Neoplasia II Flashcards
fibrous capsule around tumor
tumor with well defined cleavage plane
ex/ leiomyoma - smooth m of uterus
clear margins
surgical pathologists examine margins of resected tumors to ensure they are devoid of cancer cells
local invasion vs. expansion
expansion - has capsule
invasion - invades tissue
best identifier of malignant tumor
spread of tumor
seeding of body cavity
carcinoma of breast
often in upper outer quadrants
-to axillary nodes
lung carcinoma spread
regional nodes > hilar nodes
medial breast carcinoma
internal mammary nodes
sentinel lymph node
first lymph node receiving flow from tumor
drainage of lymph node
afferent vessel > subcapsular sinus
exits at efferent lymph vessel - hilus
most lethal route of spreading
-to bone, liver, brain, lung
hematogenous dissemination
overwhelming mechanism of death in cancer
most frequent sites of hematogenous dissemination
liver and lungs
- bc both are sites of venous drainage
- portal to liver
- caval to lungs
thyroid and prostate cancer
spread to paravertebral plexus
-vertebral metastasis
renal cell carcinoma spread
renal vein and inferior vena cava
hepatocellular carcinoma spread
portal radicles into veins
adenocarcinoma of colon spread
metastasize to liver via portal system
prostatic carcinoma spread
bone via vascular plexuses
small cell carcinoma of lung spread
adrenals and brain
lobular carcinoma of breast spread
total cases in defined population on specified date
new cases diagnosed during specified time
number of deaths during a specified time
causes for change in mortality
change in incidence
change in treatment efficacy
highest cancer incidence in males and females
male prostate 33%
female breast 31%
highest cancer death in males and females
lung and bronchus
cancer in egypt
schistosmiasis - bladder carcinoma
cancer in japan
gastric carcinoma
cancer in southeast asia
hepatitis B - hepatocellular carcinoma
environmental factors
UV radiation (malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma)
ionizing radiation (thyroid carcinoma - Chernobyl / leukemia - hiroshima)
cigarettes - lung carcinoma
helicobacter pylorri - gastric carcinoma
ethanol/cirrhosis - hepatocellular carcinoma
Hep C virus - hepatocellular carcinoma
HPV - carinoma uterine cervix
helicobacter pylorii
gastric carcinoma
high grade dysplasia
uterine cervix carcinoma
atypical endometrial hyperplasia
endometrial adencarcinoma
dysplastic bronchial mucosa
bronchogenic carcinoma
leukoplaki of oral cavity / vulva
squamous cell carcinoma
barrets esophagus
esophageal adenocarcinoma
hepatocellular carcinoma
H. pylorii
gastric cancer
chronic ulcerative colitis
colorectal adenocarcinoma
villous and tubular papillae of colon
colon adenocarcinoma
autosomal dominant inherited cancer
often point mutations
retinoblastoma gene
RB tumor suppressor gene
familial adenomatous polyposis gene
APC tumor suppressor gene
li fraumeni syndrome gene
MEN-1 and MEN-2 gene
menin transcription factor (1)
RET tyrosine kinase (2)
hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer gene
inactivation of DNA mismatch repair gene
defective DNA repair
often autosomal recessive
autosomal recessive
xeroderma pigmentosa
bloom syndrome
familial cancer
early age of onset
tumors arising in two or more close relatives of index case
multiple or bilateral tumors
BRCA1 and 2
breast cancer susceptiblity genes
gene for familial melanoma
cytochrome p450
polymorphism - lung cancer in cigarette cancers