Nervous System Flashcards
What are the two systems in the nervous system?
Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
What is involved in the central nervous system?
Brain and spinal cord
What is involved in the peripheral nervous system?
Afferent nerves
Efferent nerves
What are the two types of efferent nerves?
What are the building blocks of the nervous system?
Oligodrendrocytes/ Schwann cells
What is a neurone?
Responsible for communication
Have a lipid sheath called myelin
What are oligodrendrocytes/ Schwann cells?
Facilitate transmission
Produce myelin
What are astrocytes?
Enable homeostasis
Reuptake of neurotransmitters
Support neurones
What are microglia?
Immune cells of the brain
Phagocytise dead cells and debris
What do afferent neurones do?
Signals from the periphery to CNS
What do efferent neurones do?
Motor neurones: signals from CNS to the muscle/skin
Autonomic neurones: signals from CNS to smooth muscle/ glands
What do interneurons do?
Connect brain and spinal cord
What triggers release of a chemical signal (neurotransmitter) at the end of a synapse?
Electrical action potential
What do neurotransmitters do after being released?
Bond to post synaptic receptors, triggering depolarisation of the post synaptic neurone.
What are the two main types of neurotransmitters?
Excitatory neurotransmitters
Inhibitory neurotransmitters
What physical things protects the brain?
What is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?
Salty solution secreted into ventricles by choroid plexus
Physical protection by its buoyancy and padding
Chemical protection by being a stable ionic environment
How is the blood supplied to the brain?
Nervous tissue
Requires O2 and glucose
15% of blood supply to the brain
How does the blood brain barrier(BBB) protect the brain?
Capillaries less permeable
Protects from fluctuations in the blood
Capillary walls have tight junctions
Made from endothelial cells that reproduce themselves constantly
What is the grey and white matter in the brain and spinal cord?
Grey matter= neurone cell bodies
White matter=bundles of axons
What are the 4 regions of the spinal cord?
What is the distinct pattern in the spinal cord?
Sensory neurones enters via dorsal
Motor neurones leave via ventral
What are the 2 peripheral nerves from the spinal cord?
Spinal nerves
Cranial nerves
What are the 4 parts of the human brain?
Brain stem
What is the function of the brain stem?
Involuntary functions
Blood pressure
What is the use of cerebellum?
Co-ordinates movement
What is the use of the diencephalon?
Rules homeostasis between the brain stem and cerebrum
What is the use of the cerebrum?
Higher functions
What does the autonomic nervous system do?
Maintain internal environment
Mainly involuntary
Contains visceral functions
What is ANS input?
Sensory neurones from peripheral organs to centres in hypothalamus, medulla
What is ANS input?
Sympathetic or parasympathetic neurones
Generally opposing actions
What do visceral sensory neurones do?
Monitor temperature, pain, irritation, chemical changes and stretch in the visceral organs
Run together with autonomic nerves
What do ANS control?
Mainly smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and secretory glands
How do visceral sensory neurones communicate?
Visceral reflex arcs
Most spinal reflexes such as deflection and micturition reflexes
What are the divisions of ANS?
What type of reaction does sympathetic neurones give?
Fight or flight
Short term survival
Increases in energy availability
What type of reaction does parasympathetic neurones give?
Set and digest
Long term survival
Reduces energy availability
What are the parts involved in the ANS neurone?
Preganglionic neuron
Postganglionic neuron