Muscles: Head, Face, Neck Flashcards
Name the muscle and its origin, insertion, and action

Semispinalis Capitis
Origin: Transverse processes of C4-T5
Insertion: Between superior and inferior nuchal lines
Action: Extend the vertebral column and head
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Splenius Capitis
Origin: Inferior one-half of ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of C7 - T4
Insertion: Mastoid process and lateral portion of superior nuchal line
Name the muscles and its actions

Splenius Capitis and Cervicis
Rotate the head and neck to the same side
Laterally flex the head and neck
Extend the head and neck
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Splenius Cervicis
Origin: Spinous processes of T3 - T6
Insertion: Transverse processes of C1 - C3
Name the muscles and their actions

Green: Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor (RCPMi)
Blue: Rectus Capitis Posterior Major (RCPMa)
Yellow: Oblique Capitis Superior (OCS)
Orange: Oblique Capitis Inferior (OCI)
RCPMa, RCPMi, OCS: rock and tilt head back into extension
RCPMa, OCI: Rotate head to same side
OCS: Laterally flex head to same side
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Green: Sternal head
Blue: Clavicular head
Sternal head: Top of manubrium
Clavicular head: Medial one-third of the clavicle
Mastoid process of temporal bone and the lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput
Name the muscle and its actions

Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
Rotate the head and neck to the opposite side
Flex the neck
Assist to elevate the ribcage during forced inhalation
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Blue: Posterior
Green: Middle
Yellow: Anterior
Anterior Scalene: Transverse processes of C3 - C6 (anterior tubercles)
Middle Scalene: Transverse processes of C2 - C7 (posterior tubercles)
Posterior Scalene: Transverse processes of C6 and C7 (posterior tubercles)
Anterior and Middle: 1st rib
Posterior: 2nd rib
Name the muscle and its actions

With 1st rib fixed, laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
Rotate head and neck to the opposite side
Elevate the ribs during inhalation
Flex the head and neck (anterior only)
Name the muscle and its origin, insertion, and action

Origin: Zygomatic arch
Insertion: Angle and ramus of mandible
Elevate the mandible (TMJ)
May assist to protract the mandible (TMJ)
Name the muscle and its origin, insertion, and actions

Origin: Temporal fossa and fascia
Insertion: Coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of the mandible
Elevate the manible (TMJ)
Retract the mandible (TMJ)
Name the muscles and its muscle group

Suprahyoids and Digastric
Green: Mylohyoid
Blue: Diagastric (anterior belly)
Yellow: Stylohyoid
Orange: Digastric (posterior belly)
Name the muscle group and its actions

Suprahyoids and Digastric
Elevate hyoid and tongue
Depress mandible (TMJ)
With hyoid bone fixed, depress the mandible (TMJ)
With mandible fixed, elevate hyoid bone
Retract mandible (TMJ)
Name the muscles and its actions

Depress the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Origin: Galea aponeurotica
Frontalis: Skin superior to eyebrows
Occipitalis: superior nuchal line of occiput
Name the muscle and its actions

Frontalis: Raise eyebrows and wrinkle forehead
Occipitalis: Anchor and retract galea posteriorly
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Medial Pterygoid
Origin: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone and tuberosity of maxilla
Insertion: Medial surface of ramus of the mandible
Name the muscle and its actions

Medial Pterygoid
Unilaterally: Laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side
Elevate the mandible
Protract the mandible
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Lateral Pterygoid
Superior head: Infratemoporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone
Inferior head: Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
Insertion: Articular disc and capsule of TMJ, neck of mandible
Name the muscle and its actions

Lateral Pterygoid
Unilaterally: Laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side
Bilaterally: Protract the mandible
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Longus Capitis
Origin: Transverse processes of C3 - C6
Insertion: Inferior surface of occiput
Name the muscle and its actions:

Longus Capitis
Unilaterally: Laterally flex head and neck to same side
rotate head and neck to same side
Bilaterally: Flex head and neck
Name the muscle and its origin and insertion

Longus Colli
Origin: Bodies of C5 - T3, and transverse processes of C3 - C5
Insertion: Tubercle on anterior arch of atlas; bodies of axis, C3, and C4; transverse processes of C5 - C6
Name the muscle and its actions

Longus Colli
Unilaterally: Laterally flex head and neck to same side;
rotate head and neck to same side
Bilaterally: flex head and neck