2nd Exam theory - kallo Flashcards
- Fossa temporalis
2 4 3 2
Paries anterior
Facies temporalis ossis frontalis
Facies temporalis ossis zygomatici
Paries medialis
Facies temporalis ossis frontalis
Facies temporalis alae majoris ossis sphenoidalis
Facies temporalis ossis parietalis
Facies temporalis ossis temporalis
o Linea temporalis superior
o Linea temporalis inferior
Paries lateralis
Arcus zygomaticus
Processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis
Processus temporalis ossis zygomatici
Communications 2
Fossa infratemporalis
Foramen zygomaticotempoale –> orbita
- Fossa infratemporalis
Paries anterior
Facies infratemporalis maxillae Paries medialis
Lamina lateralis processus pterygoidei ossis sphenoidalis
Paries superior
Facies infratemporalis alae majoris ossis sphenoidalis
Paries lateralis
( Arcus zygomaticus)
Ramus mandibulae
Fissura orbitalis inferior -> orbita
Fissura petrotympanica -> cavum tympani
Fissura sphenomaxillaris (border between fossa infratemporalis and fossa pterygopalatina) -> fossa
Foramina alveolaria -> canales alveolares maxillae
Foramen ovale -> fossa cranii media
Foramen spinosum -> fossa cranii media
Foramen mandibulae (in mandibula!) -> canalis mandibulae
- Fossa pterygopalatina
Paries medialis
Lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini
Paries anterior
Facies infratemporalis maxillae
Paries posterior
Processus pterygoideus
Paries superior
Facies maxillaris alae majoris ossis sphenoidalis
Foramen sphenopalatinum -> meatus nasopharyngeus cavi nasi
Foramen rotundum -> fossa cranii media
Fissura orbitalis inferior -> orbita
Fissura sphenomaxillaris -> fossa infratemporalis
Canalis pterygoideus (in the root of proc. pterygoideus ossis sphenoidalis) -> basis cranii externa
Canalis palatinus major (os palatinum) -> foramen palatinum majus -> cavum oris
- Orbita
Auditus orbitae
Margo supraorbitalis ossis frontalis
Margo infraorbitalis maxillae et ossis zygomatici
Apex orbitae
Paries medialis
Processus frontalis maxillae
Os lacrimale
Lamina orbitalis ossis ethmoidalis
Corpus ossis sphenoidalis
Paries superior
Pars orbitalis ossis frontalis
Facies orbitalis alae minoris ossis sphenoidalis
Facies orbitalis ossis zygomatici
o Fossa glandulae lacrimalis
Paries inferior
Facies orbitalis maxillae
o Sulcus infraorbitalis
Canalis opticus -> fossa cranii media
Fissura orbitalis superior -> fossa cranii media
Foramen ethmoidale anterius -> fossa cranii anterior
Foramen ethmoidale posterius -> cavum nasi
Canalis nasolacrimalis -> cavum nasi (meatus nasi inferior)
Canalis infraorbitalis -> foramen infraorbitale -> facies anterior maxillae
Fissura orbitalis inferior -> fossa pterygopalatina, fossa infratemporalis
- Cavitas nasi ossium
Paries superior
Lamina cribrosa Paries inferior
Palatum osseum
Paries lateralis
Facies nasalis maxillae
Os lacrimale
Concha nasalis inferior
Labyrinthus ethmoidalis
Lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini
Lamina medialis processus pterygoidei
Paries medialis (septum nasi)
Lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis
Paries posterior
Facies anterior corporis ossis sphenoidalis
Paries anterior
Os nasale
Apertura piriformis (os nasale, incisura nasalis maxillae)
Meatus nasi superior -> cellulae ethmoidales
Meatus nasi medius -> cellulae ethmoidales
Meatus nasi medius -> hiatus sinus maxillaris -> sinus maxillaris
Meatus nasi medius -> apertura sinus frontalis -> sinus frontalis
Meatus nasi inferior -> canalis nasolacrimalis -> orbita
Meatus nasi communis -> apertura piriformis
Meatus nasi communis -> cribrae ethmoidales -> fossa cranii anterior
Meatus nasi communis -> canalis incisivus -> cavum oris
Meatus nasopharyngeus -> apertura sinus sphenoidalis -> sinus sphenoidalis
Meatus nasopharyngeus -> foramen sphenopalatinum -> fossa pterygopalatina
Meatus nasopharyngeus -> choana -> basis cranii externa
- Fossa cranii anterior
Squama frontalis
Ala minor ossis sphenoidalis
Sulcus prechiamaticus
Base formations
Lamina cribrosa ossis ethmoidalis
Pars orbitalis ossis frontalis
