1 - General Flashcards
Minimum pavement width for a 180 degree turn.
120 feet (141 ft fyrir 300 týpuna)
Seat belt sign og no smoking sign; þegar þetta er í “auto”, hvenær kviknar á?
Um leið og þú setur flapa þá kemur seatbelts ljós, en ekki fyrr en gear er down þá kemur no smoking.
If the EMER DOORS annunciation light is illuminated, which doors are affected?
Wing Slide Door
FWD Emergency Door
AFT Emergency Door
If the ACCESS DOORS annunciation light is illuminated, which doors are affected?
FWD Equipment Bay
Electrical Equipment Compartment Door
If the ACCESS DOORS annunciation light is illuminated, which doors are affected?
FWD Equipment Bay
Electrical Equipment Compartment Door
What are the purpose of the Hinged Vent Panel on the cockpit door?
The panels open to equalize pressure in the event of a cockpit depressurization.
Ef það kemur AUTO UNLOCK á hurð í flugstjórnarklefa, hvað þýðir það?
Einhver hefur slegið inn rétt access code. AUTO UNLK light flashes and continuous chime sounds before Timer expires and door unlocks.
Hvaða ljós logar ef að Flight Deck Access System switch er í OFF ?
Which lights need the nose gear down and locked to function?
Nose Gear Landing Light
Runway Turnoff Lights
Taxi Lights
How long will the Emergency Lights last?
15 minutes
When will the Emergency lights activate?
DC POWER fails
Turned off while the system is armed
Maximum runway slope: __%
Maximum Operating Altitude: _____ ft
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude: _____ft
Nema TF-FIC, TF-LLW þá er það 14,000
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component: ___ kts
sumar eru með 10 kts og aðrar 15 kts
Do not use FLCH on final approach below ____ feet AFE.
Do not operate ___ radios during refueling operations.
The maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is ___ feet.
Severe turbulent air penetration speed is: 290 KIAS/____ Mach, whichever is lower.
0.78 Mach
The turbulent air penetration speed is 290 knots/.78 Mach. Below 10,000 feet a speed between ___ and ___ knots provides adequate buffet margin.
240 - 250
Í severe turbulence; autothrottle should be OFF/ON í severe turbulence? Engine start selectors myndir þú setja í ____. Gott er líka að gera hvað?
OFF, ON. Lækka flug um 4,000’
The APU starter duty cycle is a maximum of ____ consecutive starts or attempts within a ____ minute period.
three, sixty
Autothrottle should be off and ignition _______ in severe turbulance
In KEF. What is the maximum difference between the CA and FO altimeters for RVSM operation?
Vænghaf er ____ metrar?
41.4 metrar
Á milli hjóla eru ___ metrar
7.3 metrar
Heildarlengd er ____ metrar
47,3 metrar
Hæð er ___ metrar
13,6 metrar
Hæð topps winglets frá jörðu er ____ metrar
7.4 metrar
Minimum width of payment for 180° turns is?
141ft (43 metrar)
What is the minimum Runway Width for B757-300? 30 eða 40 meters?
30 meters?
What is the minimum width of a pavement for a 180° turn on the B757-300
43 metrar
What is the minimum width of a pavement for a 180° turn on the B757-200
36.6 metrar
There are two cargo doors. The cargo doors open upward and outward. Where are the cargo doors?
one forward and one aft. Both doors are located on the right side of the airplane.
Cargo doors; Er þetta rafmagns, pneumatic eða hvað? En lásarnir?
rafmagns. Læsir manually.
Hvað máttu hafa mikinn vind til að opna cargo hurðina alveg upp á TF-FIH og svo bara canopy open?
0 kts og 45 kts
Which hydraulic system powers the Main Cargo Door opening on TF-FIG?
Left. FIH er með independent hydraulic system
After opening the Main Cargo Door on TF-FIG. Should you turn off the respective hydraulic system?
“Canopy” is defined as a door position where an imaginary “horizontal” line between the door hinge and lower edge is formed parallel to the ground +/- ___ degrees.
Passing 20.000ft you get L FWD ENT DOOR on EICAS. Pressurization is normal. According to the applicable checklist, what do you do?
Ef pressurization er normal, þá bara heldurðu áfram.
TF-FIH: What is the wind limit on if the Main Cargo Door is positioned up to Canopy position?
45 kts
After opening the Main Cargo Door on TF-FIG. Should you turn off the respective hydraulic system?
If both forward windows delaminate or forward vision is unsatisfactory, accomplish an ___ ______ in the landing, if available.
