2 Electrics Flashcards
The main airplane AC electrical power sources are: left and right engine Integrated Drive Generators (IDGs) and the ____ generator.
Each engine has an IDG which combines a generator driven by a ___ ___ _______ (CSDU). Each IDG has automatic control and system protection functions.
Constant Speed Drive Unit
When an engine starts, with the ___ ____ switch selected ON, the Generator Control Breaker closes and the IDG automatically powers the respective Main AC Bus.
Power from the generator is routed to the main AC bus through the ____ _____ Breaker.
Generator Control
IDG stendur fyrir..
Integrated Drive Generator (bara generatorarnir)
The OFF Light in the GEN CTRL switch illuminates, and the EICAS Caution message L or R GEN OFF displays whenever the generator control breaker is: Closed? Open?
Hvað gerir GEN CTRL switch?
Ef hann er ON þá er generator control closed og raforka kemur þá beint frá vélinni í AC kerfið (held ég)
The DRIVE light illuminates and the EICAS Advisory message L or R GEN DRIVE displays when…
Low oil pressure eða high oil temperature í IDG (Integrated Drive Generator)
The IDG drive can be disconnected from the engine by pushing the respective ___ ____ switch.
DRIVE DISC. The IDG cannot be reconnected by the flight crew.
If no other power source is available when the APU generator becomes available, the APU generator automatically connects to both main AC buses through the ___ ___ ____.
Bus Tie Breakers
If only one engine-driven generator is powering both the left and right systems when the APU generator becomes available, it causes the operating generators’ ___ ____ ____ to open. This isolates the generator, but does not trip it off. The APU the powers one side of the system while the operating generator powers the other
Bus Tie Braker (BTB)
Ef það er kveikt á APU en það er OFF ljós við hann og EICAS “APU GEN OFF” þá gæti verið að APU GEN switch sé bara off en það gæti líka verið að það sé eitthvað fault í gangi sem veldur því að APU Generator Control Breaker sé closed/open ?
Hvort færðu AC eða DC frá ground service bus?
The right IDG normally powers the right ___ bus
The APU normally powers left/right/both main bus?
From the main AC bus, the power can go to the _____ bus. Each main AC bus also supplies a transformer _____, which in turn supplies its respective DC bus.
Utility, rectifier
The source order for powering left and right main buses is the: respective IDG, APU generator or…
the opposite IDG
Left and Right Utility buses, powered by their respective main AC bus, are controlled by UTILITY BUS switches and the ___ ___ ____
Load Shed System
The ground handling bus can be powered only on the ground and only from the 1. APU Generator 2. External Power source 3. engine-driven generators.
- APU Generator 2. External Power source
____ ___ Bus powers the cargo compartment lights, cargo doors and the airplane refuelling system
Grand Handling Bus
Above 200 feet, loss of a generator results in: Both bus tie breakers [closing/opening] and the operating generator powers both left and right AC buses
Ef þú værir í Autoland og myndir missa generator yfir 200’, hvað myndi koma á ASA hjá þér?
The conditions which result in load shedding; Overload load shedding, ____ start load shedding og _____ loss load shedding.
Overload load shedding, Engine start load shedding og generator loss load shedding.
If the electrical loads exceed the power available, the electrical system automatically sheds AC loads by priority until the loads are within the capacity of the _____.
If a separate generator is supplying each main AC bus, only the Utility and ____ buses associated with the overloaded generator are shed, if necessary
Hvort er sheddað á undan ef þörf krefur; Galley bus eða Utility bus?
Galley bus
Engine start load shedding occurs when the APU is used for both electrical and _____ power during engine start.
When the first Engine Start Selector is moved to the ____ position, both Utility and Galley buses trip off.
GND. Þú ert greinilega að preppa vél fyrir start með að setja start selector í GND, þar sem hún trippar ómikilvæga hluti.
Í engine start þá er eðlilegt að sjá load shedding í electric hydraulic pump, centre tank fuel pumps og utility bus. Rétt eða Rangt?
The Generator Loss load shed is needed to assure adequate generator voltage for _____ pump starting.
Til hvess er generator loss load shedding?
The Generator Loss load shed is needed to assure adequate generator voltage for hydraulic pump starting. This is needed for braking in the event of a refused takeoff due to engine failure.
The main DC electrical system uses two_____________ to produce DC power.
Transformer-Rectifier Units (TRUs)
On some airplanes, backup DC power is provided by a __________ Driven Generator.
During normal operations, the Left and Right TRUs (and buses) operate isolated from one another. However, if one TRU fails, the DC Bus Tie Breaker [opens/closes] automatically to keep both DC buses powered
Are there some flight deck controls for the main DC electrical system?
