2. Engines Flashcards
What are the primary engine indications, and where are they displayed?
EPR, N1, EGT.. upper EICAS display
What are the secondary engine indications and where are they displayed?
N2,FF,Oil press,oil temp,oil quant, eng vib …. lower EICAS (ENGINE display)
When are the secondary engine indications automatically displayed?
when the displays initially recieve electrical power… a secondary engine parameter is exceeded
What happenes to EGT indications if the max cont limit is reached?
digits,box, pointer,and dial change to amber.. but that is inhibited during t/o or GA for 5 minutes (some extended to 10 min during single engine)
What looks normal during Compact Display format?
At what point during a normal approach and landing are the thrust reference mode, reference EPR and target ERP indication not displayed?
When the reversers are fully deployed.
What is the takeoff thrust reduction limited to?
A 25% reduction in takeoff thrust, or selected climb thrust… whichever is greater.
What is the percentage for reduced climb thrust?.. usually
climb 1 ~ 94%
climb 2 ~ 88%
What will cycle primary to secondary channels?
If the primary becomes incapable of control.. or during engine shutdown inflight
What causes N1 control mode and what happens?
When inadequate parameter for EPR control.. Small thrust increase and EPR goes blank.
What are some effects from N2 control mode?
Auto thrust limit not avail… eng accel and stagger is affected… inflight idle… Reverse thrust must be controlled manually
How does L/R ENG STATOR affect engine out operations?
Restart is not possible.
The EEC does not provide ___ over temperature protection.
What are the three idle speeds?
Ground minimum idle, inflight minimum idle, and approach idle.
What controls the start valves?
Engine start selectors
What controls ignition and fuel flow
Fuel control switches
What happens when you move the engine start selector to the GND position?
Start valve opens, engages air driven starter to the N3 motor, closes the Bleed valve
During engine start what happes at approx 50% N2?
Start selector moves to AUTO.. starter cutsout/start valve closes… bleed air valve reference switch
When is the inflight start envelope displayed?
When an engine is not running, the resp eng fire switch is not pulled, and both EICAS displays are selected.
Briefly describe the ignitors.
Two ignitors.. Use both for inflight starts.. Main AC is normal.. Standby AC for backup..
What happens when the reverse thrust levers are pulled aft to the interlock position?
the autothrottle disengages… the autospeedbrakes deploy
What happens when the reverser system is activated?
isolation opens sleeves move aft… flow doors rotate to direct air.. the REV is displayed
What happens during deployment when the interlock releases?
levers can be raised to max.. REV to green when fully deployed..
Describe the APU start sequence.
-ON .. fuel pump on (DC if no ac pwr/ AC if AC power avail)
-Start .. APU fuel valve open.. Inlet door opens.. fuel pump on.. (door open) starter engages.. (proper speed) fuel and ignition
What is the APU starter duty cycle?
Maximum of 3 consecutive starts or attempts within a sixty minute period.
Conditions leading to engine start abort?
No oil pressure,high fuel flow, no rise in EGT in 20 seconds or rapid rise or limit
Engine warmup prior to TO?
3 minute minimum, 5 minute target
Engine cool down prior to shutdown?
2 minute minimum a 757
Engine starting parameters to selecting fuel control switch to RUN?
15-25% N3
10% N2 eða stabilization at maximum motoring
+ oil pressure
Max alt. For APU electrics use?
AC service ceiling. (42,000)
Max alt. For APU Pneumatics?
EEC’s provide what protection?
(Electronic engine control)
Over boost, over speed but no over temp protection.
How to cancel APU shutdown?
Momentarily move APU selector to START position.
APU RUN light þýðir
APU at operating speed.
Hvað þýðir APU FAULT ljós?
-APU automatically shutdown.
-APU fuel valve disagreement.
-APU auto shutdown for APU Fire
Note: momentarily illuminates during fuel valve transit.
Hvað þýðir APU FAULT ljós?
-APU automatically shutdown.
-APU fuel valve disagreement.
-APU auto shutdown for APU Fire
Note: momentarily illuminates during fuel valve transit.
Oil quantity requirements?
-17 Qts. To Start
-if < 17 Qts. Verify 8 Qts. Following eng. warmup.
-if < 8 Qts.. Dispatcher approval required.
EICAS TAI displayed (Thermal Anti-Ice indication): Green: ___. Amber: ____
ON, ON but N1 too low
Hvernig liti sérðu á EICAS yfir Engine exceedance?
-current exceedances (RED)
-max exceedance (WHITE)
Hvernig fúnkerar engine start selector: GND ?
Start valve opens, closes the Bleed valve. Önnur lýsing: opens start cable, arms igniters and magnetically held till 50% N2 RPM.
