Nervous System Flashcards
What does the nervous system include?
- brain
- spinal cord
- nerves
What do central nervous system cells do?
Conduct electrical signals and pass information rapidly throughout the body.
Mention examples of the brain sending information throughout the body
- Bodily functions
- Muscle movements
- Transmission of sensory information
What do peripheral nerves do?
Send information to the brain
Mention the 2 types of nervous systems
1) central nervous system
2) peripheral nervous system
What makes up the central nervous system?
- brain
- spinal cord
Functions as the body’s information processing center
What makes up the peripheral nervous system?
- spinal nerves
Passed information between the CNS and the rest of the body. It consists of the spinal nerves and the cranial nerves. The spinal nerves will spread out to supply the extremities & the rest of the body
At what day does the Neural Tube develop?
Day 21-22
What makes up the neural tube?
1) Neural plate
2) neural groove
3) neural crest
At what age do the 3 regions of the brain develop?
3 weeks
What are the 3 regions of the brain?
1) forebrain
2) midbrain
3) hindbrain
What does the forebrain expand into?
At week 8
- telencephalon
- diencephalon
What shape does the midbrain hold?
Long Tubular shape
What is the midbrain called?
What does the hindbrain differentiate into?
1) upper metencephalon
2) lower myelencephalon
What makes up the cerebral hemispheres/ cerebrum?
- cerebral cortex
- subcortical white matter
- basal nuclei/ ganglia
- paired lateral ventricles
What is the highest functioning area of the brain?
The cerebral cortex
Mention the 4 lobes of the cerebral cortex
1) frontal lobe
2) parietal lobe
3) temporal lobe
4) occipital lobe
Frontal lobe
- precentral gyrus- Motor
- broca’s speech area
- intellectual functions (reasoning & abstract thinking)
- emotional behavior
- smell
- memory
- speech
- movement
Parietal lobe
Postcentral gyrus - sensory
Body sensory awareness
- taste
- language process
- body imaging
- abstract reasoning
Temporal lobe
- Auditory area
- Wernicke’s area
Language interpretation & hearing, major memory processing area
Occipital lobe
Visual area
Limbic area/ system
Expression of emotional states
- fear, anger, love
Mention the five pairs of cell groups of the basal ganglia
1) caudate nucleus
2) putamen
3) globus pallidus
4) substantia nigra
5) subthalamic nucleus
Subcortical white matter tracts
- commisures
- projection tracts
- association tracts
- Thalamus
- hypothalamus
- epithalamus (pineal gland)
- third ventricle
What does the brain stem include?
- diencephalon
- midbrain
- pons
- middle oblongata
What does the midbrain brain stem consist of?
- cerebral aqueduct
- superior colliculus
- inferior colliculus
- cerebral peduncle
- superior cerebellar peduncle
What does the pons bridge?
The fourth ventricle to reach the middle cerebellar peduncles
Higher brains centre & the spinal cord
What does the cerebellum consist of?
- Arbor vitae
- Cerebellar cortex
- Deep cerebellar nucleus
What does the midbrain (mesencephalon) connect?
Pons to the diencephalon
How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?
12 pairs
Where are the cranial nerves found? In the CNS or PNS?
Peripheral Nervous System
Name the 12 cranial nerves
1) olfactory
2) optic
3) oculomotor
4) trochlear
5) trigeminal
6) abducens
7) facial
8) vestibulocohlear
9) glossopharyngeal
10) vagus
11) accessory
12) hypoglossal
How many spinal nerves are there?
31 pairs
How many cervical nerve pairs?
How many thoracic nerve pairs?
How many lumbar nerve pairs?
How many sacral nerve pairs?
How many coccygeal nerve pairs?
What does the phrenic nerve supply?
Motor & sensory fibers to the diaphragm
Is the cerebrum formed by the left and right cerebral hemisphere?
What does the cerebellum manage?
What part of the brain is responsible for thermoregulation?
What is the function of the mesencephalon?
- sight
- eye movement
- pupil dilation
- regulate muscle movement
- hearing
What controls the involuntary function of the respiratory, digestive & circulatory system?
The autonomic nervous system- ANS
Found in the PNS
Which nervous system are spinal reflexes part of?
Central nervous system