MSK Flashcards
Colles fracture?
transverse fracture of distal radius
Scaphoid fracture?
outstretched hand
> tender
‘anatomical snuffbox’
why is the scaphoid at risk of avascular necrosis?
retrograde blood supply
what are the two bones of the hand
medial bone is?
Radial - medial bone
Ulna - lateral
two bones of the leg (knee down)
fibular medial bone
Tibia lateral bone
lateral malleulos fractures
weber classification
Type A weber classification?
fractures of the lateral malleolus
below the ankle joint
syndesmosis intact
pelvic ring fracture management?
emergency resus and trauma mx
pathological fracture
what is alendronic acid?
bisphosphonate given in osteoporosis
dose 10mg commonly
how to take bisphosphonate?
empty stomach
sit upright 30 minutes before moving / eating
antibody which blocks activity of osteoclasts?
Gurds criteria is for?
Major criteria?
fat embolism
> respiratory distress
petechial rash
cerebral involvement
what are the two categories of hip fractures?
intra capsular
extra capsular
how is garden classification 1,2 managed?
intra capsular fractures with non displacement can be fixed with internal fixation - screws