2. Fire protection Flashcards
Hvað eru margar dual-loop detector á hvorri vél og hvað þarf margar til að það komi alarm?
Provided by two independent dual- loop detector systems on each engine. Normally, it is necessary for both loops to provide a warning signal before a fire or overheat alarm is made.
Hvenær er APU fire protection automatic?
When on ground with both engines shut down
Hvernig er cargo fire protection?
No extinguisher for the cargo areas. A push-button switch depressurizes all the cargo compartments
Þú færð EICAS warning vegna fire protection alls staðar nema einum stað sem er…
Þú færð Master Caution and Warning alls staðar nema á tveimur stöðum sem eru..
Duct leaks og lavatories
Á hvaða svæðum færðu aural alarm?
Öllum, þmt lavatories
Á hvaða svæðum færðu discrete identification?
Öllum nema lavatories
Allt extinguishing ferli er manual nema á tveimur kerfum sem eru..
Lavatories og APU when on ground with engines shut down
When fire switch is pulled out it closes the associated ___ and ___ fuel valves and also closes the associated ___ ___ ___ valves
spar and engine fuel valves
Engine bleed air valves
When fire switch is pulled out it closes the associated ___ and ___ fuel valves and also closes the associated ___ ___ ___ valves
spar and engine fuel valves
Engine bleed air valves
When fire switch is pulled out it trips the associated ___ _____ off and also huts off hydraulic fluid to the associated ___ ___ hydraulic pump.
engine generator
engine driven
When fire switch is pulled out it ____ one/both engine fire extinguisher bottles
arms, both
Hver er munurinn á ljósunum; ENG BTL 1/2 DISCH og ENG BTL 1/2
ENG BTL 1/2 DISCH: Discharged
ENG BTL 1/2: Extinguisher bottle has low pressure
Geturðu slökkt á engine overheat viðvörunum?
Nei. The overheat lights remain illuminated as long as the overheat condition exists.
Hvernig er APU fire detection?
2 fire detector loops. No APU overheat detection. APU fire signal initiates automatic APU shutdown. One APU fire extinguisher bottle
Máttu fljúga með APU fire extinguishing inoperative?
Já, þetta er í MEL
Hvernig er main gear wheel well fire protection?
Bara fire detection og warning. Single fire loop.
Muntu fá warning ef það eru “hot brakes”?
Nei, bara ef það er eldur.
Ef þú færð nose gear wheel well fire, hvaða alarm færðu?
Ekki neitt held ég. The nose gear wheel well does not have a fire detection system.
Hvað gerir þú ef þú færð wheel well fire?
Landing gear lever down (maximum 270kts/0.82 M). Bíður svo í 20 mín eftir að eldur er slokknaður og þá seturðu gear aftur upp.
Hvað er forward og aft cargo compartments með marga smoke detectors?
Each cargo compartment has ___ fans that can draw air through the smoke detectors. One fan operates at a time. The second or
standby fan starts automatically on….
sensing a failure of the operating fan.
___ fire Extinguisher bottles are installed for cargo compartment fire extinguishing.
Cargo compartment fire extinguishing; Hvað gerist aukalega ef þú armar forward system (vinstri takkinn)
Turns off both the left and right air conditioning recirculation fans. AFT slekkur bara á hægri viftu.
Each lavatory has a fire extinguisher (automatic discharge). Hvernig veistu að þetta hefur farið í gang?
Veist það á þeim vélum sem eru með cockpit annunciations en ekki öðrum.
Hvernig eru MEL reglurnar varðandi smoke detector system á lavatory?
4 installed en þarft 0. Læsir bara þeim salernum.
Hvernig er testing ferlið á fire og overheat detectors?
Automatic when electrical power is initially applied. Getur líka gert manual tests.
Í cargo vélunum, hvað gerist ef þú færð smoke signal?
Færð fire warning. Held þetta sé ekki þannig í venjulegu vélunum.
Hvernig í hnotskurn er overheat detection kerfið á vélunum?
Provided by two independent dual- loop detector systems on each engine.