Ala minor ossis sphenoidalis
Crista galli
Crista frontalis
Impressiones digitatae
Juga cerebralia
Cribrae ethmoidales -> cavum nasi (meatus nasi communis)
Foramen ethmoidale anterius -> orbita
- Fossa cranii media
Sulcus prechiasmaticus
Ala minor ossis sphenoidalis
Pars squamosa ossis temporalis
Sulcus sinus petrosi superioris
Dorsum sellae
Base formations
Corpus ossis sphenoidalis
Ala major ossis sphenoidalis
Pars squamosa ossis temporalis
Facies anterior parti petrosae
Sulcus prechiasmaticus
Sella turcica
Tuberculum sellae
Fossa hypophysialis
Dorsum sellae
Sulcus caroticus
Impressiones digitatae
Juga cerebralis
Sulci arteriosi
Tegmen tympani
Eminentia arcuata
Impressio trigemini
Canalis opticus -> orbita
Fissure orbitalis superior -> orbita
Foramen rotundum -> fossa pterygopalatine
Foramen ovale -> fossa infratemporalis
Foramen spinosum -> fossa infratemporalis
Canalis caroticus -> basis cranii externa
Foramen lacerum -> basis cranii externa
Hiatus canalis n. petrosi majoris -> canalis nervi facialis -> foramen stylomastoideum or meatus acusticus internus
Hiatus canalis n. petrosi minoris -> canaliculus tympanicus -> cavum tympani -> fossula petrosa
- Fossa cranii posterior
Dorsum sellae
Sulcus sinus petrosi superioris
Sulcus sinus transversi
Protuberantia occipitalis interna
Base formations
Os occipitale
Facies posterior partis petrosae ossis temporalis
Pars mastoidea ossis temporalis
Angulus mastoideus ossis parietalis
Sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris
Sulcus sinus sigmoidei
Crista occipitalis interna
Foramen magnum -> canalis vertebralis
Canalis hypoglossi -> basis cranii externa
Canalis condylaris -> basis cranii externa
Foramen jugulare -> basis cranii externa
Foramen mastoideum (mastoideuksen takana) -> basis cranii externa
Porus et meatus acusticus internus -> canalis nervi facialis -> foramen stylomastoideum -> basis cranii externa
Canaliculus cochleae -> auris interna
Canaliculus vestibule -> auris interna
- Mimetic muscles around eye and on calvaria
Eye region muscles
M. corrugator supercillii, “thinking”
o. glabella
i. the skin of the eyebrows
f. vertical folds in forehead
–> penetrates orbicularis oculi and venter frontalis os occipitale
M. orbicularis oculi
Pars orbitalis (c) – acts as a sphincter, attach to medial palpebral ligament
Pars palpebralis (a) – closes the eyelid
Pars lacrimalis (at the medial corner) – expands the lacrimal sack –> tears
Calvaria region muscles
- M. occipitofrontalis, divided into venter occipitalis and venter frontalis, “what money?” The white tendon is called galea aponeurotica.
Venter occipitalis
o. linea nuchae superior
i. galea aponeurotica
venter frontalis
o. galea aponeurotica
i. the skin of the eyebrows
f. elevation eyebrowns, wrinkles forehead
- Mimetic muscles around on the mouth
Mouth region muscles
M. levator labii superioris
Medial fibers are knows as M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi.
o. margo infraorbitalis maxillae
i. skin of the upper lip
f. elevation of upper lip
M. levator anguli oris, “self-confidence, smile”, deep muscle o. fossa canina
i. skin at the angle of the mouth
f. elevatio of the corner of the mouth
–> lies deep to m. orbicularis oris
M. orbicularis oris, two pars; pars marginalis, pars labialis, “kissing muscle”. Pars marginalis is the outer part and pars labialis is the inner/lip part.
o. maxilla and mandibular
i. skin around the lips
f. closes the mouth and pucker the lips
M. zygomaticus, “real smile, laughter, pleasure”. Major and minor. Minor is upper and major is lower.
o. os zygomaticus
i. skin at the angle of the mouth
f. elevatio the angle of the mouth
M. risorius, “dimples, laughing muscle”, old people do not have this muscle anymore
o. fascia masseterica
i. skin at the angle of the mouth
f. reacts the angle of the mouth to produce smile
Fake smile if only used this muscle because without m. zygomaticus major and minor which elevates the lips and causes “crow’s feet” around the eyes using m. orbicularis oculi.