The Battery/Standby Power System comprises the following Buses:
Hot Battery Bus.
_____ Bus.
Standby DC Bus.
Standby AC Bus.
Hvað eru mörg batterí í vélinni?
2, the APU Battery and the Main Battery
Prior to establishing electrical power, the main battery powers the hot battery bus and the battery bus. After establishing electrical power, the _____ powers the hot battery bus and the ____ powers the battery bus.
main battery charger
Normally, left main [AC/DC power supplies Battery Bus power.
The main and APU batteries are paralleled if power is lost at the Left DC bus. This provides a ___ minute standby power source.
The hot battery bus provides power to items that must be ….
continuously powered, such as the Clock’s time reference
The hot battery bus provides power to items that must be ….
continuously powered, such as the Clock’s time reference
After establishing electrical power, the [Right/Left DC system powers the Battery Bus, and the main _____ provides a backup source of power.
left, battery
ETOPS fitted; The ___________________ activates automatically when both the left and right main AC buses are unpowered.
hydraulic driven generator (HDG)
The hydraulic driven generator is powered by the Left __________ System.
Er Hot Battery Bus og Battery Bus að fá AC eða DC power?
When the Battery Switch is pushed ON and the battery is the only source of power on the airplane, all electrical system indicator lights become operative except the Battery Switch ____ Light and Utility Bus ____ Lights
The Generator Control Switches are normally left ON/OFF
if the right engine is started first, the generator breaker closes automatically after the right ___ ____ ____ opens
Bus Tie Breaker
After landing, when the APU is started, the APU generator breaker closes/opens automatically.
After a flight; When the second engine is shutdown, the second generator breaker _____, and the second Bus Tie Breaker ____ allowing the APU generator to power of all the buses on the airplane
opens, closes
A Hydraulic Driven Generator (HDG), supplied from the Left Hydraulic System, is installed on some airplanes as a second/third/fourth AC generating source.
Hvað þýðir warning signal; L AC BUS OFF
AC Bus is unpowered.
Bus Tie Breaker is open open due to an AC electrical system fault; Hvaða warning light myndir þú fá?
Right Generator Control Breaker is open; Hvaða warning light myndir þú fá?
Each engine has an IDG. Each IDG has automatic control and system protection functions. 90 kVA – Deliver 115V / ___Hz
Advisory message L or R GEN OFF displays whenever the generator control breaker is open/closed.
True or false; The APU generator is electrically identical to
the IDG generators.
External power can power the left/right main busses.
both left and right
Ef þú færð AC bus fail (L AC BUS OFF), gerirðu reset?
Já einu sinni.
Ef þú færð AC bus fail (L AC BUS OFF), gerirðu reset?
Já einu sinni.
The ground service bus is normally powered by the ____ ____ bus.
right main. (AC)
Getur þú powerað Ground handling bus frá IDG’s eða electric generators ?
er þetta rétt??? Nei. The ground handling bus can be powered only on the ground and only from the APU generator or from the external power source.
Left main system: left A/P and captains flight instrument transfer bus
Right main system: Right A/P and first officer’s flight instrument transfer bus
_________________________: Center autopilot
Battery/standby system
Icelandair procedures call for the ____ being started when descending through 10000 feet when preparing for an actual CAT II/III approach.
Hvað gerist fyrir flight instruments ef þú missir bus?
Fer yfir á hinn AC bus, ef báðir fara þá sér HDG um þetta (if installed)
Hvort er load sheddað á undan, galley eða utility bus?
Galley á undan
Hvaða bus trippar off with engine start?
Utility bus (ekki talað um galley). Svo þegar þú startar hinni vélinni þá trippa báðir utility bus.
Hvaða bus trippar off with engine start?
Utility bus (ekki talað um galley). Svo þegar þú startar hinni vélinni þá trippa báðir utility bus.
Hvað gerist ef það er slökkt á vélum og þú færir throttles áfram?
may cause inadvertent load shedding of the utility busses to occur.
The main DC electrical system uses _________________ to produce DC power.
transformer-rectifier units (TRUs)
The TRUs are powered by the….
main AC busses.
Hvaða flight deck controls hefur þú fyrir main DC electrical system?
The Battery/Standby Power System consists of what 4 buses?
– the hot battery bus
– the battery bus
– the standby DC bus
– the standby AC bus
Prior to establishing electrical power, the _____ powers the hot battery bus.
After establishing electrical power, the ____ powers the hot battery bus.
main battery,
main battery charger
Prior to establishing electrical power, when the battery switch is ON, the _____
powers the battery bus.
