What are the two major hazards of Jet Blast?
Exhaust, high temp and velocity. (Knock you over)
What is V-1?
Flight Deck Div yellow and blue and Crash and Salvage
What is V-2?
Catapults, Arresting Gear, and VLA green
What is V-3?
Hanger Bay yellow and blue
What is V-4?
Fuels purple
What is V-5?
Admin and Tower/PriFly
What is the responsibility of the Tower guys?
Communtication on AC launch, recovery, tower communications
What are the stations manned in PriFly during FlightOps
Air Boss CDR Doster Mini Boss CDR Higuara PriFly Control Sup Land/Launch record keeper ISIS computer operator Forward Spotter Aft Spotter Recovery Equipment controller IFLOLS controller
What is the primary mission of Crash and Salvage?
To Save Lives!
Who is permitted on the Flight Deck during ops?
During launch, only Cat crews permitted in catwalks , during recovery, no personnel are permitted on port side. Minimum people necessary to prevent unnecessary mishaps
What is AC handling?
Any movement of AC or associated equipment
Who is the Handler?
LCDR Edgeworth
Who occupies Flight Deck Control?
Handler, Assist Flight Deck officer, Fuels rep, phone talkers, EO, Weps, Dog/Pup squad maint rep
Who wears Yellow Jersey?
Handlers, Plane Directors
Who wears Blue Jerseys?
Aircraft handling crews, elevator operators, tractor drivers, chockmen
Who wears Green?
Catapult and Arresting gear, VLA, GSE troubleshooters, Maintenance crews, Photographers
Who wears Purple?
Who wears Brown?
Plane Captains
Who wears White?
ATO, QA, LOX, PriFly, safety medical,
White Jersey with Blue Cross?
White with Red cross?
Green Jersey with Red Cranial?
Landing LSE (enlisted)
Red with Black stripes?
Cranial with 3 orange stripes?
Air Dept Khakis, LPOs, EOD, Ord Officers
Yellow Jersey with Blue Vest?
Tractor King
White jersey No cranial?
LSO (officer)
.Why doesn’t LSO where cranials?
They jump into the Glove if need be
Who is the Catapults and Arresting Gear Officer?
What is the source of energy for the Catapults? How does it get there?
Steam. It goes to the receivers then to the launch valves, and provides the energy
What is the purpose of a barricade?
Emergency landing.
How many Barricades do we have on board?
3 one for jets, one for props, and one for practice
What does IFLOLS stand for?
Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
What does MOVALS stand for?
Manually Operated Visual Landing Aids System
What is MOVALS for?
Used as backup for IFLOLS,
What is ILARTS?
Integrated Launch and Recovery Television System.
What is it used for?
To record and monitor launching and recovering.
Who mans Hanger deck control?
Hanger deck officer/CPO/LPO, Eos
What are hanger deck personnel responsible for?
Handling aircraft and Fire Fighting Equipment
What is the purpose of the CONFLAG station
Integrity watch, for security and firewatch.
What else can a CONFLAG station do?
Set off AFFF, close ballistic doors,
What Conflag is the primary?
What is the backup to hanger deck control?
Conflag 2
What is the purpose of the Ballistic doors?
Divide hanger bays to aid in isolating a fire, and CBR attack
What are the Deck Edge Elevator doors for?
Open and close hanger deck openings
What is ACE?
AirCraft Elevator
Who operates the elevators?
V-1 and V-3
What do alternating yellow and red lines mean?
Moving parts
What else does V-4 deal with?
JP5 and Lube oil