Makes nasolabial folds.
M. buccinator, “satisfaction”
o. processus alveolaris maxillae et mandibulae
raphe pterygomandibularis (Band of CT between hamulus pterygoideus and mandibular behind molar teeth.)
i. skin at the angle of the mouth, fibers of the m. orbicularis oris
f. reduce the volume of the mouth, tube instrument players (blowing)
M. depressor labii inferioris, “perserevance”
o. basis mandibule below foramen mentale
i. skin of the lower lip
f. moves lower lip downward
M. depressor anguli oris, “sadness”
o. basis mandibulae
i. skin at the angle of the mouth
f. depression the angle of mouth
M. mentalis “doubt”
o. processus alveolaris mandibulae, juga alveolaria
i. skin of the chin
f. elevatio and wrinkles the skin of the chin
- Masticatory muscles
Origo and insertio are in the bone.
M. temporalis, “eating”
o. planum temporale
i. processus coronoideus mandibulae
f. elevatio mandibula
posterior fibers – move mandibula backward
M. masseter, “closing of the mouth”
o. arcus zygomaticus
i. tuberositas masseterica mandibulae
f. elevatio mandibula
M. pterygoideus lateralis
o. facies infratemporalis alae majoris lamina lateralis processus pterygoidei
i. fovea pterygoidea mandibulae
f. bilateral – moves mandibula forward, depression mandibula unilateral – moves mandibula the opposite side
M. pterygoideus medialis, two pars
o. fossa pterygoidea ossis sphenoidalis
i. tuberositas pterygoidea mandibulae
f. bilateral – moves mandibula forward, elevatio mandibula unilateral – moves mandibula to the opposite side
- Art. temporamandibularis movements of
Art. temporomandibularis (art. ellipsoidea)
Caput mandibulae
Fossa mandibularis
Tuberculum articulare
–> Discus articularis
–> Capsula articularis
–> Lig. laterale (from arcus zygomaticus to collum mandibulae)
frontal axis: depressio/elevatio
Vertical axis: right and left / opposite sides
luxation: articulate surfaces are not correctly
Elevatio mandibula
M. temporalis
M. masseter
M. pterygoideus medialis
Depressio mandibula
M. mylohyoideus
Venter anterior m. digastrici
M. geniohyoideus
Forward movement of mandibula
M. pterygoideus medialis et lateralis
Backward movement of mandibula
Posterior fibers of m. temporalis
Lateral movement of mandibula
Unilateral contraction of m. pterygoideus medialis et lateralis
- Fascias of the head
Fasciae capitis
Fascia temporalis: Covers m. temporalis. Attached to linea temporalis superior and galea aponeurotica. Over the muscle it splits into two plates. Lamina superficialis ends at the outer surface of arcus zygomaticus. Lamina profunda ends at the inner surface of arcus zygomaticus. Fat tissue between the plates.
Fascia masseterica: Covers m. masseterica. Extends from arcus zygomaticus to the lower border of basis mandibule. Anteriorly continues into fascia parotidea and posteriorly into fascia buccopharyngea.
Fascia parotidea: Surrounds parotid gland. Attach to arcus zygomaticus and the cartilage of external ear.
Fascia buccopharyngea: Covers m. buccinators and continues into pharynx.
