1 - Anti Ice/Rain Flashcards
Hvar er wing anti ice (WAI) notað?
Í loftinu (not on ground)
What kind of icing protection are you aiming for when using WAI? (primary method)
De-icer. Mátt samt alveg nota þetta sem anti-icer in flight en það er betra að leyfa ís að myndast smá áður en hann er brotinn aftur niður.
Hvað gerirðu ef þú sérð Ice accumulation on windows or wipers?
Setur á WAI
Power to electrically heated probes is applied any time…
an engine is running
Failure of the AoA probes would give you what errors?
- wrong altimeter readings
- faulty stall warnings
- wrong pitch limit indications with flaps selected.
Það er 1°C hiti í KEf og þú ert að koma inn á braut, hvað þarftu að gera öðruvísi en ef það væri 12°C hiti?
60% N1 runup í 10 sec
During descent into Dubai you enter a cloud. You notice your SAT is indicating -44°C therefore….?
You turn on the Engine Anti Ice since it should be on in descent
When does the heat probe come on?
When either engine is running
When you have a right duct leak, both the R Wing anti ice and R Engine Anti Ice are inoperative?
What is the definition of icing condition?
OAT 10°C and visible moisture of 1 SM or less
Failure of the AOA probe heat could result in…
a. Wrong altimeter readings
b. Faulty stall warnings
c. Wrong pitch indications with flaps selected
d. All are correct
d. All are correct
Í hvaða anti ice kerfi er notað bleed air?
Bæði engine anti ice og wing anti ice
Hvað gerist við wing anti ice eftir lendingu?
Valves lokast
Wing anti ice hefur __ oatboard slats
Hvenær eru probes powered?
any time an engine is running
Hvað af neðangreindu hafa forward- og side windows í cockpit?
Electric heat (35-38°C), anti-icing, anti-fogging
Allir gluggar hafa electric heat og anti-fogging.
Bara forward windows hafa anti-icing
Máttu fara í flug með annan TAT bilaðan?
Já, ef þú ert ekki að fara í ETOPS (yfir 120 mín) og þú ert ekki að nota A/T, ert ekki í forecasted ísingu og það er í lagi með hinn TAT.
Eftir flug í ísingu; Do not retract the flaps to less than flaps ___ until the flap areas have been checked to be free of contaminants.
You are flying in clouds, TAT is -2°C. Is Wing Anti Ice required?
A) Yes, you are in icing conditions.
B) No, unless there is visible icing eg. on the windshield wiper.
B) No, unless there is visible icing eg. on the windshield wiper.
During BNN holding you see that ice is accumulating on the windshield wipers, you turn on wing anti ice, next you can feel that vibration in the engines is increasing. Vibration on both engines is still not in the amber band…
A) Do the “Fan Ice Removal” procedure immediately!
B) If the vibration goes into the amber band, do the “Engine Vibration” checklist
B) If the vibration goes into the amber band, do the “Engine Vibration” checklist
Þú ert að lenda í ICI (Ice crystal Icing). Hvað gerir þú varðandi anti/de-icing?
Kveikir á engine-anti icing en ekki wing anti-icing. Myndir bara setja það á ef þú sérð visible icing s.s. á windshield viper.
Flameout prevention; Engine ___ ____ is automatically activated when the Engine Anti‐ice switch is turned ON, provided the Engine Start selector is in AUTO
(continuous) ignition
Flameout prevention; Engine ___ ____ is automatically activated when the Engine Anti‐ice switch is turned ON, provided the Engine Start selector is in AUTO
(continuous) ignition
5) 757/767: According to the graphic, the R AOA light is illuminated. This indicates:
a) Angle of attack vane heater failure or only one engine running on ground
b) Angle of attack vane heater failure or neither engine running on ground
c) An air leak has been detected in the probe heater system
d) An overheat condition has been detected in the probe
b) Angle of attack vane heater failure or neither engine running on ground