Hvernig fúnkerar engine start selector: AUTO ?
selector releases at 50% RPM, closes starter valve and terminates ignition. Igniters operate continuously with L.E. Slats extended or eng. anti-ice on.
Hvernig fúnkerar engine start selector: CONT ?
selected igniters work continuously w/o time limit.
Hvernig fúnkerar engine start selector: FLT ?
both igniters operate cont. regardless of selector position w/o time limit.
Hvað gerir engine fuel control switch: RUN ?
normal position for eng. operation. opens eng. and spar fuel valves. activates selected igniters.
Hvað gerir engine fuel control switch: CUT OFF ?
closes eng. and spar fuel valves.terminates ignition.
How many computers does the EICAS system use?
2; left and right computers
Which computer is normally used?
Left computer in auto mode
How many EICAS messages can be shown at a given time?
When does the start limit occur on the EGT gauge?
Red hot start limit occurs at below 50% N2
Each engine uses 2 ______ to sense vibrations.
Where is engine vibration sensed?
High pressure compressor (N2)
Broad Band Engine Vibration (BB)
What engine indications are shows in the even of a primary electrical system failure?
Shown in standby engine indicator as digital readouts.
What is the fuel flow path?
Spar Valve
2 stage pump
fuel/oil heat exchanger
fuel filter
bypass filter
FF Meter
Combustion chamber
What does the spar valve do?
Allows fuel to enter the engine fuel system
Hvað gerir Hydraulic mechanical unit (HMU)?
adjusts flow of fuel to meet engine thrust requierements.
What is the IDG
Integrated Drive Generator
How is the IDG cooled?
How many nozzle tubes are there?
The EEC trims the metered fuel to prevent ______ when operating at or near the thrust limits.
The N1 rotor consists of the ___ and a ___ ___ ___ section on a common shaft.
fan, low pressure turbine
The N2 rotor consists of an ______ pressure compressor section and an _____ pressure turbine section on a common shaft.
intermediate, intermediate
The N3 rotor consists of a ____ pressure compressor section and a ____ pressure turbine section on common shaft.
Hvað keyrir áfram m.a. fuel flow governor, IDG, hydraulic pump, pneumatic starter o.fl o.fl?
Accessory gearbox (driven by N3)
Accessory gearbox is driven by N_
EGT, N1, N2 and N3 indications are
inhibited from changing to amber during
takeoff or go–around for ___ minutes
five minutes. (Sumar vélar í 10 mínútur ef þú ert SE). (Red line limits eru EKKI inhibited).
Hvað gerir Max ind Reset (lengst til hægri þar sem þú ert með Display controlin á EICAS)
Cancels max values.
Has no influence on auto event memory.
Hvað þýðir það ef þú færð slatta af bláum “V” niðri í vinstra hornið á primary EICAS?
Held það þýði að þú ert að fá engine data displayed í neðri EICAS. (Partially compacted á upper EICAS CRT display).
Ef Standby Engine Indicator (SEI) - litla backup stykkið sem sýnir engine indications, ef það er í AUTO þá ferð það að sýna indications hvenær?
AC power is lost
either CRT failed and STATUS selected on
the ground
EICAS failed
Hvað er SEI?
litla backup stykkið sem sýnir engine indications
The maximum EPR is the maximum
certified thrust limit for what phase of flight?
and varies with ____ ____ _____.
All phases, existing ambient conditions
The maximum EPR value is acquired from the EEC or the ___ when the EEC is OFF or INOP
TMC. Veit EEC er tvítekið en svona stóð þetta í glósunum.
With the EEC ON, the thrust levers can be moved to the forward stop and the engines will or will not exceed the displayed maximum EPR?
Will not
Þegar þú setur reversers í gang þá kemur upp REV merking á EICAS fyrir ofan EPR. Hvað þýðir þegar textinn er grænn og amber?
Green: fully deployed
Amber: reverser is unlocked or in transit
Hvernig setur þú manual reference EPR values?
Togar í “THRUST REF” takkann og snýrð. (A/T do not respond to manually set reference EPR values).
When the AFDS VNAV mode is engaged, the
EPR bug may be what colour?
VNAV; The FMC does or does not not have the capability to select reduced climb thrust values,
does not have the capability to select reduced climb thrust values, these values must be selected manually with the 1 or 2 TMSP
The basic TMC functions are to: calculate thrust limits and settings or follow FMC thrust settings og hvað tvennt annað?
– detect and transmit autothrottle failures
– actuate the thrust levers
The thrust system consists of a
hydromechanical engine fuel control with
an ____ unit.
EEC stendur fyrir
electronic engine controller
Each engine EEC is powered by…
dual dedicated generators.
