NAMP Flashcards
What does NAMP stand for?
Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
What is the MOs job?
Maintenance officer – head of maint department, responsible to the CO, Coordinate the Air Wing Training Plan.
What is the AMOs job?
Aircraft Maint Officer – assistant to MO, performs duties and keep MO informed, Coordinates TAD personnel, manages SE training and licensing programs.
What is the MMCO job?
Maint/Material Control Officer – responsible for overall production and material support of the department. Coordinates and monitors workload, prepares and publishes NMP.
What is the MMCPO job?
Maint MCPO – Senior enlisted advisor for maintenance dept. reports to MO and advises CO. directs all maintenance on day to day basis.
What is the QAO job?
Ensure personnel perform QA functions receive continuous training in inspecting, testing, and quality control methods.
What is the MCO job?
Material Control Officer – supply corps officers handle finances, material requisitions and so on
What are the 3 levels of maintenance?
O-Level-performed by operating unit on day to day basis for its own ops. Mission maintain
aircraft and equipment in full mission capable status.
I-Level-enhance and sustain combat readiness and mission capabilities. Support at nearest
Location with lowest resource expenditure
D-Level-FRC sites to ensure continued flying integrity, performed on material with major
Overhaul or rebuilding parts. FRC supports O and I and provides Engineering assis
What are the 2 types of maintenance?
Rework and Upkeep.
What is Rework?
Restorative or additive work Performed at D-Level
What is Upkeep?
Preventative, restorative, or additive work
What is a turnaround inspection?
Between flights ensure integrity. Good for 24 hours, if no flight occurred or no maint was performed
What is a Daily inspection?
Inspect for defects to greater depth, valid for 72 hours w/o flight or major maint, and plane can be flown for 24 hours before another daily needed.
What is a Special inspection?
Scheduled inspection, interval other than daily or phase
What is a Conditional inspection?
Unscheduled events result of a specific overlimit condition, or from event creates an admin require
What is a Phase inspection?
Divides the total scheduled main requirements into smaller packages
What is a Acceptance inspection?
Reporting custodian accepts a newly assigned a/c or SE and returns form SDLM or depot maint
What is a Transfer inspection?
Reporting custodian transfers an a/c or SE
What is RCM?
Reliability Centered Maintenance – ensure assets continue to do required in present operating context. Military adopted in mid 1970s.
Define Management
The efficient attainment of objectives
Define maintenance.
All actions taken to retain material in a serviceable condition or to restore it to serviceability.
Define Maintenance management
The actions necessary to retain or restore material or equipment to serviceable condition with minimum expenditure of resources.
What is the difference between maintenance control and production control?
The level of maintenance performed. Control is at O-level. Production at I-level.
What is MMP?
Monthly Maintenance Plan – provide scheduled control of the predictable maintenance workload. Prepared and distributed by the 25th day of each month at O-Level and the !st at I-Level
What is an Aircraft Logbook?
Hard bound record of equipment, inspections, scheduled removal items, and installed equipment
What is the concept of QA?
Prevention of the occurrence of defects. (small group of highly skilled personnel)
What is the principle of Prevention?
Necessary to preclude maintenance failure, it is about regulation events rather than being regulated by them.
What are the different levels on QA inspectors?
QAR – Quality Assurance Rep – certify work involved has been personally inspected by them.
CDQAR – Collateral Duty QAR – assigned to production work centers, may be assigned on
temp or permanent basis.
CDI – Collateral Duty Inspector – assigned to production work centers, inspect all work . will
spot check all work in progress.
What is CTPL?
Central Technical Publications Library – central source of up to date info, source of ref info
What is the Maintenance Dept/Div safety job?
Assist in coordination of the total safety effort. Disseminate safety posters/lit, report all hazards, conduct safety meetings at least monthly,
What is the Quality Assurance Audit Program
Assessment of the effectiveness of programs managed. Orderly method of identifying, investigating, and correcting deficiencies.
what is CSEC?
A tool that provides a standardized objective measurement tool to conduct audits.
What are the 3 types of audits?
Special – evaluate specific maintenance tasks. Copies held for one year
Workcenter – conducted semi-annually. All areas of workcenter evaluated.
Program audits – evaluates specific programs. Should be annually at minimum
What is ACSP?
Aircraft Confined Space Program – objective to ensure a safe environment maintained