mode
1/2/3/4 Multi–Mode Receivers (MMRs) are installed. Each MMR includes an ____ and GPS receiver.
3, ILS
Hvað eru mörg VOR? En DME? En ILS? Transponders?
2 af öllu nema 3 ILS. Þó transponders séu tveir þá er single control panel.
ADS-B transponders periodically broadcast messages containing airplane information such as position and velocity data without the requirement for ground– based _____.
The left (number 1) transponder receives position data for ADS-B broadcast messages directly from the left ____ receiver. If left that data is not available, then left IRS position data is used.
The predictive windshear system uses the ____ _____ to sense windshear. When is it activated? Radar returns are not displayed unless the WXR switch is ON.
weather radar, Activated on the ground when takeoff power is set and in flight when the airplane is below 2300 feet radio altitude.
Hvenær telst “flight complete”?
Thirty seconds after engine shutdown, the flight complete phase clears the active flight plan and load data. Some preflight data fields initialize to default values in preparation for the next flight.
A _____ time speed schedule may be obtained by entering a cost index of 9999
Hver er munurinn á OPT og RECMD altitude?
OPT: displays the most economical altitude based on gross weight and the active cruise speed.
RECMD: displays the most economical altitude based on winds and airplane performance.
Hvað gerirðu í single- og dual FMC failure?
Í single þá bara seturðu NAV selectorinn yfir á hinn flugmanninn og tekur gögnin þaðan. Ef það er dual, þá geturðu látið CDU’inn framkvæma lateral navigation (ekki LNAV/VNAV samt), hann notar IRS’ið til þess.
Cruise CG: Used by FMC to compute…
maximum altitude and maneuver margin to buffet.
Í holding (auto), hvað er hún að nota mikið bank angle? Gæti hún í sterkum vindum farið út fyrir protected airspace?
30°, já það gæti gerst.