1 - Hydraulics Flashcards
The reservoirs, for hydraulic fluids, are pressurized by..
the bleed air system
Hvað sérðu á mælaborði ef það þarf að bæta á hydraulic fluid og við hvaða level kickar það inn?
RF (Refill).
Hvenær myndir þú fá HYD QTY (RSVR ljós) á ?
Reservoir hydraulic quantity below 0.48
Standpipe reservoir level is approximately..
What provides additional hydraulic power?
An electric motor driven pump (Rat?)
What is the operation of the PTU?
Transfers hydraulic power from the right sytem to the left, if the left engine fails or the engine driven pump pressure is low.
The reserve hydraulic fluid in the left, center og right system is used for…
Left: PTU
Center: Ram Air Turbine
Right: reserve brakes
The center system has what kind of pumps?
2x electric pumps (og RAT for that sake).
When is the RAM air turbine used?
When both engines fail
What is not powered by the Left hydraulic system?
A)Rudder Ratio
B) Flaps
C) Landing gear
D) Normal brakes
Normal brakes
If the PTU does not work after a failure of the L hydraulic system, what should be our considerations? More than one might be correct.
A) Alternate extension of flaps, with longer extension times than normal
B) Alternate Gear extension
C) Nosewheel steering inop, ATC must be informed.
A) Alternate extension of flaps, with longer extension times than normal
B) Alternate Gear extension
C) Nosewheel steering inop, ATC must be informed.
What of the following is powered by the Right Hydraulic system? (More than one might be correct)
A) Nose wheel steering
B) Normal Brakes
C) R thrust reverser
D) Reserve Brakes
B) Normal Brakes
C) R thrust reverser
D) Reserve Brakes
What of the following is powered by the Center hydraulic system? (More than one might be correct)
A) Landing gear
B) Center autopilot
C) Stabilizer Trim
D) Alternate Brakes
B) Center autopilot
C) Stabilizer Trim
What does the RAT power?
A) Flight Controls
B) Flaps
C) Landing Gear
A) Flight Controls
What is true regarding braking with Accumulator pressure only? (More than one might be correct)
A) Just a few brake applications are available
B) If you brake too hard and activate the antiskid system, you can lose all brakes in a matter of seconds.
C) You should find a dry runway for landing
A) Just a few brake applications are available
B) If you brake too hard and activate the antiskid system, you can lose all brakes in a matter of seconds.
C) You should find a dry runway for landing
Þú ert með alternate-, normal- og reserve brakes. Hvaða hydraulic kerfi eru á bakvið hvert?
Alternate: Left hydraulic system
Normal: Right hydraulic system
Reserve brakes: Right hydraulic system
Hvaða hydraulic kerfi sér um flaps?
RAT nær nægum krafti við hvað mikin hraða?
130 kts
Þú færð PRESS warning light, hvað þýðir það?
Pump OUTPUT pressure LOW
Er RAT að sinna flaps ef það slær í harðbakkann?
Nei, RAT tekur bara flight controls og yaw damper (flaps eru covered af PTU).
Í hvaða kerfi er PTU?
Er í vinstra kerfi, keyrt áfram af hydraulic motor vegna hydraulic pressure úr hægra kerfi. Þessvegna er talað um að PTU sé að transferra power úr hægra kerfi yfir í vinstra. (Mín skýring).
Hvað þarf mikinn þrýsting svo PTU virki?
Hvað þarf mikinn þrýsting svo PTU virki?
The center system powers…
only flight controls and the yaw damper.
Hvað gerist ef þú notar Reserve brakes?
Hydraulic kerfið notar nú reserve fluid úr reservoir. Activates electric motor driven pump regardless of pump switch position, isolates the pump output power to only the normal brakes. Missir þá sennilega function úr hægra kerfi sem ætti ekki að gera mikið til ef þú ert ekki að nota PTU. Vélin á alveg að höndla að missa hægra kerfið (að því gefnu að hún hafi PTU).
Fluid for ENG pump flows through shutoff valve controlled by the ____ ____ switch.
engine fire
C__ pumps may shed automatically to rescue electrical loads.