After establishing electrical power, the ___ ____ system powers the battery bus, and the main battery provides a backup source of power.
main battery, left DC
MAIN BAT DISCH: Main battery discharge occurs. The main battery can provide power to the standby bus for a minimum of __ minutes. (Or __ min of A/C without APU bat).
90, 30
Prior to establishing electrical power, when the battery switch is ON and the standby power selector is in AUTO, the main battery and the APU battery (if installed) are paralleled to power the standby ____ Bus.
standby ____ Bus.
After establishing power, the left AC system powers the standby AC bus and the main battery, APU battery, and ____ ____ provide a backup source of power.
standby inverter
When the standby power selector is in BAT, the main battery, ___ battery, and standby inverter power the standby AC bus.
Hvað er backup power fyrir AC system?
Standby AC bus, main battery, APU battery og standby inverter
Þessir hlutir meðal annarra geta verið powered frá A) Battery bus B) Standby DC bus C) Standby AC bus
Rudder Trim, Left Pack Valve, Stabilizer trim, Rudder stick.
B) Standby DC bus
The hydraulic driven generator (HDG)
activates automatically when..
both the left and right main AC busses are unpowered.
The hydraulic driven generator is powered by
left hydraulic system
During gear retraction, ___ may cease to operate
HDG (Hydraulic Driven Generator)
The hydraulic driven generator provides AC power to: the left and right AC transfer bus, the standby AC bus (through the left AC transfer bus) and the….
captain’s flight instrument transfer bus
The hydraulic driven generator provides DC power to:
– the hot battery bus
– the battery bus
– the ______
standby DC bus
Veitir HDG bara AC power?
Nei bæði AC og DC
The amount of DC power produced by the hydraulic driven generator is less or more than the DC power produced by fully charged main and APU batteries?
Máttu attempta að resetta system með að cycla system control/circuit breaker when not directed by NNC eða nota maintenance-level information to diagnose or take action?
Nei, en þú mátt gera það ef þú hefur klárað published checklist og það clearly results in an unacceptable situation.
Hvaða circuit breaker máttu aldrei poppa?
Fuel pump circuit breaker
Hver er reglan varðandi að poppa circuit breakers?
Mátt resetta einu sinni eftir cooling period of 2 minutes, en aldrei fuel pump circuit breaker.
On the ground, flight crew reset of any other tripped circuit breaker should only be done after….
maintenance has determined that it is safe to reset the circuit breaker.
Kahoot: Above 200 ft, loss of a generator results in..
Both bus tie breakers closing
Kahoot: Hvað gerist ef þú ýtir á GEN DRIVE DISC?
Generatorar (IDG) aftengjast kerfi og þú getur ekki tengt þá aftur.
Kahoot: Left AC bus OFF can lead to all autopilots not working, true/untrue?
Kahoot: Bus Tie Switches OFF; Hvað gerist fyrir flight instrument bus tie?
Commands the flight instrument bus tie open.
Þú missir báða genereitora og ert ekki með APU, hvað hefurðu langan tíma?
Flight beyond 30 minutes will result in a complete loss of electrical power (Or 90 minutes with APU bat). Only standby instruments are powered.
Þú missir báða genereitora en hefur HDG, hvað er HDG að græja?
If power is lost to both main AC busses, the captain’s flight instruments are powered by the hydraulic driven generator (if installed).
Hvað er HDG að sjá um ef þú missir generatora?
Basicly captain’s flight instruments
If the respective bus tie breakers are in AUTO, what happens to the flight instrument transfer buses, in the event power is lost to a main AC Bus.
the flight instrument transfer busses transfer to the opposite main AC bus in the event power is lost to a main AC Bus.
Icelandair procedures call for what when descending through 10000 feet when preparing for an actual CAT II/III approach?
the APU being started. A generator failure would therefore have no adverse effect other than a possible autothrottle disconnect or autobrake disarm
Source order for powering L and R main busses is (3)
Respective IDG - Apu generator - Opposite IDG. Úr Kahoot.
Is the APU generator electrically identical to the IDG generators?
if R IDG fails in flight, what powers the main busses?
What do the BUS TIE BREAKERS do?
isolate or parallel the right and left main busses
Can we lose all autopilots if we lose the left AC buss?
yes on some
If we dont have APU bat, how much battery to we have if both AC busses are off?
30 minutes
If we have APU bat, how much battery to we have if both AC busses are off?
90 minutes
The source order for powering left and right main busses is the respective IDG then the ___ and then the ____
APU generator -> Opposite IDG
The Ground Service Bus is normally powered by..
Right main bus
During autoland, which bus powers the left autopilot and the captain’s flight instrument transfer bus?
