3. Landing gear Flashcards
AIR GROUND SYSTEM message on EICAS. Will all ground spoilers deploy upon landing?
No, only the flight spoilers will deploy
No, only the flight spoilers will deploy
If an RTO is initiated below ___ knots, the RTO autobrake function does not operate.
Hvernig velur þú alternate brakes?
Velur það ekki, selection is automatic
Ef þú færð “Right Hyd System Pressure”, hvernig bremsur verður þú að nota?
Alternate brakes
Landing distance difference between alternate brakes and normal brakes is…
“BRAKE SOURCE” displays if both the normal and the alternate brake system…
pressures are low. Passa sig; If there is antiskid activation there is a high risk of depleting the accumulator rendering the aircraft brakeless.
Hvaða skilyrði þarftu til að RTO virki?
Airplane on the ground, groundspeed yfir 85 kts, both thrust levers idle.
Það er smá munur á því hvenær þú notar engine reverse og idle reverse only eftir því hvort þú sért með carbon brakes eða steel brakes, hvernig virkar það?
Steel brakes: Engine reverse
Carbon brakes: Idle reverse
Eftir rejected takeoff, hvað ertu lengi að fá nákvæma mynd af hitastiginu á bremsunum úr brake temp monitoring systeminu?
10-15 mínútur
Hvað telst vera “high” tölur úr brake temp monitoring systeminu?
5-9. The BRAKE TEMP light illuminates for values of 5 and above.
Hvað gerir þú ef þú færð of hátt hitastig á bremsurnar eftir takeoff?
extend gear soon for at least 8 minutes.
The normal brake hydraulic system is powered by the _____ hydraulic system
Right hydraulic system
Alternate brakes; If the right hydraulic system pressure is low, the left hydraulic system automatically supplies pressure to the _____ brake system.
The tiller can turn the nose wheel up to ___ degrees in either direction.
The rudder pedals can be used to turn the nose wheels up to __ degrees in either
- Tiller inputs override rudder pedal inputs.
The main gear is hydraulically tilted ___ degrees aft to fit into the wheel well structure on gear retraction and to provide air/ground sensing
The landing gear lever is placed in the OFF position to…
depressurize the landing gear system.
The gear are ______ powered to the down and locked position
The alternate landing gear extension system uses a dedicated ___ powered electric hydraulic pump
Ef þú ýtir á ALTN GEAR EXTEND switch, hvað gerist?
The landing gear free–fall to the down and locked position.
Antiskid protection is provided in the ___/___ and _____ brake hydraulic systems.
normal/reserve, alternate
BRAKE SOURCE. Þýðir þetta að normal og/eða alternate brake system pressure er lágt?
Já bæði normal og alternate (reyndar laterally paired)
Hvernig virka reserve brakes
Í raun er þetta bara normal brakes nema tekur reserve hydraulic fluid og setur það BARA í normal brakes. Takmarkað hvað þú getur bremsað mikið geri ég ráð fyrir.
An initial pre-charge is shown by the amber band (____ psi) on the indicator. A reading at or below the amber band indicates no Brake Accumulator pressure is available.
The alternate brake hydraulic system provides antiskid protection to laterally ____ wheels.
The alternate brake hydraulic system provides antiskid protection to laterally ____ wheels.
Antiskid gives no protection below ___ kts.
Runway condition code RCC er 5 eða 6, hvaða autobrake þarftu?
Hvaða autobrakes notar þú í routine operations?
1 eða 2
Hvaða autobrake notar þú í routine ops, low vis og degraded braking action?
Hvaða autobrake notar þú ef þú hefur short runway, low vis, degraded braking action
- Key orðið er short runway en annars hefðir þú getað tekið autobrake 3 við sömu skilyrði.
Hvaða autobrake notar þú ef maximum stopping er required?
MAX, myndir samt ná meiri bremsun með full manual braking.
After landing, autobrake application begins when… (2)
– both thrust levers are retarded to idle, and
– the wheels have spun up
Geturðu breytt autobrake í miðjum leik?
Autobrake application occurs slightly after..
main gear touchdown.
True eða false; Setting the parking brake is mechanically possible without any hydraulic pressure at all.
What powers the landing gear extension and
retraction during normal operation?
A. The Right hydraulic system
B. The Left hydraulic system
C. The Center hydraulic system
D. The Right and Left hydraulic system
B. The Left hydraulic system
What powers the landing gear down during
alternate gear extension?
A. The Right hydraulic system
B. The Left hydraulic system
C. The Center hydraulic system
D. Gravity
D. Gravity
Aircraft on ground. The accumulator pressure
is in the amber band. This means:
A. The hydraulic pressure in the accumulator
is rather low
B. No parkbrake is available
C. Nothing
D. Park brake is available but the
accumulator should be serviced
B. No parkbrake is available
What does the message „BRAKE SOURCE“
A. The brakes are inop
B. Both the normal and the alternate brake
system pressures are low.
C. The normal brake system pressure is low
D. The alternate brake system pressure is
B. Both the normal and the alternate brake
system pressures are low.
What is accomplished by pushing the „reserve
brakes“ switch
A. It provides reserve hydraulic fluid to the
right system electric pump. Pump pressure
is then supplied exclusively to the normal
brakes system
B. The reserve brake system is activated
C. Standpipe hydraulic fluid from the left
system is used to power the alternate
brake system
D. Pushing the switch does not accomplish
A. It provides reserve hydraulic fluid to the
right system electric pump. Pump pressure
is then supplied exclusively to the normal
brakes system
What message appears when the parkbrake
valve does not open when the parkbrake is
A. „Brake valve“
B. „Parking brake valve“
C. „Antiskid“
D. No message
C. „Antiskid“
What is true regarding the autobrake system?
A. RTO provides the same braking power as
B. RTO provides the same braking power as
Max Manual
C. RTO arms above 85 kts groundspeed
D. Both B and C are correct
D. Both B and C are correct.
The Takeoff configuration warning includes:
A. Trim and flaps
B. Trim, flaps, park brake, spoilers
C. Trim, flaps, park brake
D. Trim, flaps, park brake, spoilers, engine
B. Trim, flaps, park brake, spoilers
RTO initiated at 100 kts durning t/o in KEF.
Takeoff weight is 95.0T. Temperature is
0°C. Max manual braking with full reverse
thrust. What is the brake cooling time?
a) In the caution zone so takeoff has to be
b) In the fuse plug melt zone
c) 66 min
d) 36 min
d) 36 min
When will the AUTO BRAKES light be
a) When the selector is in the DISARM
b) When the selector is in the OFF
c) When the auto brakes system is
a) When the selector is in the DISARM
When does the alternate brake system
a) When right hydraulic pressure to
normal brakes is low.
b) When the antiskid controller detects a
fault in the normal brakes.
c) When the MAX AUTO setting is
selected for autobrakes.
a) When right hydraulic pressure to
normal brakes is low.
When will the landing gear lever lock
a) When the main gear tilts.
b) When the main and nose gear struts
c) When the main gear struts are
a) When the main gear tilts.