- Suprahyoid muscles
M. mylohyoideus
o. linea mylohyoidea
i. os hyoideum
f. moves mandibular down (if os hyoideum is
fixed) or os hyoideum up (if mandibular is fixed) in case of swallowing
M. digastricus (venter anterior)
o. fossa digastriga
i. tendon connected with os hyoideum
f. moves mandibular down (if os hyoideum is fixed) or os hyoideum up (if mandibular is fixed)
M. digastricus (venter posterior)
o. incisura mastoidea
i. tendon connected with os hyoideum
f. elevatio and moves of hyoideum backwards
M. stylohyoideus
o. processus styloideus
i. os hyoideum
f. elevatio and moves of hyoideum backwards
M. geniohyoideus
o. spina mentalis
i. os hyoideum
f. depressio mandibular and elevatio os hyoideum
- Infrahyoid muscles
M. sternohyoideus
o. manubrium sterni
i. os hyoideum
f. depressio os hyoideum
M. sternothyreoideus, (deeps to m. sternohyoideus)
o. manubrium streni
i. cartilago thyreoidea of larynx
f. depressio larynx
M. thyreohyoidus
o. cartilago thyreoidea of larynx
i. os hyoideum
f. depressio os hyoideum, elevatio larynx
M. omohyoideus
Venter superior:
o. os hyoideum
i. continues into tendon
venter inferior:
o. margo superior scapulae
i. continues into tendon
f. depressio os hyoideum and moves it a little bit laterally
- Mm. laterales colli,mm. profundi colli
f. bilateral – flexio capitis and colli
unilateral – lateroflexio colli to the same side
If vertebral column is fixed these muscles act as inspiration muscles.
M. scalenus anterior (closest to neck)
o. PT C 3-6
i. tuberculum musculi scalene anterioris costae prima
M. scalenus medius
o. PT C 2-7
i. facies superior costae I (behind sulcus a. subclaviae)
M. scalenus posterior (lowest and most far to the neck)
o. PT C 5-7
i. costa secunda
Musculi profundi colli
f. bilateral – flexio colli
unilateral – lateroflexio colli to the same side
M. longus capitis
o. PT C 3-6 (same as m. scalene anterior)
i. pars basilar is ossis occipitals
M. longus colli
o. PT C 2-5
corpus vertebrae cervicalis C5-7
Vertebrae thoracicae T1-3
i. tuberculum anterius atlantis
corpus vertebrae C2-4
M. rectus capitis anterior
o. PT atlantis
i. pars basilar is os occipitalis
M. rectus capitis lateralis
o. PT atlantis
i. processus jugularis os occipitalis
- Fascia colli
Surrounding connective tissue fascias around the muscles and spaces between the fascias.
Lamina superficialis surrounds the neck from all sides. Makes 2 separate fibrous sheats for m. sternocleidomastoideum and m. trapezius.
Superiorly it attaches to:
basis mandibula
processus mastoideus
linea nuchalis superior
protuberantia occipitalis externa
Inferiorly it attaches to:
manubrium sterni (outer surface)
spina scapula
Posteriorly it gives a sagittal septum which joins with ligamentum nuchae and processus spinosi cervical vertebralis.
Anteriorly it attaches to os hyoideum and above it it splits into 2 laminas/plates. Lamina superficialis attaches to external basis mandibula. Lamina profunda attaches to internal basis mandibula. Space between these two laminas is called spatium submandibulare. Submandibular salivary gland is located there.
Lamina pretrachealis is located in anterior region of the neck. It is trapezium-like in shape. It makes a sheat for infrahyoid muscles, organs such as larynx, glandular thyoidea, parotidea, pharynx, beginning of oesophagus. Upper border is os hyoideum. Inferior border incisura jugularis (internally manubrium sterni and clavicle). Laterally it covers m. omohyoideus.
Between lamina superficialis and lamina pretrachealis there is a closed space called spatium suprasternale. –> fat tissue and superficial veins.
Lamina prevertebralis covers lateral and deep muscles of the neck. Superiorly it is attached to basis externa
cranium. Inferiorly it is attached to thoracic cavity as fascia endothoracica. Ends on ps. C7.
