Narcan Flashcards
What is the brand name of Naloxone?
Drug class of Narcan?
Opioid Antagonist, antidote
Indication of Narcan?
Opiate overdose. Complete or partial reversal of central nervous system and RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION induced by OPIODS. Decreased level of consciousness, coma of unknown origin.
Mechanism of action of Narcan?
Competitive inhibition at narcotic receptor sites. Reverse respiratory depression secondary to opiate drugs. Completely inhibits the effect of morphine.
Contraindications of Narcan?
Use with caution in narcotic-dependent patients. Use with caution in neonates of narcotic-addicted mothers.
Adverse effects of Narcan?
Restlessness, seizure, dyspnea, pulmonary edema, tachycardia, hypertension, dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest, NV, withdrawal symptoms in opioid-addicted patients, diaphoresis.
Precautions of Narcan?
Incompatible with alkaline solutions, acute
Withdraw syndrome may result in a combative
Adult dose and administration of Narcan?
0.4-2 mg SIVP/IM/IO/SQ/ET/IN. Repeat at 5 minutes intervals to maximum total dose of 10 mg
Pediatric dose of Narcan?
0.1 mg/kg IV/IO/IM/SQ every 2 minutes as needed. Maximum total dose of 2 mg