Nervous System - Short Answers Flashcards
blood brain barrier importance
- protects the brain and supplies the brain with nutrients and oxygen
- blood capillaries that lead to the brain are made of tightly fused epithelial cells
- forms barrier that blocks many toxins and infectious agents
- barrier allows nothing to seep in and destroy it
3 homeostatic functions
- as food leaves the body peristalsis decreases, as food enters peristalsis increases
- when oxygen levels are low rate and depth of breathing increases, when oxygen levels are high rate and depth decreases
- when temperature gets hotter body temp decreases when temp gets colder body temp increases
events that occur at the synapse
- impulse travels along the presynaptic axon; when impulse reaches the synaptic knob or axon terminal, calcium ions enter the synaptic knob
- as calcium ions enter, vesicles containing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine ACH, migrate toward the presynaptic membrane
- vesicles attach to the presynaptic membrane and the ACH is released into the tiny synaptic cleft by exocytosis
- ACH travels across the cleft and attaches to the protein receptors on the postsynaptic membrane; this temporary attachment causes the postsynaptic membrane to become permeable to sodium ions and an impulse is initiated in the next neuron
- after an impulse is conveyed in the next neuron, an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase (ACHase) breaks down the ACH in the synaptic cleft; breakdown fragments are taken up by the presynaptic membrane by endocytosis
- ACH fragments are we synthesized into ACH within the vesicle
sensory and motor gyrus
- found in the cerebrum
- receive input from receptors and interprets impulses
-send impulses for all voluntary movement and position of moveable body parts
pis and dura mater
2 of the 3 meninges
-thick, outer layer of dense connective tissue; most protective layer
-inner most layer of delicate connective tissue that is closely attracted to the surface of the brain and spinal cord; contains blood vessels that nourish the neutrons and neuroglial cells
rods and cones
- seeing colour is dependent upon the surfaces ability to reflect various wavelengths of white light
- each cone sends and independent message to the occipital lobes
- responsibility for vision in dim light; contain protein rhodopsin
- groups of up to 159 rods send only one message to occipital lobes
brocas and wernickes
- coordinates the muscles for speaking and translates thought into speech
- left side of the cerebral cortex
- if damaged -> doesn’t affect understanding of language but unable to to speak
- stores the info involved with language comprehension
- if damaged -> ability to utter words isn’t affected but words don’t make sense
white and grey matter
-corpus callosum contains mylinated fibres which allows both hemispheres to communicate with each other; looks like upside nike swoosh
-cerebral cortex is the outside later of the cerebrum that contains many cells bodies of association neutrons and motor neurone; interconnected by unmyelinated neurons
- crystal clear colourless solution
- shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord
- circulates through the brain ventricles then I it the subarachnoid space
axon function
- fibre which carries impulses away from the cell body
- myelinated and nonmyelinated (schwann cells)
neuron structure
- dendrite
- cell body
- axon
- neurilemma
- node of ranvier
- terminal branches
myelin sheath characteristics
-schwann cells produce a white fatty substance called myelin which encircles the axon which conducts impulses at a faster rate
- dura the thick outer layer of dense connective tissue
- arachnoid a thin middle later if delicate connective tissue
- pia inner most later of delicate connective tissue
glossopharyngeal nerves
- mixed nerve
- stimulation of secretion in paranoid gland (salivary)
- sense of taste, touch, temp in palate tonsils and pharynx
sodium potassium pump
- actively transports 3 sodium ions outside the cell for every 2 potassium ions moved inside the cell
- resting membrane potential and repolarized membrane
nerve impulse
- polarized membrane
- depolarized membrane
- repolarized membrane (2)