NAVMED P-5010 CH 6 Flashcards
Chief, BUMED is responsible for
establishing and promulgating health standards
for water quality afloat.
The Naval Facilities Engineering
Command (NAVFACENGCOM) is responsible
for promulgating instructions for ship-to-shore
potable water connections and for providing
potable water from an approved source when the
ship is berthed at a naval facilit
The Naval Sea Systems Command
(NAVSEASYSCOM) is responsible for the
design, construction, and maintenance of the
shipboard potable water systems, including
treatment facilities and processes to assure that
safe drinking water is available at all times.
The engineering officer is responsible for the
chloride and hydrogen ion (pH) testing of the
ship’s potable water.
The medical department representative
(MDR) is responsible for conducting a medical
surveillance program of the potable water
system including collection of samples for
coliform bacteria testing as prescribed and daily
halogen residuals from the distribution system.
Shipboard potable water primarily
comes from approved ashore sources and ships
water production plants which include distillation
plants or reverse osmosis (RO) plants.
Generally, ship water treatment plants
are capable of producing potable water from
bacteriologically contaminated seawater
Use of seawater in food services spaces
including sculleries is prohibited and seawater
outlets in these spaces must be removed.
Seawater is used aboard ships such as in
the fire mains, decontamination, and for marine
sanitation devices (MSDs) flushing
If unusual
conditions require drastic restrictions in the use
of potable water, the allowances should not be
less than 2 gallons per man per day to be used
for drinking and cooking purposes
For new ship constructions, 50 gallons
per day per man is specified by NAVSEA for
design considerations.
Shipboard potable water risers shall be at
least 18 inches above the deck and turned down,
except when risers are located within the ship,
such as in submarines.
Distillation plants. Installed on
naval vessels are three general types, depending
on the source of heat used to evaporate
seawater: (a) Steam distilling plants are
operated by steam supplied directly or indirectly
from a power plant or auxiliary boiler. They are
subdivided into two groups, submerged type
and flash type. (b) Waste heat distilling plants are
submerged tube type and use heat derived from
diesel engine jacket water. (c) Vapor compression type distilling
plants require primarily only electrical
energy for operations
Normally, manholes
not exposed to the weather decks are fitted
with the flush-type manhole cover or the raised,
bolted-plate cover. The latter is preferable for
potable water tanks.
Filling connection hose valves must have
the potable water receiving connection at least 18
inches above the deck and turned down to protect
it from contamination
To avoid scald injuries, the temperature
setting for the hot water heaters serving habitability
space showers and lavatories must be set
not to exceed 120°F at the water tap.
The sounding tube cap will be color-coded dark blue.
On ships using steel tapes for sounding potable
water tanks, the tape handle must be color-coded
dark blue, labeled, or otherwise identified
Valves for receiving or supplying potable
water must be conspicuously designated by a
warning plate bearing the inscription “POTABLE
WATER ONLY” in ¼ inch high letters
Potable water hoses must be labeled
“POTABLE WATER ONLY” with 1-inch high
letters approximately every 10 feet and the end
couplings painted dark blue
When not in use, potable water hoses
must be coupled or capped and stored in
designated lockers. The lockers must be vermin
proof, locked, and be elevated at least 18 inches
off the deck when located on weather decks and
While the
National Primary Drinking Water Standards are
not applicable for shipboard potable water
systems, EPA has established a maximum
contaminant level (MCL) for all disinfectants at
4 ppm.
Shipboard water is
disinfected by the addition of sufficient chlorine
or bromine to produce not less than 0.2 ppm FAC or TBR after 30 minutes contact time measured at
the potable water tank.
The individual bottles of HTH must be
sealed in plastic bags and stored only in a medical
instrument box, plastic rigid, size 9½ x 9 x 7
inches, The case must
be painted white and labeled: “HAZARDOUS
red letters.
Each bottle of HTH shall be inspected
prior to deployment or at least every 3 months.
Bottles with deteriorated seals must be discarded
and replaced.
Any EPA approved method for bacteriological
testing may be used. Either Colilert® or
Colisure ® Tests are generally used for simplicity
considerations. The results of all testing will be
reported as “presence” or “absence.”
Water transferred from the ship for
human consumption will contain 2.0 ppm FAC.
Water transferred from the ship for
human consumption will be absent of total and
fecal coliform bacteria.
A bacteriological
analysis must be conducted no later than 1-week
prior to transfer.
Under no circumstances will 5-gallon
containers previously used for gasoline or other
petroleum products be used as emergency potable
water containers aboard ship.