neuroanatomy Flashcards
Dorsal column medial meniscus pathway
at level of spinal cord
snesory loss is same side as the decussation occurs in medulla oblogata
b12 deficiency
dorsal column
same side loss of proprioception and fine touch
anterolateral system injury
impairment of pain and temp
spinal tract decussates within the spinal cord so
impairment is contraletral
brown-sequard syndrome
hemisection - ONE side lesion of spinal cord
> trauma
involves both DCML and anterolateral
same side loss of touch, vibration and proprioception
other side pain/temp
also impacts descending tracts = same side hemiparesis
what are the parts of the brainstem?
Medulla oblongata
Pons acts as a bridge between?
cerebrum and cerebellum
cerebellopontine angle syndrome
vestibular schwanomma
same side hearing loss and tinitus
dysequilibrium + vertigo