ILS autoland
Emergency lighting; Automatic operation occurs if ____ ______ fails or is turned off when the system is armed
DC power
The emergency lighting system is powered by ____ _____. Battery charge is
maintained by the airplane electrical system. A fully charged battery provides at
least _____ minutes of operation.
remote batteries, 15 min
Photoluminescent lighting; Í sumum vélum. Hleður best þegar hvað?
No passengers (þeir skyggja á), overhead bins closed.
Færð PASS ljós ef þú ert með valið AUTO og…
landing gear eða flaps eru niðri, cabin altitude fyrir ofan 10,000 ft eða passenger oxygen on.
The PAX masks automatically drop from the PSUs if cabin altitude exceeds _____ feet.
You are flying the B767 after some time away. You cannot remember the duration of the oxy test, how long should you hold the emergency/test selector. You ask your colleague on the flight deck. If he is knows his stuff he will answer…
10 seconds
Where can you find the required Flight Crew Oxygen pressure?
In the QRH Ops Info chapter
ástæða þess að þú setur ekki cabin altitude í t.d. 30,000’ til að slökkva eld.
25.000ft is to accommodate to flight crew physiological limits for extended flight on supplementary oxygen. If higher you deprive both the fire and yourself of oxygen.
Normal taxi speed is approximately __ knots, adjusted for conditions.
On long straight taxi routes, speeds up to __ knots are acceptable. Ef það er dry surface og great turning angles þá ____ kts.
20, 30, 10
During taxi, the momentary use of ___ reverse thrust may be needed on slippery surfaces for airplane control.
Hvað er basicly verið að gera í NNC ef það er tail strike?
Cabin altitude mode: MAN
manucal control í CLIMB
gert til að vélin opni outflow valve og depressurizist.
757-200: wingspan ____ meter, (lengd 47 metrar en skiptir ekki máli). Hvað er 300 týpan með í wingspan?
41,1. Sama wingspan á 300 týpunni.
Minimum width of pavement for 180 turn for 200 og 300 í feet?
200: 120 ft
300: 141 ft
Hvað gerir þú við FLIGHT DECK ACCESS SYSTEM eftir lendingu?
Off (svo þetta læsist ekki á eftir þér)
Flight deck door er í auto, hvað gerist ef þú tekur af rafmagn og þegar electrical power er available?
Rafmagn af: Unlocked
Rafmagn á: Locks
Þegar þú tekur walkaround, þá tjékkarðu m.a. á thermal relief indicator. Hvaða kerfi tilheyrir hann?
Crew oxygen system
Þegar það er verið að tjékka á cabin oxygen system þá er m.a. tjékkað á ___ ____ valve
bottle shutoff valve
Þú þarft að vita hvað þú þarft mikið pressure fyrir crew oxygen system eftir hvað það eru margir. Hvar finnur þú tölfunar og hvernig er þetta fyrir 2, 3 og 4 manneskjur í cockpit?
QRH ops info
Iceair segir samt minimum 600 psi. 800 psi er fyrir þrjár manneskjur og svo fjórar þá 1000 psi.
Í oxygen test á crew oxygen þá ýtir þú á takkann í __ sec og fylgist með að þú fáir ekki meira en max ___ PSI dropp
5 sec, 100 PSI
oxygen masks; drop automatically at _____ft.
Á að virka í amk ___ mínútur.
14,000, 12 min
Smoke Vent Valve selector á crew oxygen mask, on top of mask, infront of goggles. hvað gerir þetta?
Used to purge contaminants from the
mask and to remove condensation or
fogging from interior of mask lens.
Það er tafla í MEL sem sýnir að ef það eru 2 að nota oxygen, þá þarf 673 PSI pressure til að vera level off í 25,000 í ___ mínútur
Ert með passenger cabin signs í AUTO. Hvaða fjögur skilyrði þurfa að vera svo þau lýsi?
Gear niðri, flaps niðri, cabin altitude yfir 10,000ft, PAX OXY on
Hvað þarftu að huga að með steel brakes og carbon brakes?
Steel brakes; tap brakes til að halda hita niðri
Carbon; eyðing fer bara eftir fjölda bremsana svo þú reynir frekar að bremsa meira en sjaldnar.
Hver eru tailstrike attitudes á 200 og 300?
200: 12,3%
300: 9,5%
Turning radius á 757-200?
Turning radius á 757-300?
43 m
Wing span á 757-200 og 300 ?
41,1 m
If you are landing and you are over max landing weight you can ….
burn of the fuel in holding or land heavy and ask maintenance to inspect the airplane
Rapid and large alternating control inputs, in pitch, roll or yaw may result in structural failure at any speed. TRUE/FALSE ?
How long is the 757-300?
54,1 meters