TMC stendur fyrir…
Thrust Management Computer
If the TMC fails, the maximum limits are…
When a failure is detected the EEC trim motor will hold the current trim level until
the unit is ___ ____.
turned off
ELC stendur fyrir
Engine Limiter Control (Engine limiter)
Hvaða protection hefur þú í gegnum ELC?
N1 overspeed protection
NO N2 overspeed protection
N3 overspeed protection by the Fuel Control Unit
Hvað myndir L ENG LIMITER þýða?
L Engine limiter has failed
Getur þú farið í flug með EEC inop?
Já, einn má vera off, en þá planar þú flug með báða EEC turned off to prevent unacceptable throttle stagger.
With EEC inoperative eða off, there will be no Command sector indication? true/false
There are two engine idle speeds which are
minimum idle og approach idle
____ ____ is a lower thrust than approach idle and selected for ground operation and all phases of flight except approach and landing.
Minimum idle
Hvað heitir græjan sem velur t.d. hvort það sé minimum idle eða approach idle?
Fuel Control Unit
Hvernig myndirðu lýsa approach idle?
Slats extended inflight
– EAI selected
– Ensures proper engine acceleration for G/A
– Maintained until 5 sec after touchdown or end of reverser
operation (whichever occurs last)
Engine start; Air from the pneumatic duct is used to power the ____ driven starter, which is connected to the ___ rotor.
air, N3
The fuel control switch to RUN; opens the spar and engine fuel valves allowing the fuel to flow to the ___ ____ ____ and activates the selected ignition
fuel control unit
The fuel control switch to RUN; opens the spar and engine fuel valves allowing the fuel to flow to the ___ ____ ____ and activates the selected ignition
fuel control unit
At approximately ___% N3, the engine start selector automatically moves to the
AUTO position.
If the R start valve fails to close automatically, the corresponding valve light will
illuminate and the EICAS caution message….
Þú myndir velja RUN í engine start þegar þú hefur ___% N3
___% N2 eða stabilization at maximum motoring
15-25, 10
Þegar þú ræsir vél, hvenær myndir þú velja RUN og hvenær RICH?
RUN: Venjulega
RICH: Cold engine starts (frostmark) og in-flight starts
Engine tailpipe fire; ____ the engine is the primary means of
extinguishing the fire
Each engine has two igniters. _____ igniters are always used for in-flight starts.
___ ____ power is the normal power source for ignition. ____ ____ power provides a backup source.
Main AC, Standby AC
Engine ignition; hver er munurinn á FLT og CONT?
FLT: both igniters operate continuously regardless of ignition selector position
CONT: selected igniter(s) operate continuously
Fuel flow is measured after or before passing through the engine fuel valve.
EEC og ELC eru hluti af græju sem kallast…
Fuel Control Unit
The ____ trims the metered fuel to
prevent overboost when operating at or
near the thrust limits.
The ____ trims the metered fuel to
prevent N1 from exceeding the limits.
Hvað gerist við a) Engine og b) Spar Valves ef þú púllar fire switch?
closes both valves
Oil temperature is measured after leaving the engine, prior to entering the ______.
Oil system; Geturðu bypassað main filter? En scavange filter?
Geturðu bypassað main filter? Nei
En scavange filter? Já
Hvað er oil pressure mælt á mörgum stöðum
Oil pressure is measured at two independent locations.
Hvað er minimum oil quantity limits?
Oil tank capacity is 19.7 liters (20.4 quarts)
There is no minimum oil quantity limit (no amber or red line limit). There are no operating limitations for the engine oil quantity;
Dispatch limit is 17 quarts (Line maintenance manual).
The EECs control thrust limits during reverser operation. True og false?
When the reverse thrust levers are pulled aft to the interlock position: the ______ disengages, the ____ _____ deploy
autothrottle, auto speedbrakes
When the level of the tracked vibration exceeds ____ units the vibration indications for both engines is displayed automatically and the engine vibration and pointer of the affected engine change color to amber.
_____ vibration will indicate if any speed signal is lost or if a tracking filter is faulty.
Hvað setur þú start selector switch á í severe turbulence?
Hvað gerist fyrir engine start selector þegar þú setur engine anti icing ON ?
Fer í CONT
If the APU is supplying pneumatic power, rotating the APU selector to OFF begins the shutdown cycle by closing the ___ ____ ____ ____.
APU bleed air valve
If the selector is inadvertently moved to OFF, but the ____ light is still illuminated, momentarily moving the selector to START cancels the shutdown signal.
Hvað gerist við APU ef þú setur BAT á OFF á ground og svo í flugi?
Ground: Slekkur á APU
In flight: Ekkert
Engine start selector á GND, hvað gerist fyrir start valve og bleed valve?