Between lamina pretrachealis and lamina prevertebralis there is an open space called spatium retropharyngeum
which connects with mediastinum superius. (possible site for infection)
- Topography of the neck
Trigonum colli medium
Borders are:
Basis mandibulae
m. sternocleidomastoideus dextra
m. sternocleidomastoideus sinistra
Trigonum colli mediale/anterior
Trigonum colli mediale includes 3 smaller triangles:
1. Trigonum submandibulare
2. Trigonum omohyoideum s. caroticum
3. Trigonum omotracheale
Borders are:
Basis mandibulae
m. sternocleidomastoideus midline
- Trigonum submandibulare
borders are:
basis mandibulae
venter anterior m. digastrici
venter posterior m. digastrici - Trigonum omohyoideum s. caroticum
Borders are:
Venter posterior m. digastrici
Venter superior m. omohyoidei
m. sternocleidomastoideus - Trigonum omotracheale s. trigonometry musculare (infrahyoid muscles also trachea)
Borders are:
Venter superior m. omohyoidei
m. sternocleidomastoideus midline
Trigonum colli laterale
Trigonum colli laterale is divided into 2 smaller triangels:
1. Trigonum omotrapezoideum
2. Trigonum omoclaviculare borders are:
m. sternocleidomastoideus
m. trapezius
- Trigonum omotrapezoideum
Borders are:
m. sternocleidomastoideus
m. trapezius
venter inferior m. omohyoidei - trigonum omoclaviculare
borders are:
m. sternocleidomastoideus
venter inferior m. omohyoidei
Spatia intermuscularia
There are 2 spatia:
- Spatium antescalenum
Borders are:
m. sternohyoideus
m. sternothyreoideus
m. scalenus anterior
costa prima
vena subclavia - Spatium interscalenum
Borders are:
m. scalenus anterior
m. scalenus medius
costa prima
arterie subclavia/nerves of plexus brachialis
- Cavitas oris ( vestibulum oris,cavitas oris propria)
Consists of two parts: Vestibulum oris and Cavitas oris propria
Vestibulum oris:
Slip-like space between:
- The lips – labia: –> formed by m. Orbicularis oris
Boarded by:
o Labium superius et labium inferius
- connected at angulus oris by commisura labiorum
- Labium superior reaches the external nose and laterally sulcus nasolabialis -> in the middle of the upper lip a groove is present – philtrum
- Labium inferior extend into the lower direction to the chin and the sulcus mentolabialis
- The cheeks – bucca
- Processus alveolaris mandibulas et maxillae
–> Covered by the gum – gingiva
–> the teeth – dentes
Communicates with the surface of the body by the oral opening – rima oris
Communicates with cavitas oris propria, when the jaws are closed through narrow clefts between opposing teeth and by an aperture on both sides behind the molars.
The lips
The lips are covered externally by skin and internally by mucosa
The vermilion boarder, is the transitional zone from skin to the mucosa
The mucosa contains glandulae labiales
The inner surface of each lip is connected in the midline to the corresponding gum by frenulum labii
superioris and frenulum labii inferioris
Forms the sides of the face and continues into the lips
The base is formed by m. buccinator
o covered by fascia buccopharyngea
Corpus adiposum buccae lies on m. buccinator
Externally covered by skin and internally covered by mucous membrane
At the level of the 2nd upper molar tooth in the mucous membrane is papilla ductus parotidei
Composed of dense fibrous tissue, closely connected to the periosteum of processus alveolaris mandibula et maxillae and surrounding the necks of the teeth
There are no glands in the mucous membrane of the gum
Cavitas oris propria
Limited laterally and anteriorly by processus alveolaris maxillae et mandibule and by the teeth
posteriorly it communicates with the pharynx by isthmus faucium
Roofed with the hard (palatum durum) and soft palate (palatum molle)
The floor is composed of three muscles:
o m. mylohyoideus
o venter anterior m. digastrici
o m. geniohyoideus
Glandula submandibularis is situated beneath the muscles
On the upper surface of the muscles lies glandula sublingualis, covered by the mucous membrane
Medially to Plica sublingualis is caruncula sublingualis
- Dentes
Two sets of teeth:
o Dentes decidui20 – 6-8 months (primary milk teeth) o Dentes permanentes 32 – 6-12 years
o Dens serotinus 17-24 years (wisdom tooth)
- Dens inscivus – for biting
- Dens caninus – tearing and gripping
- Dens premolaris – chewing movement
- Dens molaris – chewing
Corona dentis = crown
Radix dentis = root
Cervix dentis = neck
Cavitas dentis
Cavitas coronae
Cavitas radices dentis
