Muscles of the cranium Flashcards
How is musculus wapitis divided?
into mimetic muscles and masticatoric muscles.
Mimetic muscles: what is their function? Where do they locate? What are their special characteristics?
These muscles make the facial expression. They are lying right under the subcutaneous tissue.
Mimetic muscles are very short and small and they do not have fascial sheets. They localize around the natural openings of the head. Origo is on the bone but insertio is in the skin.
Calvaria region muscles
M. occipitofrontalis, divided into venter occipitalis and venter frontalis,
The white tendon is
called galea aponeurotica.
Venter occipitalis
o. linea nuchae superior
i. galea aponeurotica
venter frontalis
o. galea aponeurotica
i. the skin of the
f. elevation eyebrowns,
wrinkles forehead
Nasal region muscles
M. nasalis , “desire, happiness”
o. processus alveolaris maxillae
i. nasus externus
f. narrows noseholes and moves them down
M. procerus, “hard, strict”
o. os nasale
i. the skin of the forehead
f. horizontal fold in the root of the nose between eyes.
M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, “worry, concerne”
o. processus frontalis maxillae
i. skin of the upper lip and nasal wing
f. moves upper lip upward, dilates nostrils
Eye region muscles
M. corrugator supercillii, “thinking” o. glabella i. the skin of the eyebrows f. vertical folds in forehead penetrates orbicularis oculi and venter frontalis os occipitale
M. orbicularis oculi Pars orbitalis (c) – acts as a sphincter, attach to medial palpebral ligament, covers margo supra-/infraorbitalis Pars palpebralis (a) – closes the eyelid Pars lacrimalis (at the medial corner) – expands the lacrimal sack tears
Mouth region muscles: superior
M. levator labii superioris Medial fibers are knows as M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. o. margo infraorbitalis maxillae i. skin of the upper lip f. elevation of upper lip
M. levator anguli oris, “self-confidence, smile”, deep muscle o. fossa canina i. skin at the angle of the mouth f. elevatio of the corner of the mouth lies deep to m. orbicularis oris
M. orbicularis oris, two pars; pars marginalis, pars labialis, “kissing muscle”.
Pars marginalis is the outer part and pars labialis is the inner/lip part.
o. maxilla and mandibular
i. skin around the lips
f. closes the mouth and pucker the lips
M. zygomaticus, “real smile, laughter, pleasure”. Major and minor.
Minor is upper and major is lower.
o. os zygomaticus
i. skin at the angle of the mouth (= angulus oris)
f. elevatio the angle of the mouth
Mouth region muscles: medial
M. risorius, “dimples, laughing muscle”, old people do not have this
muscle anymore
o. fascia masseterica
i. skin at the angle of the mouth
f. reacts the angle of the mouth to produce smile
Fake smile if only used this muscle because without m. zygomaticus
major and minor which elevates the lips and causes “crow’s feet”
around the eyes using m. orbicularis oculi.
Makes nasolabial folds.
M. buccinator, “satisfaction”
o. processus alveolaris maxillae et mandibulae
raphe (ligament) pterygomandibularis (Band of CT between hamulus pterygoideus and
mandibular behind molar teeth.)
i. skin at the angle of the mouth, fibers of the m. orbicularis oris
f. reduce the volume of the mouth, tube instrument players (blowing)
Mouth region muscles: inferior
M. depressor labii inferioris, “perserevance”
o. basis mandibule below foramen mentale
i. skin of the lower lip
f. moves lower lip downward
M. depressor anguli oris, “sadness”
o. basis mandibulae
i. skin at the angle of the mouth
f. depression the angle of mouth
M. mentalis “doubt”
o. processus alveolaris mandibulae, juga alveolaria
i. skin of the chin
f. elevatio and wrinkles the skin of the chin
Muscles of masticatoric
M. temporalis, “eating” o. planum temporale i. processus coronoideus mandibulae f. elevatio mandibula posterior fibers – move mandibula backward
M. masseter, “closing of the mouth”
o. arcus zygomaticus
i. tuberositas masseterica mandibulae
f. elevatio mandibula
M. pterygoideus lateralis o. facies infratemporalis alae majoris lamina lateralis processus pterygoidei i. fovea pterygoidea mandibulae f. bilateral – moves mandibula forward unilateral – moves mandibula the opposite side
M. pterygoideus medialis, two pars
o. fossa pterygoidea ossis sphenoidalis
i. tuberositas pterygoidea mandibulae
f. bilateral – moves mandibula forward, elevatio mandibula
unilateral – moves mandibula to the opposite side
Movement of mandibula
Elevatio mandibula
M. temporalis
M. masseter
M. pterygoideus medialis
Depressio mandibula M. mylohyoideus Venter anterior m. digastrici M. geniohyoideus Platysma
Forward movement of mandibula
M. pterygoideus medialis et lateralis
Backward movement of mandibula
Posterior fibers of m. temporalis
Lateral movement of mandibula
Unilateral contraction of m. pterygoideus medialis et lateralis
What are the deep anterior muscles of the neck ?