Hvort er dual loop notað í fire- eða overheat detection?
Er gas filled hollow conductor notað í fire- eða smoke detection?
Held bara fire protection
APU; Hvaða týpa er fire detection? Er overheat detection? Hvað gerist ef það er APU fire? Er APU fire bottles?
APU fire detection: 2 fire detector loops
Overheat detection: NEI
Hvað gerist: Automatic extinguishing
APU fire bottles: 1
Geturðu resettað engine fire and overheat detection?
Já, can be reset to allow monitoring of the remaining systems.
Hvenær skýtur þú second bottle í vélina í engine fire?
Þegar tjékklisti segir þér, ekki lengur memory item.
When an engine fire switch is pulled out, the associated engine: fuel is shut off, ____ valves are closed, _____ is tripped off, hydraulic fluid is shut off to the engine-driven hydraulic pump, fire extinguishing bottles are ____.
bleed, generator, armed
Hvernig er APU fire detection systemið í hnotskurn?
Two fire detector loops in the APU compartment
Is there or isnt there APU overheat detection?
There isn’t.
Hvað eru margar APU fire bottles? En Engine fire bottles?
APU: 1
Engine: 2
Does the APU FIRE have memory items?
Getur þú verið MELaður þannig að það vanti 1 loop í APU fire extinguishing og þú megir samt fara í loftið?
Já, það má vanta aðra fire detection loopuna (þær eru tvær í APU).
Hvað eru margar fire detector loops í vélum? En APU?
2 loops í hverri vél og 2 loops í APU.
True or false; The nose gear wheel well has a fire detection system but no fire extinguishing?
False, Nose gear hefur ekkert.
The main wheel well fire detection system consists of how many fire detection loop?
Báðar 757 cargo vélar eru með ___ detector loops installed í main cargo compartment.
Í hvaða cargo compartments er fire suppression gert með að shutta off supply of air?
Öllum þremur cargo compartments
Hvað þýðir ENG BTL 1/2 ?
Discharged or has low pressure
How many fire extinguishing bottles eru í cargo?
Has the “APU FIRE” checklist any memory items?
TF-FIH or any PCF freighter. How is a fire in the lower cargo hold extinguished?
A) Two Halon bottles are available and used for fire extinguishing
B) The fire is extinguished by manually depressurizing the aircraft
C) The fire is extinguished by pushing the CARGO FIRE SWITCH and thereby automatically depressurizing the aircraft
A) Two Halon bottles are available and used for fire extinguishing
Á PCF (converted freighter eins og TF-FIH), hver er munurinn á fire extinguishing í main cargo hold eða lower cargo hold?
Main cargo hold: Depressurizing
Lower cargo hold: Two halon bottles.
How many and what type of fire detectors are in each cargo compartment?
A. Three heat sensors
B. Two fire detection loops
C. Two smoke detectors
D. Three fire detection sensors
C. Two smoke detectors
What indicates a fault in one of the engine fire detection loops?
A. Fire signal
B. EICAS advisory msg
C. Status msg
D. Bite test
C. Status msg
When is the fire bell inhibited?
A. Never
B. From nose gear strut extension to 400ft or 20 sec
C. From 80kts to 400ft or 20 sec
D. Below 200ft in an automatic landing
B. From nose gear strut extension to 400ft or 20 sec
A/C on ground with both engines shut down.
APU shuts down automatically and APU fire ext bottle automatically discharged when APU fire detected.
A. True
B. False
A. True
How long should you wait before discharging
the second fire extinguisher bottle into an
engine that continues to have an illuminated
fire warning light?
A. 10 seconds.
B. 20 seconds.
C. 30 seconds.
C. 30 seconds. (ef þetta væri on ground, þá ættir þú að fire second bottle skv checklista).
During engine start the tower informs you that “a fire is burning in the engine”. There is no fire indication in the cockpit. You…
A. Pull the respective fire switch
B. Accomplish the “engine fire” checklist
C. Accomplish the “engine tailpipe fire”
D. A and B
C. Accomplish the “engine tailpipe fire”