Foramen apicis dentis for Bv and nerves
Pulpa dentis is soft part
- Lingua
Takes part in chewing, sucking, contains sense organs for taste and touch and is involved in speech production
- two parts:
1. Corpus linguae - central part
–> anterior part of the body is the apex linguae
2. Radix linguae – posterior part, connected to os hyoideum - On corpus linguae is the upper part – dorsum linguae and the lower part – facies inferior linguae
- Margo linguae is between the dorsum and the lower surface
- Sulcus medianus linguae is in the middle of the dorsum
- Sulcus terminalis linguae is between the dorsum and the root
- Foramen caecum linguae is in the middle of sulcus terminalis linguae
- Tonsilla lingualis is on the root
The mucous membrane of the tongue contains numerous glands – glandulae linguales
The mucous membrane forms three folds from the root of the tongue toward the epiglottis:
o Plica glossoepiglottica mediana
o Plica glossoepiglottica lateralis dextra et sinistra
2 depressions between them - vallecula epiglottica
- The mucous membrane of the tongue contains numerous glands – glandulae linguales
- The mucous membrane forms three folds from the root of the tongue toward the epiglottis:
1. Plica glossoepiglottica mediana
2. and 3. Plica glossoepiglottica lateralis dextra et sinistra
–> 2 depressions between them - vallecula epiglottica - The mucosa forms a fold in the midline of the lower surface of the tongue – frenulum linguae
–> connects the tongue with the gum of mandibula
Numerous papilla linguales on the dorsum of the tongue
o Papillae filiformes – across the dorsum of the tongue, a rough surface
o Papillae fungiforme – around the margin and the tip of the tongue, contain taste buds
o Papillae vallate – 7-11, arranged frontally of sulcus terminalis, contains taste buds
o Papillae foliate – transverse folds of the mucosa at the margin and the tip of the tongue,
Extrinsic muscles:
M. Genioglossus
o. Spina mentalis mandibula
i. Root of the tongue
f. Pulls the tongue forward and downward
M. Styloglossus
o. Processus styloideus
i. Root of the tongue
f. Pulls the tongue backward and downward
M. Hyoglossus
o. Os hyoideum
I. Root of the tongue
f. Pulls the tongue backward and downward
Intrinsic muscles run perpendicular to each other and their main function is to change the shape of the
M. Longitudinalis superior et inferior
from apex linguae
shortens the tongue
M. Verticalis linguae
connects radix linguae with the lower surface of the tongue
flattens toung
M. Transversus linguae
from median fibrous septum
passes laterally to the sides of the tongue
narrows the tongue
- Glandulae salivariae
Glandulae salivariae minores are scattered in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and tongu
o glandulae labiales
o glandulae buccales
o glandulae palatinae
o glandulae linguales
Glandulae salivariae majores:
o glandula parotidea
o glandula sublingualis
o glandula submandibularis
Glandula parotidea
Largest salivary gland
Pars superficialis – lies in front of the external ear on m. masseter
Pars profunda – is situated in the retromandibular fossa
Fascia parotidea surrounds the parotid gland
Ductus parotidus starts at the gland’s anterior boarder, crosses m. masseter and runs through m. Buccinator and opens into the vestibulum oris on papilla parotidea
Glandula submandibularis
Lies in trigonum submandibulare
Surrounded by lamina superficialis fasciae cervicales / fasciae colli superficiales
Opens on caruncula sublingualis
Glandula sublingualis
The mucous membrane covers the gland and forms plica sublingualis
The gland has several ducts, but the main duct – ductus sublingualis major opens on caruncula sublingualis together with ductus submandibulare
Ductus sublinguales minores open by small openings directly on plica sublingualis
- Pharynx
Placed behind the nasal and oral cavities and the larynx
The airway and food passage crosses the pharynx
Cavitas pharyngis is divided into 3 parts:
1. Pars nasalis pharynges s. nasopharynx
2. Pars oralis pharynges s. oropharynx
3. Pars laryngea pharynges s. laryngopharynx
Wall structure:
Tunica mucosa
o glandulae pharyngeales in mucous membrane
o Pars nasalis pharynges s. nasopahrynx: respiratory epithelium
o Pars oralis et laryngea: stratified squamous epithelium
Fascia pharyngobasilaris –> soft skeleton of the pharynx between mucous and muscular layer.
–> Transforms into tela submucosa toward the oesophagus.
