Automatic flight Flashcards
Limit modes í autohrottle og pich modes eru FLAP LIM og SPD LIM en það er eitt limit mode sem er bara í autothrottle og það er….
The minimum speed limit automatically becomes active when the A/T command permits the speed to go below the critical minimum speed (__% above stall speed [V2])
The TMC causes an ALPHA speed message when the airplanes speed is at or below Vref. The TMC calculates Vref as a function of AOA and then compares the calculated Vref with actual speed. This eliminates nuisance ALPHA speed messages when the airplane’s ____ is high.
AOA (angle of attack)
AFS stendur fyrir hvað og samanstendur af hverju?
Autoflight system; AFDS og A/T
AFDS stendur fyrir hvað?
Autopilot flight director system. (Bara F/D í daglegu tali). Þetta er hluti af AFS ásamt A/T.
TMSP stendur fyrir hvað?
Thrust Mode Selector Panel
The AFDS consists of three Flight Control Computers (FCCs) and the ___.
The MCP provides control of the autopilot, ____ director, _____ Alert, and Autothrottle systems
flight, altitude
Rudder commands are added only during a multiple autopilot approach, landing and ____.
During an ILS approach with all three autopilots engaged, separate ____ sources power the three FCCs.
Autopilot engagement requires at least 1/2/3 operable FCCs.
The left AC/DC bus normally powers the left and centre FCCs except during Autoland operations after Bus Isolation occurs.
When the electrical busses are isolated for an automatic Landing, the Left/Centre/Right FCC receives power from the Hot Battery Bus and ___ ____.
Centre, Standby Inverter
If Left AC Bus power is lost inflight, the left and centre FCCs will be unpowered. With only the right FCC powered, no autopilots can be engaged; however, the ___ ____ _____ will operate.
right flight director
on the ground with no Autopilot engaged and FD OFF, the first FD switch turned ON activates the FD in the ___ mode.
in flight with no autopilot engaged and FD OFF, turning the first FD switch ON engages the FD in ____ and HDG HOLD modes
Getur þú ráðið source fyrir F/D?
autothrottle operates in what five switches are pushed?
EPR, SPD, VNAV, FLCH or GA switch pushed
Ef þú ýtir á EPR; autothrottle holds reference thrust value displayed on EICAS subject to ____ ____ limits
maximum speed
Speed window displays ___ kts when first powered on the ground.
Speed window; display range is: __-__ kts, 0.4-0.95 mach.
100-399 kts
Speed window; in climb changes from IAS to Mach at approximately ___ M.
Speed window; in descent changes from Mach to IAS at approximately ___ KIAS.
descending in VNAV PTH, pitch mode changes to VNAV SPD. Selected speed maintained by ____ until airplane intercepts an altitude constraint and VNAV PTH re-engages. Although, if on approach, pitch mode remains in VNAV PTH and _____ controls speed.
pitch, autothrottle
VNAV; ef þú ýtur á VNAV þá; changes thrust reference from TO to ____ if above 400 ft RA (as installed).
FLCH; AFDS pitch holds what airspeed? and Autothrottle holds selected thrust for climb or idle thrust for descent.
existing airspeed
Hvað gerist fyrir HDG gluggann í MCP þegar þú nærð LOC í ILS ?
automatically changes to selected ILS front course heading at LOC capture.
Bank limit selector. Hvernig er þetta ef þú ert með AUTO og hvernig geturðu annars stillt manual?
Manual: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
Auto: Velur 15-25°
Vertical speed window; range is to fpm in 100 fpm increments
-8000; +6000
Hvað fer altitude window upp í mikið?
LOC and B/CRS modes are single autopilot functions only. Yes or no?
LOC capture will not occur if intercept track angle exceeds ___°
G/S capture can occur when intercept track angle is within ___° of localiser course.
APP switch; Gerir auto arm mögulegt á localiser og G/S ef þú ert undir ___ ft.
1500 ft
Þú losar þig úr APP mode ef þú ert með LOC captured en ekki G/S hvernig?
Velur annað roll mode.
Þú ert í APP mode, LOC og G/S captured. Hvernig losar þú þig úr APP mode?
Annað hvort A) GA mode eða
B) disengage A/P og báðir F/D off.
Command switch push; engages respective autopilot in CMD in active Flight Director mode(s) except TO and GA if either FD switch is ON. If both FD switches are OFF, autopilot engages in what lateral and vertical mode?
VS and HDG HOLD modes
When armed (not active), VNAV, LNAV, LOC, B/CRS and APP modes can/cannot be disarmed by pushing the mode switch a second time.
During single autopilot operation, failures affecting the active mode annunciate on the FMA. If the failure affects ONLY the active mode: The autopilot remains engaged in an _____-stabilising mode.
attitude. (Failures affecting ALL autopilot modes result in an autopilot disengagement)
Flight director; The steering indications are also displayed when the related flight director switch is OFF and a go-around switch is pushed, if airspeed is greater than 80 knots and what?
the flaps are not retracted.
AFDS Flight Mode Annunciations; AFDS/Autothrottle mode changes are emphasised for ___ seconds by a box (green) drawn around the word.
THR ____ - Thrust levers remain in existing position or where manually placed. The Autothrottle servos are de-energised.
LNAV; In flight, selection causes immediate activation if within ___ nm of the active leg.
1. When the bank angle is less than ___ degrees, AFDS returns to wings level HDG HOLD.
2.When the bank angle is greater than 30 degrees, AFDS returns to ___ degrees of bank.
5, 30
Pushing either GA switch cancels all thrust de-rates if selected when?
after take-off
ROLLOUT (armed). Displays below ____ feet Radio Altitude and activates below __ feet.
1500, 5
Roll modes; LNAV, HDG, ___, LOC, B/CRS, TO, GA, ROLLOUT
ATT (altitude retention mode)
Pitch Modes: TO, GA, VNAV, V/S, SPD, ALT CAP, ALT HOLD, G/S og ____