The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) develops and disseminates medical
The two major intelligence
categories of primary use to the HSS planner
are general medical intelligence (DOD
Directive 6420.1R, Armed Forces Medical
Intelligence Center) and medical intelligence.
Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center
(AFMIC), Fort Detrick, Maryland, is the sole
producer of medical intelligence for DIA.
“medical intelligence”
officially refers to
intelligence on medical and related matters. By this definition, medical intelligence
includes only finished intelligence products
produced by an authorized intelligence agency
such as AFMIC through the intelligence cycle.By this definition, medical intelligence
includes only finished intelligence products
produced by an authorized intelligence agency
such as AFMIC through the intelligence cycle.
Medical Estimate of the
The medical estimate’s purpose is to provide an analysis of HSS information
pertaining to enemy intentions, allied or
coalition partner’s capabilities, limitations, COAs, and potential HSS consequences
associated with a contemplated operation.
Medical Estimate of the
The HSS estimate may be written or oral.
The JFS must conduct a thorough evaluation of the enemy situation, the friendly situation, and the theater from the standpoint of effects on the
health of the joint force and HSS operation.
The HSS estimate will include all HSS facts, assumptions, and deductions that can
affect the operation.
Prior to deployment, the JFC should ensure that a predeployment vulnerability
assessment has been conducted.
The medical estimate is an analysis of the health threat and HSS capabilities
to determine vulnerabilities and estimated requirements of the joint force.
Patient estimates are calculated to determine requirement, distribution of
medical assets, PAR, possible
MASCALs, and patient movement.
Considering support requirements and resources available, the JFS determines the proposed COA that can be supported.
Significance of Medical
Accurate and timely intelligence is a critical combat support tool for planning, executing, and sustaining military operations.
The Strategic Level
The objective is
to contribute to the formulation of national
and military strategies.
The Operational Level
Intelligence focuses on the joint campaign and operations.
The Tactical Level
Intelligence is oriented toward the specific operational area and a given operation in greater detail.
Properly used and applied, can become a powerful force
multiplier by providing the critical essential elements of information required to assist HSS
AFMIC Products.
Most AFMIC products commonly used by HSS planners fall into the category of recurring, finished
Infectious disease risk assessments (IDRAs),
Assess the risk from
infectious diseases of operational military
significance on a country-by-country basis worldwide.
Environmental health risk
assessments (EHRAs)
Assess environmental health risks of military significance on a country-by-country basis
Health service assessments
Designed to provide consumers the bottomline
assessment of the health service capabilities of a country, with limited
descriptive data and examples relating only
to critical elements of the civilian and military
health care systems.
The AFMIC’s quick reaction support responds to time-sensitive, quick reaction
intelligence production and support requests for operational contingencies.
Quick reaction tasking is normally accepted by
AFMIC if the requirements of the task can be completed in a maximum of 40 personnel
hours of analytical work.
The JFS should request medical intelligence via their
Disease Occurrence World Wide, which provides time-sensitive updates to the IDRAs. It is published weekly as an unclassified message, with a classified supplement, if
AFMIC Wire, which is a current intelligence document, presenting analysis of newly reported information of potential
interest to consumers.
Communications with AFMIC. The request for information is a way of asking AFMIC for answers to questions that are not found in published studies. Generally, a
request for information is a project requiring 40 or fewer hours for AFMIC to complete.
Request for information should be directed through command J-2 to AFMIC.