Tunica muscularis
Tunica adventitia
Nasopharynx – s. Pars nasalis pharynges
- Lies behind cavitas nasi from basis cranii externa palatum molle (soft palate)
- Skeletotopically: C1 to C2
- attached to basis cranii externa and forms fornix pharynges
- Anteriorly nasopharynx comminucates via choana with cavitas nasi
- Between the superior and posterior walls of pharynx is tonsilla pharyngealis
- In the lateral wall of pharynx is ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae
–> This opening leads via tubae auditivae to the cavitas tympani
- equalizing the air pressure on both sides of membrana tympanica
- Torus tubarius – a protube of cartilage from tubae auditivae
- Recessus pharyngeus – small recess behind the opening of tubae auditivae
- Below the pharyngeal opening is tonsilla tubaria
Oropharynx – s. Pars oralis pharyngis
- From palatum molle –> epiglottis
- Skeletotopically: C3 to C4
- Anteriorly it communicates with cavitas oris through isthmus faucium
Laryngopharynx – s. Pars laryngea pharyngis
Lies behind larynx
from epiglottis oesophagus
Skeletotopically: C5 to C6
Two openings: the aditus laryngis and oesophagus
Tonsils of the pharynx
- Tonsillae tubariae (one on each side)
- Tonsilla pharyngealis (single at the top of the pharynx)
- Tonsilla palatina (paired)
- Tonsilla lingualis (single)
Anulus lymphoideus pharyngis (Waldeyer’s throat ring)
Muscles of pharynx
(constrictors, elevatio pharynx):
M. Constrictor pharyngis superior
o. Processus pterygoideus
rhaphe pterygomandibularis
linea mylohyoidea
margo linguae
M. Constrictor pharyngis medius
o. Os hyoideum
M. Constrictor pharyngis inferior
o. Cartilago thyroidea
cartilago cricoidea
i. Raphe pharynges
f. Narrows the pharyngeal space and elevatio pharynx
(levatores, elevatio pharynx):
M. Stylopharyngeus
o. Processus styloideus
M. Palatopharyngeus
o. Palatine aponeurosis
i. Lateral wall of pharynx
f. Elevatio pharynx
Topography of pharynx
Holotopically: Cervical region
Skeletotopically: Basis cranii externa –> C6
- Anteriorly:
cavitas nasi
cavitas oris
cavitas larynges
- Laterally: BV, nerves
- Posteriorly:
mm. profundi colli
fascia prevertebralis of fascia cervicales
columna vertebralis - Posteriorly there is spatium retropharyngeum and it extends laterally to spatium parapharyngeum
- Both spaces continue into mediastinum superius
- Oesophagus
- Canal about 23-25cm
- Extending from pharynx to gaster
3 parts:
1. Pars cervicalis
-> extend to the level of apertura thoracis superior
2. Pars thoracica
-> apertura thoracis superior to hiatus esophageus
3. Pars abdominalis
-> below hiatus esophageus diaphragm to the ostium
3 narrow spaces:
1. Constricto pharyngooesophagealis
-> Oesophagus entrance, behind cartilago cricoidea
2. Constricto broncoaortica
-> Trachea and r. Aorta, aorta thoracica (Th4-Th5)
3. Constricto phrenica s. Diaphragmatica
-> Passage through diaphragma, beginning of pars
Tunica mucosa
o forms longitudinal folds
Tela submucosa
o contains glandulae oesophageae
Tunica muscularis
o longitudinal and circular layers
Tunica adventitia or tunica serosa
-> Tunica adventitia covers cervical and thoracic part
-> the abdominal part is covered by tunica serosa (peritoneum)
- cervical region
- mediastinum superior and posterior
- cavitas abdominalis
Skeletotopically: C6 - Th11
Posteriorly: columna vertebralis (aorta crosses at Th8-9)
- trachea
- bronchus principalis sinister
- pericardium
- hepar
- BV, nerves
- lobuli glandula thyroidea
- pleura parietalis pars mediastinalis,
- hepar
- Gaster
- Fragments of food are chemically broken down by the gastric juice
- Receives, stores, mixes, and digests ingested food products to form liquid chime.