The left main system
During autoland, which bus powers the right autopilot and the FO flight instrument transfer bus?
the right main system
What power the captain’s flight instruments if power is lost to both main AC busses?
The hydraulic driven generator
The main DC electrical system uses transformer rectifier units (TRUs) to produce DC power. What normally powers TRUs?
the main AC busses
Do the TRU operate isolated or parallel to each other?
the hydraulic driven generator provides AC power to (3)
the L and R AC transfer bus
the standby AC bus
the captains flight instrument transfer bus
the hydraulic driven generator is powered by?
the left hydraulic system
When doing the GEN DRIVE QRH checklist, both pilots must confirm the action before the GEN DRIVE DISC switched is pushed.
if external power is connected the cabin can get lighting by pushing the ___ _____ switch on FWD attendant panel.
STANDBY BUS on EICAS. Which one of the standby busses has failed?
A) The standby one
B) Standby DC or Standby AC or both
C) Any combination of Standby AC, Standby DC and Battery Bus failure
C) Any combination of Standby AC, Standby DC and Battery Bus failure
What bus powers most of the airplane fire
detection systems?
a) Hot battery bus
b) Battery bus
c) Standby DC bus
d) R main AC bus
b) Battery bus
What bus powers the battery chargers?
a) Ground handling bus
b) Ground Service bus
b) Ground Service bus
Standby power selector (STBY POWER):
BAT position: Hot battery bus powers the ____ ____ bus.
standby DC
Standby power selector (STBY POWER):
if in BAT position then ___ ____ ____ powers the standby DC bus.
Hot battery bus
The EICAS msg “GEN DRIVE” displays
a) oil temp is high and oil pressure low
b) oil temp is high and/or oil pressure low
c) oil temp is high
d) oil pressure is low
b) oil temp is high and/or oil pressure low
EICAS advisory msg “BUS ISOLATED”
a) The bus tie breaker is open
b) The bus tie breaker is closed
c) The DC system is isolated
d) The AC system is isolated
a) The bus tie breaker is open
What bus powers the L utility bus?
a) The ground handling bus
b) The R main AC bus
c) L DC bus
d) The L main AC bus
d) The L main AC bus
What normally powers the battery bus during cruise?
a) R DC bus
b) L DC bus
c) Hot battery bus
d) Standby DC bus
b) L DC bus
During Autoland, which bus powers the C A/P?
a) L main AC bus
b) The battery standby system
c) L and R xfer busses
d) R main AC bus
b) The battery standby system
In flight, the left engine is shut down. What
electrical busses are lost?
a) Only the respective utility bus.
b) Only the two utility buses
c) Both utility buses and the left DC bus
b) Only the two utility buses
On ground: Battery switch OFF causes the ____ to shut down.
Þetta gerist bara “on the ground”
What causes the Standby power Bus OFF
light to illuminate?
a) Battery charger failure.
b) Loss of left system power to standby buses.
c) Loss of power on either the standby AC or
DC bus or bat bus.
c) Loss of power on either the standby AC or
DC bus or bat bus.
With the APU supplying electrical power,
what happens when the first engine is
c) The engine powers both main AC buses.
d) The engine powers its respective buses
e) Nothing happens until the APU is shut
d) The engine powers its respective buses
What does the External Power AVAILBLE
light indicate?
a) Only the External power is plugged in
b) External power is plugged in and power
quality is acceptable.
c) External power is in use on the main
airplane buses.
b) External power is plugged in and power
quality is acceptable.
Pushing the Generator Control switch off
resets the fault trip circuitry.
a) True.
b) False.
a) True.
Which of the following will cause the
Generator DRIVE light to illuminate?
a) Clogged oil filter.
b) High generator load.
c) High oil temperature.
c) High oil temperature.
What normally powers the battery bus
during cruise?
a) The left main DC bus.
b) The standby DC bus.
c) The hot battery bus.
a) The left main DC bus.
Which bus is powered automatically when
external power is plugged in and
a) Standby AC.
b) Ground service bus.
c) Ground handling bus.
c) Ground handling bus.
Pushing the EXT PWR switch ON connects external power to both main busses and…
removes the IDGs and the APU generator from the busses, if they were powering the busses.
The APU normally powers both main busses when..
they are not powered by any other source.
Ef þú missir báða busses, hvernig virkar fuel kerfið?
Suction feed (jafnvel með vélum með HDG en þetta reyndar eitthvað að hjálpa til).
If power is lost to both main AC busses, the captain’s flight instruments are powered by the ____________ (if installed):
hydraulic driven generator
Ef þú pressurizar hydraulics og sérð að center tank fuel pump switches eru með pressure light, er það eðlilegt?
Já, þetta gæti verið load shed bara