Aircraft on ground. The accumulator pressure is in the amber band, this means what is not available?
parking brake
Hydraulic driven generator er í hvaða vélum? Hvernig virkar hann?
Er í ETOPS vélunum. Automatic virkni. Gefur rafmagn ef L and R AC busses fail.
Powered by L hyd system or PTU if system pressure is low
Hydraulic driven generator operates automatically if what fails?
L and R AC busses fail.
Hydraulic driven generator; Powered by ___ hyd system or ___ if system pressure is low
left, PTU
ENG HYD OVHT; A) Hyd L fluid temperature is high B) The hyd pump temperature is high C) when the hyd pump is high D) The L hyd reservoir temperature is high
B) The hyd pump temperature is high
Raðaðu upp hvað er skárst upp á landing distance að gera.
A) Missir bara Left B) Missir bara Center C) Missir bara right
B) Missir bara Center
C) Missir bara right
A) Missir bara Left. Þetta væri verst en munar rosa litlu að missa right eða left kerfi
Raðaðu upp hvað er skárst upp á landing distance að gera, frá versta og í besta.
A) Missir L&C B) Missir R&C C) Missir L&R
Verst er að missa bæði left og right.
Næst verst væri að missa right og center.
Left og center væri skárst.
Pump output pressure is low
What powers the normal brake system?
The right hydraulic system
What indications can you expect when equipment smoke is present?
a. One or both air conditioning packs switch to high flow
b. One or both recirculation fans turn off
c. Exhaust valve opens
All are correct
Aircraft on ground. The accumulator pressure is in the amber band. This means…
No parking brake is available (úr Kahoot)
What powers the landing gear extension and retraction during normal operation?
The left hydraulic system
Hydraulic system pressure is low
Missir vinstra kerfi, what to expect?
Expect alternate flaps extension, alternate gear extension, manual speedbrake extension after landing, loss of nose wheel steering.
Use flaps 20, no autoland, no autobrake
When the engine–driven and electric motor–driven pumps are inoperative, the EICAS status page displays the ____ output pressure.
Left and Right hydraulic system pressures are
low. Is normal flap extension possible?
a) Yes
b) No
b) No
Is pressurization of the hydraulic reservoirs monitored?
a) Yes
b) No
a) Yes
Your colleague on the flight deck inadvertently operates the alternate trim switches during cruise with C autopilot selected. What happens?
a) Nothing happens
b) ‘UNSCHD STAB TRIM’ EICAS msg appears
c) The autopilot disconnects
d) The airplane enters an attitude stabilizing mode
b) ‘UNSCHD STAB TRIM’ EICAS msg appears
- Following the loss of which hydraulic system in-flight, results in the longest landing
distance used?
a) L with the loss of all hydraulic fluid
b) R with the loss of all hydraulic fluid
c) C with the loss of all hydraulic fluid
a) L with the loss of all hydraulic fluid
When is the PTU inhibited?
When the right engine is INOP.
How does pulling the fire engine switch affect the hydraulic system?
A) disconnects the engine hydraulic pump, requiring maintenance reset
B) shuts off fluid to the engine pump and depressurizes the pump
C) depressurizes the associated hydraulic system
B) shuts off fluid to the engine pump and depressurizes the pump
(757) what condition causes the power transfer unit (PTU) to operate automatically?
A) left engine failure and/or left electric hydraulic pump pressure low
B) left engine failure only
C) left engine failure and/or left engine driven hydraulic pump pressure low
C) left engine failure and/or left engine driven hydraulic pump pressure low
Hvaða kerfi tekur flight controls?
Left. Svo er náttúrulega PTU að covera þetta ef vinstra kerfið klikkar og RAT úr miðju kerfinu.
Left hydraulic system: The reservoir maintains reserve hydraulic fluid for use by the ____ in the event of a left system hydraulic leak. (Standpipe level is approx. ___)
PTU, 0.15
Right hydraulic system: The reservoir maintains a reserve hydraulic fluid for use by the ______ in the event of a right system hydraulic leak.
reserve brakes
Center hydraulic system: The reservoir maintains reserve hydraulic fluid for use by the __________ in the event of a center system hydraulic leak
ram air turbine