CBR WARFARE Flashcards
What is Chemical Warfare?
Chemical agents intended for use to kill or seriously injure, or incapacitate personnel.
What is a Nerve Agent?
Liquid, disrupts nerve impulses to body damaging functions. EX Sarin (GB) Tabun (GA) VX
What is Blister Agent?
Liquid or solid, cause inflammation, blisters, and destruction of tissues. EX Distilled Mustard (HD), Lewistie (L) Phosgene Oxime (CX)
What is a Blood Agent?
Gas attack the enzymes carrying oxygen in bloodstream. Rapid breahing or choking may occur. EX Hydrogen Cyanide (AC) Cyanagen Chloride (CK) and Arsine (SA)
What is Choking Agent?
Gas or liquid, initial symptoms tears, dry throat, nausea, vomiting. Lungs become filled with fluid. EX Phosgene (CG) and Diphosgene
What is M9 paper?
Chemical agent detector, detectes presence of liquid chemical agents, turns reddish,
What is Atropine/2-PAM-chloride auto injectors used for?
For nerve agent casualties. For self aid or first aid.
What is Biological Warfare?
Use of agents to cause disease, sickness, or death. Either Pathogens or Toxins
What is a Pathogen?
Bacteria, rickesttsia, viruses, fungi, protozoa and prions.
What is a Toxin?
Based on the organisms that produce them. And physicological affects on humans.
What is IPE?
Individual Protective Equipment
What are some IPE for chem./bio agents?
Protective Mask MCU-2P with C-2 canister, Advanced chemical Protective garment(ACPG), Chemical protective gloves and liners, chemical overboots and laces, skin decon kits
Medical self-treatments are NOT IPE
What is Radiological Warfare
The deliberate use of radiological weapons to produce widespread injury and death of all life.
What is High Altitude Air Burst?
Excess of 100,000 feet, with ionosphere disruptions and EMP
What is an Air Burst?
Fireball does not reach the surface. Vacuum collects debris and resultes in radiation fallout.
What is a Surface Burst?
WORST FALLOUT, due to fireball touching the surfaces
What is Shallow underwater
Small fireball and blast wave, causes large waves and water contamination.
What is Deep underwater?
Less visual effect, and yields greater water contamination
What is a Ready-shelter?
Inside the weather envelope, access to deep shelter. Provide minimum shielding and close to battle stations.
What is a Deep-shelter?
Low in the ship and near the centerline. Maximum shielding, oftem people far from battle station
What is the self reading dosimeter?
DT-60 dosimeter. 0-600 roentgens
What is MOPP?
Mission Oriented Protective Posture
What are the different MOPP levels?
MOPP 0 – Issue IPE
MOPP 1 – mask gloves readily accessible
MOPP 2 – Mask Carried, decon supplies stage
MOPP 3 – GQ, intall filters, don overboots
MOPP 4 – Don mask/hood, gloves, set CW, countermeasure washdown