Start valve opnast og bleed valve lokast.
The engines are rated at ___ pounds of takeoff thrust each
Each engine is controlled by the
EEC. Electronic Engine Controller.
If the EEC fails, the _____ computes the maximum EPR values.
thrust management computer (TMC)
Does the N3 have overspeed protection and if so, by what?
Yes, by the fuel control unit
Does the N1 have overspeed protection and if so, by what?
Yes, by the engine limiter controller
Approach idle is maintained until
5 seconds after touchdown or end of reverser operation, whichever occurs last.
Minimum idle is for what phases of flight?
All except approach
Ef þú berð saman minimum idle og approach idle, hvort er minna og hversu mikið?
Minimum idle er 4-5% minna
What happens when we push in and rotate the engine start selector to the GND position?
Opens start valve, engages the air driven starter to the N3 rotor, closes the bleed air valve.
At what point does the engine start selector automatically moves to the AUTO position during engine start?
at approximately 47% N3
Does the second fuel filter have a bypass?
Does the first fuel filter have a bypass?
Fuel flow is measured after passing through
the engine fuel valve
The EEC trims the metered fuel to prevent what?
overboost when operating at or near the thrust limits
The ELC trims the metered fuel to prevent what?
N1 from exceeding the limits
Can the main oil filter be bypassed?
Can the scavenge filter be bypassed?
what does the scavenge pump do?
Returns oil to the reservoir
How many places is the oil pressure measured?
Two locations
when is a warning issued because of low oil pressure?
at 18 psi
when is oil temperature measured?
after leaving the engine, prior to entering the reservoir
Dispatch limit on the oil: 17 __.
is reverse thrust only available on ground?
How is reverse thrust activated? Called ___air thrust
Hydraulically. “Fan air thrust”
APU can provide Electrical power up to what altitude?
maximum certified altitude
APU Starter Duty Cycle maximum of
three consecutive starts or attempts within a 60 minute period
During climbout from CPH, engine indications start to fluctuate, upon closer examination it is found that EPR, N1, N2, N3 and Fuel Flow all fluctuate. What is the correct checklist for this condition?
B) Engine Indication Fluctuations
B) Engine Indication Fluctuations
Which is a true statement regarding the APU?
a) The APU can supply only electrical power on the ground.
b) The APU can supply electrical power for all normal loads plus bleed air for two air
conditioning packs or start an engine.
c) The APU should not be used to supply electric power and bleed air
b) The APU can supply electrical power for all normal loads plus bleed air for two air
conditioning packs or start an engine.
What action, if any, is required when starting
the APU with battery power only?
a) The DC fuel pump must be switched on prior to APU start.
b) The left forward DC pump must be placed on.
c) No action is required. The DC fuel pump starts automatically.
c) No action is required. The DC fuel pump starts automatically.
What is the position of the reversers when the ‘REV’ annunciations are not displayed?
a) Stowed and locked.
b) In transit.
c) Extended.
a) Stowed and locked.
Hvernig eru fain air thrust reversers actuated?
When the reverse thrust levers are pulled aft to the interlock position what two things happen?
– the autothrottle disengages
– the auto speedbrakes deploy
What malfunction has occurred if the right
eng. oil pr. light is on, the ‘R ENG OIL PRESS’
message is displayed and oil pressure on
lower EICAS indicates normal for the R. eng.?
a) Low oil pressure.
b) High oil pressure.
c) Oil pressure switch fault.
c) Oil pressure switch fault.
What occurs when the Fuel Control Switch is
placed in the CUTOFF position?
a) Fuel control valve closes.
b) Fuel Shutoff valve closes.
c) Engine Fuel and Spar Valves close.
c) Engine Fuel and Spar Valves close.
What will occur if EGT exceeds the red line
a) Pointer will change to amber.
b) Pointer will remain white for takeoff.
c) Maximum exceedance value attained will be displayed.
c) Maximum exceedance value attained will be displayed.
What does the APU selector do when turned
a) Opens the APU bleed valve.
b) Initiates shutdown cooling cycle.
c) Cuts off fuel.
b) Initiates shutdown cooling cycle.
Using Ground Air, what is the recommended
minimum duct pressure for starting engines?
a) 15 PSI
b) 30 PSI
c) 45 PSI
b) 30 PSI
Engine has no response to thrust lever
movement. What is the appropriate checklist?
a) Engine EEC
b) Engine limit or surge or stall
c) Engine fire or severe damage or separation
d) Engine failure or shutdown
b) Engine limit or surge or stall
During start, if the start valve fails to close
automatically what will be the corresponding
EICAS message?
a) Starter valve
b) Starter fail
c) Starter cutout
d) Starter auto fail
c) Starter cutout