Musculi profundi colli
f. bilateral – flexio colli
unilateral – lateroflexio colli to the same side
M. longus capitis
o. proc. transversus vertebrae C 3-6 (same as m. scalene anterior)
i. pars basilar is ossis occipitals
M. longus colli o. Proc. trans. vertebrae C 2-5 corpus vertebrae cervicalis C5-7 Vertebrae thoracicae T1-3 i. tuberculum anterius atlantis corpus vertebrae C2-4 proc.trans. vert. C6
M. rectus capitis anterior
o. processus transverses atlantis
i. pars basilar is os occipitalis
M. rectus capitis lateralis
o. processus transversus atlantis
i. processus jugularis os occipitalis
What are the lateral neck muscles ?
Musculi laterales colli (3)
f. bilateral – flexio capitis and colli
unilateral – lateroflexio colli to the same side
If vertebral column is fixed these muscles act as inspiration muscles.
M. scalenus anterior (closest to neck)
o. processus transversus vertebra C 3-6
i. tuberculum musculi scalene anterioris costae prima
M. scalenus medius
o. processus transversus vertebra C 2-7
i. facies superior costae I (behind sulcus a. subclaviae)
M. scalenus posterior (lowest and most far to the neck)
o. processus transversus vertebra C 5-7
i. costa secunda
What are the muscles below os hyoideum?
Infrahyoid muscles
M. sternohyoideus
o. manubrium sterni
i. os hyoideum
f. depressio os hyoideum
M. sternothyreoideus, (deeps to m. sternohyoideus)
o. manubrium streni
i. cartilago thyreoidea of larynx –> fuse and make prominentia laryngea
f. depressio larynx
M. thyreohyoidus
o. cartilago thyreoidea of larynx
i. os hyoideum
f. depressio os hyoideum, elevatio larynx
M. omohyoideus Venter superior o. continues into tendon i. os hyoideum venter inferior o. margo superior scapulae i. continues into tendon f. depressio os hyoideum and moves it a little bit laterally
What fascias are on the skull?
Fasciae capitis
Fascia temporalis:
- Covers m. temporalis.
- Forms vagina osteofibrosa.
- Attached to linea temporalis superior and galea aponeurotica.
- Fat tissue and superficial veins between the plates.
- Over the muscle it splits into two plates:
1. Lamina superficialis (ends at the outer
surface of arcus zygomaticus) 2. Lamina profunda (ends at the inner surface of arcus zygomaticus.)
Fascia masseterica:
- Covers m. masseterica.
- Extends from arcus zygomaticus to the lower border of basis mandibule
- Anteriorly continues into fascia parotidea and posteriorly into fascia
Fascia parotidea:
- Surrounds parotid gland.
- Attach to arcus zygomaticus and the cartilage of external ear.
- glandula parrots: ducts end in vestibulum oris
- mums: complications in secretion organs (pancreas, testicles)
Fascia buccopharyngea:
- Covers m. buccinators and continues into pharynx.
How are neck muscles divided?
Musculi colli
Muscles of the neck can be divided into groups: Suprahyoid muscles infrahyoid muscles mm. craniothoracales mm. laterales colli mm. profundi colli diaphragm