2 orifices (openings)
1. Ostium cardiacumStomach communicates with oesophagus 2. Ostium pyloricumStomach communicates with duodenum
2 curves
1. Curvatura minor: The lesser concave border
2. Curvatura major: the greater convex border (4-5 times longer)
Incisura angularis
incisura cardialis
2 walls:
o Paries anterior
o Paries posterior
4 portions:
1. Pars cardiaca: entrance to the stomach
2. Fundus gastricus: left side above
3. Corpus gastricum
4. Pars pylorica: exit of the stomach
- incisura angularis marks the
- Antrum pyloricum
- Canalis pyloricus
The wall has 4 layers:
1. Tunica mucosa
- plicae gastricae (= folds)
–> at curvatura minor go parallerly: functional gastric canal
–> areae gastricae (= small elevations in mucous membrane)
–> foveolae gastricae (= openings of the glands)
–> glandulae gastricae
- Tela submucosa
- Loose CT connection between tunica mucosa and tunica muscularis
- Mucosa form changeable folds –> Adjust to the volume of the stomach (Prevent the mucosa from rupturing due to changes in volume) - Tunica muscularis
- Fibrae obliquae inner smooth muscle layer
- Stratum circulare middle layer
–> forms m. sphicter pyloricus at the ostium pyloricum
- Stratum longitudinale external layer along the curvatures - Tunica serosa
- Surrounds the stomach (intraperitoneal organ)
- Continues to the adjacent organs as 4 LIGAMENTS - Lig. Hepatogastricum (hepar to gaster)
- Lig. Gastrophrenicum (crus sinister of diaphragm to fundus gastricus)
- Lig. Gastrosplenicum (curvatura major to splenic hilum)
- Lig. Gastrocolicum (curvatura major to colon transversum)
Holotopically: Regio epigastrica, Regio hypochondriaca sinistra
- Ostium cardiacum: T11
Ostium pyloricum: L1
- anterior wall:
Anterior abdominal wall
- Posterior wall:
Glandula suprarenalis Ren sinistra
Mesocolon transversum
- Duodenum
C-shaped and winds around caput pancreas
Has 4 parts:
o Pars superior
o Pars descendens
o Pars inferior s. Pars horizontalis
o Pars ascendens
Pars superior
o starts at ostium pyloricum –> crosses columna vertebralis from left to right at the level of L1 –> continues with flexura duodeni superior into the next part
o In the beginning it has a dilated duodenal cap – bulbus s. Ampulla
Pars descendens
o descends along the right side of columna vertebralis to the level of L3 –> forms flexura duodeni inferior –> continues to the next part
Pars inferioris s. Pars horizontalis
o crosses columna vertebralis from the right to left at the level of L3 –> passes the on to the last part
Pars ascendens
o runs upward obliquely to L2 –> forms flexura duodenojejunalis –> continues then into jejunum
- Duodenum regio epigastrica (upper part) and in regio umbilicalis (lower part)
- Pars superior duodeni – 1st lumbar vertebra
- Pars descendens duodeni – from the 1st to the 3rd lumbar vertebra
- Pars horizontalis duodeni – 3rd lumbar vertebra
- Pars ascendens duodeni – from the 3rd to the 2nd lumbar vertebra
- Duodenum:
* abdominal aorta
* vena cava inferior
* the descending part faces ren dexter and glandula suprarenalis dexter
Medially: caput pancreas
* colon transversus
* Hepar
Tunica mucosa
o forms plicae circulares with villi intestinales
–> In duodenum there is only one fold – plica longutudinales duodeni (in the descending
part of duodenum)
–> the fold ends at papilla duodeni major, which is formed by the enlargement ampulla hepatopancreatica for the common opening of bile and pancreatic ducts
o glandulae duodenales s. glandulae intestinales
Tela submucosa (loose connective tissue)
o noduli lymphoidei solitarii are scattered in all parts of small intestine
Tunica muscularis (two layers)
o External longitudinal
o inner circular
In the descending part of duodenum
they from a sphincter, surrounding the
hepatopancreatic ampulla.
o The duodenum is a retroperitoneal organ
- Jejunum et ileum
- Involved in the fold of peritoneum – mesenterium intestinale
- Mesenterium is a peritoneal fold which attach jejunum and ileum to the posterior abdominal wall by radix mesenterii
- jejunum and ileum are mobile intraperitoneal coils attached to the posterior abdominal wall by radix
mesenterii (radix mesenterii from flexura duodenojejunalis to ileocaecal junction/art. sacroiliaca dextra) - No strict boarder
o Jejunum is wider, more vascular and deeper in color than ileum
o Ileum is much narrower and thinner
o Jejunum is 2/5 and Ileum is 3/5 of their total common length
- Jejunum regio umbilicalis and regio lateralis sinistra
- Ileum regio lateralis dextra, regio inguinalis dextra, regio pubica and pelvis minor
Posteriorly: organs of the retroperitoneal space
On the right: colon ascendes
Anteriorly: covered by omentum majus
Inferiorly: descend into pelvis minor
Tunica mucosa
o forms plicae circulares with villi intestinales
Tela submucosa (loose connective tissue)
o noduli lymphoidei solitarii are scattered in all parts of small intestine
o in the end part of ileum are also noduli lymphoidei aggregati
Tunica muscularis (two layers)
o External longitudinal
o inner circular
Tunica serosa (peritoneum) covers jejunum and ileum
completely, making them intraperitoneal organs.